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SWM modular modpack [E19.5] (beta)


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Are the Rest and Psychic out of battle moves supposed to be usable with Easyhms? For some reason those two aren't appearing for my Pokemon that can learn them alongside Dig, Teleport, etc at the beginning of the game.

Edited by leakylou
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4 minutes ago, leakylou said:

Are the Rest and Psychic out of battle moves supposed to be usable with Easyhms? For some reason those two aren't appearing for my Pokemon that can learn them alongside Dig, Teleport, etc at the beginning of the game.

You have to have the move on them, or the TM in your inventory

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41 minutes ago, btreedy said:

is there a password for being able to see every pokemon typing and the stat boosts they have just like E18?

Mod for one (Type icons) and key binding for the other


• "SWM - TypeBattleIcons" shows each pokemon's type in battle.


CTRL shows stat boosts

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On 1/31/2017 at 12:28 PM, Waynolt said:

I check on discord about once a year, more or less; hence, your best chance to get help from me is to come here, in the forum.
(In case you're wondering, SWM stands for "Select Weather Mod": this was its name before it became a modpack, and when it came the time to rename it... I actually didn't 😋)
(Btw I'm not crazy nor that original... it's somewhat of a citation, as this is literally how Trumpkin got his nickname)

This modpack is for Pokemon Reborn; if you're looking for a Rejuvenation-compatible version, you can find it here:



You can also find this modpack's files versioned on GitHub:




Download link: (v75 - updated 21/05/2022)



The link above will allow you to download a .zip archive.

Inside of that archive you will find a "Readme.pdf" explanatory file and a "Mods" folder.


To install, just drop the folder "Mods" into the folder "[Pokemon Reborn]\Data\"

(At the end you should have a "[Pokemon Reborn]\Data\Mods" folder with a bunch of files inside.)
This video from Lostelle explains it, showing each step required: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hc3Mo432C0


If playing on a Mac with Wineskin, then, as @Tacos suggests in this thread, do all the modding in a Reborn folder outside of the wrapper and then make a new wrapper with that folder

Every component is stand-alone, and can be used on its own; please refer to the "brief summary" below for more info on each one.





Brief summary of each mod component


(Please remember to check and delete the components you do not want when you are installing this mod pack!)


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• "SWM - ChooseStarter": while you are in the starter selection room, you can select your starter (as if you wanted to give it an item) and use the "Change starter" option to randomize or choose its species.

• "SWM - EvOverflow": if your mon's EV in any stat would go over 252, without breaking the 510 overall limit, then you are offered the choice to improve its IV, at the cost of resetting that EV.
If instead you use friendship berries at 0 EV you are offered the choice to reduce the IV.

Use the password "noevcap" to disable EVs being lowered to make room for new gains when reaching the 510 overall limit.


• "SWM - ItemRadar" changes the ItemFinder so that, when activated, it stays on and marks hidden items on the game map.

(Alternative graphics by @Player_Null_Name  : http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/&do=findComment&comment=808102
Alternative graphics by @Xander : https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/&do=findComment&comment=835844

To use them, download the .png image attached to the linked post and use it to replace the mod's default "SWM - ItemRadar.png" file)


• "SWM - LearnEggMoves" lets the move relearner teach any egg move.


• "SWM - MiningForRich": while mining the wall won't collapse, but mining further costs cumulatively more and more money (spent on materials to build a tunnel, of course :P ).

• "SWM - NoTMXAnimations" hides the TM animations for using Cut, Strength, etc, out of battle.


• "SWM - PredictRelationshipValues" makes the move Psychic usable out of combat, and using it lets you know each npc's relationship value.


• "SWM - RestToWait" makes the move Rest usable out of combat, and using it lets you wait for some simulated time.

• "SWM - SharedPC" makes the last box in the PC shared amongst savegames: mons you put in it will be there if you start a new game or load a different savegame.


• "SWM - TypeBattleIcons" shows each pokemon's type in battle.





Compatibility with other mods


Known incompatible mods:

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• None yet


Already compatible, no patch needed:

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• Any mod that doesn't add files to the Mods folder.
• Any mod that doesn't change the Scripts.rxdata file.
• The E19 version of the Sandbox Mode is fully compatible.

• The E19 version of the Additional Options mod is fully compatible.
Pyrolusitium Z is compatible, but you have to follow its install instructions.


Probably compatible, or at least they used to be:

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• The E19 version of the Plates of Arceus mod would be fully compatible.


If there's any I forgot about, sorry; simply ask about them.



  Reveal hidden contents

• Bugfix for the itemfinder mod.


• Relaceshionship?


• Aevian Misdreavus is a thing.


• EvOverflow only lowers EVs if the mon is holding a power item.


• Updated a variable name in MiningForRich to ensure compatibility with the Additional Options mod.


• Shared PC will no longer nuke your Shared Box if you save a new game without ever accessing the PC.


• Added RestToWait.

• Better starter room check for ChooseStarter.


• Updated for E19.


• Added LocalSavegames.


• EvOverflow has been edited to be compatible with Redux.


• UnrealTime no longer blocks the Lottery minigame (there are easier ways to cheat, after all).


• SWM has been updated to 18.4.

• UnrealTime has been split into two components.


• SharedPC should now be compatible with the Mac version of the game.


• Fixed a bug in BagSortByType.


• SharedPC notifies if the game is not updated to Episode 18.2.


• SharedPC is updated to Episode 18.2.


