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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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So for the EVOverflow mod, I'm really liking the fact that the game automatically lowers EVs from whatever the lowest stat is. It's very useful during EV training.

But it is also unwanted when done with EV training.


Would it be possible to make this effect toggelable in some way? Perhaps only apply when a Power item is equipped? That would allow this mod to be a set and forget, rather than requiring turning on and off.

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40 minutes ago, Sirrobert said:

So for the EVOverflow mod, I'm really liking the fact that the game automatically lowers EVs from whatever the lowest stat is. It's very useful during EV training.

But it is also unwanted when done with EV training.


Would it be possible to make this effect toggelable in some way? Perhaps only apply when a Power item is equipped? That would allow this mod to be a set and forget, rather than requiring turning on and off.

This makes a wierd amount of sense... alright, I like it, it's in: now the EVs only get lowered if you're not using noevcap and the pokemon is holding a Power item.


3 hours ago, GuillerXD said:

The relationship points mod don't show the values for Ace or Lin, this mean they don't have points?

The variables are found with a text search, so... I guess?

21 hours ago, awesomeman said:

If this was already asked and answered, I apologize. But as far as I saw, there were only questions about shared box deleting entire box, not replacing pokemon with copies of others.

This is extremely wierd, and has never been observed before as far as I know... are you using the randomizer? Any other mods?

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28 minutes ago, Waynolt said:
1 hour ago, Sirrobert said:


This makes a wierd amount of sense... alright, I like it, it's in: now the EVs only get lowered if you're not using noevcap and the pokemon is holding a Power item.

I did not expect you to just do that so quickly. Thank you very much

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23 minutes ago, Waynolt said:

This is extremely wierd, and has never been observed before as far as I know... are you using the randomizer? Any other mods?


I'm not using the randomizer and am running 4 mods from the pack - ItemRadar, LearnEggMoves, SharedPC and TypeBattleIcons. Also am running the passwords "litemode" and "easyhms"; I don't think I am running any other passwords. I have 3 other savefiles from ep 18 but I haven't started ep 19 on any of them yet.  Seeing as no one else has reported a problem like this, it's probably just my computer somehow messing this up. If someone else encounters this problem, maybe they can add some more info. But hey if the "fix" is just don't use the box, I'm not bothered by it. :)

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12 minutes ago, Sirrobert said:

I did not expect you to just do that so quickly. Thank you very much



2 minutes ago, awesomeman said:

I'm not using the randomizer and am running 4 mods from the pack - ItemRadar, LearnEggMoves, SharedPC and TypeBattleIcons. Also am running the passwords "litemode" and "easyhms"; I don't think I am running any other passwords. I have 3 other savefiles from ep 18 but I haven't started ep 19 on any of them yet.  Seeing as no one else has reported a problem like this, it's probably just my computer somehow messing this up. If someone else encounters this problem, maybe they can add some more info. But hey if the "fix" is just don't use the box, I'm not bothered by it. :)

Mmm... ok, just let me know if it happens again 👍

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I used this mod back in E18 and it worked like a charm. I just downloaded the one for E19 and set it up exactly as I was supposed to. Some of the mods in there seem to work, but one in particular just won't: the item radar. I've done everything I can think of, from redownloading the mod folder, to restarting my PC, and reading through here to see if anyone else had a similar problem. Dunno what I'm doing wrong -- every other mod seems to work just fine.


Also, a super unimportant nitpick, but I noticed that when you use Psychic to read the relationship values, the structure of the dialogue for the prompt is kinda strange.




If there's anything I might be missing to make the item radar mod work again, please let me know! I hadn't experienced any issues with this in E18, and every other mod works just fine at the moment.

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Hello. I've installed the mod, but it only lets me know the current time and weather, not change it. How do i change it? I'm on 19.05.


EDIT: nevermind, it's in the basegame now, password is "weathermod".

Edited by Griff292
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I've been trying to make the shared box work. I enter save 2, put my randomized starter and full iv ditto in the shared box, then I start save 3 and enter passwords, no full ivs this time. I get my starter normally, don't use the randomizer feature and just walk up to the pc, but now my shared box is empty and if i go back to save 2, it stays empty. What exactly am I doing wrong here? can someone help me figure out what the problem is?

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I can't seem to get the item radar to work- I tried having it be the only mod in the mod folder, and changing the png to the one player name null made, and neither have helped. I'm on mac (no wineskin). I am right at the beginning (as in just got my starter) though, does the mod require having the item finder key item in your inventory for it to work?


ps these mods rock and i use them every play through of reborn i do!!!

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11 minutes ago, nyancheetos said:

I can't seem to get the item radar to work- I tried having it be the only mod in the mod folder, and changing the png to the one player name null made, and neither have helped. I'm on mac (no wineskin). I am right at the beginning (as in just got my starter) though, does the mod require having the item finder key item in your inventory for it to work?


ps these mods rock and i use them every play through of reborn i do!!!

Yes, you need the item Itemfinder for the mod to work. [You can get it in the slums after your second badge] Then turn it on, and the images shows up.

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ummm Hey guys im confused im on microsoft, and i downloaded the mod pack and put it into the data section but the change weather option isnt in my game, also its a bunch of other mods in the file but i dont see the control weather one, i delted them all and just kept the starter one because from what im reading SWM means it comes with another Mod but im very confsued. someone please help 

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10 minutes ago, Stefahnkhalid said:

ummm Hey guys im confused im on microsoft, and i downloaded the mod pack and put it into the data section but the change weather option isnt in my game, also its a bunch of other mods in the file but i dont see the control weather one, i delted them all and just kept the starter one because from what im reading SWM means it comes with another Mod but im very confsued. someone please help 

Nevm guys I read the thread and found out I need to put in the password thank you!

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Hi guys,

I just downloaded the E18 version of this mod. I am playing version 18.4.1 and am already 5 badges into the game. I deleted the AAA file just as it said in the instructions, but I still keep getting an error saying "Script Scene Intro Line 105: Argument Error occurred. Wrong number of arguments (3 for 0)", and the game crashes. Does the mod not work with in progress save files?

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2 hours ago, MV4595 said:

Hi guys,

I just downloaded the E18 version of this mod. I am playing version 18.4.1 and am already 5 badges into the game. I deleted the AAA file just as it said in the instructions, but I still keep getting an error saying "Script Scene Intro Line 105: Argument Error occurred. Wrong number of arguments (3 for 0)", and the game crashes. Does the mod not work with in progress save files?

You should get the E19 versions of both the game and mod.
The E19 version of the game is vastly different from the E18 one, and it's also vastly superior... also the story is much better in the early game too, and it's different enough to be worth restarting.

Anyway, the mod does work with in progress savegames, but I don't remember if the legacy version is compatible with E18.4.1 ... there was a pretty massive change around that version, and it's possible that the version of the mod you're trying to use is simply not compatible.

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On 4/30/2022 at 6:15 PM, SharlaSmith44 said:

it's in the basegame now, password is "weathermod"

Thank you so much. And may i ask when does murkrow appear?   Is it before or after Shelly's gym? Tia

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