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TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)


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Friedhold speaks into his radio again "I've got good news and bad news.  The good news is that the helicopter is now in little tiny pieces, the bad news, well, Team Quiet the gravity is still normal where we are, so take extra precautions because I fear your gravity may change back at anytime, as that is what I would do to an intruder."  Friedhold stops speaking and starts making his way to the entrance of the building(doorway? stairwell? elevator?).

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Bridgett stood stunned at the force she her spell . Shaking her head she turned towards the other "Well now that that's over we should get moving. Correct?" She said with blush on her face as the holes in her Barrier Jacket mended its self. Though she still looked like she was in some pain from the bullets.

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Team Loud

Those of Team Loud who choose to enter Vishkar Tower through the rooftop door find themselves entering a spacious, well-lit office covered in tasteful wood paneling.  Kagari and Genji are inside, speaking to an Indian woman with a bad blonde dye job, an eye patch, and a strap-on Santa beard.  Only her chin and above are visible from the large, oaken desk she is presumably sitting behind.


"More crusaders!" She eagerly greets the newcomers, "My fanbase grows!  Just as they told me it would!  Come, my crusaders, bask in the glory of my presence!"

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"Well," LOTUS stated, audible only to those in the radio channel, "Now would be the time to set that bomb."


Isobel looked at the sleeping guards, and as she watched them snore, the full reality of what the plan called for them to do hit her. Oh God... that would kill all these guards. So many people, and they would just... Isobel barely avoided a gasp as she processed this. She had never killed anyone -- Isobel was not a violent person, and she didn't like death... especially because the people here wouldn't just be able to get clones. That'd be it. Isobel couldn't do that to a bunch of people who probably didn't deserve it, and she didn't think Sachi was the type to either. So Isobel took to action as quietly yet as resolutely as she could, and she looked around for handcuffs -- if she found them, she would start clipping them around the guards' wrists.


With a slightly weary voice, LOTUS spoke over the radio again. "And what do you think you're doing, Isobel? This is much riskier than just letting Sachi plant the bomb."

Edited by Powder Miner
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Wyvis notices Isobel looking for cuffs. Ah, she is looking for a way to tie them down without actually killing them. Wyvis privately was relieved. Though killing was ultimately a necessary part of a Sunshine Guard's job, he understood that most of the people he killed were, inside, good men. Especially these people, they didn't really commit any wrongs. Perhaps they were lost, or simply followed the wrong people. Unless they were actively attacking him, Wyvis preferred to avoid killing whenever possible.

Wyvis put a reassuring hand on Isobel's shoulder. "We'll find a way, Isobel, don't worry. There is no need for unnecessary killing." 

This is where Visrii would have pulled out some kind of gadget he seemed to store in his bottomless coat pockets.

Wyvis helps Isobel look for cuffs, and if it is not available, looks for any other way to incapacitate the guards.

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Team Quiet is now known as Team Basement

Neither Isobel nor Wyvis are exactly trained for stealth.  The first guard they approach wakes up almost instantly.  At first, it looks like he's going to struggle and raise the alarm.  But then his eyes pass over the Overwatch-issue communicator his would-be captors are wearing, and the sigil etched into each.  He immediately relaxes, affects a huge yawn, and lies back down, rolling over in just such a way as to present his wrists for easy access.  "I've got a case of handcuffs under my bed," He murmurs, "Just... try to only take out upper management and architechs if you can.  Most of the boys... we didn't sign on for a massacre."  The other guards are similarly cooperative; the ones who aren't are 'convinced' by their comrades with a light tap to somewhere sensitive.


Team Loud and Team Ninja are now united as Team Roof

"Who are they?  You do not know?  But your dress is nearly as outlandish as my own, crusaders," The oddly dressed woman grins bombastically underneath her false beard, "Why, the YouTube comments section of course!  Only they can teach me to become a crusader of crusaders!  Only they can empower me to wreck all the noobs!  Well, them and the outer god living under my mattress.  I call him Bob.  He's been very helpful."

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Sachi keeps an eye out as the others do their thing, shield and spear at the ready.


This whole business really didn't sit well with her, but, well, it was supposedly for a good cause. She really missed the days when the hardest thing she needed to do was fight the Vertex, she did.

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Kagari stared at the woman, not entirely sure how to respond. So many things she wanted to point out, not the least of which was the person's fashion sense.


"Yes, um... well, pleasure to make your acquaintance... who exactly are you, again? Or perhaps more importantly, what do you do here? Why were you waiting?"

