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Opinions, school

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Decided to ask the question of this:

What school subjects do you guys like? Which do you hate? Which are not even close to needed? Which can you not live without?

I want opinions around please, since I find alot of people seem to be good in different areas, and this would also help show weakness and strong points; of perhaps others in which fellow Rebornians could help. Also, I tend to say some classes aren't needed, only to get scolded; but it depends on the person I suppose. So, have at it, tell your subjects!

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My favorite is naptime which is whenever part of the day I choose.

My least favorite is Geometry because when it coincides with naptime I get REALLY behind.

Absolutely none of them are needed because I don't play on doing anything with my life.

I couldn't live without naptime.

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My thoughts kinda coincide with Hark's.

There are a few classes that I like, English is always nice, and usually anything with a computer as long as the teacher isn't computer inept (like my Web Design teacher this yeah.) It's depressing because I want to be a programmer, but of course our programming program at school went "poofle" so sigh.

I absolutely detest french because.. well, I'm never going to France willingly, nor to any place that French is really spoken (Canada maybe but still a stretch.)

I have a really kinda useless 2nd period class that's supposed to be used for preparing us for life but the fact that one assignment was legit us writing children stories about the enviornment, I'm a bit less inclined to believe that it's really doing a good job. Anything important that we've "learned" I already pretty much knew.

Third period is "hi" here I am, Web Design. I'm happy I got to learn HTML cause sure it's useful and all but blah, now it's just "ADD AS MUCH SHIT TO THIS PAGE AS YOU CAN OR YOU LOSE A LETTER GRAAAAADE~" And don't even get me started on what a flawed system "grades" are as a whole.

4th is Government and it's like bleerrrgggggggg this is boring please shut up you're not making this any easier let us just work from our books please please please shut up. I swear the best classes are when I say "Fuck being polite" and just do the classwork while he's talking. I don't have to concentrate on his annoyance and I get a better "grade" (Yes, not paying attention gets me better grades, again flawed as fuck system.)


5th is math, I love math, math is cool. Especially Trigonometry. Triangles are so beautiful <3

6th is English, yay english, engish is cool. Especially when you know how to differenciate between "Your" and "You're." It depresses me, though, how many people don't.

7th is Marine Science, and...

Well it's useless to me cause I'm afraid of deep water

...And I can't swim.

...And I live in Florida.

I'm a failure.

tl;dr Programming, Math, Science, English

Everything else feels like a waste of time.

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my day starts out with AP Government. its the hardest class ive ever taken and i hate it. i mean it is probably needed tho. second i have Drawing which is like... lol. third i have biology which is log onto your computer and play games time. 4th period i have german. i hate having to learn a foreign language but i have a really cool teacher so i like that calls a lot. 5th period i have theology, I hate theology because im not exactly religous and my teacher is priest who talks in mono tone. 6th period i have lunch. 7th period gym. 8th period english. im good at english so its fine. plus english has the best/ funniest teacher ive ever had so i really enjoy that class. finally for 9th period i have honors gemeotry. the bane of my exsistance. i have no idea what is going on at all and my teacher is a total jerk. if i ask a question he laughs at me, calls me stupid, and then continues talking about things that dont make sense. so in closing, i kind of want to drop out, get my own apartment, get a job, and live my life.

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1st period is Swimming. Its my way of waking up in the morning. Improved my grades comaper to last year when I didnt have it. Good stuff

2nd is history class, which is my favorite. I dont recall ever getting anything less than 95% in a history class.

Though hands down, I hate the math ciriculum at my School. The books explain things indirectly and every time something new comes up, a lot of student want to slit their wrists. Especially this time of year because now that the end of the year is in sight, most teachers try to cram in as much as possible before finals. Thankfully, I have the "Crazy old man" kind of teacher that makes things much easier. And he doesnt assign much homework. So yay.

Lunch. Everyone loves Lunch.

I kinda dislike English classes because I really do get the feeling, and some of the teachers agree with this, that there isnt really anything new taught year to year

French class is 5th. Its ok, Im passing all the tests. Could be a little more engaging.

Final period is Video Production/Media Analysses. And we could be doing anythirng from editing, to watching a movie, to planning a shooting, or anything related to TV.

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Favourite is Art and English.

I despise French, German, Crafts, Geography, Biology, P.E., Math, History... Everything exept Art, English and Science, really.

Most of my classes aren't even needed.

Exept for Science and Geography.

Science is fun, and I have to know where the heck the countries are, later.

I can't live without Science and Art.

