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[IC] TotMV:G2: Servant's Quarters (Travel Phase)


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Marisa let out a string of expletives that didn't sound like they were actually intended for human vocal cords - or ears, for that matter - intermixed with more mundane ones as she dove for cover and threw up a barrier of raw mana for herself to hide behind. She poked her head out after the dust settled (somewhat redundantly as the barrier vanished as she did so) to observe the damage. "Um. Okay. Uh. That wasn't what I was going for. So. Two questions. One: are you still Lexiel or did I just accidentally kill an angel and substitute her with someone entirely different? And two: what the hell actually just happened? That feedback loop should have caused the enchantment to spring back into place at worst. . ."

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Melina felt a comms crystal ringing. Wyvis, huh? About time he got back to her - she was gettin' worried!

"Melina, how do you stabilise a mana pool?" Wyvis' usually cheery voice was quite strained.


"Mana pool - Visrii - he's hurt - hurry!"

Melina took a sharp breath. "You mean Reuvin?!" Melina started to run out the common room, into a foreign corridor. In a hurry, she didn't quite see where she was going.

"We're not supposed to use that name - quick!"

"Ah, just pump aquia in the foundations till it holds - where are yah?"

"Down in a hall. I don't have the layouts, Melina - it's most likely too time-consuming to locate; okay, done preliminaries."

Melina clenched her fists, feeling helpless at the fact that her friend was dying just a few clicks over and all she could do was to talk. "Cast a clerical spell, an' keep his physical form at rest."


"Check his pulse. If it's weak, switch to sustenance and just keep him alive till this part's over."

After a tense pause, Melina got an answer. "...it's strong. I must thank you deeply, Melina."
Melina's legs seemed to give out, heart dropping in relief. Melina laughed. "Jus' next drinkin' game you pay up, huh?"

"Anything, Melina. As long as we're all alive back in Stravaga."


Melina put the comms crystal back, heart still pumping. She'll have to ask what had happened later... for now, all she could do was sit around and talk.

Melina felt a white pulse of mana coming from a nearby room, and a shining light. She turned around at the shining light, and saw some kind of winged figure at its epicenter. It had a strange shimmer of familiarity? Though Melina couldn't quite pin down from where had this sensibility come from. It must simply be deja vu, really. But Melina still felt compelled to meet this strange splinter group.

"Well, ain't this somethin'?" Melina muttered as she approached this new figure, who seemed dazed at her own swearing, and a couple others who were surrounding her. "Huh...may be a lil bad time, but hey, haven't seen y'all before. Names' Melina of Runeim."

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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Edmond picked himself off the ground. Everyone, it seemed, was alive. It wasn't obvious what the outcome had been yet, though Lexiel seemed to already be...different. Marisa's question was one that needed to be answered. But...is it really a question that possibly-not-Lexiel can answer, or would choose to answer if she wasn't Lexiel? There have to be better ways of checking... Edmond, of course, didn't have any methods. He floated back to his feet, and turned to see an apparent newcomer. He gave a brief nod, and said, "I'm Edmond Cooper, nice to meet you," before turning back to the figure of hopefully Lexiel.

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8 hours ago, rustytengo said:

"Umm....nothing really i was just refilling cartridges up.  I used up a lot of them on the last....mission i guess you could call it that." Bridgett replied.  "And what is your name." Mornings Arrow chimed in again as Bridgett finished.

Mot would have turned to face the large emanation of holy magic, but to be brutally honest that would have been rude, and it was obviously not some magical tram or bus ride to heaven.

And so Mot did what he does best and tried to add a measure of calm to a potentially chaotic and often terrifying situation by putting on his most calming tone of voice and saying "The name is Mot, Michael Mot, it is nice to meet you Bridgett, and you too Morning Arrow. What did you mean by 'cartridges' anyway?".

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"I think I'm still Lexiel?" The angel says uncertainly, "I remember the same things.  Or I think I do.  If my memories are different is there any way for me to know, since I'm basing my judgement on those memories?  Perhaps there's a way to view them and run them through an image analysis program...  I need a very large, clear chunk of crystal, six kilos of conductive metal, some form heat-resistant gloves, and an indeterminate amount of time.  Oh, and also an image analysis program.  Maybe that homocidal construct from the Arcology mission has one!"

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Marisa looked at her flatly. "Do you remember shipping me off to jail for summoning demons in self-defense?" she asked rather pointedly. Partially to cover the fact that she had no real idea of what Lexiel was talking about, being a native of, and having mostly visited, relatively low-tech worlds.

