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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Suites (Travel Phase)


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Mitsurugi simply stared down at her lap. Rather ironic, really, for a god to be struck with disbelief. Is this really happening right now? Is this just some sort of dream? I have some sort of busty fairy insisting that I need to find myself a nighttime companion. It has been a rather long time. . . After a long, awkward while of this, Mitsurugi spoke without moving her head. "I still don't see how this will fix my lack of worshippers. I am not a god of courtship or fertility."

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"Maybe it's time for a career change. Or a change of pace. And anyway, I mean, you have the looks of a goddess. I'm sure if you find a nice world, do a few miracles, be a hero, save a few kids from dungeons, you'll end up worshipped like one. Hell, I don't even think you need to do that much. Apparently there's some islands back where I'm from where I'm apparently a goddess of fertility because I showed up once or twice and gave a guy or two advice on how to date their neighbours. The usual advice; talk to her, be her friend, be confident, wait for her to make the first move, don't make her feel pressured, that kinda stuff.


Which is odd, because I always bring protection. 


Anyway, yeah, you do need to get out there and reaaaaally get yourself known. Getting laid is just another perk of the job. Like it is for mine."

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"I suppose making myself known is a good idea." The goddess seemed to be calming down a bit, though each mention of sex caused a fresh blush. "I had trouble garnering worshippers through most of my life, despite doing my best to help humans. I'm not sure if it's even possible for me to build up another base of worshippers. Especially without changing who and what I am."

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Empi suddenly has a pair of glasses and a clipboard with one of those clicking pens. She clicks the pen, twirling it in her hand.

"Soooooo.....what kinda stuff did your people THINK you did as a disaster goddess? Did you, like, bring disaster? Inadvertently cause it? Fucked so hard you literally felt the earth move? I can see that last one; aside the whole 'sad over the death of your whole world' thing, you're kinda hot and you're a goddess, so it was PROBABLY mindblowing."

Edited by ElfCollaborator
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Empi received a looooong shocked stare, along with Mitsurugi turning quite red again. After a few moments of this, Mitsurugi still wondering if she'd gone mad at some point and hadn't noticed, she finally spoke. "Have you no shame whatsoever? I hold domain over natural disasters; I can cause, or ward them off, at will. Though there must always be a balance; I am a part of nature, not its emperor." At this point, she was largely trying to ignore Empi's explicit statements, in the interest of letting the conversation continue. The woman also had a point. . .

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Empi scribbles a few things down on her clipboard, continuing as if she were simply talking about the weather.

"Soooo.....throw an earthquake at people here, save a few people from a tsunami there, that kinda deal? Ah. Aaaaaand I'm led to believe that you guys are appaaaaarently going around to save the multiverse from something- the acoustics of this place are really good, didya notice?  And the whole balance thing? Wow. It's like you're a Jedi or something. Only way hotter. Yep, definitely hotter.


I mean, I'm probably not the best person to tell you this. I work in dating and maaaaaybe a little bit on the bedroom end too- that's mainly the Succubi, those lucky bastards- buuuuut I think I have a solution.


Basically, all you gotta do is be a hero! You know, come in all swashbuckling and beating the bad guys up, that kinda thing?  Then, we start these rumours about you, that you're a goddess, sent from another world to save this one. I mean, it's technically true, so we're not lying and it's not ACTUALLY a rumour. Also, your natural charisma and the whole goddess power thing's going to come and help you a long way. So come in, act all mysterious, kick ass and take names, we do a little spin work and the natives of the place'll think, "is this a goddess?"  And boom! Instant worshippers! I mean obviously we're going to have to get a few special effects people in and of course there's that atheism thing that's spreading now- maaaaan, my boss is having the time of HER life trying to get people to not call the crazy house every time we show up to our next client- buuuut I think if we get a few people believing you're a goddess- as opposed to just some superpowerful Japanese supermodel alien person- and we get word around, we MIGHT just be able to get you followers.


I mean, it's no substitute for having your people back and DEFINITELY not one for having a world of your own believing in you, but who says heroism doesn't pay back, huh? Also, I bet people would be JUMPING at the chance to, ahem, spend a night with the goddess, so it'll do wonders for your love life!"

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"That . . . actually may work. I still do not believe that I need to 'get laid'" - not that she would admit out loud, anyway - "as you say, but defending humans and informing them of just who is doing so should work." She wondered if it were possible for her to incarnate across worlds. She had always been able to appear where her worshipers called, but this business of traveling between universes was new to her. 

