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[IC] TotMV:G2: Throne Hall (Travel Phase)


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A massive set of three rooms, and the scene of the party's main intrusion. An entrance hall leads to an antechamber which leads to the throne room and the controls for the castle tank; the antechamber has been converted into a Heartless manufactory, which was recently dismantled by the party.


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Your character may only occupy one IC thread at a time. You must make a post clearly indicating that you are leaving the area this thread governs to move to another.

Post clearly that you are entering this area as well; one of these posts should be made for every active character during the travel phase.

During travel time IC, characters cannot move between areas. When there is a stop, characters may move.

Before posting in ANY IC thread, characters must be approved by the GM. 

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Anyone in the hall now would notice a vending machine in it, and a Massive ruined streak of floor leading to the Servant's Quarters.    Where an input to insert inputs would be on a normal Vendor, this one has a hologram of a 3 eyed alien with red eyes and a wide brimmed hat.


"Hey Buy somethin' will ya!?"


The Holographic voice automatically demands when someone walks close enough.


Inside the Vending machine, instead of candy bars and snacks, there are only Glocks, SMGs, and strange Ammunition Packs, all of them the exact same brand and name.


"Ultracorp Brand Ammo Pack"

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Aurora had settled in the rafters of the entrance hall, eyes fixed on the strange, manic square that yelled at whatever moved past it. What it wanted, she didn't know and didn't care, what it offered, she didn't really pay much attention to that either. Just another one of the strange beings that had emerged from the woodwork- in fact, at this point she had literally lost count of all them, and it certainly didn't help that some were just far too similar to others in her eyes as well.

     She kept weaving, as she watched the manic box and it's thus far ineffective sales pitch. The beginnings of a web were already visible as their strands glinted every now and again between some of the rafters...

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((OOC: I will put Gary's thoughts in Italics so they are obvious))

Gary, after wondering the... castle... for a while, comes upon a room that seems to be emptier than the others. peaking inside, Gary was startled to see a giant spider, larger than the ones he was used to.

"Well, my guess would be it's friendly being that it is here and hasn't been attacked by the others... just in case, I should have my sword at the ready.... and maybe something as a gift of peace?" Gary thought to himself as he frantically searched his inventory for something, only to find the 20 steak, chisels, shield, and bag of enderpearls he had before leaving his house. "Maybe it eats meat... worth a shot..."  *get's steak ready in opposite hand to sword*  



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The spider's eyes immediately focused on the voice down below... before cocking her head in utter confusion at what she's even seeing. It vaguely resembled a man, but looked as if it's entire body was assembled from...cubes, of all things? She'd never seen a man made of...cubes. Cubes made of men perhaps, bloody, dripping viscera and rotting. Yes, yes, that Sorceress had certainly made for a bizarre encounter, but never the other way 'round.

     Still though. She sees the steak in his hand, and the weapon brandished in the other... it was cute, how the thing presumed a sword would do much of anything. Cute and typical. But regardless, curiosity got the best of her in the end, as she slowly descended down towards the floor of the hall. She made no overt moves, but eyed the steak all the while.


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This truly was different than anything Gary had ever experienced. He knew spiders could climb walls, but he had never seen one actually make web to descend from above; the webs he had seen were always old and the spiders never created them (If they had, he wouldn't have had to kill them to get the silk). Another difference Gary noticed was the spider did not seem aggravated; on the contrary, it seemed interested in him... this came to no surprise, as he had gotten similar looks from the others when they first saw him. "I noticed you were alone in here and wanted to know if you needed any company," Gary said as he held the steak, now in his main hand (sword switched to offhand). Though he hadn't thought about it until that moment, what he just said was probably the truth; on the assumption the spider was friendly.

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"I noticed you were alone in here and wanted to know if you needed any company,"




Skepticism, clear as day in her eyes as she holds her distance. Even as she sees him switch the hand of his blade- years of observing countless different warriors and the minute details of their technique as they charge at her only to all meet the same futile fate having left her well versed enough to know from his grip that it would handle far less effectively. But still, even with the obvious display of vulnerability, she does not move.

      Why would this thing care if she was alone? She was always alone, in some way, had always been alone. Even when she couldn't remember a lick of anything beyond the darkness of the Castle Dour and its waterways, she still knew, she knew that even then, and long before then, solitude was what she'd grown to know best. Solitude was always what she inevitably returned too. Why, she didn't know. Perhaps in the past, yes, but the present was a far different beast, as was she. 


But something guides her hand regardless, not to the Cube-man's throat, or whatever served as its equivalent, but towards the offering in his hand. Something scattered and wilted, something precious, something stolen. Something she can not name, that nevertheless feels it as much apart of her as the constant pangs of hunger in her gut. Something that somehow reminds her of the way things were before... despite there being not a shred of the relevant memory left for her to be reminded with...



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It was now obvious to Gary that the spider-like mob was friendly, but suspicious of his sword; on which he took action to immediately put it away. "Sorry about the sword. Spiders where I come from are usually trying to kill me... some of them even have skeletons riding on their backs. I'm Gary. Fell free to take a few Steak... I have plenty"

another idea came to Gary's mind: this was the only other being he had come across who was vastly different than the rest of them.. as far as he could tell that is. though still containing an appearance similar to his, this one contrasted from the rest as it... or, she? was also half spider. similar to him, as his blocky appearance was a definite contrast to the more detailed versions. "May I stay here a while? I find it hard to deal with the loudness and confusion of the others... I have spent my entire existence alone... though that has only been five days, all of this sudden change has me really out of it..."