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"Image analysis program? How detailed does it need to be? In any case, conductive metal will be easy to find, the same with the heat resistant gloves. Hmm...in fact, I know someone--Alexandria--who might have an image analysis program, or be able to equip my s--." Edmond cut himself short as Marisa began to speak. Though they had already been able to work together under extenuating circumstances, this would be the point that decided what course their nonessential relationship would take: complete friendship over shared hardships? Simple friendly acceptance of each other? Mutual distaste but not hatred, or would it be disgust?

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"You do remember you were surrounded by demon-summoning Rakdos cultists?"  Lexiel points out to Marisa, "Who were mostly dressed similarly to you, and not attacking you?  Well, not by Rakdos cultist standards.  And how your servants tried to maul an officer who admittedly was being a little rougher than he needed to be, but can you really blame him after trying to suppress that fracas?  Because if you don't remember it that way maybe something is going wrong with my memories."


Laver would notice that while Lexiel's knots were not dislodged further by her explosive transformation, they did shift around.  He can now see a single knot, far darker than the rest, connected to the others by sickly, black strands, so tight they are humming.  Were this knot to be dealt with, the others would probably loosen and start to break down on their own.

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Laver gets up, rested.


"I don't know about you, but I am itching to test out my new Accord, Witch's Brew!"


He draws his Heartstrung sword, instead of a hose, this time it has a belt wrapped around it's pullies, and that belt is covered in heavy sacks, stuffed to the brim with magical reagents, pentagrams, starbursts, and magic swirls dance off of the new Accord.


"With this accord, I think I'll really be able to help you with at least one of your knots. since I can get Marisa's Help with it now."


"It looks so cool!"


He admires the physically manifested Heartstring.

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"Generally when someone points that sort of magic at me I duck first and ask if he's going to blow me up or just arrest me later. And, uh, if that's how you define 'not attacking,' then sure. I actually tried to yell something along the lines of 'I'm not an insane demon worshipping orgy maniac' but I guess those perfect angels couldn't hear me. Anyway. Not the point. I believe we were trying to stop you from blowing up any more cities?" Marisa offered Lexiel a sickeningly sweet smile - which might have actually looked pleasant despite its total lack of authenticity. It faded to a more neutral expression before lighting up a bit more naturally at Laver's new possession. "That came from me? That does actually look pretty interesting."

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"Yeah, I think it gives me some kind of mana pool, or something, like a pool I can draw from instead of just a power I can call on, if that makes sense."


"It also seems to have a few spells built in, like one that summons up chains, and a fire blast."


"I'm going to get a lot of use out of this Accord, I can tell you right now!"


"And I know exactly what I want to test it on."


He points his sword right at the Knot that has caught his eye, one that seems to be empowering a lot of other knots.

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16 hours ago, Cronos5010 said:

Mot would have turned to face the large emanation of holy magic, but to be brutally honest that would have been rude, and it was obviously not some magical tram or bus ride to heaven.

And so Mot did what he does best and tried to add a measure of calm to a potentially chaotic and often terrifying situation by putting on his most calming tone of voice and saying "The name is Mot, Michael Mot, it is nice to meet you Bridgett, and you too Morning Arrow. What did you mean by 'cartridges' anyway?".

Bridgett perked up a bit after the large explosion of magic happened. Though when Mot asked her the question she looked back at him a bit embarrassed.  "Well a Cartridge is well this." She said as she held up what looks like a bullet casing with no bullet. (I f Mot can feel magic he would feel magic from it.) "I store some magic in them and then i can use then to give my spells more power if needed. It has helped a lot i think anyways. Though there are some strong people here as well." she said with most of her blush fading . 


"My Lady has done quite well." Mornings Arrow chimed in once more causing Bridgett smile. "Thank you. You have done quite well to.' Bridgett replied happily

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Laver and Marisa burst out of Lexiel's headspace to a shower of unravelling knots!  They're not gone, but they are fading and getting smaller.  While inside her head, they helped her get over the guilt of surviving an explosion that killed her adoptive father, the trapped feelings and distrust associated with being screwed over by Tezzeret the Seeker for almost ten years, the massive inferiority complex spawned by her feeling completely inadequete as an Archangel, and the depression borne of losing every fight she's been in before the Trespassers plot in an epic cage match with the Warlord of Africa, Humbler of God Programs himself, the mighty Doomfist!


