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[CW] [Feedback] Random Writing since I won't make another Thread

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I have been trying to write this story since 2015, watch me fail again



Mental note: human vital systems are apparently located inside of their center of mass, So yeah first encounter with the natives, met a single creature wearing a shirt with a  red and black box pattern, they freaked out and I tried to calm them down, it didn't help. They started attacking me, and I uh, may have stabbed them a bit, the natives here have a surprising amount of pain tolerance it seems, or at least that is why I think they were still trying to hurt me afterwards. Did anyone back at home knew about this sort of thing? Wait no I was sent here without any warning or equipment, damn student loans.

"You know, if everyone I meet is going to try and kill me, this might be the shortest field research mission since Thay went into a this planet's sun, I feel like they might have used the wrong coordinates for that one, But I guess I learnt how to make some new faces from this encounter, not sure how absolute terror and blind murderous fury is going to help me, but I'll figure something out, If this ever makes it to my father, tell him that he was wrong, this was a terrible idea"

Right, so number of formerly living natives, 1, miles away from nearest population center, I don't know because we haven't gotten any satellites yet, amount of food....
I looked at the dead native, it was still as red as before, it was still twitching though, "None because I am not eating whatever that was"
Hoists a bag of equipment over his shoulders, "Right, so I'm not going to sit here and wait for the native's body to cool", starts walking away, "Now what did they say again? I think it went..." "My name is John, please don't kill me, my name is John please don't probe me, My name is John oh god what is that smell......."


Edited by Cronos5010
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Another Story that doesn't have anything in common with the first one


It was a bright and sunny day, the sun was shining, and that storefront was still ablaze, and on a bridge over looking the whole mess, were four policemen; one of them was pointing at the blaze, he seemed to be the eldest, and his general stance and demeanor screamed "I have had enough of this shit", the fact that he said those exact words also helped, the eldest man continued waggling his finger at the fire, seemingly to try and shame it into submission "Damn it, we should do something, start a rescue party, pour some water, beat up some looters, anything!", but a more relaxed looking cop was also looking at the fire, he had a vacant look in his eyes, but he seemed to snap back into reality after hearing the older man speak, and he spoke with an odd accent, and the man didn't seem to enjoy the experience of....talking "Nah man, just let the firefighter peoples do their job"
The older man walked over to his motorcycle, it was a pretty sweet looking dirtbike, painted white, green, and blue, just like every other policeman's motorcycle, and he kicked at it's tires "Why do we even have these? If they can't help when we need it the most"
The relaxed looking man stared for a while as the older man continued abusing his beloved ride "You know, we are the only people in the department that has one of those right?", There was a cough, it was a very distinctive cough, it was a cough that reminded me that the correct term for the 21st century would be police officer not policemen,  "Can we stop talking about this? Any moment now somebody is going to mention how my motorcycle looks like it had been inside a fire" and indeed the police officer's motorcycle looked like it had been through hell, it's mirrors and plates were missing, and it looked a bit... charred to be honest,  and finally the fourth police officer responded, he was a rather devious looking man, and he was sneering, and he seemed to be calculating something "What if we..... 'keep the peace?' ", The eldest man turned slowly to face the devious man "How?"
The devious looking man smiled widely as he said "Oh well that is the beauty of it my friend, I bet that down there, amidst all of that chaos, there must be a lot of law breakers yes? Law breakers with big wallets and a loose understanding of traffic laws?"
Something seemed to dawn on the eldest man, and his lips seemed to move....


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  • 2 weeks later...

A direct continuation of the first written thing, if the first thing was the first part of the first chapter, this is yet another part of the chapter:



"I met another native today, they certainly have a lot of variation over here don't they? My "guide" keeps telling me that the bipedal
ones are the only sapient creatures on the planet, but that is a very silly idea isn't it? the furry ones, the small furry ones, they make an odd sound,
I think they were trying to say something to me, but their point was lost the moment they started trying to bite my face off, which was quite unfortunate
I thought I was going somewhere with figuring out their language, I think it had something to do with tone and body language? I don't really know, it all
just sounded like 'BARK BARK BARK BARK!!!!" to me".

This building, it feels sort of wrong to invade another creature's place of living, but I need a roof over my head, and the occupant seems to be quite missing,
my robotic 'guide' keeps telling me that it has found some disturbing similarities between the previous occupant's appearance and the native from much earlier,
but I am sure that it is simply damaged from the crash from earlier, these cheap plastic things have a tendency to you know, be cheap and plasticky, at least I know
That the recording function still works, since you know, I can play back this scene over and over and over and over again.

Despite everything, despite all of the cool and comfortable furniture in the house, the excessively comfortable brown leather seating that apparently allows you to
turn it into a bed, which I believe should be enough proof of the native species's intelligence, the previous occupant had apparently forgotten to stock up on food,
which is a bit...interesting, "Perhaps they are simply going out to get some more food!" I said to my useless, useless guide, it simply blinked on and off in a pattern
that I registered as 'saying' "Or they could be dead, since you know, their face matches the native from earlier."

