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Revolver's Custom Battle thread! (vs Zinnia is up!)


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Revolver's custom battle thread!


With Ame making the PBS files a public file(which means allowing us to modifying the game as we wish. Thanks, Ame~), I've decided to make a series of Reborn videos consisting of custom battles that I made in Pokemon Reborn, taking on the legacy of DashingStorm's custom battle thread.


And now, it's finally here! My very own custom battle thread!


In this thread, you can find a couple of custom battles that I've made so far(including the very recent and infamous one because it involves memez...), and will be updated with more and more custom battles, made by modifying Reborn.



Q: I... don't get it. What is this thread all about?
A: This is a thread where I post my customly made battles, made by editing Pokémon Reborn!


Q: Oh, wait, isn't that illegal?
A: Well... Ame made the PBS files of Reborn public, and there has already been a custom battle thread before(see above), so no.


Q: Oooh! Can you teach me how to make one? I want to make one by myself!
A: Unfortunately, no. According to this PSA, and if it applies to RMXP as well, you aren't allowed to ask on how to use and how to teach someone on using RMXP to make a custom battles. I've learned on making this by myself, and you should be able learn how to do it the same way I learn it.


Q: Wait, so this is a showoff thread? You're an attention whore, aren't you? >:(
A: Nop. I don't seek popularity or a million views on my YT channel. I make these just for fun.


Q: Can I request my own custom battle?
A: Sure! Just make sure your request doesn't break any of the rules, and I'll try to make it if it looks interesting enough.


Q: Would you do the custom battles on newer Reborn episodes when they're out?
A: Depends on whether Ame gives out the PBS files or not.


Q: Ugh, what's the point of watching custom battles when I can't even play it?
A: Guess what: Once I've made enough custom battles, I'll be uploading a playable version of the custom battles, named 'Pokemon Reborn Custom', for you guys to experience by yourself! Yay!



-I will take on the custom battle using my main team and rotation from my Reborn savegame.
-Which, by the way, means that I won't do custom battles of two different trainers pitted againts each other. That would be double the work, and it isn't fun. So yeah, sorry if I can't make a 'Red vs Cynthia' a thing.
-I don't do custom battles againts self inserts of you guys. If you want a battle, just go ahead and use that built in Multiplayer, then fite me.
-Character has to be a canonical character from either the canon games or the fangames in this forums.(So no, no shitty OCs, please.)
-All Custom Battles will be using full teams whenever possible.
-All Custom Battles Trainer's Pokemon are at Level Cap - 2, while their aces will be at level cap.
-All Custom Battles has both me and the opponent limited into three full restores, also, I won't opt into switching mon when opponent is about to send out another mon to play fair.
-No fakemons, custom moves or custom fields
-All Custom Battles Pokemons have a semi competitive moveset, items, and has perfect IV and are fully EV trained.
-All Custom Battles has the same AI level of a Gym Leader.
-If the battle is literally impossible to happen under logical circumstances (i.e Blake and Cal teaming up despite them being enemies, or a team up of Red and a Missingno), the battle will start out from a debug mode's test battle instead, meaning that there won't be any events leading to the battle. 
-Rules can be broken if the custom battle is a joke battle(for example, Robbie Rotten and his lv100 banana peel, which already broke three rules at once.)

(btw, if any of you have one, can anyone give me the PBS files of Rejuvenation or Desolation? I promise that I won't use it to break it in any form or way, and as you can see here, I'll only use them to make custom battles in their respective games.) 


So yeah, enjoy the show!

I: vs Lingering Hope Aire (My Rejuvenation Self)


"Alright, give me everything that you got!" 

Old Version with lower AI value.



II: vs Sinnoh Champion Cynthia (From DPP)


"What are you?"

Old version with lower AI value




III: vs Villain Robbie Rotten (wha?)






IV-1: vs Elite Ranger Sena (From Desolation)


"Hah! Excellent! Let's get this started, shall we?"




IV-2: vs Desolated Dream Sora (My Desolation Self)

"Don't disappoint me, will you?"




V: vs Lorekeeper Zinnia (From ORAS)


"This is it!!"




Custom Battle V Extra: THE LOLNOPE ROUTE




Future Custom Battles List(is unstable, so expect some sudden changes!)


Sceduled(Already planned, ordered, but no precise dates because my life is unstable)
VI: Me and My Rejuvenation Team vs Melia and Venam (From Rejuvenation)

VII: vs Faithful Servant Angie (From Rejuvenation)

VIII: vs Eternal Gratitude Wally (From ORAS)

IX: vs Idol Scarlett (From Desolation)

To be confirmed a.k.a Ideas(May or may not happen)
vs King N (From BW/B2W2)
vs Passerby Boy Silver (From HGSS)
vs Hoenn Champion Steven (From ORAS)
Me and Melia vs Geara and Zetta (From Rejuvenation)
Me and My Desolation Team vs Terra and Robbie Rotten
vs Gambler Commander (From Reborn Hardcore)

vs Traveler Shiv (From Desolation)
vs Elite Ranger Sena (From Desolation)
vs Retarded Rocket Grunts Jessie and James (From da Anime) (Suggested by JoJoDeath)
vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (From DPP) (Suggested by WujiKyurem)



All elements of Pokemon Reborn belongs to Amethyst, except for the custom events and sprites I made for these hack battle. I also do not own the music used in this custom battle, and they belong to their respective owners.

Oh, Pokemon Rejuvenation, Reborn Hardcore and Desolation belongs to Jan, Commander and Caz as well.

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6 hours ago, JoJoDeath said:

Seems like a cool idea! I'd love to see a battle against Team Rocket's Jessy and James(+Meowth) if possible. Would be funny to watch, especially seeing how they can be "blown away" after the battle.

Idea accepted! I almost forgot that they exist O.o.

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eey! Custom Battle IV is up boiz! Grad your popcorns and enjoy!

IV-1: vs Elite Ranger Sena (From Desolation)


"Hah! Excellent! Let's get this started, shall we?

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IV-2: vs Desolated Dream Sora (My Desolation Self)

"Don't disappoint me, will you?"

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Yeah, yeah, don't need to point out anything here. It's two custom battles in one go. Originally I was going to only make a fight againts my Desolation self, but Desolation Episode 4 is right around the corner, and Sena got an awesome battle theme, so I thought that a two custom battles at one go would be a great idea. Both custom battles relate to each other, so watch both!

Also comes with a very stupid but lolzy ending!

Edited by Revolver
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Updated with Custom Battle V: vs Zinnia! Featuring too much spotlight for Delphox, a level 95 Rayquaza that is supposed to belong to Techie John, lots of shitty annotations, and an entire lore of Draconids in text form!

V: vs Lorekeeper Zinnia (From ORAS)


"This is it!!"

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Custom Battle V Extra: THE LOLNOPE ROUTE

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Revolver, It's an awsome project you are working on, and expect many more custom battles in future which will be appreciated by people!


But now, down to business, can you do a custom battle with Dr. Doofinsmirtz (from the Phineas and Ferb Franchise). I can build a suitable team for him as well....If you want.

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