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Create your own Hearthstone Card


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Here is something for all you Hearthstone players out there (I'm amazed that this thread didn't exist yet) - Create your own Hearthstone Card(s)!

Now, I'm not a good player... hell I haven't even played that much at all lately (only a few games with the new expansion) - I just don'T have the time, because of all the other games to play - however I always enjoyed creating my own cards since the announcement.

(I thought about putting this under community creations, but since these are not really creations but mere ideas - like the create a pokemon - I put it here...)



Rules of creating a card:

Type: Minion or Spell

Class: Which class does this card belong to? (Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Hunter, Druid, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock, all classes, Tri-Class: Kabal [Mage, Priest, Warlock], Jade Lotus [Rogue, Druid, Shaman], Grimestreet [Warrior, Paladin, Hunter])

Rarity: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary? (Only one copy of a Legendary card allowed in the deck)

Mana Cost: How much mana does this card cost to play - from 0 to 10 (or more with cost-reducing effects on the card itself)

Attack: how much attack does this Minion have? (minimum 0) [Minion only]

Health: how much health does this Minion have? (minimum 1) [Minion only]

Card Effect: What Effect does this card have? - For card effects there are some pre-determined terms for common effects (for all you non-hearthstone players who may want to jump on the bandwagon - look into the spoiler)


Note: Spells must belong to a class - unless the spell is created by a minion effect


Card effect terms and keywords:

List of all Ability/Effect terms and keywords: http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ability

here are the most important ones:

Battlecry: <effect> - Does something when the Minion is played from your hand

Charge - This minion can attack the turn it is played

Choose one: <effect 1> or <effect 2> - when this minion is played from your hand, choose on of the effects - DRUID ONLY

Combo: <effect> - This effect triggers when you played a card before that turn - ROGUE ONLY

Deathrattle: <effect> - Does something when the minion is destroyed

Discover: <what type of card do you discover> - Choose from one of three random class-appropriate cards, and add one to your hand (on Minions with Battlecry)

Divine Shield - Absorbs the first source of damage taken by the minion, removing the shield

Enrage: <effect> - The minion gains the effect, when damaged (not full health) - healing the minion to full health (or Effects that change the health value to a set amount) will remove the effect again.

Freeze/Frozen - Frozen Minions cannot attack the following turn

Immune - prevents damage dealt from any source to the target, and prevents all enemy interaction with the target

Inspire: <effect> - This effect triggers everytime you use your Hero ability

Overload (x) - You have x-amount of Mana less to spend on your next turn - SHAMAN ONLY

Secret: <trigger condition> <effect> - This spell is a secret and the effect is occurs, when the trigger condition is met. Secrets can only trigger during your opponents turn. PALADIN, MMAGE and HUNTER only

Silence - Removes all card-text, abilities and enhancements from a card

Stealth - Minions with Stealth may not be the target of attacks, spells or abilities until they attack or deal damage. Once they attack or deal damage, Stealth is removed. Minions with Stealth can still be affected by AoE spells and randomly targeted spells.

Spell Damage: +x - Your spells deal x amount of additional damage

Taunt - Minions with Taunt must be choosen as a target for attacks from enemy minions or heroes

Transform <into what> - Change the target minion into something else entireley. this effect is not reversibly. The transformed card is considered out of play (NOT DESTROYED!)

(Mega-)Windfury - The Minion can attack twice per turn (four times with Mega-Windfury)


With all those Keywords out of the way - I will now introduce you to my first cards.

These cards are based on my three WoW-Characters back in Wrath of the Lich King - The Bloodelf Family 'Duskshade' (yes, I used to RP with them and even wrote background stories for them on my guild forum back then)

Their basic theme is "Too stubborn to die"... because reasons back in the aformentions WoW-days



Name: Noxus Duskshade

Class: Warlock

Rarity: Legendary

Mana cost: 7

Attack: 4

Health: 7

Effect: Minions that battle with this Minion gain -1 attack until the end of the turn. When this minion destroys an enemy minion, restore 2 health to it.


Noxus was my affliction Warlock back in the days. He gives enemy minions -1 attack, because that's what affliction did - weaken the enemies. He also heals for 2 health every time he destroys an enemy minion, again... affliction Warlock loved to life drain and just don't die :P

This Card is an anti-swarm minion. Pair him up with a Sunfury Protector or Defender of Argus to give him taunt, and the enemy swarm will crumble before your eyes!



Ramrodd Duskshade

Class: Paladin

Rarity: Legendary

Mana cost: 8

Attack: 4

Health: 8

Effect: Taunt. Divine Shield. When this would be destreyed restore it to full health and then silence it.


My Protection Paladin. He is a taunter because he is a tank, he has Divine Shield, because he is a Paladin... and when he is about to die, he uses Lay on hands on himself, to bring him back to full... at the cost of all of his mana and therefore his abilites...

So he is a Divine shield taunter, that, when he would be destroyed, 'returns' as a normal 4/8 minion.. ... so essentially he is a 4/16 with divine shield with taunt for 50% of his health :P



Nukia Duskshade

Class: all classes [Death Knight]

Rarity: Legendary

Mana cost: 7

Attack: 6

Healt: 7

Effect: Can't be targeted by spells or hero powers. Whenever an enemy minion dies summon a 2/1 Ghoul with Taunt.


My Deathknight - twin sister to Noxus - who fell to the scourge while defending Silvermoon City. As an Unholy Deathknight her specialty was summoning unholy minions to her aid and protecting herself against Magic with and improved Anti-Magic shell. This is reflected in the card by her ability to summon Ghouls with taunt when an enemy dies, and not to be targeted by spells or hero-powers. That makes her pretty hard to remove, since the taunting ghouls keep minion attacks from her, and she cannot be targeted by removal spells.



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Ramrodd Duskshade sounds like a complicated way to say "4/8 Taunt + Divine Shield; Deathrattle: Summon a vanilla 4/8."

Also, an 8 mana Paladin Taunt Legendary with Divine Shield that does something when it dies... I think I've heard about that before...



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The last one was mostly for flavor, but it was really fun to make. I can't wait to check back tomorrow to see what you think.

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