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TotMGV:G2: Return to Rio (Subplot)


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Friedhold sighs, why is this never easy?  He then steps forward and turns around to address the whole group, "Miss Symmetra forgive my base understanding of hardlight technology, but if given access to a large enough power source you would be able to completely decimate our current opposition correct?  If so this is my plan: You, Isobel, LOTUS, and Ana will make your way to the rooftop of one of the nearby buildings, link into the power-grid of the building, and create some sort of railgun or cannon to destroy these..." He trailed off for a moment looking for the right word, "Things.  While they do that the rest of us on the ground will work on distracting these monsters, specifically we will try and bring down the creature made of teeth as it seems to be doing the most to hinder our teammates.  Bridgett, whatever you did to TILT, could you do it again?  I'm going to try and weaken the creature and make it more susceptible to damage.  Sachi if you still have to bomb from the guard barracks now would be a good time to prepare to use it if things take a turn for the worst." He takes a deep breath and relaxes some before speaking again, "If anyone has something to add or a better idea please speak up, if not then let's get this done."

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"Friedhold, I do have a couple of things to note! First of all, before the plan, and quickly: Symmetra, does your equipment have the tolerances for that? Secondly, send Sombra with Ana and Symmetra, not me! I should stay here and lend my tactical ability towards occupying the presumably Trespasser forces, and linking to the power grid I would only be able to provide aid with potential cyber security issues anyway -- Sombra can do that herself, AND can just use hardware like I cannot. Low and I would be much better utilized as part of the direct offense with the rest of the team."

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"Very well! The Trespasser with numerous eyes seem to be the one causing most of the damage. We must focus on that monster first, for it seems to be immune to most of our compatriots' efforts.

We must surely ensure victory! We cannot afford any loss, especially with the weight of the task and civilian presence. Caution your fire and minimise collateral damage.

Come on, a cheer for good luck?"

Wyvis put a hand in the middle of the group, with eager eyes inviting others to join in on the cheer. His maddening enthusiasm for jolly cooperation radiates out him like sunrays.

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Kagari cracked her neck. Seems like she would be on the ground fighting off these things. Fine then. She'd had enough of singing for today. She felt the magic that held her together flaring up as her back shifted and twisted, the top part of her shoulders expanding into a sort of plated armor that bore a pair of rotor blades at the tips. A similar plating covered her arms and legs, covering her fists and butt in a hard metal casing. A pair of sunglasses materialised over her eyes, glinting in the light.


Kagari shifts secondary forms to AH-64 Apache. Gains flight, +1 init, 130% DEX, 80% RES. Current DEX = 10. Current RES = 0.

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As Venus and his group attempt to regroup with the Overwatch squad, they discover the native group being bombarded by a group of new enemies. Peering closely at their assailants, Venus noticed their unorthodox forms for a moment, but his surge of inspiration immediately dissipated as he came to the logical presumption that the creatures attacking them were indeed akin to the many hordes of monsters he had fought with his team previously. Knowing they were life similar to the blackish essence of the beings Venus and his accomplices had already endeavored much to destroy previously, Venus frowned, uninterested at the prospect of fighting against the same hollow Tresspassers, despite their newfound forms. 


His toes twisted within his set of now dust-ridden heels, a hidden reaction signifying his impatience. His fingers tapped on the surface of Whisper's sleek, decorated body, a sound unheard amidst the commotion. Only Wyvis, whom he had shared a considerable period of time training in the same room with him, although unacquainted, seemed to have initiated some form of impromptu planning, determining that the beast with the innumerable amount of eyes was at present the greatest threat. No one had said anything yet, but given the strength of the adversary, Venus relented to the inevitable idea that the team needed to work together and focus on one target, rather than split up. 

Flourishing Whisper in hand while reloading the empty shells that he had expended during his previous scuffle, he nodded acquiescently to Wyvis suggestion; hopefully the others, too, would agree to the straightforward plan without fuss, and his performance could begin. 

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Friedhold pauses only briefly to see if anyone else had something to add before speaking up again "Reasonable point, in that case if you wouldn't mind assisting Ana and Symmetra Sombra, and as everyone else seems satisfied with the plan I suggest we move quickly, lest we have more bodies than graves." He checks the ammo in his gun as he speaks and as he finishes speaking he looks around at the people standing before him then with a slight nod he turns and slowly starts walking toward the battlefield.

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"Hooray for good luck! Ha ha ha!" Wyvis cheers with whatever little people who joined in the cheer, though he couldn't help notice a many of his team members simply ignoring the gesture.

This team requires more coherence with their actions. All in due time, perhaps.

"For the sun! Let us strike down our enemies! Hyaah!" Wyvis shouts and runs into the field, weapon held high.

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The Trespassers look up, probably startled, as Wyvis charges forward, a battle cry on his lips, over Symmetra's protest of "But my rig isn't big enough to make a superweapon!  I can't-  Oh, forget it," She groans before drawing a compact, three-pronged sidearm and following him, "We'll just have to improvise this time."  She says improvise like most people say 'shovelling horse crap'.


