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My team that somehow made it this far


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So right now I'm planning a strategy to beat Eclipse and Aster who surprised me when they had more than 6 pokemon, but I'm here to ask how in the world my team ever made it this far it consists of:




 Greninja: Level 69 WITH ABILITY Protean

 *Serious Nature

 Beats Rock, Ground, Fire, Psychic,Ghost (Poison,Fighting)



 Special Attack:167


 Special Defense:118

 Speed: 195

 and its moves are:

 Water Shuriken- because it hits multiple times and its basically his signaiture move.

 Hydro Pump- for dem bulky ground, rock, and fire types

 Dark Pulse: because he's a Water/Dark Type and back up for Sweet & Sour.

 Extrasensory- Thanks to protean it provides the really needed Psychic type 


 Candy/Lopunny:  Level 65 with Ability Cute Charm holding Black Belt

 *Relaxed nature

 Beats (Rock,Ice,Steel,Normal,Dark)

 *Lopunny is my favorite pokemon thats an alternative for fighting type and if Mega stones get implemented it will be a Normal/Fighting Type 

 *Candy is the pokemon I switch to when my team is dead or needs healing and she is really useful when it comes to battles.


 Special Attack:158


 Special Defense:146


 Moves are:

 Return-For when her other moves are useless and is a STAB and Great since it has high friendship.

 Bounce-Just a backup move for Pidgeot  and otherwise doesn't has a use except for when nothing else works.

 Jump Kick-Fighting type move covers lots of types

 Rock Smash: For use of the HM and if i don't want to risk Jump kick missing.

  *When Candy levels up I'm replacing Jump Kick with High Jump Kick


 Electro/Ampharos with ability Plus holding SilverPowder 

 Timid Nature

 Beats Water, Flying (Psychic,Dark,Grass)

 *Electro takes hits fairly well its HP is Higher than Donphan's by 1 :/ and is a great special attacker.

 *I usually send Electro in with Donphan due to problems with hurting partners with Discharge.



 Special Attack:193


 Special Defense:134


 Signal Beam- Covers Greninja and Sweet & Sour because if they faint this move is useful for dem stupid Psychic and Dark types dat won't take a hint *cough*Gallade and Malamar*Cough*

 Discharge-The move I use most and takes out multiple targets 

 Zap Cannon- DIS MOVE IS SUPER OP AND MAKES DEM WATER AND FLYING TYPES GIT REKT  AND IT ALWAYS PARLYZES. The only letdown is that it has terrible accuracy but i make it work.

 Dragon Pulse- For use against Dragon types and for weaknesses 


 Pidgeot holding Lucky egg with Ability Keen Eye 

 Timid Nature

 Beats Grass,Bug,Flying)

 *Please note that only reason I took Pidgeot in on my team was because it was my first shiny as a Pidgey and it looks cool and I used it for Shelly's gym, I wasn't expecting anything special from it until I saw Its Potential It has a great moveset is actually pretty decent.




 Special Attack:127


 Special Defense:119



 Mirror Move-Since it doesn't have any other type moves this is useful for a special situation.

 Air Slash- Used to save PP of Hurricane

 Hurricane- 2nd Strongest move he has nuff said

 Sky attack- Strongest move he has really useful if opponent is really strong


Donphan holding Earth Plate with Ability Sturdy

Mild Nature

 Beats Electric,Fire,Poison,Rock,Steel (Ice,Grass,Bug,Flying)

*I needed a type to take out electric types so I researched and found Donphan to be a great candidate and a hit taker and probably the closest thing to a tank I have.



 Special Attack:122


 Special Defense:107



 Rollout- Covers Electro with Flying types

 Earthquake-STAB move and beats electric type

 Fire Fang: Covers Pidgeot and a cover for Donphan's  Ice and Grass weakness.

 Strength- For Use of Hm and for types that his other moves don't cover.


 Sweet & Sour/ Mawile with Ability Intimidate holding Steel Gem

 Quiet Nature

 Beats Dark,Dragon,Fighting,Fairy,Rock (Psychic,Ghost)

  * Looking at my team I needed a last addition with either a Poison/Fairy or a Steel/Fairy type and Mawile was the only candidate that learned a Steel and Fairy Move



 Special Attack:129


 Special Defense:94



 False Swipe:I use it for when I catch dem shiny pokemanzzzzz.

 Iron Head:Beats Fairy Types 

 Play Rough:Beats Dragon, Dark, and Steel.

 Crunch:Covers Greninja 


 I also have Pokemon in the PC For Critical occasions:

 Growlithe And Typlosion for Dat tough Giant Steelix

 Gallade for if something happens later like Ditto Arceus.






Edited by Xx_MooMooFarmsRUs_xX
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I guess something to add to this would be where you're struggling to be the couple. From what I remember, it's the double battle with your own ally, right? How far do you get into the fight?


