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New moves


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So yeah, ever since gen 5 came out, there's been a dramatic change in most pokemon's moveset. Because of this, I wanna try making new moves for fun to see whether it's overrated or not. Her's an example:


Base Power 95

90 Accuarcy

Fire Type

Effect : This attack ignores abilities. (Like Flash Fire) And 20% Burn.

Why don't YOU have a go?

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(It's a bad idea to let a D&D player make up his own character's moves)

Spirit Wreck

Base Power 0 (Status move)

85% Accuarcy

Ghost Type

Effect: Does one of the following

Confusion: 50%

Poison: 28%

Burn: 10%

Paralize: 10%

Sleep: 2%

Freeze: 2%

Zero Cold

Base Power: 95

65% Accuarcy

Ice Type

Effect: Freezes opponet (100% chance on hit.)

Mercury Spray

Base power 75

100% Accuracy

Steel Type

Effect: Has a 25% chance to poison the target

More to come. Let me look through previous ideas.

Edited by Owen V. Seattle
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Screw Owen I steal ideas :3

(15:35:52) Lister Iostone: Zero Cold

(15:35:52) Lister Iostone: Base Power: 95

(15:35:52) Lister Iostone: 65% Accuarcy

(15:35:52) Lister Iostone: Ice Type

(15:35:52) Lister Iostone: Effect: Freezes opponet (100% chance on hit.)

(15:36:22) Lister Iostone: Screw Sheer Cold

(15:36:26) Lister Iostone: This is better

Edited by Summer
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Gattling Claw

Base Power: 60

Accuracy: 100

Type: Dark

Effects: If this attack hits, each Pokemon of your opponent takes 20HP. This attack is not affected by weakness or resistance.


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This seems fun

Cyan Surge

Type: Water

Base Power: 80


Effect: Power is doubled if opponent has had any stat changes (50% chance of freezing)

Crimson Surge

Type: Fire

Base Power: 80

Acurracy: 100

Effect: Power is doubled if oppenent is slower than user (50% chance of burn)

Chartreuse Surge

Type: Grass

Base Power: 80

Acurracy: 100

Effect: Power is doubled if opponent is opposite gendar than user (50% chance of paralyze)

Kinda like Water Pledge, Grass Pledge and Fire pledge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Steel Finish

Type: Steel

Base Power: 0

Acurracy: - (self)

Effect: User reflects a small bit of damage (rough skin style) back to the attacker upon receiving damage. Works for both physical and special attacks, and 10% chance of reflecting back status move like thunder wave and confuse ray.

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Shadow Pierce.

Type: Ghost.

Base Power: 100.

Accuracy: 85.

Effect: The user influences the opponent's or it's own shadow to creates sharp spikes that pierce the enemy. This move hits all of the opponent's pokémon that are in the field in a double/triple battle. There is a 15% chance that the opponent's Def, Sp. Def and Speed will be lowered.


Type: Grass.

Base Power: 75.

Accuracy: 100.

Effect: The user throws it's thorns on the ground and spins around, creating a tornado, and sends it towards the opponent. This move will hurt the opponent for 3 to 8 turns and the opponent will be unable to switch out. There is a 10% chance the opponent gets confused.

Rainbow Seeds.

Type: Grass.

Base Power: -

Accuracy: 95.

Effect: The user throws rainbow-colored seeds onto the opponent, making it's type change into a random type. This effect will end when the opponent switches out.

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Deep Freeze


0 power

55 percent accuracy

Effect:The Opponent gets consumed in a cold haze.

It Freezes the opponent

Electric Pulse

75 power

Electric type

100 percent accuracy

Deals damage and cancels out Reflect and light screen like brick break


Fire type

100 Power

75 accuracy

The user tackles the target while wearing large intimidating flames

20 percent chance of lowering defense


Fire type move

40 power

100 accuracy

Fire type version of quick attack

The user ignites a small flame on the opponent

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Affection Blast

Base power: -

Accuracy: 100%

Type: Normal

The base power of the move depends upon the affection of your own Pokemon minus the affection of your opponents Pokemon.

For example- If a Linoone uses this move with an affection of 255 against a Slowbro with the affection of 0 then the move will do 255 damage plus STAB

Vice versa for Frustration Blast

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Base Power: 100

Accuracy: 90

Type: Dark

The target has a chance to flinch.


Base Power: -

Accuracy: 100

Type: Normal

Priority -4

The User Takes The Attack used on it and returns it, ignoring half of the user's defense/special defense. Only works with an attacking move.


Type: Fire

Power: -

Accuracy: -

The user emanates an aura which increases the special attack of any allied pokemon for 2-5 turns. Can not be used if it is raining.

Hydrogen Waste

Type: Water

Power: -

Accuracy: -

The user utilizes wasted particles, creating an aura which boosts the special defense of any allied pokemon for 2-5 turns. Can not be used if it is sunny.

Edited by BeaverRoo
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  • 2 months later...

Hell's Judgement

Type: Dark

Power: Varies

Accuracy: 100%

PP: 5

Has a 50% chance of attacking the opponent with 150 power plus STAB. 25% of causing a random status condition, 12.5% of attacking the opponent with just 75 power plus STAB and 12.5% of healing the opponent.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Thorn Punch

Type: Grass (Physical)

Power: 75

Accuracy: 95

PP: 15

Good chance for a critical hit. 25% chance to cause the opponent to flinch.


Type: Poison (Special)

Power: --

Accuracy: 30

PP: 5

KOs instantly if it hits.

Stone Rush

Type: Rock (Physical)

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 30

Priority +1.

Bug Zoom

Type: Bug (Physical)

Power: 65

Accuracy: 100

PP: 20

30% chance to cause the opponent to flinch.


Type: Normal (Physical)

Power: 25

Accuracy: 90

PP: 15

Attacks for five straight turns or until it misses, increasing power with each successive hit. A Pokemon hit by this attack can not switch out the next turn.

Sharp Eye

Type: Psychic (Status)

Power: --

Accuracy: --

PP: 20

Raises the user's accuracy by two stages.

Water Blast

Type: Water (Special)

Power: 140

Accuracy: 90

PP: 5

Lower's the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Battle Chant

Type: Fighting (Status)

Power: --

Accuracy: --

PP: 25

Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack and Speed by one stage each.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Face Grinder

Type: Dragon / Physical

Power: 70

Accuracy: 95

PP: 15

Effect: High critical-hit ratio. 10% to burn the opponent.

The user drags its rough skin across the opponent. Critical hits land more easily, and the attack may leave the target with a burn.

Lock Shot

Type: Steel / Special

Power: 55

Accuracy: 100

PP: 10

Effect: Priority level -1. Guaranteed critical hit.

The user looks for a weak point in the target and attacks. The user moves last, but the attack is guaranteed to result in a critical hit.


Type: Bug / Special

Power: 80

Accuracy: 90

PP: 10

Effect: Doubles damage on a burned target, but heals its burn.

The user covers its target in weblike, stinging web. This attack deals massive damage to burned targets, but heals their burns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mega Flare


Base power:209



Effect: must recharge for 2 turns



Base power:900


Effect: the user is left with 1/4 of its HP

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  • 3 months later...

Dark Force

Type: Dark

Base Power: 45

Accuracy: 95%

PP: 10

Dubbles the base power if the target has higher Def than his/her Sp.Def

Elemental Storm

Type: ???

Base Power: 85

Accuracy: 95

PP: 15

Will randomize the Fire,Ice,Thunder, or water as Type attack. 80% chance the user will use the type the target has as it's weakness.

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