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[UPDATED 8/12] Malkcosh Monster Merchant Guild


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20 hours ago, Chessdude said:

@Westin ditto is one of the only pokemon that cannot be bred so I believe your request will be beyond our scope.

Let's see what the other members say


Apparently luis was able to get a shiny ditto. Idk about the ivs though

i guess ill change my request :) 

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Requested Pokemon :Riolu




Gender(Male or Female) :optional

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :optional

Ability :optional

Nature :optional

IV Spread:optional

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :optional

Egg Moves :optional


Offered Pokemon :Noibat

Gender(Male or Female) :Female

Item :Ability Capsule

Ability :telepathy

Nature :adamant

IV Spread:21/17/11/14/26/15

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Shiny

Egg Moves :none

Online Id: Youmu9


Edited by Youmu9
I needed to add online id.
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Requested Pokemon : Ralts(PLEASE), Fennekin, Froakie, and Larvitar

Gender(Male or Female) : don't care for the others, but female for ralts

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : none

Ability : don't care

Nature : don't care

IV Spread: 5 or 6 IVs

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : SHINIES PLEASE

Egg Moves : Ralts(Shadow Sneak), Fennekin(Heat Wave), Larvitar(Iron Tail)


Offered Pokemon : I have a bunch of deino

Gender(Male or Female) : Male and/or female

Item :

Ability :

Nature :

IV Spread:  4 or 5 IVs usually

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :

Egg Moves :


Online ID : Kaze34


Edited by Kaze
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@Kaze Thank you for showing interest in us!

Since you request only shinies, it will take a very long time for us to get back to you

We are currently trying to get a lot of shinies to trade to you guys but we still have a long way to go and are still in Gen 1.


If those shinies that are on the spreadsheet do not meet your requirements then your request will take a very long time. We cannot we give you an ETA since most of the members are busy

Additionally, we also do not specifically breed for shinies. Shinies that were traded just happened to hatch from eggs. If that happens in your case, then we will gladly trade with you

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1 hour ago, Chessdude said:

@Kaze Thank you for showing interest in us!

Since you request only shinies, it will take a very long time for us to get back to you

We are currently trying to get a lot of shinies to trade to you guys but we still have a long way to go and are still in Gen 1.


If those shinies that are on the spreadsheet do not meet your requirements then your request will take a very long time. We cannot we give you an ETA since most of the members are busy

Additionally, we also do not specifically breed for shinies. Shinies that were traded just happened to hatch from eggs. If that happens in your case, then we will gladly trade with you

Fair enough. I am just setting up a new team for episode 17, so i am in NO hurry. Take your time

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Requested Pokemon : Larvitar

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : None

Ability : Doesn't matter

Nature : Doesn't matter

IV Spread: Preferably high ATK and SPD

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Doesn't matter


Offered Pokemon : Milotic

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item : Corrupted Poke Ball

Ability : Competitive

Nature : Modest

IV Spread: 4/14/12/23/30/23

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Dragon Pulse


Online ID : Jay

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Requested Pokemon :baltoy

Gender(Male or Female) :

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : electirizer (if possible)

Ability :any

Nature :modest/quiet

IV Spread:

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : any

Egg Moves :


Offered Pokemon : munna

Gender(Male or Female) : female

Item : heartscale

Ability : forewarn

Nature : calm(+sp.def,-atk)

IV Spread: 31/31/31/31/31/x

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : normal

Egg Moves : secret power, barrier, curse, baton pass


Requested Pokemon : magby

Gender(Male or Female) : any

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : magmarizer (if possible)

Ability :

Nature : modest

IV Spread:

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : any

Egg Moves : any


Offered Pokemon : rotom

Gender(Male or Female) :

Item : heartscale

Ability : levitate

Nature : timid (+spd,-atk)

IV Spread: perfect

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :

Egg Moves :


ID: DeeEmZee


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Requested Pokemon : Scyther

Gender(Male or Female) : doesn't matter

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : None

Ability : Doesn't matter

Nature : Doesn't matter

IV Spread: doesn't matter

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Doesn't matter


I can give you any 'mon just for the trade. 

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Requested Pokemon : Froakie

Gender(Male or Female) : doesn't matter

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : -

Ability : -

Nature : Whatever

IV Spread: doesn't matter

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : don't care

Egg Moves : ?

Offered Pokemon :

Gender(Male or Female) :

Item :

Ability :

Nature :

IV Spread:

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Shiny

Egg Moves :

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Machoke, Hoothoot, Bellsprout, or if you have a specific one you want I'll trade it to you. They are all shiny. I'm just interested in collection so specs don't matter. If you have a specific pokemon or item in mind, I can try to provide. 

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I would like a 6IV female ralts to breed some shinies from.


Requested Pokemon : 6IV Ralts

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : -

Ability : -

Nature : -

IV Spread: 6IV

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : -

Egg Moves : -


Offered Pokemon : Carvanha

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item : -

Ability : Rough Skin

Nature : Docile

IV Spread: 6IV

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Hydro Pump, Destiny Bond




Offered Pokemon : Carvanha

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item : -

Ability : Speed Boost

Nature : Gentle

IV Spread: x in Sp.A

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Hydro Pump, Destiny Bond


Online ID : lifesapity


PS: Thanks for all your work towards the community.

Edited by lifesapity
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Requested Pokemon : Sableye

Gender(Male or Female) : irrelevant

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : Heart Scale?

Ability : Prankster

Nature : Careful

IV Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves :


Offered Pokemon : Mawile

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item : None

Ability : Intimidate

Nature : Timid

IV Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : normal

Egg Moves : Fire Fang/Seismic Toss


Online ID : Ragnarokalex



Also I suppose I should post a bid for the auction, it may not be the best but its what I've got @.@

Offered Pokemon : Igglybuff

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item : None

Ability : Friend Guard

Nature : Lonely

IV Spread: 21/31/31/20/31/4

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : normal

Egg Moves : Wish

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Requested Pokemon: Bulbasaur

Gender(Male or Female) :Female 

Item(c/o Lightseeker/Luis) :-

Ability :-

Nature: - Any neutral (docile serious etc) 

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny): Norm

Egg Moves: Leaf storm and Giga drain


Offered Pokemon: Charmander

Gender(Male or Female) :Male


Ability: - Blaze

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny ): Normal

Egg Moves: Flare Blitz Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse


Online ID: QualityGaming




Edited by QualityGamingYT
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