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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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13 minutes ago, TekNo said:

I just want the SharedPC.rb portion to work but nothing I try seems to do the trick. Thanks for the help but I guess I just can't do it for some reason. Can I create a Shared box PC with only the SharedPC.rxdata? 

No, you need SharedPC.rb
That file contains the code: it tells the game to save the contents of the shared box into SharedPC.rxdata, and it also tells the game to load those contents if SharedPC.rxdata exists.
SharedPC.rxdata doesn't actually do anything on its own.

To use SharedPC.rb in Reborn you only have to install it.
Anything else will be handled by the mod itself; you only have to mess with save files if one gets corrupted (like happened to you) or if you're trying to move mons from Reborn to another fangame (or vice versa).

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3 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

No, you need SharedPC.rb
That file contains the code: it tells the game to save the contents of the shared box into SharedPC.rxdata, and it also tells the game to load those contents if SharedPC.rxdata exists.
SharedPC.rxdata doesn't actually do anything on its own.

To use SharedPC.rb in Reborn you only have to install it.
Anything else will be handled by the mod itself; you only have to mess with save files if one gets corrupted (like happened to you) or if you're trying to move mons from Reborn to another fangame (or vice versa).

But if I can't even load a save file or start a new game with SharedPC.rb active then I don't see what I can do. Looks like i'm just S.O.L.

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24 minutes ago, TekNo said:

But if I can't even load a save file or start a new game with SharedPC.rb active then I don't see what I can do. Looks like i'm just S.O.L.

Unless it creates another invalid SharedPC.rxdata, then it should work fine from now on.
Did it create another invalid SharedPC.rxdata?

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On 2/1/2017 at 4:28 AM, Waynolt said:

This modpack is for Pokemon Reborn; if you're looking for a Rejuvenation-compatible version, you can find it here:


Also, some of the components in the modpack have additional settings that can be managed with this:



Download link: (v49 - updated 12/11/2018)



The above link will allow you to download a .zip archive.

Inside of that archive you will find a "Readme.pdf" explanatory file and a "Mods" folder.


To install, just drop the folder "Mods" into the folder "[Pokemon Reborn]\Data\"

(At the end you should have a "[Pokemon Reborn]\Data\Mods" folder with a bunch of files inside.)

(If playing on a Mac with Wineskin then, as @Tacos suggests in this thread, do all the modding in a Reborn folder outside of the wrapper and then make a new wrapper with that folder)

Every component is stand-alone, and can be used on its own.





Brief summary of each mod component


(Please remember to check and delete the components you do not want when you are installing this mod pack!)


  Reveal hidden contents

• "SWM - AAA": this component is a trap, and its purpose is to crash the game.
It only exists to force people to read this section. 😛


• "SWM - BagSortByType" adds a "sort by type" option when sorting the bag; alphabetical
sorting is still available.

(Thanks to @DreamblitzX for the help!)


• "SWM - ChooseStarter": while you are in the starter selection room, you can select your starter (as
if you wanted to give it an item) and use the "Change starter" option to randomize or choose
its species.

• "SWM - EvOverflow": if your mon's EV in any stat would go over 252, without breaking
the 510 overall limit, then you are offered the choice to improve its IV, at the cost of
resetting that EV.
If instead you use friendship berries at 0 EV you are offered the choice to reduce the IV.

• "SWM - ExpShareFullTeam": if you have at least 1 ExpShare in your bag and noone in the team is
holding one, then everybody in the team will share the battle exp (total exp gained is
unchanged: instead of 1 mon getting 60 exp from the battle, you will have 6 mons getting 10
exp each); only the mons who actually fought get Evs.
If you do not have an ExpShare in your bag (i.e. you haven't found it yet, or you gave it to
one of the mons in the PC) or if one of the mons in your team is holding it, then it will
behave as it does in the unmodded game.


• "SWM - FindInPC" lets you use the box options to find items, eggs, or mons in the PC.
(Leave the search field empty to find anything.)


