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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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2 hours ago, Waynolt said:

True, but there's a big difference between "i don't think it will break" and "i have checked that". 😛

Personally i did add an itemfinder on the begging of the game and later on the itemfinder from the center was added to my bag without an issue.

( I only had one so they dont stuck up or anything ).

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The recent Wild Encounter rate mod seems extremely interesting to me. 

I have yet to try it in game, but the description makes it sound like something I would really like to implement in most games, especially one I've been working on on the side.


Hope I'm not being too forward when I ask if you'd be willing to share an explanation of how I could implement this into my own game? 
I'm just finding out about this modular package style and don't fully understand the .rb files and how they work with essentials yet. Is it something I can load up myself and learn about, like the old mods? Does this work with essentials v16, or is it something exclusive to 17 and up?


I appreciate any help and if you are willing to share let me know what credit you'd like to be listed, if any.


Thanks again, and keep up the good work!

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4 hours ago, MetrololAce said:

explanation of how I could implement this into my own game? 

I'm just finding out about this modular package style and don't fully understand the .rb files and how they work with essentials yet. Is it something I can load up myself and learn about, like the old mods? Does this work with essentials v16, or is it something exclusive to 17 and up?

.rb files are Ruby source files; they essentially "monkey patch" the game.

It won't work in Essentials or other fangames, mostly because they are not set to load these .rb files; what you can do, however, is copy the changes into their code: load the .rb file in a notepad, find the original functions in Essentials' source code, and copy the changes from the .rb file into Essentials' source code (I usually mark them with "#####MODDED").

4 hours ago, MetrololAce said:

I appreciate any help and if you are willing to share let me know what credit you'd like to be listed, if any.

I don't really care about being credited 😛

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9 hours ago, Flippodaster said:

Hello guys!

I have a problem with the "Set Weather" Mod. Since I installed this mod, the weather in online battles is always sunny, no matter if my opponent uses hail or another weather-move. Even if I remove the mod. Can anybody help me please? Thank you!

SetWeather only changes the planned weather for today in the area you are in - it shouldn't affect online battles, and the fact that the problem persists after removing the mod is evidence that it isn't the cause of your problem.
In any case, using the "reroll weather" option (or simply removing the mod and then moving the calendar a week forward) will overwrite any change made by the mod.

That said, I have no experience with online battles, sorry... have you tried asking here? http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/forum/70-online-errors/

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Hey, thanks for your answer! You were right, it had nothing to do with the weather mod. I traded some pokemon between my own save files from an older episode, and it seems that because of this the game took the Alolan Ninetales of my girlfriend for a normal Ninetales, which has Drought instead of Hail as it's ability xD But I think we fixed it now...

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6 hours ago, Anddy said:

Is it possible to use smogon's pokemon showdown stats boosted view ? I find it more clean

Yes, but you'll have to edit the code to reposition the boxes.

7 hours ago, Form said:

Hi, I'm fairly new to this and I'd like to know how the EvOverflow.rb Mod works? I don't feel as if I fully understand what the description says.

It lets you increase your mon's IV by training their EV: when a stat is fully EV trained, you get the option to reset its EV and, in exchange, increase its IV.
Friendship berries allow the reverse: trying to lower a stat that is already at 0 EV gives the option to reduce its IV instead.

It takes literally forever to fully IV train a mon, but that's intended - otherwise, it would risk making breeding pointless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I tried to add another mod component (the Typebattle icon) and it doesn't work. Did I do something wrong? I only have the Weather mod and the Speedbreed mod (although this isn't in the mods folder), so I don't think any other thing is the reason why it isn't working. I even waited a few minutes (even hours) just in case it was the same problem as when I tried to make the weather mod to work, but to no avail. Here's the screenshot:



Is there anything else I should've added in order for the battle icon mod to work? 

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56 minutes ago, BlueTowel said:

SWM - TypeBattleIcons.png


Needs the graphics to display.

Okay so I added that in and waited for about 10-15 minutes and nothing happened. I don't see the type symbol when I encounter Pokemon.

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27 minutes ago, Bella the Eevee ~ said:

Okay so I added that in and waited for about 10-15 minutes and nothing happened. I don't see the type symbol when I encounter Pokemon.

There's no need to wait: you only need to close and restart the game.

(You may also need to check it again tomorrow: there is an issue, that I'm not sure is caused by what, that seems to block the game from realizing that a new file was added to the Mods folder... I've never encountered it and was never able to investigate because it always fixed itself in a few hours, but it has nonetheless been reported a few times in the past.)

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Just now, Waynolt said:

There's no need to wait: you only need to close and restart the game.

(You may also need to check it again tomorrow: there is an issue, that I'm not sure is caused by what, that seems to block the game from realizing that a new file was added to the Mods folder... I've never encountered it and was never able to investigate because it always fixed itself in a few hours, but it has nonetheless been reported a few times in the past.)

Wait no, what I mean by waiting, I actually closed the game and waited for 10-15 minutes before reopening the game. But I'll check it again tomorrow.

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28 minutes ago, Bella the Eevee ~ said:

So it's been two days and after shutting off the game and reopening it, the Typebattle icon is not working.

Ok, then first of all let's make sure that the game is able to "see" the mod files... please put this into your Mods folder: aaa Check TypeBattleIcons.rb
It's a very simple script that will check if the game can see the .rb and the .png file of TypeBattleIcons at game start.
(It will state if each is either missing or found; if no message pops up at all when you start the game, then I'll send you the same file integrated into Scripts.rxdata - using which is slightly more complex, so I'd rather keep it as a second option).

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6 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

Ok, then first of all let's make sure that the game is able to "see" the mod files... please put this into your Mods folder: aaa Check TypeBattleIcons.rb
It's a very simple script that will check if the game can see the .rb and the .png file of TypeBattleIcons at game start.
(It will state if each is either missing or found; if no message pops up at all when you start the game, then I'll send you the same file integrated into Scripts.rxdata - using which is slightly more complex, so I'd rather keep it as a second option).

Okay, I followed your steps, and when I started the game, no message popped up. Just in case you need a screenshot, here is one. It just feels like what I'm doing is wrong and maybe showing you a picture might help things a bit, maybe? Tried to also use the item radar yesterday, but that didn't work. Hopefully, it will sooner or later.


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32 minutes ago, Bella the Eevee ~ said:

Okay, I followed your steps, and when I started the game, no message popped up. Just in case you need a screenshot, here is one. It just feels like what I'm doing is wrong and maybe showing you a picture might help things a bit, maybe? Tried to also use the item radar yesterday, but that didn't work. Hopefully, it will sooner or later.

Mmm... please try if moving the entire game folder somewhere else, out of the Downloads folder (for example, on your desktop), has any effect on the mods.

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18 minutes ago, Waynolt said:


Mmm... please try if moving the entire game folder somewhere else, out of the Downloads folder (for example, on your desktop), has any effect on the mods.

Oh! Thank you so much, it worked!


Will the Itemsradar work too? And if so, how do you make the arrow that shows any invisible item appear?


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6 minutes ago, Bella the Eevee ~ said:

Will the Itemsradar work too? And if so, how do you make the arrow that shows any invisible item appear?

Using the Item Finder item in your bag (if you have already received it) will toggle the radar on/off; when on, it will automatically place an icon (the standard one is indeed an arrow) over hidden items 🙂

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