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Crazy Solomon's 5x31 AND CAMELRUS IV Only Slightly Used Camel Shack

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HELLO BOYS AND GIRLS AND PEOPLE OF INDETERMINABLE GENDER, , welcome to Craaazy Solomon's camel shop in here we sell various camels from various breeds and purposes, 5x31 IV perfection Guaranteed!.

We have,



Dragon Dance Alpine Lithovore Camel (Larvitar Only eats rocks), Cyclops Camel (Beldum May be missing a part of itself),

Axe Camel (Axew Will try to attack any nearby trees) not to be confused with Axed Camel of course

Blind Biting Camel (Deino Bites everything in a mile radius),

the ever favorite POINTY CAMEL (Pawniard Warning: Chess puns), Nipponese Camel (Inkay Keep away from lonely women),

Floating Spooky Camel (Ghastly may be poisonous to indian elephants), Mantis Camel (Scyther Requires a bit of metal and tough love to grow properly),

Aquatic Serpentine Camel (Dratini, needs more water than usual),

Fluffy warm Camel (Vulpix not to be confused with Fluffy psychic warm camel),

Camel Camel (Numel, needs a lot of lava to grow),

Flying Alpine camel (Aerodactyl, Is always at full potential),

Limited Camel (Eevee, needs a lot of love and attention, or maybe you can just buy it some stones)

Underground metallic camel (Drilbur, needs very little water, somehow not blind)

Hoodlum Camel (Scraggy is a good a camel that should not be judged by it's appearance)

Chinese Legend Camel (Absol, thought of as an ill omen, more than slightly used, tends to play roughly)

Ancient Ruler Camel (Tyrunt, now only slightly used, has learnt an ancient dance that is associated with dragons)

Smug serpentine camel (Snivy, needs a lot of water and attention to grow, only slightly more used than usual)

Muddy Neotony affected Camel (Mudkip, has an unfortunate tendency to cause people to misspell words when describing it, tends to be damp and due to it's previous owner mistreating it, is slightly more used than usual)

and finally Aquatic Sneaky Camel! (Froakie, Very sneaky)


and remember kids, every purchase made in Crazy Solomon's camel emporium comes with a free order of dates and several camel care manuals.

Crazy Solomon's camel dealership will only ever be open in Saturday, and maybe late on sundays and fridays on a +7 Timezone, and I will accept any camel in exchange for these beauties, special price just for you my friend, so what are you waiting for? BUY A CAMEL TODAY!.


(OOC: my trade name is cronos5010 , PM me to start a trade.)


Camelrus, I can now give one of your Camels camelrus, for free.

Service options:



Crazy Solomon always tries to make sure that his valued customers are satisfied with their camels, which is why we have created some new service options.

Kennel based delivery: Almost instant, just for you my dear friend, no EVs and I can only guarantee that it is only slightly used (4x31, unless there is a citation for the species you have chosen), maximum of three kennels per order.

Live delivery: For those valued customers who want their camels to be more easily trained, the least used camels I can find (5x31 unless you know, citation), and I swear that on my mother's grapes, they were very delicious, your choice of trait, and only two camels per order, takes longer than kennel based delivery as I have to do the coaxing with the help of my trusty camel camel.

Super special delivery: A single camel with the IVs (keep in mind the species citations) and EVs you want, yes, a single lucky valued customer will receive up to two fully EV trained camels, any camels that I do not have will be accepted for these beauties, and if anyone can send me a camel with infectious camelrus, I can train up to four of these beauties.


Edited by Cronos5010
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1 minute ago, Cronos5010 said:

HELLO BOYS AND GIRLS AND PEOPLE OF INDETERMINABLE GENDER, , welcome to Craaazy Solomon's camel shop in here we sell various camels from various breeds and purposes, 5x31 IV perfection Guaranteed!.

We have, Dragon Dance Rock Camel (Larvitar), Cyclops Camel (Beldum), Axe Camel (Axew) not to be confused with Axed Camel of course, Blind Biting Camel (Deino), the ever favorite POINTY CAMEL (Pawniard), Nipponese Camel (Inkay), and finally Aquatic Sneaky Camel! (Froakie), and remember kids, every purchase made in Crazy Solomon's camel emporium comes with a free order of dates and several camel care manuals.

Crazy Solomon's camel dealership will only ever be open in Saturday, and I will accept any camel in exchange for these beauties, special price just for you my friend, so what are you waiting for? BUY A CAMEL TODAY!.