The rest of the group follows Wyvis' initiation with varying degrees of enthusiasm; Sombra promptly vanishes, as many of you probably suspected she would.  The three Trespassers grab a pair of Bastion units and peel off to defend their army's flanks, tentacles twitching, beer cans orbiting, and spurs jingling.




Shoggoth Wrengler:  29

Bastion 327:  19

Venus:  18

Bob:  17

Isobel and LOTUS:  17

Symmetra:  16

Mutant Meka:  16

Kagari:  13

Sachi:  12

Hikari:  11

Wyvis:  11

Friedhold:  7

Bridgett:  6

Bastion 861:  3




 Kagari:  31/31, Healthy

Bridgett:  36/36, Healthy

Venus:  36/36, Healthy

Hikari:  40/40, Healthy

Friedhold:  38/38, Healthy

Sachi:  51/51, Healthy

Wyvis:  40/40, Healthy

Isobel and LOTUS:  38/38, Healthy

Symmetra:  20/20, Healthy

Mutant Meka:  ?/? , Healthy

Shoggoth Wrengler:  ?/? , Healthy

Bob:  ?/? , Healthy

Bastion 327:  90/90, Healthy

Bastion 861:  90/90, Healthy


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Friedhold fires a steam of icy particles from his offhand aiming for that mass of eyes and teeth.


I'm using "Winter Blast" Make an [Int](6) vs [Con] save, if the target fails they become chilled to the bone and take +25% damage for [Int]/2 (3) turns, extra damage is cold, costs 6 Eve.

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Venus initiates combat with an introductory Artful Flourish at Bastion 861. (chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [1 + B] damage, T= 1, B: = 2)


*T = Turns Elapsed


 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)




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"Everyone - make sure to stay in contact with each other so that we may call for help in need!" he reminds the assault group as he strikes against a Trespasser with his glaive.


[Bloody Strike against Wrengler, dealing 8+4d5 damage and gaining 2x amount of Blood this turn.]


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Hikari takes a deep breath, as the group plunges into combat. Alright, once more.


Auto-Support gives a defensive buff to Hikari, and Symmetra. It gives an offensive buff to Kagari and Bridgett. 


Hikari casts Tarukaja/Rakukaja and gives herself an attack buff, and Kagari a defense buff. 

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Combat Commences!

Auto-Support Activates!  Symmetra and Hikari get +6 resistance for 3 rounds, and Kagari and Bridgett get +6 to their main attacking stat for 3 rounds.


The Shoggoth Wrengler shows Hikari some baby shoggoth pictures!  “Ent she a beaut?” It gurgles at the disgusted Mahou Shojo, “I wrengled this adorable li’l shiela last week, an’ she been growin’ up big an’ strong.”  Hikari is paralyzed by horror, disgust, and confusion until the Wrengler’s next turn.


Bastion 327 transforms and doesn’t roll out, because Vulcan Gatling gun turrets don’t have wheels.  They do have a very scary gun, though.


Venus shoots Bastion 861 with Whisper, dealing 4 damage as his pistol round barely penetrates the possessed omnic’s heavy armor!


Bob grabs a chili dog out of his halo of ballpark food and baseballs, takes a bite out of it, and throws it at the Shoggoth Wrengler!  It hovers above him, dripping chili at irregular intervals.  “I sense much hunger within you.  Have a frank.”


LOTUS supplies tactical advice from his previous studies of Bastion designs, granting all attacks made on Bastion 327 a crit chance!


Symmetra places a sentry turret on Hikari.  “Aligning defenses.  Turret online.”  Shield Generator is charging…


The Mutant Meka fires a mass of tentacles at Wyvis, reducing his Strength by 5 as they grapple him!  It then releases a radial blast of static that makes the world bubble and ripple for a few seconds, dealing 12 pure damage to its enemies and sucking something from them into itself.


Kagari hurls herself bodily at Bastion 327, slamming dents into the possessed omnic’s armor with her butt and dealing a total of 38 damage (no crits).  As she nurses her sore butt, it occurs to her that without the Tarukaja boost she might not have been able to penetrate the robot’s heavy armor.


Sachi applies some boot to the Shoggoth Wrengler, removing him from Hikari’s vicinity, and attempts to comfort the very disturbed girl while protecting her from enemies.  Unfortunately, she reacted too late to stop the Trespasser from sharing far more information than any mortal wants to see.  Sachi then regenerates 5 HP.


Hikari is paralyzed with disgust and incredulousness!  And also trying to decipher the Shoggoth Wrengler’s ridiculous accent.


Wyvis powers through the tentacles and takes a swing at the Shoggoth Wrengler, dealing 3 damage and gaining 6 blood points.  The tentacles pulling at his limbs and sapping his strength seem to have weakened the blow, as did a jet of chili from the orbiting hot dog that struck his glaive as he swung it.  That tentacle cowboy barely took any of the force of the blow.


