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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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@WaynoltI'm currently having some issues with the EV overflow mod, where I am not being asked to raise/lower the IV, it just does it automatically.  It also has the issue where EVs properly overflow/underflow after increasing/reducing the IV.  For example, power items give 32 EVs now.  If I have 250 EVs in a stat, and use a power item to push it to the overflow cap, it causes me to increase the IV, but also overflow the extra 30 EVs.  I know this wasn't in the older versions of the SWM modpack, which would set the EVs to 0 (increase) or 20 (decrease) when an IV was modified.  Is there anyway to edit these values from the rb text file, or at least ask you to confirm lowering the IV with a friendship berry for people who don't play with the EV cap removal, and make it so the lowered IV only has 20 EVs in it again (so if you catch a Pokemon with a good Speed IV but want to use it for something like Trick Room it doesn't take 100+ Tomato Berries to reduce it to 0)?

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On 5/7/2022 at 3:11 PM, Katernin said:

PredictRelationshipValues isn't showing Ace's value, which does in fact exist.

I'm very upset at whomever named that variable.
It should show up now.

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1 hour ago, ShogokiX said:

Poor Waynolt being abused by evil variable names. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to find it?

Not too long luckily... ran a text search over the variables, looking for a name containing "ace", and it showed up in the few results.
Still though... that pun, "relaceshionship"... 😅

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5 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

Not too long luckily... ran a text search over the variables, looking for a name containing "ace", and it showed up in the few results.
Still though... that pun, "relaceshionship"... 😅

I see you're having a blastoise at this wobbuffet of bad puns XD


Sorry, couldn't resist....

  • Haha 1
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Hello, I need help with shared PC for e19.

I copied the mod file into the data/mods folder like I did up to e18.

The problem is that it doesn't generate a SharedPC.rxdata file in the save folder. So I can't manipulate it to do anything.

What am I doing wrong?


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9 minutes ago, MK87 said:

Hello, I need help with shared PC for e19.

I copied the mod file into the data/mods folder like I did up to e18.

The problem is that it doesn't generate a SharedPC.rxdata file in the save folder. So I can't manipulate it to do anything.

What am I doing wrong?


It's not there.
Instead of being in the save folder it's in the folder "Pokemon Shared PC", a game-agnostic sibling of the Reborn save folder.

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Having issues with shared pc.

Error log below:


Message: incompatible marshal file format (can't be read)
    format version 4.8 required; 0.0 given
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:15:in `load'
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:15:in `load'
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:15:in `block in swm_loadSharedBox'
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:14:in `open'
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:14:in `swm_loadSharedBox'
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:140:in `pbStartLoadScreen'
PokemonLoad:613:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartLoadScreen'
PokemonLoad:577:in `loop'
PokemonLoad:577:in `block in pbStartLoadScreen'
PokemonLoad:456:in `loop'
PokemonLoad:456:in `pbStartLoadScreen'
J:/Free Games/Pokémon Reborn E19.08b/Data/Mods/SWM - SharedPC.rb:139:in `pbStartLoadScreen'
Scene_Intro:87:in `closeSplash'
PBEvent:54:in `call'
PBEvent:54:in `block in trigger'
PBEvent:49:in `each'
PBEvent:49:in `trigger'
EventScene:708:in `update'
EventScene:612:in `main'
Scene_Intro:118:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Main:80:in `block in <main>'


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1 hour ago, IronyIsGood said:

Having issues with shared pc.

Error log below: [...]

Delete the shared box file (it's in the folder "Pokemon Shared PC", a game-agnostic sibling of the Reborn save folder).

Then load your most recent savegame (any recent savegame where you had accessed the PC at least once will be fine) and save the game.

Be careful - after deleting the shared box file, the next savegame you'll load will regenerate the box file using the contents of the last time it saw the shared box.

  • Thanks 1
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2 hours ago, A Pokemon Fan said:

does this modpack no longer have an actual mod to change the weather???


With the password system that came with EP19 there is no need for a weather mod any more.

Using the password "weathermod" will allow you to change the weather by using your PokéGear.

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