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Anyone else here play Duelyst?


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Duelyst is a fast-paced hybrid of turn-based strategy and tcg gameplay, wherein your "hero" (aka General) is actually a unit on the board, like the king in chess, except infinitely more useful. Each faction has a default general, and an alternate one that can be unlocked with a different hero power, or "bloodborn spell" as duelyst calls it. A general can use their BBS for 1 mana from the 3rd turn, and then every other turn after that. the first player starts with 2 cores, and the second player starts with three and better access to the "mana spring" tiles, which grant an additional core for that turn. generals have 2 attack and counterattack when hit, so 2 health is the new 1 health. minions can be summoned adjacent to any unit you control, and spells can be cast as their text dictates. There are also "equipment" cards, that last until your general gets damaged three times. There are six factions:


Lyonar: Lions, Paladins, Provoke (like taunt except in every adjacent square), healing, self-buffs. Priest+Paladin, but no shadow, debuffs, or stealing.

General Options:

Argeon Highmane: BBS: give +2 attack to a nearby minion

Zir'an Sunforge: BBS: Heal a friendly minion for 2



Songhai: Ninjas, Spell synergy, ranged minions, backstab (bonus damage+no counterattack if you attack "from behind"). The unholy lovechild of burn mage and miracle rogue.

General Options:

Kaelos Xaan: BBS: teleport a minion 2 spaces

Reva Eventide: BBS: summon a 1/1 with ranged


Vetruvian: Sand, Dervishes, Equipment, blast (hitting everything in a line) Being Bad. Pre-Gadgetzan priest+weapon rogue, with no stealing except MC and all of the developer hate

General Options:

Zirix Starstrider: summon a 2/2 in a random nearby space 

Scioness Sajj: Your general deals double damage to minions this turn


Magmar: Green dinos, dinos that get bigger, dinos that can come back when killed, and sometimes card draw/burn. shaman x druid, with hints of warlock. 

General Options:

Vaath the Immortal: gain +1 general attack

Starhorn the Seeker: both players draw a card


Abyssian: the "evil" faction. Two archetypes: Swarm and Creep. swarm generates tons of 1/1s and then uses cards that trigger when other things die, creep spreads squares of creep across the board and then auto-wins the lategame. Kinda like warlock, but not really like any hearthstone class.

General Options:

Lilith Blightchaser: BBS: summon two 1/1 wraithlings in random nearby spaces

Cassyva Soulreaver: BBS: deal 1 damage to a minion. if it dies, turn the space under it into shadow creep


Vanar: Nords, wolves, ice, ice spirit ("vespyr") synergy, walls, positional bonuses, nobody having fun ever. the control archtype. lacks an in-faction wincon.

Faie Bloodwing: BBS: deal 2 damage to the enemy general and any enemies in the same column as them

Kara Winterblade: BBS: any minion you summon this turn gains +1/+1. used to be "minions in your hand get +1/+1, but got nerfed. ;-;.


Overall, it's a fun game, but very stimulating, due to the bright colors and strategic depth. My favorite archetypes are Shadow Creep Cassyva, Midrange Vaath, and Mech Starhorn. "mech" is a neutral tribe where 5 of the seven mechs have an opening gambit that reads "mechaz0r progress +20%". summon five and you summon mechaz0r, which is ranged, immune to spells, and hits everything nearby it when it attacks. It's a little like exodia that way.


so yeah, now that I've drowned you in information, what do y'all think? My old acc was died to an email acc that got deleted, so now I'm amiableMorticianRE




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Yup, Duelyst is quite fun, though I don't think it has as interesting gameplay as something like Hearthstone or MTG. 

I've started playing it a few times, but I always stop playing it after playing intensely for a week or so because I get burned out on it. The game provides you with two daily quests that you need to play around 8 games to complete, this nets you around 80-90 gold for one hour of gameplay.

My main gripe with the game is that this is way too slow, and the time investment to card acquisition ratio is too low (though if you have the time to play every day it's in fact a faster gold acquisition rate than Hearthstone). Thus because I lack the time to dedicate to the game, I often find myself quoting, once the luster of the gameplay wears off.


Now, this is not too say that the game isn't fun, because it is. But at the same time, the meta-game is quite stagnant, with much of the ladder being dominated by 2 decks at the moment, Vanar and Magmar as these two decks outcompete all other decks in terms of power, means that while super fun decks exist in the game, they're never encountered on Ladder because they're too weak. 




But the pixel art is quite gorgeous... So there's that

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I used to play but eventually got too frustrated with Abyssian decks.


I mainly play Vanar and I find it near impossible to do anything without being absolutely swarmed.


But I agree with Tartar, the pixel graphics are fantastic and they're a big reason why I even played since I'm a huge sucker for pixel graphics.

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16 hours ago, 5hift said:

I used to play but eventually got too frustrated with Abyssian decks.


I mainly play Vanar and I find it near impossible to do anything without being absolutely swarmed.


Rejoice then 5hift, in the current meta-game Abyssian is sub-par because they just got nerfed into the ground earlier this week, and Vanar is the dominant force that stomps everything else. 

Edited by Tartar
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