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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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18 hours ago, Waynolt said:

Quick notice: the previously mentioned code pass has now also been done in regards to SWM in @Commander's Redux.
The result is:
- most SWM mods should not break Redux, because they alter script sections that Redux didn't change (knowing whether Redux breaks them would, instead, require a more thorough checking and testing process)

- SWM mods that are compatible but quite redundant (i.e. ItemBan) have been left unaltered

- ExpShareFullTeam is redundant and incompatible: it will now close the game if you try to use it in Redux

- EvOverflow will now engage a "Redux compatibility" mode if it detects Redux being used

- executing the pass on the Mouse mod is still waaaaaaay too time consuming to actually be done; you can use it in Redux, but at your own risk and peril


First, thank you so much. This was on the bottom of my to figure out list but if the basic stuff works then that honestly would really benefit both of us. Second, I did my own quick testing and it seems like everything on the list is compatible with no conflicts. If I see something that pops up, I'll let you know. You don't know how thankful I am for this. It's not because I use the mods, but because this one has become so ingrained it's almost required to workaround it since half the time bug reporters are using the mods.


Anyways, figuring something out was on my to do list ironically but this is better than anything I would've done. Funny story time. I was actually testing when I got sick of replacing cut so I was going to download the SWM and figure out compatibility when I saw this today. \o/ I consider this a win considering the messes caused by game-z. There's a lot of little things on my to-dos that kind of add up so sometimes I put off things. Most of the things I'm doing now aren't even random new ideas but things that have been lingering for a couple years back when I didn't have the experience or knowledge to work on them.

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Hi, I installed the mod but when I run the game, it said the mod was made for episode 18.2 and using it on an episode it's not designed for is not allowed and then the game closes. I installed it exactly the way it said in the post, put the Mod folder into Data. I also made sure to delete SWM - AAA. Not sure why this is happening since in the changelogs, the newest download should work with episode 18.4. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

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2 hours ago, DBTobey said:

Hi, I installed the mod but when I run the game, it said the mod was made for episode 18.2 and using it on an episode it's not designed for is not allowed and then the game closes. I installed it exactly the way it said in the post, put the Mod folder into Data. I also made sure to delete SWM - AAA. Not sure why this is happening since in the changelogs, the newest download should work with episode 18.4. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

I forgot to change that message, sorry.
Anyway, it means that the Scripts.rxdata you're using is from Episode 18.1 or below.

If you're not using other mods then you didn't properly update the game, and have to redownload it.

If instead you're using other mods which change Scripts.rxdata, then you can use the last version of SWM (v59) to be compatible with mods based on Reborn Episode 18.1:

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Hey, I have a question about modifying the EvOverflow mod.

If I edit the mod to increase the Pokemon's IV by 2 instead of 1, could it break anything?

To be specific, I just edited "thispoke.iv[k] += 1" to "thispoke.iv[k] += 2"

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24 minutes ago, TanKY said:

Hey, I have a question about modifying the EvOverflow mod.

If I edit the mod to increase the Pokemon's IV by 2 instead of 1, could it break anything?

To be specific, I just edited "thispoke.iv[k] += 1" to "thispoke.iv[k] += 2"

It should be fine, as long as it doesn't break the IV limit cap...

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2 hours ago, TanKY said:

Hey, I have a question about modifying the EvOverflow mod.

If I edit the mod to increase the Pokemon's IV by 2 instead of 1, could it break anything?

To be specific, I just edited "thispoke.iv[k] += 1" to "thispoke.iv[k] += 2"

To be safe, the change I made was

"thispoke.iv[k] += 2

if thispoke.iv[k] > 31

    thispoke.iv[k] = 31


Without the check the ivs can go to 32.

You also have to do the same thing to the exp share mod if you're using that. I haven't run into any issues with this change.