In terms of team composition, it may be time to replace Lopunny, Pidgeot, and maybe Mawille. As of the current episode, we do not have access to megas, so these pokemon are really subpar compared to many others. Gallade should be significantly stronger than Lopunny. I'm a little foggy on who is still available at that point, so I don't really know who else to recommend. 

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Well I just won the battle with three pokemon left. You might be correct about the replacement. I've been thinking about changing Pidgeot for Typlosion or Arcanine but I don't feel like training since I haven't used them since The Giant Steelix.


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Arcanine is a total A rank mon in reborn and in general as a fire type. Mawile outside of mega is just kinda there. Better fairies include gardevoir, sylveon, florges. Pidgeot is cool because g1/ash love but is pretty terrible. I think you can get Braviary or Staraptor at that point, Swellow is probably locked. But there's plenty of birds in the sky. Lopunny is bad. Normal types are bad. Fighting types available to you at that point include Lucario and your gallade, They will do everything Lopunny can do but better. I've never seen the use in donphan but everyone else seems to get mileage out of it. Krookodile and Golurk should be available both of which are amazing ground types with fantastic abilities and useful niches/coverage. But if your team works and you're having fun. I say roll with it. That's my three cents.

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All in all your team isn't horrible but I have to agree, that it's not the strongest either. Looking at your team you lack any kind of debuffs except for Mawile's Intimidate and you don't have any way of inflicting status except for paralysis with Discharge, Zap Cannon or Bounce. That's not necessarily bad but it limits your available strategies. You're pretty much down to hitting things before they can hit you and while most players adopt that playstyle for the lategame you are now reaching, it heavily relies on good base stats. Normal types tend to not have those.

Also I'm not a huge fan of having HM moves on your main team. It wastes a precious move slot that could be used for your much needed diversity. Strength, Surf, Waterfall and Fly can have their use in special situations, but if you're running them it should be a conscious choice. Over all I'd suggest getting a couple of HM slaves. If you were lucky and got Zigzagoon on the Opal bridge and Ducklett from the Obsidia slums, then you don't really need anything else. Evolve Zigzagoon and then staple all your HM moves onto the two of them.


Lopunny is actually an exception when it comes to bad base values for normal types. It has high base speed, too bad your nature on it hinders speed. Also I can't check your EVs/IVs but it does have a higher special attack than attack, which statistically speaking shouldn't be the case. You definitely have some wasted potential in there somewhere. Besides, the high SpA doesn't help any of its moves. Dropping it still makes sense, preferrably replace it with a fighting type so you don't lose coverage. I hope you did that Scraggy side quest in the slums if not, then you're at Agathe Circus so you can't go back but you can get a Timbur and there's other good alternatives.


Regardless of what others say, I think you should keep Mawile until you actually have a replacement. Gardevoir, Sylveon and Florgess have been suggested, but obtaining them if you haven't yet is all pre-Agathe, so stick with it. Its typing offers you enough to justify the base stats. If you already do own one of the replacements though, switch it out.


Your Ampharos beggs one question. Why do you have Plus on it? That ability is highly situational and you do not have any reliable way of proccing it. Just pop one ability capsule on it and give it Static. The ability would have pulled more weight in the early stages of the game, but it will still offer more than Plus ever will. Also I personally would have used Thunder Wave instead of Zap Cannon. I find having a realiable way of inflicting paralysis is worth more, than going for the off-chance of hitting a 50% accuracy move coupled to a nuke. But you said you make it work, so who am I to question you? Just wing it.


Your Donphan is quite solid. I like that you gave it fire fang for the sorely needed fire type your whole team lacks. I would however swap Strength for Knock off. You're in the lategame now and quite a lot of trainers start using items on their pokemon. This could help you deal with that.


I'm not a fan of Greninjas but I can't argue away nice stats. Yours is good, keep it the way it is. Water Shuriken is your only priority move on the team and could save you in clutch situations. Protean is overpowered and as you've said Extrasensory offers great coverage.


Let's get on to your Pidgeot... What the hell have you done to that poor thing?!? Running two moves of the same type on a pokemon can make sense. Like having Discharge for double battles and Zap Cannon for the guaranteed paralysis. But running three flying type moves on your Pidgeot is overkill and harms you more than it could possibly help. You're never going to use them all in the same fight since they don't offer much utility. And I really hope you're running around with 99 power herbs to justify the Sky Attack because you done goof if you're not. Let's look at it from a neutral perspective. Your Pidgeot has roughly the same Att and SpA at the moment, so having a physical or special moveset doesn't matter too much, but the timid nature hinders your attack so it's bad for long term. Going for a special set will work better. Also Sky Attack takes 2 turns for one attack, so this 140 basepower might look fancy, but it's effectively 70 base power per turn, just hitting two Air Slashes deals more damage AND has a better chance to flinch. Besides, if you don't outspeed your opponent he will definitely get two attacks in before you even get to deal any damage with Sky Attack. Drop it. Just give it Tailwind instead that way your Pidgeot can provide much needed speed support for your quite slow team. Of course ignoring the siren call of shininess and replacing Pidgeot would be an even better alternative. Getting either of your mentioned fire types works but if you want to stick to a flying type, Crobat would replace it phenominally well. You don't have a poison type and its base stats are amazing.


