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[04/23/2017 Update!] Zetsumei and Ven's Trading Shop !

Ven Enfield

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Hello guys~! Before you start ordering make sure to READ FIRST before ordering, also USE THE REQUEST FORM GIVEN HERE OR YOUR ORDER WILL BE INVALID! And some people are here for shinies and let me tell you before you order them, Again.... READ FIRST BEFORE ORDERING, we got experience in the past that caused confusion all of the info pretty much you need to know is right here, if you are still having trouble understanding them feel free to message me @Ven Enfield also the AVAILABILITY is when we are available and what time zone it is so you know exactly the time differences. Also check the updates to see what's new on the store ~!



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How to order? (Request form)

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Availability (When are we available)

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Rules and Information for the Shiny Giveaways !

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Much appreciated pokemons and stuff but its not necessarily needed if you don't have it

if you don't have anything on this list you can just trade random mons ~!

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Ven's Dragon Shop [Updated] (All of my pokemon that are on sale are 5IV's if the name is on this color it means I have perfect IV of it.)

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Ven's special offers [Updated]

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Ven's Shiny giveaway [Updated] (Limited pokemon) :

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Zetsumei's Pet Store [UPDATED!] (The one with a name color like this means I have a perfect IV of it, Also all of the mons that are here is 5x31 IV's)

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Zetsumei's Shiny Giveaway

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Zetsumei's Special Offer Pokemon

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One more thing please order pokemons that is available in the store because we don't take breeding request yet, what you see in our store is what you get with that being said, I do hope you stay tuned on our store for more updates ~!

Edited by Ven Enfield
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  On 1/20/2017 at 4:32 AM, Ven Enfield said:

Hi guys ~! as the title says I'm giving away Treecko and yes you could trade it with any of pokemon you have 
but if you have these pokemons as a spare, I'll appreciate it~! all of the treecko I have, have a decent IV's not perfect tho 

Pokemon's that I am looking for (for at least have a 4x31 or higher)

I know its a lot to ask to the breeders out there but hey just saying if you have a spare tho all I can trade is these treecko thanks in advance ~!


I can give you all of them for free if you want?

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  On 1/20/2017 at 6:39 AM, QualityGamingYT said:

I have a female greninja i can breed and give you the treecko also i nearly have a Haxorus (lvl 47 Fraxure) female.


I already have greninja tho, you can give me anything really as I said those are give aways I just need to clear my box since I'm breeding another pokemon now

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  On 1/20/2017 at 6:40 AM, Ven Enfield said:

I already have greninja tho, you can give me anything really as I said those are give aways I just need to clear my box since I'm breeding another pokemon now


Ok im going to give you an axew egg after breeding my Haxorus.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 12:26 PM, QualityGamingYT said:

I have 2 axew's if you are available can i get a treecko and a riolu with bullet punch for them?

I can guarantee that both axew's will have dragon pulse. 

Sorry if i bother you to much.


Hi! Can we trade the Axew? It doesn´t matter the IV´s neither the nature.

I just really want one!

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