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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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Thank you so much! I just downloaded it and it seems to work fine, though I only tested it for a few minutes. I've been dreading reverting to Ep. 15 just to change the weather since I've been stuck on heavy rain for more than a month (Can't use Fire types).

For anyone wondering how, the download comes with a 'Scripts' file. Put it in place of the Scripts file in the Pokemon Reborn Data folder, though keep the old one just in case. 


Also I'm not sure what you mean by the other things.


It includes the option to get any starter [...]


I'll pass on getting multiple starters, assuming that's what you mean; Having a Snivy, Torchic, and a Froakie at the start of the game seems a bit OP to me.


[...] and to use TMXs out of battle by just having the TM and the badge, without actually teaching that move to any pokemon.


Do you mean using, say, Strength outside of battle even if my Pokemon doesn't know it? That would be a real time saver.


Thanks again!

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  On 2/1/2017 at 1:31 PM, BluePaw said:

Thank you so much! I just downloaded it and it seems to work fine, though I only tested it for a few minutes. I've been dreading reverting to Ep. 15 just to change the weather since I've been stuck on heavy rain for more than a month (Can't use Fire types).

For anyone wondering how, the download comes with a 'Scripts' file. Put it in place of the Scripts file in the Pokemon Reborn Data folder, though keep the old one just in case. 


Also I'm not sure what you mean by the other things.

I'll pass on getting multiple starters, assuming that's what you mean; Having a Snivy, Torchic, and a Froakie at the start of the game seems a bit OP to me.

Do you mean using, say, Strength outside of battle even if my Pokemon doesn't know it? That would be a real time saver.


Thanks again!


Those two extra features are other mods he worked on, but didn't remove the code for.  Unless I'm remembering wrong, the starter part involves  choosing any normal (non-legendary/mythical) Reborn-available Pokemon, but I haven't actually used that mod before (since it only works in the starter room).  That's exactly what the TMX mod does, from what I remember, and is the base mod for it all.

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  On 2/1/2017 at 1:48 PM, seki108 said:

Those two extra features are other mods he worked on, but didn't remove the code for.  Unless I'm remembering wrong, the starter part involves  choosing any normal (non-legendary/mythical) Reborn-available Pokemon, but I haven't actually used that mod before (since it only works in the starter room).  That's exactly what the TMX mod does, from what I remember, and is the base mod for it all.


Correct :)

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  On 2/1/2017 at 6:21 PM, BluePaw said:

Ah I see. That adds an interesting element to the game, being able to pick any non-legend Pokemon as your starter. I'll have to try it out sometime!


It gives two options, from which you can choose one (or none, if you prefer the normal starters):

>you can have a random starter, which is picked amongst those that the game recognizes as available and unevolved (I didn't write any list, the mod uses script functions that were already in the game to pick a random pokemon)




>you can manually select a starter using its pokedex ID; if you choose one that you would not normally be allowed to get in the game (detected using the previously mentioned script function), you'll get a warning.

The warning though will not stop the process: if you really want to go through and play with Arceus as a starter imho that's your business, but you won't be allowed to bring it online.

Edited by Waynolt
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  On 2/3/2017 at 6:21 PM, 0ddman said:

May I ask how does the Weather mod works. I downloaded it, but I kept the old script data in case I mess something up. I don't know exactly what to do cause I want to use the mod.


Just use the "select weather" option in the added Pokegear app.  ;)

If instead you're asking what it does:
It allows the game to randomize and record the planned weathers for the week like it would normally, then when the game tries to read the plan it goes "you know what, it actually says it should be X weather here", where X is your choice.

In more technical terms: it lets the game define the weather array, but then overwrites its element that the game is trying to access (with a few simple lines put between the "read" and "use" portions of the original script).
When 5 days have passed and the weather week is rerolled, that changed variable is discarded and overwritten by the "normal" script.

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  On 2/4/2017 at 9:20 AM, arieltonc said:

Pretty nice, but how did you manage to do this?


As already written, the game plans the weathers for the week in advance, once at the start of every week.

This plan is an array (a list), with each element in it composed by two numbers: an ID for the weather type and a number indicating its strength.

This mod simply changes the planned weather for today in the area you're in.

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Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Since I'm on my very first playthrough, I didn't want to go on until E17 due to the weather being broken in my save. Your mod allows me to go on playing right now. I appreciate it so much, I'd even throw money at you for it, heh. Again, thanks!

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  On 2/9/2017 at 4:18 AM, PMDrax said:

So applying this mod won't damage my sav file in future episodes? Just want to get that damn eevee lol.


If E17 will keep the "re-plan every weather each week", it won't do any damage.

Else, the worst that could happen is that you'd have to advance the calendar 1 week before updating (advancing the calendar will reroll the planned weathers and overwrite the change this mod allowed you to make to the planned weathers).

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  On 2/13/2017 at 9:55 AM, GS BALL said:

Does using this mod, carry any risk for corrupting or breaking something, game-related?


I am again at a point that i should collect everything before progressing, so i need to get certain weather, in order to catch some pokemon...


There always is a risk in pretty much everything in life.

There is no reason for this to break anything though (that's as far as I know of course: this mod just changes the planned weather for today in the area you are in - and the game plans the week's weathers at the start of every week, so this change always gets overwritten in a week at most unless you messed with the calendar in the wrong way), and I did recently finish a full playthrough without encountering problems with a modded starter and using the weather selection.

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So I downloaded the mod, and moved the files.  The mod works in the sense that the weather visibly changes, however, the tree that block access to the eevee tunnel remains.  I've tried changing the weather to both forms of windy, entered and exited the house in the forest several times, entered and the exited the actual forest several times, and yet the tree remains.  Am I missing something?



LOL it also needs to be night.  My bad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can I ask how to use the mods?

Do I just leave them in the Reborn folder, or do I have to do something with the Game.ini file?

I'm on mac, and am not super tech savy for these things :/

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