The Mutant Meka eats a dark, energy-coated projectile Zarya fired to try to support you.  No Graviton Surge for you!


Friedhold attempts to freeze the Meka’s armor, making it susceptible to damage.  Not of This World activates!  Intelligence Check (40) vs Constutution Check (19) freezes the Meka’s armor solid, causing it to crack whenever the Trespasser moves.  The Meka will take 50% more damage from all sources for the next 6 rounds.  The extra damage is cold damage.


Bridgett begins charging Mithral Buster!


Bastion 861 beeps in an annoyed fashion.  Then, it shoots Venus right back, dealing 11 damage.





 Kagari:  19/31, Healthy, 2 rounds of Tarukaja left (+6 Dexterity).

Bridgett:  24/36, Healthy, 2 Rounds of Tarukaja left (+6 Strength).

Venus:  13/36, Badly Wounded

Hikari:  28/40, Paralyzed for 1 round, 2 rounds of Rakukaja left (+6 resistance), Tower Stance (50% of damage received is taken by Sachi), Sentry Turret (the next attack to hit her is countered for 1d6 damage and initiative reduction)

Friedhold:  26/38, Healthy

Sachi:  44/51, Healthy

Wyvis:  28/40, -5 strength.

Isobel and LOTUS:  26/38, Healthy

Symmetra:  8/20, Wounded, 2 rounds of Rakukaja left (+6 resistance).

Mutant Meka:  ?/? , 6 rounds of Amped Winter Blast left (All incoming damage increased by 50%, extra damage is cold damage)

Shoggoth Wrengler:  -3 HP/? , Healthy, Chili Dogged (Defensive chili jets weaken incoming attacks).

Bob:  ?/? , Healthy

Bastion 327:  52/90, Weaknesses Pinpointed until LOTUS’ next turn (5% chance for 2x damage on all attacks), Sentry Mode (?), covered in dents the shape of Kagari’s butt (cosmetic)

Bastion 861:  86/90, Angry at Venus





Shoggoth Wrengler:  29

Bastion 327:  19

Venus:  18

Bob:  17

Isobel and LOTUS:  17

Symmetra:  16

Mutant Meka:  16

Kagari:  13

Sachi:  12

Hikari:  11

Wyvis:  11

Friedhold:  7

Bridgett:  6

Bastion 861:  3




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Having taken mortal damage by the Bastion he alone targeted without dealing anything close to significant in return, Venus in irritation backs for cover and scrambles for his second shot with an empowered At An Arm's Length towards the Meka. (heals for 4 +B, chance to crit (INT/2),Quartenary Art bonus damage = T x [2 + B] damage, T= 2, B: = 2)


*T = Turns Elapsed


 B = SYN Bonus damage (1 per 4 SYN)




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"Oof! Careful! The tentacled monster can sap your strength!" Wyvis warns the others. "How about we try to focus fire on the Meka and try to bring it down before it is able to support the others?" Wyvis shouts. He covers himself in red aura and passes it onto Kagari and Venus.


[Harvest on Venus and Kagari. Wyvis gains 1.5(Venus+Kagari)'s damage in Blood for 2 turns. 4 turn cooldown.]

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"A-ah!" "That was along the lines of what I was thinking! Worse, the thing has a mass attack, which makes it even more of a threat! I'm going to scan it for a weakness, everyone nail the thing!"

Pinpoint Weakness on the Meka!

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Friedhold staggers back from the attack, that thing could hit harder than a big daddy and it seemed to hit everyone a once.  He stands up straight and says to the Mecha "Alright, since you want to play that game." He draws in enough wind and force around his left hand that it seems to distort the air around him, he then releases it to create a shock-wave that sends rocks and spent bullet casings flying into the Bastions and Trespassers before impacting with them itself staggering them backwards if not knocking them flat.


I'm using "Sonic Boom" on all five enemies knocking them prone until their next turn and dealing [Int](6) sonic damage, costs 2 Eve(10/16).

Prone enemies lose defensive bonuses from abilities like "basic defense", and lose dodge bonuses(at GM's discretion) until their next turn, abilities with multi-turn activation are also interrupted.

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Kagari noted the smartphone's advice and complied. Strategy had never been her strong suit. She was competent at it, but it was far from her specialty.


GAtling Ass on the Meka. DEX/2 hits of 1d3 + DEX damage. Current DEX (including Tarukaja) is 16.


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"...Why... what... I don't even... huh?" Hikari muttered. She could not comprehend what she had just seen, because she was just a woman in her early 20s and not one who could comprehend what the hell she had been shown, why she had been shown it, or anything about it. 


Hikari. Just pretend you didn't see that. Be traumatized later when you're not in a big fight. 


Hikari shook her head side to side to try to clear her thoughts. Focus.


Dia on Symmetra.

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