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Xenoblade Chronicles 2


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Being a big fan of the series I'm very excited for XC2! The soundtrack is sounding really good, the graphics look very nice. Plus it's very exciting that the story will be a direct sequel to the original XC (which imo has a much better story than XCX). I'm not really keen on the anime-esque character designs, but from what I've seen of the concept art snippets in the trailer it seems like the characters will be much more expressive than in the past games. So I could excuse the anime designs if that is true.


All-in-all I'm very excited for this game, might be my GOTY of 2017 (in a year where Zelda and Mario are also coming)! And yes it has been confirmed as a 2017 title in Japan and Europe (I swear to god NOA if you mess up on this...).

Edited by Farnsworth
grammar and stuff
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