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She stares a bit longer, but upon the blade being put completely away and more foodstuffs offered, the spider's eyes glint with mysterious light. The only other thing that is in here to keep her from again falling into seclusion is the annoying metal box that shouts at people, and it's more of a spectacle to gawk at and question its purpose for existing, than anything else. And aside from the Lung Dragon, the White One, and the Eccentric Fleshie, the Cube Man is the only one who's bothered to say anything to her...


And he had food, plenty of it... not that she was lacking in it, certainly not at this point- but you could never have too much stashed away or stockpiled for emergency... starvation taught it's own valuable lessons. Even if her mind didn't actively recall the act of actually slowly wasting away looking for food, her body did.




her voice comes out as little more than a hoarse whisper, a hiss, the slightest hint of a Mezzo range present before she winces, snarling at the burning in her throat, which interestingly enough seems to cause no further aggravation than there already is. She steps away from the Cube Man, slowly rising back into the rafters on invisible threads. Her eyes can still be seen glinting in the darkness however, even from so high up.

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Her answer concerned him some, as it seemed the word she spoke hurt her throat. "Thank you. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with."

Gary was still fascinated by the spider woman's ability to climb up webs; a trait not found in spiders in his universe. "Well, I guess I can fool around with these a bit," Gary said as he took out his bag of chiseled bits and chisels.

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Gary was continuing to fool with the chiseled bits when he smelled the smoke coming from near the entrance to the room. upon turning around, he noticed the translucent blue mob standing in front of the smoking box.

"Excuse me, but is that suppose to be smoking like that? It smells terrible!"

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"Wait, Smoke?!"

The Machine Rumbles around, before toppling over, a hatch opening in the back as an alien looking fellow leaps out.


He scrambles away before the entire thing explodes, scattering teeny tiny metal fragments all over the ground.


"My Guns!"


The Odd individual kneels, weeping at the scorch mark that used to be a perfectly good illegal gun vendor.


One would notice his outfit, a strange All Black Outfit with gold trim,  a Cowboy hat atop it all, and a Lantern on a Stick Tied to his back, glowing a spooky Purple.



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The ship rumbled, with the engines groaning audibly but not deafeningly as they had previously, announcing the hodgepodge craft's arrival at their first destination. A familiar voice crackled to life over an unseen intercom. "Cid here. Once this piece of shit stops moving you should be good to walk around. Mostly. None of the nasty stuff from between worlds likes to hang around. Just remember to get back into one of the safe zones before you launch again." It was now time for those going to explore - and possibly save - this world to leave while the rest moved on; the group would be back once their missions were complete.


(You are now free to move between zones, or leave on a subplot. However, please only make ONE move.)


". . .now, if my intuition is right, the center of the castle should be somewhere around- Knew it! Alright, this seems like pretty standard castle fare, big tapestries, decorative armor . . . the room with the glowy magic thing is new though . . . what kind of magic is that, anyway. . . ?"


Marisa arrives in the Throne Hall.

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Marisa glances behind her, and very nearly jumps out of her skin. Very soon, she's clutching one of her grimoires to her side and has one hand outstretched toward Argent. She maintains this pose for a moment before letting the arm drop, though she still looks rather leery of the half-demon. "Oh, right. There was that demon that wasn't a demon around here. Uh, hi."

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 "You're not the same kind of being, otherwise you would have probably tried to kill or enslave me on sight, for one. Unless you're manipulating everyone here, which I'm still not convinced of." She silently wished she'd taken the time to learn from a cleric or two; bindings were a lot harder to do on a demon already in the world, since part of it was a sort of deal where the demon agreed to do what you said in exchange for you anchoring it to the material world. 

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Gary had not realized these two other beings had entered the room, as he had been too busy making fun designs with the chisels. when he finally heard them, he spun around. to see the two arguing, as the ship began to slow. 


"I wonder what is going on out there" he said to himself under his breath as he left the room.


Gary Left the Room

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(Ok so a littlteee racist I guess....better than last time.)

argent gets a phycic message from eon.

(Greattttt another voice in my head)

(Well, you heard him. Be ready for summoning)

(Can't I just leave the castle like a normal adventurer?)

(Guess not)

Soon argent is summoned to protect world hiroki's world

Edited by Endlessblaze
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Kyle enters the Throne Hall.

Upon entering he immediately makes a beeline for the controls. He doesn't sit down in the controls or even touch them. Accidentally hitting the parking break of a castle isn’t exactly his idea of fun or acceptable after all, he's just trying to figure out how to set a course for home after everyone leaves.

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Psymund is poofed away to Shadowrun.


Mar arrives in the Throne hall,  He searches for someone who knows how to pilot the ship.


"Do any here know the method by which this castle is piloted? I would request that, if there are no objections, we go to a place with heavy vegetation and life until our allies have completed their trials among the worlds we have passed."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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"Heavy vegetation and wildlife?" Marisa perks up at the suggestion, spinning on a heel to face Mar. "If you're looking for a good spot to put this thing, I think I have a world in mind. They're used to old salvaged tech so this shouldn't throw them too badly - I saw a guy walking around with a rocket hammer once - and it's definitely got plenty of life. Problem is, the wildlife might be, um, a little TOO much? 


How do you feel about giant wyverns?"

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