• "SWM - InfiniteBackups" prevents the game from deleting the oldest backup saves.


• "SWM - ItemRadar" changes the ItemFinder so that, when activated, it stays on and marks hidden
items on the game map.
(Alternative graphics by @blackw : http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/&do=findComment&comment=808102
To use them, download the .png image attached to the linked post and use it to replace the mod's default "SWM - ItemRadar.png" file)


• "SWM - ItemsBan" forbids item usage in battle.


• "SWM - LearnEggMoves" lets the move relearner teach any egg move.


• "SWM - MiningForRich": while mining the wall won't collapse, but mining further costs
cumulatively more and more money (spent on materials to build a tunnel, of course :P ).


• "SWM - Mouse" simply enables the mouse in-game.
(Eh, I've always wanted to use "simply" to describe something this big 😄  )
(Thanks to @DreamblitzX for the help!)


• "SWM - MultiSelectPC" lets you move a group of mons in the PC: hold [CTRL] when
choosing "Move" to mark (or unmark) the mons you want to move, then select an empty
space to move them all or clear the selection.

(Alternative graphics by @blackw : http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/&do=findComment&comment=813369
To use them, download the .png image attached to the linked post and use it to replace the mod's default "SWM - MultiSelectPC.png" file)

• "SWM - NoTMXAnimations" hides the TM animations for using Cut, Strength, etc, out of battle.


• "SWM - NoTMXNeeded" makes it no longer necessary to teach TM moves (Cut, Strength, Fly, etc) to
your mons; just having the badge and the machine is enough to use them out of combat.

• "SWM - PickupQoL" alters the ability PickUp: items picked up are put directly in your bag, and
you are sent a message stating who picked what up.


• "SWM - PredictRelationshipValues" makes the move Psychic usable out of combat, and
using it lets you know each npc's relationship value.

• "SWM - SetWeather" adds new options in the Pokegear.
"Select Weather" allows you to directly choose the weather for today in the area you are in.
"Reroll weather week" resets the internal weather calendar of the game; useful if you got it
stuck by messing with the system date.

• "SWM - SharedPC" makes the last box in the PC shared amongst savegames: mons you put in it
will be there if you start a new game or load a different savegame.


• "SWM - ShowStatBoosts" shows each pokemon's stat stages in battle.

(Alternative graphics by @blackw : http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/&do=findComment&comment=805921
To use them, download the .png image attached to the linked post and use it to replace the mod's default "SWM - ShowStatBoosts.png" file)


• "SWM - TypeBattleIcons" shows each pokemon's type in battle.

• "SWM - UnrealTime" changes the game time from real time to simulated time, so that if you only
play in the evening you can still get to see morning events too.





Compatibility with other mods


Known incompatible mods:

  Reveal hidden contents

• None yet.
• The Follower Pokemon mod and the Sandbox Mode mod used to require a compatibility patch in E17, but in E18 it may no longer be the case.


Already compatible, no patch needed:

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• Any mod that doesn't add files to the Mods folder (and at the moment those that do add files should too all be compatible with SWM).
• Any mod that doesn't change the Scripts.rxdata file.





  Reveal hidden contents

• SetWeather now tries to prevent a crash by resetting the weather calendar before changing it.


• Added EvOverflow.

• ExpShareFullTeam now tries to show the Exp gained only once per defeated foe.


• UnrealTime's timescale can now be customized.


• Added FindInPC.

• Added MultiSelectPC.


• Added PredictRelationshipValues.

• The moves in NoTMXNeeded are now sorted alphabetically.


• ChooseStarter now also checks for the number of badges.


• Removed an unexpected break from NoTmxNeeded.

• Improved bitmaps' creation in ShowStatBoosts.


• LearnEggMoves now lists incense-bred moves too.


• ChooseStarter and NoTMXNeeded are no longer fused together.

• ChooseStarter now accepts partial names when looking for the chosen species.

• NoTMXNeeded's menu entries are now grouped together in a submenu.