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"Well, if you can get one so easy, why don't you show me? You're such an expert, maybe you could teach me a few things about it. And besides, it'd help you take your mind off things; you know, just two girls, out on the town, trawling bars and having a great time.


Not saying you should do it now, but think about it. I mean, even goddesses of dead worlds need a break sometimes, right? And, like I said, you REAAAAALLY need to get laid."

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"I understand that it's your job, but you're rather too insistent on that. . ." Mitsurugi shook her head. "Why are you so open about this, anyway? Where I am from, a lady is expected to keep such thoughts between herself and her husband. Or, at the very least, very close friends." Mitsurugi herself hadn't quite followed that rule, but then again it was made by and intended for humans; immortal beings had a bit more leeway when it came to marriage - or a lack thereof.

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"Well, you might as well be. You have a people problem, you haven't gotten laid in possibly years, you're lonely and you think you might just be a little crazy because you're talking to a busty fairy telling you to get laid. I'd say you fill all the criteria except being an actual client!"

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Ghost opened her eyes slowly, head still cushioned by the pillow and sheets under her. Her mind was fog, There was little she could recall about the surgery, and even less about how the Orc had known where to drop her off in the end... eh, well it's not like Tama wasn't there for the whole thing. The ex-god had probably taken care of most things while she was busy suffering from the hellfire that had become her hands.


Speaking of which... odd. They didn't feel quite so excruciating as before. infact... she barely noticed them at all anymore.... the woman. The ivory skin, the fangs, the eyes like emeralds... 


Her... the spider. So, it had not been a dream then.


Ghost tried to shift herself upright- only to find... something covering her. Looking down, she realized...


it was a silk quilt. 


No dream indeed. Her mind still boggled at it all. She felt the cocktail of drugs take hold again, and soon, down she went, on the pillow once more- the pillow from where? the sheets, from where? there had been none of this earlier... the revived bed had little more than a frame and a clean mattress, last she had slept on it. unless....


but why? 


"Yet another favor you owe me..." the words struck in her mind like a peel of thunder. That was why. 


No bother. No point thinking more. Sleep... sleep called once again.


And she embraced it almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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The Following part does not involve shipping or blasphemous crafting and is thus boring. You have been warned...

Solomon wandered the nobles quarters on his book throne, opening each and every unlocked door to try and find the room he had claimed earlier.

He saw many boring things on his search for the bookish room that I will not describe here.

He also saw a sleeping Ghost from afar, but he quickly decided against waking up the person murderous enough to want Molly style razorgirl claws and closed the door behind him as softly as possible.


Relevant to your characters

You might have seen some pretentious guy in gold everything sitting on a floating throne made out of books randomly open and close doors while shaking his head at it's contents, this is after that guy stared at a floating book for like....twenty minutes with an odd look on his face.

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  • 1 year later...

Gabriel, for his part, is lounging about near the outside of the suites, taking a moment to breathe, looking around for the only other person in the whole place he knew. Out of dozens of people from countless worlds and a dizzying amount of madness, Perlita was the sole thing he recognised, and so he stuck with her.


Perlita, he saw (or at least thought) wasn't doing too well, but Gabriel wasn't too good himself. Now that the adrenaline and the shock and the wonder had worn off, he was feeling rather.....lost. This place was so utterly, radically different from back home; Shadows were easy to deal with in comparison. At least there, they had friends, people they knew, people they could trust. Gabriel missed them already;  Malachi, Diane, the rest. Back home, he knew where they stood. 




Here was unknown territory; the territory of dragons, uncharted waters, terra nova and the only person he could brave it with was his best friend.

"....hope she's around here somewhere."

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Gabriel would be in luck -- Perlita had initially wandered around looking for somewhere to sit down, but had found that this particular area of bedrooms in the castle didn't... actually seem to have much left, and that there were only a couple of rooms that had enough things to really be complete. Perlita wasn't willing to actually take up one of those rooms from other people, so instead she found herself in one of the empty rooms, somewhat grouchily sitting in one of the edges of the room where stone floor met wall. This wasn't exactly comfortable, but Perlita didn't really know if she had any other choices or not, so she was going to try to eke whatever relaxation she could out of isolating herself for a little while. After all, with everything from earlier having worn off, Perlita found herself pretty damn exhausted, both mentally and physically. Sure she had gone into otherworldly locales regularly back in Roswell, but they were always jaunts of just a few hours, with a bed waiting for at home, despite everything else that waited for her at home too. Being out in an unknown and scary place for days... that was something new, and very tiring.