Why is Science so fun. Seriously.

Art is just the best subject ever.

I miss music class...

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I am awesome and love music classes, acoustics classes, drama classes, and film classes ^^ But that's because I am in a weird school where I have different classes and stuff XD

I hate math though. IT CAN DIE IN A HOLE FOR ALL I CARE D:<

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Uh, I don't really have set periods anymore. But I ADORE my short Story class this semester. It's so entertaining and fun, and the teacher's pretty awesome too. :D I'm also a sucker for pretty much any computer courses I come across.

But I despise mathematics. Like. Absolutely despise it. <.< After Calculus. NEVER AGAIN.

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Art class became boring for me, because all we did was draw. But all I did in every class was draw 'cuz that's how I kept myself awake. Then in Art I didn't also have any lecture to keep me entertained, so it was just like, kwhatevs.

If we're sticking to academic subjects- English. I'm about even in terms of scores for all the core subjects, but in my freshman year I had this certain English teacher who was the most nightmarish teacher ever. And yet, I probably learned more from him than all of my other classes combined. Since then, any other analysis seems easymode to me.

I got a 14% in my chemistry class. don't put me in there.

Second languages definitely aren't needed. If a student wants to learn a language, the class won't help. If they don't want to,, the class won't teach it to them. It's totally arbitrary.

Pretty sure I'd be fine without any of them. >>

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Between the three of us, we've always found enjoyment in:

- Industrial arts (I believe it's called shop class and/or home economics in the USA - no metalwork or welding, but we did learn how to repair leaking pipes/valves, lots of woodwork, basics of tailoring, some cooking, animal/plant rearing, and basic circuitry)

- Maths (algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics combined - locally it's mandatory to do all of them together, but to less depth than the USA system)

- Chemistry (we blew shit up, no joke - and we actually scored distinctions in the papers, to boot) XD

- Biology (had the most inspiring teacher ever - really taught us how to think)

- Physics (to a lesser extent, since we didn't get to learn much destructive stuff - the teacher was awesome, anyway)

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Problem is, my school has some vague ideas on some subjects... which makes school boring most of the time... hopefully in higher years things are more enjoyable.

My favorite subject? Lunch. It's the only time where I can draw/rest... while hopefully not being tormented with littered half-eaten fruit.

My least favorite subjects are ICT and CCW. Now, I love actual ICT... but our school's ICT isn't ICT (it's more like I SEE TEA! (I made a pun)). Seriously, we have done no ICT of the sort... our most recent project is making GREETINGS CARDS on microsoft applications... what.

As for CCW, our teacher is just angry at all of us and CCW just isn't a subject i neccesarily like... not to mention that it just randomly popped into the curriculum.

History MIGHT've come close to least, due to my teacher being incredibly sexist to boys, but I was at least very good it and even enjoyed it from time to time... though my hand hurt.

Electronics is decent... it's actually one of the subjects I need to do, although the class needs 10 people to have a GCSE class, because electronics isn't popular with anyone else...

Maths I'm good at, though the problems hurt my head quite a bit... English is a bore to me, though I'm decent at it aswell.

I'll be perfectly honest, I don't have an actual favorite SUBJECT... there's always something that hinders me. Science is something I love (except for Biology), but the teacher gives us mostly worksheets... haven't had any practicals in 3 months... which is a shame, because chemistry and physics would've been very enjoyable aswell (Zen, your Chemistry class sounds awesome).

So yeah... not much to say. The D.T department isn't the most popular, unfortunately.

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History. My teacher is like 71 but still teaching and he can barely hear. Just today, nevermind I might get in trouble for what I say. But History my favorite and math my least.

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I used to think my best subject was math. But the scores told me otherwise. I was always best at english even though I hated it because I was perfectionistic and spent too damn much time on stuff because I didn't want to sound stupid even if the topic was and my teachers ended up liking what I wrote. I was still good at math, but what mistakes I made were silly things like transferring negative signs or some such stuff.

Now, I enjoy my advanced literacy. And it really wasn't learned in classes either. It almost all comes from my love of a good book. Adventure types. When you read that much, many of the nuances of grammar and spelling just sink into you and becomes second nature.

I liked geometry. I paid attention in class, so I understood all of it and was leading the whole class in grades. It was pretty easy, with logical steps.

In high school... very few of my classes were 'regular.' They were almost all pre-IB/AP or actual AP classes during upper classmen years. I have to admit to zoning out during world geography and not learning much from economics. I took AP chem in highschool instead of biology or physics, but it ended up kicking my ass. But in college, I breezed through the entire first two semesters thanks to it. I still hate all them entropy and enthalpy bs and solubility factors.