• Added ShowStatBoosts.


• Mouse should no longer indirectly overwrite the speed-up key.


• Added a version check to every component of this modpack.


• Updated the modpack to E18.

• Added AAA.

• Added BagSortByType.

• Added Mouse.

• Removed EggPicking (a derivative of it is included in the unmodded E18).


• NoTMXNeeded is now compatible with another mod's option.

• Added MiningForRich.


• EggPicking got polished up a bit.


• Code improvement for ItemRadar.


• PickupQoL now also affects Honey Gather.


• Added InfiniteBackups, and changed SharedPC to accomodate its edits.

• Removed Insurgence (redundant, since another mod offers the same functionality).


• Added Insurgence.


• v29 was a lie.


• ExpShareFullTeam now accepts another mod's option.


• UnrealTime now includes an on-screen clock.


• Fixed interaction between EggPicking and the Follower Pokemon mod.



• Fixed a crash with ExpShareFullTeam when fighting double battles while having an incomplete party.


• Fixed a typo in EggPicking.
• ItemsBan accidentally banned pokeballs too.


• Slight code improvement for SharedPC, EggPicking, and ExpShareFullTeam.
• Added module ItemsBan


• Started changelog.








For previous Reborn episodes:


  Reveal hidden contents

Episode 17

• Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pemW487Qt9kMKQnxS4rhdjamnw0pjhAN/view?usp=sharing
• Compatibility patches: (install the mod, then SWM, then the patch)

  > Personthing's Follower mod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gov02z03QCcFKw42xhklxpO5vQNIm6Yw

  > DerxwnaKapsyla's Sandbox mod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jTyAkNqMHjuaU6qDMoB893z12ZNZmJK4


Episode 16

• Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4XiRtkwr4blLXdlX29BU3ZZQ0E



"SWM - EvOverflow": if your mon's EV in any stat would go over 252, without breaking the 510 overall limit, then you are offered the choice to improve its IV, at the cost of resetting that EV. If instead you use friendship berries at 0 EV you are offered the choice to reduce the IV.
May i know if this mod doesnt exist in E18?
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47 minutes ago, 2late2Apologize said:
"SWM - EvOverflow": if your mon's EV in any stat would go over 252, without breaking the 510 overall limit, then you are offered the choice to improve its IV, at the cost of resetting that EV. If instead you use friendship berries at 0 EV you are offered the choice to reduce the IV.
May i know if this mod doesnt exist in E18?

I think you are asking if the mod has been updated to Ep 18, which it has.  

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On 11/12/2018 at 7:23 PM, Waynolt said:

Unless it creates another invalid SharedPC.rxdata, then it should work fine from now on.
Did it create another invalid SharedPC.rxdata?

Ok I got it you should have clarified I was supposed to put back in the SharedPC.rb before starting those steps but I got it and it works now. I appreciate the help very much! 

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9 minutes ago, 2late2Apologize said:

But when i download the file, there isnt the file for "SWM - EvOverflow"

It's the 4th file inside the Mods folder inside the "SWM_modular_modpack_v49_E18.zip" archive you can get from the download link https://drive.google.com/file/d/19fajG-Cdt3q2nLipkvcI8UvN6-X3vxRX/view

1 hour ago, TekNo said:

you should have clarified I was supposed to put back in the SharedPC.rb before starting those steps

Oh, sorry. Glad you got it working now. ^^

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3 hours ago, Metadeth said:

I can't seem to draw daily lottos at the arcade after using the weather mod now, anyone else get this?

It works for me; also there isn't any way (afaik) that the weather can mess with the lotto.
What error are you getting?

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2 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

It works for me; also there isn't any way (afaik) that the weather can mess with the lotto.
What error are you getting?