Edited by Icoza
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Just out of curiosity, but what is the difference between AMB-AddOpt-_SWM-NoTMXNeeded, and the normal SWM-NoTMXNeeded?  Looking through both the ReadMe and changelog, neither explain what the mod is or what its purpose is, considering both the NoTMX mods are part of the download.

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6 hours ago, Slippery said:

Just out of curiosity, but what is the difference between AMB-AddOpt-_SWM-NoTMXNeeded, and the normal SWM-NoTMXNeeded?  Looking through both the ReadMe and changelog, neither explain what the mod is or what its purpose is, considering both the NoTMX mods are part of the download.

The AddOpt one is a plugin for Aironfaar's Additional Options Mod, and adds the option (as a game setting) to consider Headbutt an HM like Fly, Flash, etc.
In the latest version of SWM that option no longer is part of the download, and is instead part of the NoTMX mod itself; it still does require Aironfaar's mod, though, or else that option won't show up.

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Hi, I downloaded the mod and moved the files I wanted into the 'Data' folder but when I opened up the game, the error ''Scene_intro Line 105 comes up before the main menu screen comes up. Any input on the problem? Also, the game works separately without the mod, it's just when I move the files into the folder that the error comes up. 

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41 minutes ago, Sanana said:

Hi, I downloaded the mod and moved the files I wanted into the 'Data' folder but when I opened up the game, the error ''Scene_intro Line 105 comes up before the main menu screen comes up. Any input on the problem? Also, the game works separately without the mod, it's just when I move the files into the folder that the error comes up. 

Can you please post a screenshot with the error?

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8 minutes ago, Sanana said:

I'm using 18.4 and  SWM Modpack is the only one I've tried downloading


Then you should redownload the game...
Explanation: since version 18.1, Reborn implemented a multisave functionality.
SWM has been updated accordingly, to support that function.

The error you're having means that either the SWM version you're using or the game doesn't actually support the multisave feature (iirc, in this case, the game - which is why I'm suggesting to redownload Reborn 18.4)
(To be sure you could redownload SWM too, since it's a pretty small archive)

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Due to MacOS Cantallina not working with Wine currently, I am using the Mac version of Reborn (this link: 


Does anyone know if these mods can work with this version? I tinkered with it a bit but didn't make any headway. Thanks for any help you can give!


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On 1/26/2020 at 10:29 AM, Waynolt said:

Please make sure that, when you try to change the weather,
A) You're using the latest version of the mod (v60 - 28/12/2019) on the latest version of the game (v18.2 - 26/12/2019)
B) You're in the open (e.g. on the street in front of the Grand Hall)
C) It's daytime


Before selecting a new weather, please use the "Reroll weather week" option (maybe in your game the weather system got stuck; this option will reset it)
After changing the weather, try going into the Grand Hall and coming out again to look for the vendor (this will reload the map and properly update it for the new weather)

Any result?

I have the same problem, but in my case the weather changes but the event does not happen and when I change the date, it takes time to change

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20 minutes ago, ColonelAngus said:

@Waynolt Idk if this has ever been asked, but is their a modpack that is compatible with Desolation? I doubt it since it's not as well known, but just wanted to check since it comes from the reborn forums. 

Not that I know of, sorry.

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1 hour ago, SunlitEspeon said:

I downloaded this a while back for the weather mod and didn't use anything else. I decided to try the other mods in the pack, but when I tried to download I get the message that the modpack "may be dangerous, so Chrome has blocked it." How do I remedy this?

What are you trying to download?
The modpack is just a series of text files hosted by Google Drive, there's no way Chrome would block that unless it's set to be super-hyper-paranoiac...

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Huh. I'm not sure what changed. But before, I would click on the download link (https://drive.google.com/open?id=19fajG-Cdt3q2nLipkvcI8UvN6-X3vxRX), then on the download symbol in the upper-right hand corner. In the lower-left of the screen, instead of the download appearing, it would say that it was blocked by Chrome. Now it's working again, though.

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