Do you really sell a blind biting camel, can it be traded?

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YES MY DEAR Valued Customer, we have sold many blind biting camels, they are very valuable companions and will accompany you well where ever you go.

(OOC: Yes, I just can't wonder trade it or use it in Random battles)

So don't be shy, Buy a Camel Today!.

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Just now, Cronos5010 said:

YES MY DEAR Valued Customer, we have sold many blind biting camels, they are very valuable companions and will accompany you well where ever you go.

(OOC: Yes, I just can't wonder trade it or use it in Random battles)

So don't be shy, Buy a Camel Today!.

What do you want for one blind biting camel?

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7 minutes ago, Anti_Hero said:

What would you want for a Dragon Dance Rock Camel and a Blind Biting Camel? I would be happy do give you a 6IV Foxy camel (vulpix) or a 5IV Horse of the sea camel (skrelp)

Ah just for you my valued customer, I am willing to give both of these fine beauties for Free! excuse my lateness, I was busy negotiating a transaction with another customer.

8 minutes ago, leonidas said:

Hi! Damn that Dragon Dance Rock Camel looks sexy af, too bad I'm broke, would you make me a discount mister? :P

Of course my valued customer! Crazy Solomon never turns down a request for one of his camels, we have many discount Rock camels, only slightly used (Less than 5x31 IVs).

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Greetings to the Almighty Bookinator, The Crazy Solomon! Would you be interested in an Easter Egg Camel (Togepi) and a Burrowing Mole-Camel (Drilbur) for a Cyclops Camel and a Blind biting Camel? Thank you very much!

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6 minutes ago, leonidas said:

Then I will gladly accept your kind offer :P

My id: leodu1008

I am connected now, send me a request when your ready!


6 minutes ago, Anti_Hero said:

My ID is Arguzil, I am online now

Another two satisfied customers, we are very sorry for the still not yet complete nature of the two camels you have received Anti_Hero, but that is the nature of all rush orders, we are currently creating some more stock for our more popular camels, stay tuned for more information!.


Greetings to the Allmighty Bookinator, Would you be interested in an Easter Egg Camel (Togepi) and a Burrowing Mole-Camel (Drilbur) for a Cyclops Camel and a Blind biting Camel? Thank you very much!

We have yet to receive our 5x31 IV Cyclops Camel stock my valued customer, but we have plenty Blind Biting camels.

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7 minutes ago, NotaBot said:

Greetings to the Almighty Bookinator, The Crazy Solomon! Would you be interested in an Easter Egg Camel (Togepi) and a Burrowing Mole-Camel (Drilbur) for a Cyclops Camel and a Blind biting Camel? Thank you very much!

We have a Blind Biting Camel and a Dragon Dance Rock camel in stock right now valued customer.

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8 minutes ago, panxiaotian said:


Can I have a  Blind Biting Camel?

Ill offer u shiny Stone Bird Camel (Aerodactyl) 4 IV



ID is panxiaotian

Crazy Solomon will gladly accept any new and interesting Camels you might have, (OOC: Sent a trade request)

6 minutes ago, itaimonster said:

LF Aquatic Sneaky Camel. Gotta love them camels.


Wait for a few moments our valued customer, we have yet to produce a new stock of Sneaky Aquatic Camels.

6 minutes ago, vijaybatwing said:

Is deino in game?

That is a very odd name for a camel, have you been out in the sun for too long valued customer? Here, have some date juice.

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To our Valued Customers, we are very sorry to say that we will be closed for two hours, please write down any reservations on this Post Board we have set up, the camels need feeding, but we are proud to announce that due to the hard work of our shape shifting camel, we can now offer five new camels for our valued customers to choose from.

We now have: Aquatic snake camel (Dratini), Poisonous aquatic dragon camel (Skrelp), Fiery fluffy camel (Vulpix), Fashionable flying camel (Murkrow with Brave Bird), Polar well shaded Camel (Sneasel with Ice Shard).

And we will continue working our way to a better cyclops camel.

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Hello dear Sir,


I'm about to travel the Sahara and I have my eye on three of your valuable camels. Those are the Dragon Dance Rock Camel, the Blind Biting Camel and the Aquatic Snake camel.


I can offer you a Fire Chicken Camel, a Flying Fire-Breathing Bug Camel, and a levitating Purple Ghost Camel with 5x31 IVs, good Sir.


Can you help my on my upcoming journey?

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