Organic chem was a nightmare at first, but once you really got the hang of the rules and how the atoms and molecules interact, it was actually getting pretty interesting. what was lacking was better connection to real-life and lab applications. most of the time in labs, it was measure shit out righ tand do the steps in order and you would get it righ tand a passing grade.

Physics used to seem like a pain in the ass from the high school summer class (before freshman year, mind you) that was literally an intro to both chem and physics in the same class. took it in college. I loved that shit. Had a GREAT proffessor who had great stories, examples, and demonstrations. Like, when it came to calculating gravity based on distance and mass (cuz ya'll know how the theory is that mass attracts each other, which is what causes gravity). I was the only one who got it right that a person in a cave would weigh less, not just because you have less mass below you (since you calculate using the radius of the amount of earth below you) but because there is now mass above you pulling you up. So theoretically at the center of the planet, if it were hollow and hospitable, there would be no gravity. We'd be floating there, because you have mass below you pulling at you and mass above you pulling you in the other direction. Then there was all that stuff about currents, magnetic fields, circuits and stuff, as well as pressure... Physics 1 and 2 were good classes.

PE? I left PE behind in middle school. was on team sports for the high school each year. wrestling, soccer, swimming, and swimming in that order.

I really miss my japanese teacher and class. getting the counting and numbers right was always a bitch though and... so much kanji. ><

Spanish- I knew more than enough to coast through the classes. But I ended up forgetting most of it. And nowadays, I kinda get spanish and japanese mixed together because of some of the similarities in sounds.

java programming kicked my rear. not a fan of programming at all. Art in high school was fun. Art in college is srs bzness and no fun at all.

I kinda miss band.

US and world history was interesting in the short term, but very forgettable once testing was done.

Anatomy and physiology... terrible. so much trivia and detail to memorize. form and function and stuff.

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i only disliked English... however... i have had horrible history and math teachers... and amazing english teachers... sooo idk how to explain that...

as some of you may know... my spelling sucks... but people often like the way i word things...

History is interesting to me from time to time... i love Mythology!

and math and science came naturally to me

lastly i am like ame, i draw in my notes, mael has seen these scribbles however... i am born in a community where Art is law... so art classes were god aweful :(

not that i am a bad artist... its just that my teachers had a little too much of the good stuff

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@ BeaverRoo - My teacher was good and quite sporting, but her lecture style was sometimes horrifying. She used to teach using a series of questions, each intended to channel your thoughts towards the next in a logical fashion. Carry on long enough, you'd get the whole chapter.

Example - Rate of chemical reaction (reaction kinetics)

1 - What are the physical components of a chemical reaction?

Reactants and products.

2 - What can be grossly quantified in a chemical reaction?

Mass, concentration, volume, temperature, pH, etc.

3 - What does the word 'rate' mean?

Change in a stated quantity per unit time.

4 - Hence, what does 'rate of chemical reaction' (ROCR) generally mean?

Change in the measured quantity or reactants and products over time.

5 - Given the definition of ROCR and a reaction's components, how can ROCR be specifically defined?

Decrease in quantity of reactants and increase in quantity of products per unit time.

6 - Question 5 with respect to solutions/gases.

Substitute 'quantity' for 'concentration' in solutions, and 'increase in quantity' for 'volume of gas evolved' in gases.

7 - Therefore, how can enthalpy of reaction be defined?

Systemic energy level change in a chemical reaction (energy released in exothermic reactions, absorbed for endothermic reactions).

Imagine her exam essay questions - if you couldn't answer the FIRST section of the essay, the remainder sections were auto-zeroes since she used the same chain of logic in her answer schemes >.< Nonetheless, worth every bit of suffering in university, since the logical method was very versatile.


@ Maelstrom - Organic here was more fun in the sense that she didn't focus too much on calculations, but rather, favoured synthesis questions which involved deducing how certain complex molecules were made by combining processes found across the syllabus (e.g. reduction of an alkene followed by free radical substitution to produce a haloalkane, which could then be elongated with a nitrile chain reaction).

Good times in the lab, good times :')

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  • 4 weeks later...

Favorite classes: Psychology & neuroscience

Hated classes: Foreign languages

Unnecessary classes: Art history & religion

Essential classes: Mathematics

Graduating in exactly 1 week with my Bachelors of Science in Psychology cum laude.

Edited by Valkyria
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