I hope I was able to give you some insight on what you could do better. Just try to keep an open mind and don't shy away from trying strategies outside of flat out attacking.


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3 hours ago, BlackRum said:

All in all your team isn't horrible but I have to agree, that it's not the strongest either. Looking at your team you lack any kind of debuffs except for Mawile's Intimidate and you don't have any way of inflicting status except for paralysis with Discharge, Zap Cannon or Bounce. That's not necessarily bad but it limits your available strategies. You're pretty much down to hitting things before they can hit you and while most players adopt that playstyle for the lategame you are now reaching, it heavily relies on good base stats. Normal types tend to not have those.

Also I'm not a huge fan of having HM moves on your main team. It wastes a precious move slot that could be used for your much needed diversity. Strength, Surf, Waterfall and Fly can have their use in special situations, but if you're running them it should be a conscious choice. Over all I'd suggest getting a couple of HM slaves. If you were lucky and got Zigzagoon on the Opal bridge and Ducklett from the Obsidia slums, then you don't really need anything else. Evolve Zigzagoon and then staple all your HM moves onto the two of them.


Lopunny is actually an exception when it comes to bad base values for normal types. It has high base speed, too bad your nature on it hinders speed. Also I can't check your EVs/IVs but it does have a higher special attack than attack, which statistically speaking shouldn't be the case. You definitely have some wasted potential in there somewhere. Besides, the high SpA doesn't help any of its moves. Dropping it still makes sense, preferrably replace it with a fighting type so you don't lose coverage. I hope you did that Scraggy side quest in the slums if not, then you're at Agathe Circus so you can't go back but you can get a Timbur and there's other good alternatives.


Regardless of what others say, I think you should keep Mawile until you actually have a replacement. Gardevoir, Sylveon and Florgess have been suggested, but obtaining them if you haven't yet is all pre-Agathe, so stick with it. Its typing offers you enough to justify the base stats. If you already do own one of the replacements though, switch it out.


Your Ampharos beggs one question. Why do you have Plus on it? That ability is highly situational and you do not have any reliable way of proccing it. Just pop one ability capsule on it and give it Static. The ability would have pulled more weight in the early stages of the game, but it will still offer more than Plus ever will. Also I personally would have used Thunder Wave instead of Zap Cannon. I find having a realiable way of inflicting paralysis is worth more, than going for the off-chance of hitting a 50% accuracy move coupled to a nuke. But you said you make it work, so who am I to question you? Just wing it.


Your Donphan is quite solid. I like that you gave it fire fang for the sorely needed fire type your whole team lacks. I would however swap Strength for Knock off. You're in the lategame now and quite a lot of trainers start using items on their pokemon. This could help you deal with that.


I'm not a fan of Greninjas but I can't argue away nice stats. Yours is good, keep it the way it is. Water Shuriken is your only priority move on the team and could save you in clutch situations. Protean is overpowered and as you've said Extrasensory offers great coverage.


Let's get on to your Pidgeot... What the hell have you done to that poor thing?!? Running two moves of the same type on a pokemon can make sense. Like having Discharge for double battles and Zap Cannon for the guaranteed paralysis. But running three flying type moves on your Pidgeot is overkill and harms you more than it could possibly help. You're never going to use them all in the same fight since they don't offer much utility. And I really hope you're running around with 99 power herbs to justify the Sky Attack because you done goof if you're not. Let's look at it from a neutral perspective. Your Pidgeot has roughly the same Att and SpA at the moment, so having a physical or special moveset doesn't matter too much, but the timid nature hinders your attack so it's bad for long term. Going for a special set will work better. Also Sky Attack takes 2 turns for one attack, so this 140 basepower might look fancy, but it's effectively 70 base power per turn, just hitting two Air Slashes deals more damage AND has a better chance to flinch. Besides, if you don't outspeed your opponent he will definitely get two attacks in before you even get to deal any damage with Sky Attack. Drop it. Just give it Tailwind instead that way your Pidgeot can provide much needed speed support for your quite slow team. Of course ignoring the siren call of shininess and replacing Pidgeot would be an even better alternative. Getting either of your mentioned fire types works but if you want to stick to a flying type, Crobat would replace it phenominally well. You don't have a poison type and its base stats are amazing.


I hope I was able to give you some insight on what you could do better. Just try to keep an open mind and don't shy away from trying strategies outside of flat out attacking.



Hmm I've never been able to think this far into into it. I'm assuming that natures do something more than just being there and I see what you're saying about the Lopunny and Pidgeot thing. Thanks a lot I know have a good idea for my replacements!

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