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Temporary De-evolution - UPDATE.


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So, looks like our - this is questionable - happily insane trio has been downgraded to a duo for the foreseeable future. Due to some issues with his thesis, parents, and some other stuff he refuses to talk about, Fen won't be online for some time.

If he owes anyone here anything, do let us know - things go on, whether or not he wants to be a hermit.

As for anyone who might have somehow gotten in direct correspondence with him, he isn't even checking his emails as of today, so good luck if you're going to try reaching him for whatever reason.

And moral of the story? Perhaps the loud ones aren't always the saner ones.

Edited by Zen
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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like we've just de-evolved again, this time from a doduo to an egg.

It used to be that we had boxes of pokemon by type and battle format (e.g. Bug/Singles), which we had them stored in like files. So if we wanted to make a bug singles OU team, we'd go to the right box and then take the right bugs out. So some boxes would be filled halfway with several different types of forretress, for example.

Anyway, given that it seems we never actually saved a specific team and instead used the boxes like a warehouse, all our existing pokemon and/or team concepts are down.

So... this is farewell for a short - possibly long, who knows - while, since we'll be slowly rebuilding the thirty boxes' worth of pokemon we lost. And this time saving them as teams, since the update apparently nukes box warehouses.

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