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[UPDATED 8/12] Malkcosh Monster Merchant Guild


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1 hour ago, luis said:

Sure :D Let  me know when you are ready and good luck with the puzzles 


Yes, then I will be online in a min :D send me a request ldsilva



I'm out and alive! Although my heart is torn apart


Are you still available to trade right now?


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Placing a bid:

Pokemon: Eevee

Gender: Male

Held item: Leftovers

Nature: Naive

Ability: Adaptability

EV: 14/31/31/31/31/31

Egg Moves: Covet

Shiny? Nope

Other: Pokerus


Pokemon: Goomy

Gender: Male

Held item: King's Rock

Nature: Careful

Ability: Hydration

EV: 8/13/31/24/14/10

Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Poison Tail

Shiny? Yes

Other: N/A


You guys have been great! Thanks again

Edited by CaBoobi
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Requested Pokemon : Seel

Gender(Male or Female) : Whatever

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Shiny Stone

Ability :Hydration

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Signal Beam,Water Pulse


Offered Pokemon :Snorunt

Gender(Male or Female) :Female

Item :-

Ability :Inner Focus

Nature :Bashful

IV Spread: 1 IV -> Speed

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Weather Ball


Online ID : Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Abra

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :-

Ability :Magic Guard

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Ice and Thunder punch


Offered Pokemon :Vulpix

Gender(Male or Female) :Female

Item :-

Ability :Drougth

Nature :Adamant

IV Spread: 4 Ivs (Hp,Defense,Sp Atk,Sp Def)

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Heat Wave, Hex, Extrasensory


Online ID : Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Machop

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :-

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Heavy Slam, Thunder Punch


Offered Pokemon :Budew

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :-

Ability :Natural Cure

Nature :Naive

IV Spread: 1 Iv -> HP

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Giga Drain, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Synthesis


Online ID : Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Gastly

Gender(Male or Female) : Whatever

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Metal Coat

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Whatever

Egg Moves :Thunder Punch


Offered Pokemon :Fennekin

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :-

Ability :Blaze

Nature :Lonely

IV Spread: 1 Iv Sp Def

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Heat Wave


Online ID : Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Scyther

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Metal Coat

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Steel Wing, Nigth Slash


Offered Pokemon :Rhyhorn

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :-

Ability :Reckless

Nature :Mild

IV Spread: 4 Ivs (Hp, Sp Atk, Sp Def, Speed)

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Thunder Fang


Online ID : Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Shellder

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Shiny Stone

Ability :Overcoat

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Mud Shot, Rock Blast


Offered Pokemon :Numel

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :-

Ability :Own tempo

Nature :Serious

IV Spread: 3 Ivs(Hp, Defense, Sp Def)

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Heat Wave, Iron Head


Online ID : Ariel15


Well, I'm sorry to not offer pokemons with better Ivs, I'm still learning, at the moment it's what I have to offer.^_^ 

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Requested Pokemon : hippopotas

Gender(Male or Female) : any

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :

Ability : 

Nature :brave/adamant

IV Spread:

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :any

Egg Moves :any


Offered Pokemon : gligar

Gender(Male or Female) : female

Item : heartscale

Ability : hyper cutter

Nature : adamant

IV Spread: 31/31/31/28/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :

Egg Moves : cross poison, night slash, rock climb, baton pass

Online ID : DeeEmZee




i havent been breeding much i was preoccupied with fixing my in-game sandstorm team so ill give away some of my extras



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4 hours ago, sailboat said:
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Requested Pokemon : hippopotas

Gender(Male or Female) : any

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :

Ability : 

Nature :brave/adamant

IV Spread:

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :any

Egg Moves :any


Offered Pokemon : gligar

Gender(Male or Female) : female

Item : heartscale

Ability : hyper cutter

Nature : adamant

IV Spread: 31/31/31/28/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :

Egg Moves : cross poison, night slash, rock climb, baton pass

Online ID : DeeEmZee



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i havent been breeding much i was preoccupied with fixing my in-game sandstorm team so ill give away some of my extras



I have a IV shiny one with egg moves but its bold. Do you want it with an geart scale? 