It might have also been Aironfart's XP mod, but I figured this was more likely to be the culprit. The lady just keeps telling me that I already drew a ticket despite it being different days

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23 minutes ago, Metadeth said:

It might have also been Aironfart's XP mod, but I figured this was more likely to be the culprit. The lady just keeps telling me that I already drew a ticket despite it being different days

Then it is more probable to be because of the "SWM - UnrealTime" mod.
You see, that mod switches the game from real time to simulated time; on the one hand, this means that you can have in-game day (and day-time events) during real-time night-time.
On the other, it also means that starting the game every day just to try the lotto won't advance the game time, which means that it's always the same day in-game.

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3 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

Then it is more probable to be because of the "SWM - UnrealTime" mod.
You see, that mod switches the game from real time to simulated time; on the one hand, this means that you can have in-game day (and day-time events) during real-time night-time.
On the other, it also means that starting the game every day just to try the lotto won't advance the game time, which means that it's always the same day in-game.

I was talking about different in-game days

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4 minutes ago, Metadeth said:

Doesn't work, and I preferred unreal time to begin with

You don't have to play without it, I'm just trying to find out what is causing your issue 🙂

Have you tried if removing the whole "Mods" folder solves the problem?

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16 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

You don't have to play without it, I'm just trying to find out what is causing your issue 🙂

Have you tried if removing the whole "Mods" folder solves the problem?

Didn't work, still there. At this point I think it might have been ingrained into the save file, but I don't think have a backup that far back before I used it

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6 minutes ago, Metadeth said:

Didn't work, still there. At this point I think it might have been ingrained into the save file, but I don't think have a backup that far back before I used it

It may be.

Have you tried using SetWeather's PokeGear app to change the day and time, then checking if after that you can draw the lotto?

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7 minutes ago, Metadeth said:

If you're talking your mod, doesn't work

Sorry, can't think of any other factor that could prevent you from drawing the lotto. 😞
If you sent me the savegame I could try to investigate (checking a few vars, etc), but I'm starting to think that it may be unrelated to mods.

In that case imho your best bet would be to ask here:
If you do, please make sure to let them know that you are using mods, which mods, and that you already checked that it still happens after removing the mods.

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Hello! I come with another couple suggestions! I hope you consider at least one of them worth the trouble.

1)Move Fly and Flash to the top of the order of TMX usage, because they are the only ones that actually require us to use them through the party.  All the others can be used by interacting with the environment. I'd say Fly on top and Flash under it.  The "None" option could be moved at the bottom of this list since we can just press X to exit.



2) Possible mod for assigning different key items to different hotkeys like Rejuvenation.

3) Add the "Move" item option many other games have by default, so we can exchange held items between our pokemon without having to search through the inventory.  As an addition to this suggestion, move the "Use" item option under the "Take" because i'm pretty sure almost noone uses items on their pokemon like that,  and it is only there to make us click it by accident while trying to select "give"


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On 11/14/2018 at 7:10 PM, Waynolt said:

It's the 4th file inside the Mods folder inside the "SWM_modular_modpack_v49_E18.zip" archive you can get from the download link https://drive.google.com/file/d/19fajG-Cdt3q2nLipkvcI8UvN6-X3vxRX/view

Oh, sorry. Glad you got it working now. ^^

Found it, thank you, cause my friend gave me old link, sorry about that

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5 hours ago, DemICE said:

1)Move Fly and Flash to the top of the order of TMX usage, because they are the only ones that actually require us to use them through the party.  All the others can be used by interacting with the environment. I'd say Fly on top and Flash under it.  The "None" option could be moved at the bottom of this list since we can just press X to exit.

Good point... done!

5 hours ago, DemICE said:

2) Possible mod for assigning different key items to different hotkeys like Rejuvenation.

3) Add the "Move" item option many other games have by default, so we can exchange held items between our pokemon without having to search through the inventory.  As an addition to this suggestion, move the "Use" item option under the "Take" because i'm pretty sure almost noone uses items on their pokemon like that,  and it is only there to make us click it by accident while trying to select "give"

Thanks for the suggestions, but I won't make either... sorry.
If you want you could make both yourself, though 🙂

  • Thanks 1
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