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I'm here for the lore ... though I guess the difficulty is nice too.


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And by 'nice difficulty', I mean 'hard to the point of barely manageable'. Eh, I'm getting ahead of myself. I am Mogget, and as the name implies, I'm a huge fan of fantasy in general. Video games which involved the enslavement partnering to fire/water/ice/a lot of other stuff-breathing monsters is even better, doubly so when the game is difficult. I only recently discovered this hack, and I'm (somewhat) blown away by it. I am mostly here for lore discussions though, which received a lot of hints from the Crystal Ball quest in E16. Potential plot spoilers below.


You know, the quest that implies that Anna made a wish upon Jirachi to bring the PC into existence, and Fern (of all people!) was the hero before you existed. That one.

So, if someone can point me in the direction of that, it would be appreciated.

Oh, and if anyone does get all the Old Kingdom references my account is making, I don't intend to keep it up. I just like giving a theme to my online accounts. 

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Heya, and welcome to Reborn!

Hmm, I remember a whooole while ago in december there was a thread discussing the stuff you mentioned, here, and there appears to be a less outdated discussion here. So if you wanna read up on some of the things other people said, that'd be a good place to start. If you want to contribute, reviving the second thread is an option; it's only been about a week since it got its last post, so it'll be fine.

People are almost always glad to jump in on discussion when material presents itself, and considering the content, I'm sure it'll find interest.

We also do tend to discuss game things over on our showdown server on occasion, if the topic comes up. (And some of the people there are different ones than the users who are likely to engage in discussion on the forums. We've good a bunch of members who avidly discuss the game on the server, but don't show themselves on the Reborn City board, or vice versa.)


Anyway, hopefully you'll enjoy your time here~

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Welcome to Reborn, and technically Reborn is a fan game, not a hack, a hack implies that Ame and CO. used a preexisting game as it's basis, as opposed to using a modified version of RPGXP's Pokemon Essentials.

and don't worry about the difficulty, it get's easier once you realize that you either need to pile on even more brute force, or use tacticus and strategery and hope that you are blessed by Lady Luck and Admiral Awesome.

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