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The second Hardcore Wonderlocke. Hopefully this time things go well.


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Welp, I pretty much lost interest in how badly the last one was gonna go. Let's see if I can't win this locke.


1:No mons can be kept that have already been caught(including common/tall grass mons that i catch naturally heehee). Can't have a team full of Bidoof. Moody would make it too easy.


2:have to wonder trade everything but said wonder traded mon has to be a level where i can use it.


3:Not counting Solaris' Garchomp and other bosses. If ya can't win it, no point in trying.

4:Having 0 fun.


5:Lets just start this already you know standard nuzlocke rules and ive explained the weird ones.


This is my character:



Who's the first wonder trade gonna be..?


Goodbye Froaks.


yaaay i got a swirlix. This is actually one of my favorite mons. Lets see how it'll do.


Ivs aint perfect but it'll do.


Gotta get that Exp share and lucky egg.



Whats the first encounter gonna be.


A birb. Please become something good.


It became a rat. Not that bad if i can get it to raticate.


Lets skip over to Reborn City. 


Beat up some grass trainers pichu.


She also had a Tangela and a Budew if you're wondering.



...Gotta get into the alleyway somehow. His sewaddle did ok damage, but everything else was easy. I'll probably skip most boring battles.


Why cant i use a trubbish uggghhhh


Caught it. Named it Bag. What'll it's wonder traded equivalent become?


Ey, a Drowzee. Not bad. With pokerus, it should become pretty tanky.


Welp, onwards.


Stop missing Rattata. It's getting way too close.



Might as well get my Old Rod encounter. 


We're back on another epsiode of Deadliest Flop and we found..!


Caught it. Named it Feesh. it had pokerus as well. Must be running rampant in this city. What'll we get for it?


A second piece of cotton candy.


Welp, might as well go do a few more encounters and wrap this up.


Darn, Whismurs overworld sprite is adorable. 


Caught it, called it neat.


...Wow this is a bad slakoth. Cute though.


After cleaning up the bridge, some of reborn city, and a couple of other trainers,  it's time to get our Zigzagoon.


It wasnt very hard to win.


Got Zigzagoon. Called it Ziggy. I deserve a medal for original names. What'll we get for it though?


Well, I got something "sweet" out of the deal.


Let's get one more encounter and finish off this opening part.


Got a cute lil espurr. Called it Reekum. Don't ask why, that's just how the cry sounds to me. What'll we get for it.


Welp, this ain't a bad start.



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Good Luck on your wonderlocke! by the way, I actually got "feesh" but I sent it out to wonder trade once more since I didn't need the pokerus (That might be my cherubi, got a zigzagoon in return.....)

Edited by Sara1404
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