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Friedhold speaks up loudly and clearly almost cutting off Kagari: "Youtube?!(he has no clue what a 'youtube' is) Why didn't you say something sooner?  Well, as I'm sure you know we are here collecting allies for one of the greatest crusades in history.  Why don't you come join us for the countless glorious battles to come?" As he says this he gestures back up the empty stairway behind him.

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Team Roof

"A great crusade you say?  Of course!  All crusaders require a crusade," The woman exclaims, "I would gladly-  You don't recognize me?"  Her expression abruptly darkens as Kagari's words register.  "Are you even crusaders at all?"  A screen appears in front of her face, and the computer-savvy among the group would recognize a quick internet search being performed.  "You haven't liked, commented, or subscribed!  You're not crusaders!  You must be those pathetic, weeblord Hanzo mains!  Bob told me you would come for me!"


"Wait, what?" Genji attempts to cut in, "Do you know my brother?"  But the bearded woman ploughs right over him like he hadn't spoken.


"Bob told me you would come to steal my glory and my adoring crusaders!  But I shall not be defeated by your honorless ways!"  She stands up from behind the desk, rising to tower over everyone in the group, clad in chunky, industrial, bulky armor, its every surface swirling with misty, oozing runes that evoke the somehow distinctive taste of purple.  A massive hammer of dripping, purple ooze takes form in her hands as she strides toward you.  "Foolish deceivers!  Throwers and quitters and players of Junkrat on attack!  Your wicked ways shall not avail you!  For I am TILT, and JUSTICE SHALL BE DONE UPON YOU!"


"Oh no," Ana states with a sort of horrified detatchment, "That is Crusader armor on a lunatic.  Everyone, spread out, and keep her from focusing her attention.  If she gets enough space to charge, we'll be scraping you off her shoulder armor."


"So there is one crusader among you," TILT exclaims, "It shall not save you!  Your team comp sucks!  Where's your tanks, noobs?



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"Acknowledged, noble guardsmen. I will make sure to punish only the wrongdoers." Wyvis nods and gently cuffs the guards, so as to make them look like they were subdued by the group instead of cooperating. However, Wyvis also makes sure to show the leader where he hid the key to the cuffs, underneath one of the beds. Wyvis turns to his team members. "Alright, let's move out."

He takes out his radio and updates the other team of the situation. "Team Roof, we've passed through the barracks. These men are cooperative and innocent, do NOT fire upon the barracks. We're moving through to the upper floors now. Can you give me a sit-rep up top?"

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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"Again already?" Bridgett groaned under her breath as she moved to float above the ground. Pointed Mornings Arrow the person as a magic circle appeared under her. "Magic Arrow" The device chime at four lights appeared around Bridgett and shot towards TILT.


Bridgett uses Magic Arrow on TILT four shots at 1D4+syn each. 

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Kagari sighed. She didn't get this person. At all. Too weird, even for a human. Still, it seemed a fight was unavoidable. Apocalypse Collider materialised around her ear in hands-free mode. It didn't say anything to her, and she didn't say anything either. She wasn't in the mood for the usual blame game. A quick flash of light covered her body and allowed her to change forms into her idol form. Feeling the magic coursing through her body, she began to sing.




Kagari Transforms! (Swap DEX and SYN values. Current Dex = 4. Current Syn = 8)

Guerilla Live activates: She begins singing Knight of Firmament. All allies that can hear her (so basically everyone) receive 1d4 less damage per hit for three turns or until she stops singing this song.

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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A woman clad in metal had come before the group after an exchange of incomprehensible jiving, now poised to attack before them, confident of her strength despite the numerical odds quite far from her own favour. Even for Venus’ own standards, Venus believed that hers was an eccentricity that even the artist’s own could not find comparable.


Sensing his surroundings, he first caught notice of Kagari, who was singing in a language foreign to Venus, such that it was in support of the team’s defensive capabilities, he surmised, as she underwent a transformation unknown to the artist as his ears collected the first tunes of her song. Venus had profound appreciation for the new and undiscovered; a rarity it was to see another performer show her stuff in battle. Yet as much as display was intriguing, it resumed in a way that, in the end, caused him to wince, rather than impress. Recollecting what action he had bothered to remember of the slime many days before this, when it came to offense, hers was third-rate compared to the grace and appeal his work possessed, as much credit he could give him from her current state and her useful support. And he knew and understood that as much as he did appreciate the fresh, it would last for only a moment and never more – and that was made it so coveted, and so meaningful.


Only my song has place in battle.