Worse, she really wasn't getting much in the way of rest either, this wasn't working. This would lead to how Gabriel could find Perlita -- the room she was in had the door open just a crack, and if Gabriel listened closely enough he could hear Perlita muttering discontentedly in Spanish.

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Perlita Diaz


Gabriel would see Perlita with her knees brought up to her chest, and her arms loosely wrapped around her legs. She wasn’t crying or anything — but she certainly did look somewhat disconsolate, glancing down at the floor until Gabriel spoke to her, at which point she looked at him. She was silent for a few moments, before she sighed and shrugged her shoulders slowly. ”Yeah, I guess. I... ufff... Gabriel, I just, I didn’t expect this world to be like this. I mean, the others were way more familiar obviously, but they definitely weren’t as horrible as that. And I, I’m not sure if I’m, like, equipped to handle that, it was never like this back home except when I got swept up in everything at first, even if it could be hard. I mean, at least I’m not alone, that would be like ten times worse, but... you know.” She blew out a breath. ”Um. Yeah.”

Isobel Low (and LOTUS)

At the Shoor Farm, Isobel let out a dissatisfied “hmmmm” as she looked over her handiwork: She had spent the last couple of hours humming to herself, planting seeds, replacing dirt, watering, and generally making sure the plants were taken care of. The seeds that she were planting were those of her poppies, and since they were seeds from her plants from her world, they grew in a matter of hours, carefully engineered over the centuries. Unfortunately though, it didn’t seem that they were guaranteed for quality — the poppies she had created were small, with the parts of the flowers that held tricordrazine being rather shriveled-looking.


Not privy to her thought process, LOTUS commented idly: ”You know, I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen a botanist actually work for an extended period of time like this. Usually something has gone down by the period a botanist is driven to download a pAI.”


Isobel sighed. ”Well, unfortunately you’re not seeing the best I have to offer here. I think that defaulting to my usual rhythms here was a mistake — I don’t have my usual supercharged nutrients, and the potency of the plant suffered for it, since these plants are designed for quick growth with everything they need slotted in and engineered.”


LOTUS made a low noise of his own. ”Are you going to be able use these for healing purposes, then?”


Isobel shook her head. ”No, these aren’t going to be acceptable. One or two turned out well enough for me to slightly replenish my own stocks, but I don’t think that these will suffice for being handed out like I wanted.”

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Tromping around and asking around didn't likely do Rory a lot of good; there weren't actually many people in the castle for its size, and at least two of the people in this wing were closed in a room. However, just by walking around the very hungry faunus would eventually come across a room repurposed as a farm, dirt and various plants around it. Standing on one side of that room, Rory would see, was a human woman (curvy in figure, wearing a blue and green jumpsuit with a blue apron and mostly-green bandana over brown hair and a freckled face) currently hard at work, and standing by some nut plants. She was, presently, frowning to herself, even as she used her hatchet to grind seeds and nuts into dust, which she was placing into a ground mixture in front of her. Judging from her muttering, though, ("Ah, damn, I guess I really did get dependent on the Nanotrasen supplies...") it wasn't going too well.


As absorbed in her work as she was, Isobel didn't notice that Rory had entered until a low voice coming from a tablet in her apron pocket informed her that "Isobel, to your right. New person." She, subsequently, turned and saw Rory, adjusting her bandana as she took him in before speaking.


"Oh, hello there. Can I help you? ...ah, how recently did you appear? Should I explain things?"

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Rory shakes his head as he walks in. His tongue flicks out in slight annoyance before he catches himself. Of course the human would think that he's clueless... After catching and scolding himself he speaks. "I got here a little while ago but your self proclaimed "Hellfire Knight" explained things to me. But the reason I'm here is because she did say you could help me with something." He folds his arms and cringes before bowing. "Please give me food, I haven't eaten all day and I'm getting really hungry."

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"Um, hmm, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the 'Hellfire Knight'. But, uh --there's no need to bow or anything-- yeah, I think I can figure something out food-wise. I see two options for that, both of which are going to be plants. There are some plants around here like corn and rice that I didn't plant, and can't vouch for the quality of, and a few pieces of fruit that I have in my bag. There's not that much of the latter, but they should be good! I pride myself in my botanical skills, heh heh." Isobel points out the sack of rice and sack of corn in the farm area, and then pulls a beautifully red apple from a carefully padded and sectioned green bag by her hip (in contrast to the larger, brown one by her other side), spinning it around as an example.

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Rory reaches out to grab the apple. "I mean, if you're the only one with any skills for procuring food beyond rats here I'd say you should just plant what you can grow since you can't really afford not too. But what do I know, I'm a hunter not a farmer."

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