And so I ventured out of the dwelling with my guide and several new faces in tow, I don't know what having their mouths curved upwards would mean, but it is a different
face, which means that I should note it shouldn't I? just like how I noted the coordinates of the dwelling.



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This does not count as Necroposting/Double posting right? Since I am updating this thread with new writerings


Somewhere inside of this city, there is a banner hanging proudly on a wall, it is a plastic banner, and it has retained its bright colors despite its age
but the focus here is not on that banner, no one really cares about that banner here, all it shows is a picture of a delicious looking meal of traditionally fried chicken with rice and ground chili sauce. and underneath that picture there are some simple words, written in a vague manner, quite possibly referring to the creator of the banner missing the meal shown on the banner, and how do I the suspiciously well informed narrator know who created the banner? Because I can see the man right there, sitting on a plastic bench underneath the banner, pretending to read the same newspaper he had been reading for the last two years, waiting for that special someone, just like the day before, and for many days to come.

"I know she is probably not coming, but don't worry; I can wait" he would say with a warm smile to anyone and everyone who would bother to ask, his short well kept black hair seeming to shimmer due to the pomade he always applies to it, a slightly different kind of tweed jacket on his chest; his skin appearing to be free from sweat no matter what the weather is like, he would just sit there for days on end always sitting on that plastic bench. Always pretending to read that good old newspaper, and sometimes I think I see him glancing up at the sky, as if expecting something to happen. but funnily enough, nothing ever happens.
I don't know why that man is waiting, or who he is waiting for, and despite my assurance of him having been here for the last two years I don't really know how long he has been here, he never goes home, he never eats, he never goes to a bathroom, he never does anything other than sit there and wait for that special someone, smiling no matter what happens, even when old women use his existence to try and prove a point, or a group of 
youths try to push him off of that plastic bench, he doesn't react, he just sits there, smiling, unmovable, always pretending to read.


It was on a December, the last day of December all those years ago, when I noticed something, for the first time in a decade the man had stood up! he was wiping some dust from his clothes, and seemed to be getting ready to leave
with his plastic bench! I rushed down there immediately and managed to catch up with him "Wait! Where are you going? What happened? Why now?", the man stopped walking for a moment, turned slowly to face me with that warm smile of his
and checked his wristwatch "It's been a long day, I can wait for her again tomorrow", the man then walked away while whistling the tune for the song of "Aud lang syne", leaving me there with those completely and utterly useless words explaining nothing, and generally being infuriating.


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  • 3 months later...

Yes I know what you are thinking, look at this douche...being a thread necromancer in his own thread, and also look at him being all fancy and rebooting something that he has rebooted like a Sony executive.


But yeah....here is the first part of the first chapter of The Number Four again, but with entirely different writing.


I had woken up to the sound of the creaking, and I had oddly enough reflexively jolted upright and stabbed the annoying little device they called an "Alarm Clock" until it was nothing but a pile of broken parts. I then looked around at the room I was in; I stared at Sparky the malfunctioning robot, glanced vaguely at John from Missouri's body, and stared directly at the brown haired woman with a panicked look on her face. We both stared at each other and the knives we had in our possession for a while, and she eventually broke the silence by saying in a surprisingly deep tone of voice "You didn't see anything, and I didn't see anything". Before she slowly backed up to the door and left the room in a hurry.

I shrugged and went over to the door to make sure that it was still locked, only to find out that the lock had been rather thoroughly broken by the woman from earlier. I made a mental note to fix that, before lying back down on the rather soft bed, and falling asleep again.

When I eventually woke up, it was somehow still Sunday, the only thing different about John from Missouri was that he looked a little bit paler today than he did yesterday, and The Robot was....sparking instead of doing literally anything useful. I walked over to the malfunctioning robot, and I felt the solid planks of organic material that The Robot would probably say is called "Wood" or something equally ridiculous, and I did my best to fix The Robot with a hopefully not negligible amount of applied kinetic force and some rather encouraging words.
Which meant that I punched the broken robot a few times while shouting "YOU ARE A ROBOT DESIGNED FOR SPACE MISSIONS! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'I can't survive re-entry'?".

All this managed to do to malfunctioning robot was cause it to mutter something about it being "Already two cycles old, and thus too old for this sort of horseplay". I would love to tell you that I came up with some snappy response that managed to turn it's snark down several notches, but to be honest; all I really remember doing back then was punching it once with the sort of impotent rage that you can only really get from not knowing what the other guy was talking about. Just to clarify; horses are a type of non sapient creature living on the surface of the planet, apparently Humans ride them; which makes a surprising amount of sense.

I honestly didn't know what to do next, John had been rather uncooperative and he had stopped answering my questions after I borrowed something from him...the drama queen, Sparky was still complaining about having most of his essential parts broken in several million neat little pieces, and the neighbors were being hypocritical. As I listened to them loudly knock into the wall and shout about me being loud by shouting and knocking things into the wall, I tried to remember the exact series of events that had led me here.

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