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Who watches the Overwatch?: A series of community 6vs6 matches!


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Hi everyone!


In light of that Overwatch has become a bit more prominent since the holidays, and the Discord server for Reborn having an Overwatch channel now, I decided it may be fun to host a bunch of gaming sessions so we can play with-- and against each other!

The idea is that these matches will be held on the PC version of Overwatch, considering it's the most accessible version to a lot of people. During the weekends, we'll round up people who are interested in playing a few rounds, and hopefully gather enough people so we can do 6vs6!


But of course, there's a few requirements that you'll need in order to be able to participate without any problems:

  • You need to have the PC version of Overwatch.
  • It's preferrable if you're verified on the Discord server. It's not required as you can communicate on Overwatch though voice/text chat, but it lets you participate in the voice calls on discord, making things a bit easier altogether.
  • Most matches will be held from around 2 PM EST during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday). If there's no one to host, it'll be mentioned in the chat (but of course you can still play together if you want.) 
    • Length of the time played depends on how many people want to keep playing too, but if you want to play, make sure to be online around that time. You can join in later too, but it's easier to set up early.
    • If there's not enough people to do 6vs6 but enough to create a group with, we can hop onto quick play as well.
    • Alternatively, the open spots in matches can be filled by AI characters.


Since we all want to have fun, there's a few rules too:

  • Most important out of all of them: Don't be disrespectful towards your team members or the other players in the game! These matches are for fun, it's only a game, and not intended to get salty about.
  • If someone's not doing very well as a certain character, ask them kindly to switch. Don't be rude about it.
  • To make things fair, teams and members will be switched around after each round.
  • Both teams will play both on attack and defense on one map once before switching maps.

Share your battle tag here, and what region you usually use to play on! Depending on where most people are from and how stable their internet is, we'll play on either the US or EU server. Note that you'll have to add friends again depending on the region servers you're playing on, so you'd have to add the same person on both US and EU if you want them to be on your friends list on both.


So yes! If you're interested, drop your Battletag here and drop by at the Overwatch channel on the Reborn discord channel. Hopefully we'll be able to get a few games in during this weekend as well, to kick this off nicely.


If anything's unclear, feel free to ask me questions here in the topic or on the discord channel.


(PS: For convenience's sake, my battletag is Honnojis#2574 and I usually play on EU. My internet is pretty stable so I'm capable of playing on US as well, although I highly prefer playing on EU.)

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I'm gonna kick some ass and chew some gum and I'm all outta gum.

Battletag: ShadowRoxas#11912 | I typically prefer the NA servers but I'll hop over to the EU server from time to time if I'm playing with some EU peeps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Veterans

hey remember this topic


lemme revive it


I want to bring this back! how many people would we be able to round up for a 6vs6 at some point in the next week or so? Like... friday/saturday/sunday next week sometime? You'll need discord for it as we'll host the voice call on there, but before we make it an actual thing, I just need an estimate of people who would be willing to join in during that weekend.


Best thing would be if we got at least 10 players so we can do 5v5 at the very least, but if we can gather up more that'd be fantastic!

so yeah lemme know if you'd be willing and have time to join in during next weekend! i'll pin a time if we go through with it.



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  • Veterans

Forgot to mention it here as well, but we'll be playing on Saturday April 15th at 2PM EST! If you want to join in, make sure you've got a PC version of overwatch, and are in the Reborn discord channel.


Hope to see you guys there!

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  • 3 months later...
  • Support Squad

Hey guys, reviving this topic for a purpose, rather than make a brand new one that pretty much just reiterates everything Zumi said in the OP. I want to host a tournament during the weekend in light of Doomfist being released to the public. The tournament would be in the same time slot and have the same rules as Zumi outlined because, really, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Same flexibility as before too, if we don't get enough players we can do 3v3s or just hop into quick play or the different arcade modes. We can decide on the day.


So, who's interested? To be clear, it'll be a tournament on Saturday the 29th of JULY JULY JULY at 2pm EST.

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  • 5 years later...

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