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S2 Redemption League Leader Reveals


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Which one is worse; Redemption Leaders revealing themselves or Redemption Leaders bringing their fight from Showdown to the forums?


5 hours ago, RLDR Duncan said:



G'DAY EVRYONE, MOI NAME'S DUNCAN N' THIS'ERE IS MOI KREWKUHDOIL. I 'ave lotsa hobbies inclewdin diggin', archeoligy, invadin' personul spayces, and breakin tha fouhth woll. Noew on ta tha mohr seerius stuff. I used ta be a shy lad, but after I left me oldies' flat, I cayme out uv me shell, n' now these blokes I call me cobbers can't get rid of me. Woil my primary focus is in archeoligy, I olso enjoyed detective wurk as yung'un as well. OH n' befohr yew go n' insult moi choice in "vernacular" and "vocabulary" thehr's an app foer that.




N' noew for stoory toim.

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I was on tha playground wan day, hangin owt with sahm friends aftah school and wotchin them as they begann ta play baskitboll. I uve corse had no intrest in this sort of thing, so I noticed a wee patch uv dirt ovah neah tha cohrnah of the grounddy. Moy friend then came ovah to ahproach me, as if he wonted me ta join em.

Friend: " Hey, wanna play some hoops?"

He said grinning like a shot fox, as I then proseeded to dig arownd in tha grownd for rawks, hopin' ta foind a magnificent piece to take back to me flat. Then I looked baeck at him, smoiled, end picked up a euge rawk that olmost looked loik Quartz. I picked it ahp and showed him slowly.

Duncan: "Ya see this 'ere? This is tha sort of thing I live fohr. I doen't know why, but these have olways intreeged me."

My friend looked at me loik I was sum sorta drongo, end he wasn't even shore what it was. I hended it to'im as he begann to shuffle it 'round in his hands and looked at it curiusly as if he wonted to lehrn a little mohre abowt it.

Friend: "So, what is it? And why is it stopping you from playing with us again?"

I glaired at him, mad as a cut snake, as if I olmost wanted to knawk his jimmies awf. How cud he not know wot this is? This magniffy gem of a find, no pun intended uv'corse, cud be the vehry thing we oll need in owah loives. I begann to think to moyself and reelized that I needed to simmah dohwn. I then turned ta him and looked him in the oiye as I put moy hand on his shouldah.

Duncan: "Ya see, friend, thehr's a reasin I can't play with any uv you roit now, and I'm very soary for thaet."

He di'int undahstaend, he looked at me ol stonkered like...

Friend: "Why is that?"

I di'int ushly think this way, but I just had to tell 'im...

Duncan: "Quartz before Courtz."



I think watched enough of Crocodile Hunter to be able to understand those THICC Australian Accent. I just hope he only bring the Australian Salt Water Crocodile and not certain flying scorpion or levitating lizard with bug-like wings or poisonous THICC lizard or angry looking desert shark or a desert mole with steel mohawk or some man-like large totem giant.

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15 minutes ago, Nagisa_Hideyoshi said:

I think watched enough of Crocodile Hunter to be able to understand those THICC Australian Accent. I just hope he only bring the Australian Salt Water Crocodile and not certain flying scorpion or levitating lizard with bug-like wings or poisonous THICC lizard or angry looking desert shark or a desert mole with steel mohawk or some man-like large totem giant.

Your giving him ideas already

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This reveal is really going to speak for itself, seeing as it's the one everyone seems to have been waiting for.

Tonight we're going to follow through on our promise, and open up so many different options for you later brackets, and this leader sure deserved her spot last season...

Please welcome possibly the sexiest woman alive the most mysterious woman alive, Venus! And let's not forget her gorgeous new ace, Salazzle ~ 



"If looks could kill, Venus would be the last living thing. No strangers to strangers, Venus has made quite a name for herself in battling and...more unspeakable affairs. Shrouded in mystery and perfume, Venus is not to be underestimated. Around her is a scent of danger and with her extreme senses, she opens up many possibilities around her...in more ways than one. The real question is: Who or what is she really after...?" 

This message brought to you by Bazaro:

Bazaro - Today at 8:29 PM
never openly say she's a harlot
or an assassin

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Hmm... this means we pretty much have only 5 more gym leaders to be revealed.  (Somewhat spoiler-ish, but mostly theorizing and whatnot about the final five reveals.)


So... from the silhouettes, the returning leaders seem to be Festus(B6) from the obvious Aegislash-shaped figure in the top-left, Oliver(B6) from the silhouette slightly to the left of Haley, and likely Lilly(B5) from the silhouette on the top-right of Helen. Unless Axel(B5) and Erwin(B3) got a complete redesign with their sprites ala Lucifer* or Edgar**, then we'll likely have 2 new leaders and 3 returning ones. I'd imagine that Bracket 6 will be structured again with Festus, Oliver, and either Lilly or the new Fire-type leader. Bracket 5 will probably have Venus, the new Bug-type leader, and either Lilly or the new Fire-type leader. Though if the new Bug-type leader manages to be extremely strong, I could see them making it to B6.


*Needed, as it it looked too much like a palette-swap of Eusine with a weird hair.

**Extremely necessary, as Edgar's old sprite was based off Juan's GBA-styled 64x64 sprite with fewer colors than how the rest of the leaders were based off DS-styled 80x80 sprites. Clashed too hard with other leaders.


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Heyo scrubs, mostly just people like Bibs, but anyways I'm here again, obviously!

It's late for most of us, but what does that matter, am I right? <3

Anyways, today we begin our next reveal for B5, coming near our ending here we have...

Erwin! And his ace, Scolipede!



"Despite having little success with his dream of being a famous comedian, Erwin persists and meets every failure with a laugh and a smile. While people have always been put off by his sense of humor, Erwin has never lacked for companions as bug type Pokemon have been drawn to him since his childhood. He joined the Redemption league out of a desire to repay his companions and prove to everyone the resilience of the friends who've stuck by him throughout his life."

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