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Adrienn's volunteers



Hope I'm posting in the right place since I couldn't find any topic covering this.

Before battling the gym leader xe asks us for help gathering volunteers and you get some items and relationship points with xem depending on the number, being 15 the max. I'm missing one or two and can't figure out where they are. I've checked the whole City and even calcenon and Ametrine, couldn't find anyone on the Wasteland and currently I'm out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated, just a hint is completely fine.

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Well, if it helps, I'll list off the volunteers I remember finding and hopefully at least one of them is one you're missing.


1. Woman in stairway between Obsidia and Coral Wards
2. Slacker hanging out near the bottom entrance of the Slums, yellow hair
3. Girl near Obsidia park, hug the wall on the right and you'll see her
4. Kid in Beryl library, pink hair(may need to fight a kecleon in front of the door first if you haven't dealt with the lot of hem yet)
5. Girl with social anxiety in Jasper Ward(in one of the buildings)
6. Homeless man in the shelter in Peridot Ward, he's sitting on a bench somewhere in there
7. Insufferable guy going on about his genius or whatever in front of the grand stairway, blue hair
8. Old lady in Lapis Ward, grey hair, standing in one of the spots with greenery and stuff
9. People watcher girl on top of the wall between Reborn City and the desert
10. A guy near the train station, by the handrails over the lake
11. Bored guy in Onyx Arcade


And I think there might be someone in the Grand Hall who volunteers. Don't quote me on that.


Edit: Also, just remember that the volunteers are all within the city walls. You're not gonna find someone in Spinel town randomly deciding to volunteer for something in Reborn City.

Edited by Captain Breakfast
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On 12/01/2017 at 6:03 PM, Captain Breakfast said:

1. Woman in stairway between Obsidia and Coral Wards

2. Slacker hanging out near the bottom entrance of the Slums, yellow hair
3. Girl near Obsidia park, hug the wall on the right and you'll see her
4. Kid in Beryl library, pink hair(may need to fight a kecleon in front of the door first if you haven't dealt with the lot of hem yet)
5. Girl with social anxiety in Jasper Ward(in one of the buildings)
6. Homeless man in the shelter in Peridot Ward, he's sitting on a bench somewhere in there
7. Insufferable guy going on about his genius or whatever in front of the grand stairway, blue hair
8. Old lady in Lapis Ward, grey hair, standing in one of the spots with greenery and stuff
9. People watcher girl on top of the wall between Reborn City and the desert
10. A guy near the train station, by the handrails over the lake
11. Bored guy in Onyx Arcade


On 12/01/2017 at 0:29 PM, mavis said:

one people tend to miss is a girl in an alley in the peridot ward


On 15/01/2017 at 7:28 PM, Artemesya said:

- A bug catcher in the north of Beryl

- A girl in an alley directly south when you enter Obsidia from Opal.

The last one is living on the house we took the Kricketot, it's a guy with a blue cap.


I hope this helps!


EDIT: To confirm you got all the 15 volunteers, Adrienn will give you an Ability Capsule and a Star Piece, along with the Wise Glasses, that may be useful if you're unsure if you got all of them: just save and try talking to xe =3

Edited by HUEnd
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