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Requested Pokemon: Cyndaquil

Gender: Female

Item: Dawn Stone (if possible)

Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Modest

IV Spread:

Shininess: Normal

Egg moves: Extrasensory



Offered Pokemon: Froakie

Gender(Male or Female): Male

Item: None

Ability: Protean.

Nature: Quiet

IV Spread: 19/5/29/24/2/22

Shininess: Normal

Egg moves: None.



Also, can I request a TM move with it?

Edited by QualityGamingYT
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Requested Pokemon : Rotom,Gastly (If possible),Munchlax,Anorith,sneasel,deino,gible,axew,machop,shroomish.
Gender(Male or Female) : female if possible since I might breed some of them
Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : Leftovers x2-3 (if you guys have)
Ability : any
Nature : any that would boost their main stats but if not just pick any natures xD
IV Spread: Rotom (high on Def,Sp atk, Sp def), Munchlax( High on def and atk), (high on atk and def),sneasel (high on atk and speed) the rest is up to you
Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : if you have spare
Egg Moves :head smash for Deino,Seed bomb for Shroomish
Offered Pokemon : Random pokemon on reborn city
Gender(Male or Female) :
Item :
Ability :
Nature :
IV Spread:
Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :
Egg Moves :
Online ID :Ven Enfield

hey its been a while and yes this is kinda long list I need these pokemon since I kinda lost these guys when I got my save data messed up, its fine if it took long since most of them are my reserve pokemon thanks again for the help~! 

Edited by Ven Enfield
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On 2/7/2017 at 2:16 PM, Ven Enfield said:

Requested Pokemon : Rotom,Gastly (If possible),Munchlax,Anorith,sneasel,deino,gible,axew,machop,shroomish.
Gender(Male or Female) : female if possible since I might breed some of them
Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : Leftovers x2-3 (if you guys have)
Ability : any
Nature : any that would boost their main stats but if not just pick any natures xD
IV Spread: Rotom (high on Def,Sp atk, Sp def), Munchlax( High on def and atk), (high on atk and def),sneasel (high on atk and speed) the rest is up to you
Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : if you have spare
Egg Moves :head smash for Deino,Seed bomb for Shroomish
Offered Pokemon : Random pokemon on reborn city
Gender(Male or Female) :
Item :
Ability :
Nature :
IV Spread:
Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :
Egg Moves :
Online ID :Ven Enfield

hey its been a while and yes this is kinda long list I need these pokemon since I kinda lost these guys when I got my save data messed up, its fine if it took long since most of them are my reserve pokemon thanks again for the help~! 


I can get you a Gible if you want it with Iron Head.

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11 hours ago, QualityGamingYT said:
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Requested Pokemon: Cyndaquil

Gender: Female

Item: Dawn Stone (if possible)

Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Modest

IV Spread:

Shininess: Normal

Egg moves: Extrasensory



Offered Pokemon: Froakie

Gender(Male or Female): Male

Item: None

Ability: Protean.

Nature: Quiet

IV Spread: 19/5/29/24/2/22

Shininess: Normal

Egg moves: None.



Also, can I request a TM move with it?

Sure, if its an available  TM, I have it :D Btw I have a shiny one but it's male and Quiet. I also have a Bold female that I can trade you with an heart scale


8 hours ago, Ven Enfield said:

Requested Pokemon : Rotom,Gastly (If possible),Munchlax,Anorith,sneasel,deino,gible,axew,machop,shroomish.
Gender(Male or Female) : female if possible since I might breed some of them
Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : Leftovers x2-3 (if you guys have)
Ability : any
Nature : any that would boost their main stats but if not just pick any natures xD
IV Spread: Rotom (high on Def,Sp atk, Sp def), Munchlax( High on def and atk), (high on atk and def),sneasel (high on atk and speed) the rest is up to you
Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : if you have spare
Egg Moves :head smash for Deino,Seed bomb for Shroomish
Offered Pokemon : Random pokemon on reborn city
Gender(Male or Female) :
Item :
Ability :
Nature :
IV Spread:
Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :
Egg Moves :
Online ID :Ven Enfield

hey its been a while and yes this is kinda long list I need these pokemon since I kinda lost these guys when I got my save data messed up, its fine if it took long since most of them are my reserve pokemon thanks again for the help~! 