• SharedPC should now be able to detect corrupted SharedPC.rxdata files and prevent them from being loaded.


• ChooseStarter can now be used to get any Drapion form, modded or not.


• Pickup chance can now be changed using another mod.


• Added a check to ItemRadar to prevent an error.


• Added an option for NoTMXNeeded.


• Added NoHpAnimation.


• Mouse can now select/deselect the button for Z moves/mega evolution/ultra burst.


• Added WildEncounterRates.


• UnrealTime's timescale customization is now handled by another mod.


• Changed the order of the TMXs in NoTMXNeeded.


• SetWeather now tries to prevent a crash by resetting the weather calendar before changing it.


• Added EvOverflow.

• ExpShareFullTeam now tries to show the Exp gained only once per defeated foe.


• UnrealTime's timescale can now be customized.


• Added FindInPC.

• Added MultiSelectPC.


• Added PredictRelationshipValues.

• The moves in NoTMXNeeded are now sorted alphabetically.


• ChooseStarter now also checks for the number of badges.


• Removed an unexpected break from NoTmxNeeded.

• Improved bitmaps' creation in ShowStatBoosts.


• LearnEggMoves now lists incense-bred moves too.


• ChooseStarter and NoTMXNeeded are no longer fused together.

• ChooseStarter now accepts partial names when looking for the chosen species.

• NoTMXNeeded's menu entries are now grouped together in a submenu.


• Added ShowStatBoosts.


• Mouse should no longer indirectly overwrite the speed-up key.


• Added a version check to every component of this modpack.


• Updated the modpack to E18.

• Added AAA.

• Added BagSortByType.

• Added Mouse.

• Removed EggPicking (a derivative of it is included in the unmodded E18).


• NoTMXNeeded is now compatible with another mod's option.

• Added MiningForRich.


• EggPicking got polished up a bit.


• Code improvement for ItemRadar.


• PickupQoL now also affects Honey Gather.


• Added InfiniteBackups, and changed SharedPC to accomodate its edits.

• Removed Insurgence (redundant, since another mod offers the same functionality).


• Added Insurgence.


• v29 was a lie.


• ExpShareFullTeam now accepts another mod's option.


• UnrealTime now includes an on-screen clock.


• Fixed interaction between EggPicking and the Follower Pokemon mod.



• Fixed a crash with ExpShareFullTeam when fighting double battles while having an incomplete party.


• Fixed a typo in EggPicking.
• ItemsBan accidentally banned pokeballs too.


• Slight code improvement for SharedPC, EggPicking, and ExpShareFullTeam.
• Added module ItemsBan


• Started changelog.








For previous Reborn episodes:


  Reveal hidden contents

Episode 18

• Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iuvk4uLSRV4VEMF0Gp5wdv9d5MmlZ-ez


Episode 17

• Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pemW487Qt9kMKQnxS4rhdjamnw0pjhAN/view?usp=sharing
• Compatibility patches: (install the mod, then SWM, then the patch)

  > Personthing's Follower mod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gov02z03QCcFKw42xhklxpO5vQNIm6Yw

  > DerxwnaKapsyla's Sandbox mod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jTyAkNqMHjuaU6qDMoB893z12ZNZmJK4


Episode 16

• Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4XiRtkwr4blLXdlX29BU3ZZQ0E



hello i downloaded the mod package and all the mods are there except the weathermod is there anything i can do to fix that . thank you for your time. if there is nothing to be done to fix it then i just have to wait for the rain it will come eventually

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15 minutes ago, XenoverseAlterH said:

hello i downloaded the mod package and all the mods are there except the weathermod is there anything i can do to fix that . thank you for your time. if there is nothing to be done to fix it then i just have to wait for the rain it will come eventually


On 5/17/2022 at 7:02 AM, ShogokiX said:

With the password system that came with EP19 there is no need for a weather mod any more.

Using the password "weathermod" will allow you to change the weather by using your PokéGear.


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Still, it's kinda surprising how many people are still asking for features that were once parts of mods and that are now integrated into Ep19 either as default features, or at least as optional passwords.

Kinda makes the readme file pointless XD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no password like that. However, there is


an NPC located in the Beryl Ward, south of the PokéMart, who asks for money if you talk to him. If you donate a total of 5.000$ to him, he gives you an item called "Magnetic Lure".


If you equip Magnetic Lure to the first Pokémon in your party, you are guaranteed to encounter only Pokémon that you haven't caught yet. However, i want to note that if you caught one of each Pokémon available at your current location, this effect will no longer apply, and thus you will encounter Pokémon as normal even with Magnetic Lure equipped.


Said NPC can be found as soon as you exit Rhodochrine Jungle after your battle against Ace (3rd PULSE Tangrowth). It is this NPC right here: image.thumb.png.dc12d2e26d987560b04a09867daa9b13.png



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is there any mod for unreal time? I play mostly at the same time which is when I can, and being able to change the day of the week and time is a biiiig help in addition to the weather (that one works fine :) 

ill be so thankful for any help!

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30 minutes ago, CloudyMarc said:


is there any mod for unreal time? I play mostly at the same time which is when I can, and being able to change the day of the week and time is a biiiig help in addition to the weather (that one works fine :) 

ill be so thankful for any help!

There are passwords for both:


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1 hour ago, CloudyMarc said:

OH! i guess i must have missed it :o hmmm...im going to see if I can get it now :)


A quick reminder that after you enabled the unrealtime password, you need to adjust the unreal time settings through the options menu for it to work.

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