Yet now he felt it all simmer within him. Going through many a day with little engagement in his art had the effect of…inspiring him in an especial way when he escaped his via dolorosa; the distance he endured before today, and with how the thrill of orchestrating the art built up slowly – satisfyingly – meant pure ecstasy to Venus, such that he dismissed his previous disappointment of failing to make a masterpiece out of the previous adversarial aircraft.


Eyeing the purplish substance – close to poorly made clay or mire – of whence the armored being was now conjuring weapons to attack from, Venus primed his deadly weapon of a paintbrush in hand, ready to illustrate the canvas before him.


Venus begins with his Artful Flourish at one of TILT’s oozing runes. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 1, B: = 2)


*T = Turns Elapsed

 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)

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Friedhold takes a half a step back into the hallway, he mutters a few choice words in German and then gets on the radio:"Team Quiet please proceed with the mission, we're going to be busy up here for a few minutes." You then watch as electricity arcs in between the fingers on his left hand, he then raises his hand up toward TILT and a bolt of lightning flies out of his hand and into her torso.



I use "Electro Bolt II" Deals 1d6+[Int](6) electric damage, [Int](6) vs [Con] for a stun, -6 Eve(10/16).

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Team Roof

Hikari’s auto-support triggers!  She activates Rakukaja, giving herself, Ana, Bridgett, and Kagari +6 resistance.


Kagari begins singing Knight of the Firmament!  A magical barrier of sound surrounds the group.  Genji is rocking out; most of the other team members are less sure what to make of it.  And TILT is most displeased.  “This is not Hasselhoff!  Your taste is atrocious!  I shall crush you!”


Bridgett raises Morning’s Arrow and fires a volley of four magical bolts at TILT, dealing 8, 9, 9, and 7 damage respectively.  She goes a little pale as they bounce off of TILT’s eldritch armor with little visible effect.  “Haha!  Bring me another!” The crazy woman shouts.


Venus raises Whisper and fires a shot at TILT’s runes, dealing 12 damage.  However, the heavy armor holds up very well against the bullet.


Session Triggers!  Hikari blasts at TILT with her heavy pulse rifle, dealing 13 damage and blasting a few pockmarks into TILT’s armor.


Ana fires a sleep dart at TILT’s exposed head!  A shimmering, translucent helmet materializes just before impact, and the dart is unable to penetrate it.


Genji, having observed that TILT has very good armor, prepares an action.


Hikari uses Tarukaja, giving Bridgett and Genji +6 to their primary attacking stat.


“Hahaha!  You are weak!  You need more damage!  Be like me!  I HAVE GOLD DAMAGE!” TILT exclaims.  She rakes her hammer through the air, sending a wave of fire at Kagari, with Bridgett and Venus looking to be in the blast radius.


Genji leaps in front of Kagari and draws his wakazashi!  “Honki o misete miro,” he murmurs as he somehow not only blocks the gigantic fireball but sends it hurling back at TILT, dealing 30 true damage, blasting off most of the ooze on her armor, and sending her staggering.  Dragonblade is charging…


“I don’t speak Italian!  And that move is bullshit!” TILT informs Genji, rallying rapidly.  She crouches and braces, raising a huge blue rectangle to cover herself.


Friedhold gathers electricity and blasts at TILT and her barrier, dealing 7 damage!  The barrier shatters like a window hit by a big rock, and (int 15 vs con 10) the projector on TILT’s left wrist begins spitting sparks.  She tries to reactivate it, but the device appears to have been disabled at least temporarily, and TILT does not seem to know how to fix it.



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Team Basement

Between the three of them, Sachi, Wyvis, and Isobel have successfully restrained all the security guards in the barracks.

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Welts begin appearing on Friedhold's skin again and it's not long before they're bursting open as wasps, hornets, and bees crawl out from under his skin, within no more than a few seconds the air around Friedhold is filled with insects obscuring his face and upper torso, perhaps it was the tight space but there seemed to be more than last time, many, many more.  Then by simply raising his hand and pointing at TILT all the insects fly off of him and start biting, stinging, and tearing at TILT's flesh.


I'm using "Maximized Insect Swarm II" Deals 8 poison damage each turn for [Int](6) turns, -10 Eve(2/16), -4 Adam(now 2).

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Wyvis winces slightly as he hears a loud crackling noise over the radio. "Acknowledged, Team Loud. Will be proceeding as planned." He radios back and turns down the volume dial a tad.