Once beaten, Doomfist asked Marisa and Laver to look after "his successor", presumably Lexiel, since he wouldn't be able to do that anymore.  This has left Laver with a lot to think about, since he's never seen a knot that wasn't a horrible, twisted abomination before.  He also got a rather nifty Accord that lets him summon a squad of Boros legionaries as an ultimate, and punch people to make their attacks take longer to cool down.

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Marisa pops back, and immediately flops onto the floor, leaning back against one wall. "Okay, we need to have a heart to heart here in a second, but right now I'm pretty sure your emotional issues made me bleed internally." She leans her head back as well, nearly popping her hat off of her head. 

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"As easy as rocket science!"


Laver says with a facade of bravado, looking on with a blossoming happiness at seeing Lexiel's heart beginning to heal.


His new Accord looks pretty snazzy too, as he holds up his heartstrung sword, the words written along it's cable shine through.

“See the world, not as it is, but as it could be.”


He promptly uses it to bap Marisa on the head, healing her up to the best of his ability.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Lexiel considers this, and then she amps her aura to the max, sending waves of music and healing magic over Marisa and Laver.  "Urza's bones!  You look like you got stomped by an Indrik!  What happened in there?  And how the heck did you hear that?  ...Oh.  Huh.  You pulled Winston's cheesy line out of my head?"



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"Cut out some fear, re-set some freedoms, stimed some bleeding, and killed a Knot that called itself Doomfist inside your heart."


"All in all, a simple procedure, mam, no alcohol or strenuous emotion for 3-8 weeks and you should be in very good shape."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Doomfist?  Why would he-  Huh," Lexiel muses, "I think that's given me a lot to think about.  I'm not sure I feel different, but considering how many huge changes I've been through recently I really don't have a control group to compare it to.  No alcohol should be fine though; the stuff doesn't do anything for me.  But no strenuous emotions might be hard considering the circumstances.  I might be freer than I was, but that doesn't mean I can stomach sitting on the sidelines.  I'll do my best to keep 'em positive when they come, though."

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"That's better, thanks. I think my ribcage is still gonna ache for weeks over that, though. . ." She pops up almost as if lifted, however, readjusting her hat as she does so. "Anyway. I got punched over and over by that Doomfist guy and uh, saw a few instances from your past. At this point I should probably apologize for assuming you were just another angel with a stick up her ass. So. Yeah. There's that." She looks down a bit, and kicks her heels somewhat childishly.


"I'm also sorry for blowing you up a little bit ago. I really don't know that happened, really."

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"The most important thing is that you try to understand your feelings, why you are feeling them, and how you feel about those feelings."


"Repressing negative emotion causes problems, it usually does not solve them."


"You won't be alone in the recovery phase though, certainly.  Myself and the others will be more than willing to help you with any relapses or backslides, where possible."




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"I wouldn't worry about it too much, Marisa.  We both made some assumptions about each other when we first met that, in hindsight, were lacking in perspective.  Also, I am really, really sorry for consigning you to the Azorius.  Before you freed me, I couldn't consider another course of action," Lexiel smiles slightly, doing her best to mend bridges, "And no, I suppose I'm not going at it alone any longer, am I?"

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"Well. Yeah, that's fair. While I'm at it I should probably apologize for any demons that may have tried to chew on your face or the faces of any of their coworkers. I did just tell them to protect me, you know." She sighs. "And while I'm still in pain and not thinking quite straight: it's a lot of effort to hold grudges and I've got spells to memorize." She unfolds her arms, and offers a hand to Lexiel. "This isn't forbidden by some Azorius law, is it?" Marisa asks the question with a slight smile. "Honestly, I'm pretty sure it's technically illegal to breathe on Ravnica."

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"But I choose to follow the law that makes it illegal to not breathe," Lexiel replies, taking Marisa's hand, "If you dig deep enough into Ravnican legal code, you can justify anything short of another Experiment: Kraj.  I've never seen lawmages work so fast as when they closed that  loophole."

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"Alright." She gives Lexiel's hand a firm shake or three, then disengages and claps her hands together. "Alright, what's next? More story time? Me hurriedly explaining that I'm not actually a soulless puppet? More explosions? I'm going to be hanging around for a little while longer, mostly because I planned on resting up from my previous excursion and ended up both almost frying myself by channeling too much mana and suffering a large amount of blunt trauma to my, well, everything. So."

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