I have all of them :D and shinies ;) also the items! Btw would you prefer a female or a shiny one?

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On 2/7/2017 at 10:52 PM, luis said:

Sure, if its an available  TM, I have it :D Btw I have a shiny one but it's male and Quiet. I also have a Bold female that I can trade you with an heart scale



I have all of them :D and shinies ;) also the items! Btw would you prefer a female or a shiny one?


Sure that's great I'll take the female!

I can always change the nature at 7th street.

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On 2/8/2017 at 1:52 AM, luis said:

Sure, if its an available  TM, I have it :D Btw I have a shiny one but it's male and Quiet. I also have a Bold female that I can trade you with an heart scale



I have all of them :D and shinies ;) also the items! Btw would you prefer a female or a shiny one?

Shiny would be a lot better I can breed the female on my own anyways xD pm me if you are ready tho

Edited by Ven Enfield
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Requested Pokemon : Budew

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : -

Ability : Natural Cure

Nature : Any

IV Spread: High on Sp Def, Sp Attack, Speed and HP

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Any

Egg Moves : Extrasensory
Offered Pokemon : Ralts (Got a box full of them so wynaut? xD)

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item : Heart Scale

Ability : Trace

Nature : Docile

IV Spread: 5x 31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Skill Swap


ID: LivingNightmareTNB

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Just now, Zetsumei said:
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Requested Pokemon : Budew

Gender(Male or Female) : Male

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : -

Ability : Natural Cure

Nature : Any

IV Spread: High on Sp Def, Sp Attack, Speed and HP

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Any

Egg Moves : Extrasensory
Offered Pokemon : Ralts (Got a box full of them so wynaut? xD)

Gender(Male or Female) : Female

Item : Heart Scale

Ability : Trace

Nature : Docile

IV Spread: 5x 31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal

Egg Moves : Skill Swap


ID: LivingNightmareTNB

do you want a budew so you can breed a good roselia from my previous request to you ? xD 

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Requested Pokemon :Abra

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Shiny Stone

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Ice Punch,Fire Puunch


Offered Pokemon :Vulpix

Gender(Male or Female) :Female

Item :-

Ability :Drought

Nature :Sassy

IV Spread: 31/31/31/31/xx/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Heat wave,Extrasenssory


Online ID :Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Machop

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Dusk Stone

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Rolling Kick, Heavy Slam


Offered Pokemon :Rhyhorn

Gender(Male or Female) :Female

Item :Oval Stone

Ability :Reckless

Nature :Serious

IV Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Thunder Fang,Crunch


Online ID :Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Magikarp

Gender(Male or Female) :-

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Danw Stone

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Shiny

Egg Moves :-


Offered Pokemon :Helioptile

Gender(Male or Female) :Female

Item :-

Ability :Dry skin

Nature :Impish

IV Spread: 31/31/xx/31/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :-


Online ID :Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Eevee

Gender(Male or Female) :-

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Shiny Stone

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :_


Offered Pokemon :Fletching

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :Oval Stone

Ability :Big Pecks

Nature :Brave

IV Spread: 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :-


Online ID :Ariel15


Requested Pokemon :Munchlax

Gender(Male or Female) :-

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :Dusk Stone

Ability :-

Nature :-

IV Spread:-

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :-


Offered Pokemon :Cacnea

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :-

Ability :Sand veil

Nature :Bold

IV Spread: 31/31/xx/31/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Nastly Spot


Online ID :Ariel15


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Requested Pokemon :Smeargle

Gender(Male or Female) :-

Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) :-

Ability :Moody

Nature : Timid

IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : -

Egg Moves :-


Offered Pokemon :Trecko

Gender(Male or Female) :Male

Item :Focus Sash

Ability :Overgrow

Nature :Brave

IV Spread: 31/31/31/31/31/25

Shininess(Normal or Shiny) :Normal

Egg Moves :Synthesis


Online ID : hope4896



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