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Looking for Sandile, Helioptile, and Mystery Egg



I should make it clear that right now I am sitting in post game right now, EP 16 has been completed so the city is all new again.

My questions are:

 - Is Helioptile still obtainable from wherever it is in Beryl Ward?

 - Did the mystery egg guy move, or does he disappear late game?

 - And while I know that the dex lists Sandile as being found in Tarzan Mountain, I've wandered all over the mountain through all various levels and have yet to see a single Sandile. Am I missing something here?

I haven't been able to find any recent responses on the forums that account for these conditions, so any help from you guys would be much appreciated.

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55 minutes ago, PrimeMehster said:

I should make it clear that right now I am sitting in post game right now, EP 16 has been completed so the city is all new again.

My questions are:

 - Is Helioptile still obtainable from wherever it is in Beryl Ward?

 - Did the mystery egg guy move, or does he disappear late game?

 - And while I know that the dex lists Sandile as being found in Tarzan Mountain, I've wandered all over the mountain through all various levels and have yet to see a single Sandile. Am I missing something here?

I haven't been able to find any recent responses on the forums that account for these conditions, so any help from you guys would be much appreciated.

1. To encounter Helioptile, you need to have Sunny weather and you encounter him on the rooftop. (Look in the "On The Hunt" forum.)

Refer to:

2. He did not move as of Ep. 16, so you shouldn't be having any issues encountering him.

3. Sandile is encountered anywhere in the Tanzan Mountain area, he is just an extremely low encounter rate. 

Refer to: (Look for gen he is in, press ctrl + f, enter name.


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2 hours ago, PrimeMehster said:

I should make it clear that right now I am sitting in post game right now, EP 16 has been completed so the city is all new again.

My questions are:

 - Is Helioptile still obtainable from wherever it is in Beryl Ward?

 - Did the mystery egg guy move, or does he disappear late game?

 - And while I know that the dex lists Sandile as being found in Tarzan Mountain, I've wandered all over the mountain through all various levels and have yet to see a single Sandile. Am I missing something here?

I haven't been able to find any recent responses on the forums that account for these conditions, so any help from you guys would be much appreciated.

-I think you need to be in ep15 to catch him

-Same as the first, you need to be in ep15 

EDIT: What I meant for ep15 is you need to be in the old city.

-Idk but is it really tanzan mountain?

Edited by Lightseeker
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2 hours ago, PrimeMehster said:

I should make it clear that right now I am sitting in post game right now, EP 16 has been completed so the city is all new again.

My questions are:

 - Is Helioptile still obtainable from wherever it is in Beryl Ward?

 - Did the mystery egg guy move, or does he disappear late game?

 - And while I know that the dex lists Sandile as being found in Tarzan Mountain, I've wandered all over the mountain through all various levels and have yet to see a single Sandile. Am I missing something here?

I haven't been able to find any recent responses on the forums that account for these conditions, so any help from you guys would be much appreciated.

helioptile should still be obtainable, as long as it is a sunny day


the mystery egg has not been moved, it is a police officer in the jasper ward you trade a growlithe egg for the mystery egg

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