Wyvis turns back to his team members. "Team Loud is getting busy with some security, we will need to keep moving." Wyvis moves out of the barracks and into the next area, again carefully checking for any traps.

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Venus continues with his second Artful Flourish, attempting to aim for the same spot. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2)



*T = Turns Elapsed

 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)


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With an annoyed look on her face Bridgett leveled Mornings Arrow at TILT as energy gathered at it tip again. "Charging" the Monotone of Mornings Arrow chimed.


Bridgett Begins Chargeing Mythral Buster It will fire next turn.



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Seeing as nobody is currently injured, Hikari doesn't feel she needs to heal - so she continues to buff the others. And herself.


Tarukaja/Rakukaja (+SYN to either main attacking stat or Resistance, respectively) on self and Bridgett for attack buff. 

First session this round will use Helix Rocket.

Edited by Twinwolf
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Team Roof

The battle continues! 


Kagari keeps singing!  The protective song is maintained.  Genji and Ana would probably be a lot less impressed if they hadn’t met Lucio.


Bridgett begins charging Mithral Buster!  Boom spell incoming!


Venus shoots TILT again, dealing 17 damage!  This time, the bullet looks like it actually penetrated the armor.


Auto-Support activates!  Hikari continues to shoot TILT, dealing 8 damage.  Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to have broken through the armor this time.


Ana prepares an action…


Genji slams a handful of shuriken into TILT with such force that they punch right through her armor, dealing 17, 13, and 16 damage.  Tarukaja has 1 round remaining.  Dragonblade is charging…


Hikari uses Tarukaja on herself and Bridgett, giving them +6 to their main attacking stat.  She then prepares a Helix Rocket.


TILT seems rather surprised that she’s actually taken damage, but apparently has a plan for that.  “I need healing!” She yells.  “I need healing!  I need healing!  I NEED HEALING!”  A woman in the standard Vishkar uniform comes jogging out of a side passage you all could have sworn didn’t exist a moment ago, a slender staff in her hands, a tin foil halo resting on her head, and a very put-upon expression on her face.  However, before she or anyone else can react a steel meat hook on a long chain, with railroad spikes hammered into it for extra traction, comes through the wall, wraps around her waist, and pulls her away with a scream.  You can hear her banging on walls as she is swiftly, painfully dragged out of sight.  All that is left, aside from terrified echoes, is her staff, which clatters to the ground.  Predictably, TILT does not take this well.  “No!  No!  No!  I need healing!  I neeeed it!  I.  NEED.  HEALING!”  She begins glowing with an orange light, which burns off the rest of the ooze as she charges forward.  “GIVE ME YOUR HEALING!”  She swings her hammer with wild abandon, catching Genji, Venus, and Kagari for 25 damage each.  “You’re all weebs, you hear me?  Weebs!  I cannot be beaten by scrubs like you!”


Ana uses her prepared action.  She shoots Kagari in the back!  Kagari immediately begins looking much less hammered, and recovers 10 HP.  “Don’t worry, young one.  I’ve seen worse.  You’re going to be fine.”  Nanoboost is charging…


Session activates!  Hikari covers Ana while she heals Kagari with a Helix Rocket to TILT’s face, dealing 17 damage.  However, it seems that TILT’s aura of, well, tilt soaked up some of the force of the explosion.


Friedhold launches a swarm of conjured bugs at TILT, which eagerly burrow through her aura, crawl into the cracks in her armor, and start biting and stinging, dealing 8 damage.



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"Well that doesn't look good. We better end this as fast as possible. Right Mornings Arrow"  Bridgett Said to her device. "That is correct My Lady. Charging Complete. Cartridges loaded " The device chimed. 

Planting her feet Bridgett pointed Mornings Arrow at TILT as four spent cartridges are expelled from it. "Mythral Buster Fire!"The device and Bridgett called as a powerful Beam fired at TILT.


Bridgett Fires Mythral Buster and spends four Cartridges to ignore half of her targets RES dealing 6D6+SYN damage(syn is currently 18)     

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Battered by the force of the adversary's massive hammer, Venus grunted in a mix of irritation and pain as he steadied himself for the attack. Clutching the lotus-shaped accessory of metal he had prepared begrudgingly as he noticed TILT's previous injury, he knew that he could not let his personal ego put his life at stake, and instead backed away from TILT (though remaining within considerable vicinity of the team) and loaded into a Whisper an orb of magical enchantment of a luminescent blue glow as he released his third bullet. 


Venus fires from a distance with At an Arm's Length. (chance to crit (INT/2), heals for (4+1 per 4 SYN health) Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2)


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