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[Tresspassers IC] The Tenth God: Waddle Dee (Subplot)


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Blink: Hold
Leon: Hold
Tesla: Move to F6
Flamer1: Hold
Waddle Dee2: Hold
Waddle Dee3: Hold
Eon: Move to E7
Flamer2: Move to G2
Sword Knight2: Hold
Waddle Dee6: Move to F4
Waddle Dee1: Attack B4 (success) Waddle Dee1 violently taps Waddle Dee2 on the shoulder, causing its ally to vanish. Waddle Dee2 reappears next to Victoria, seemingly unfazed by being brutally shoulder-tapped and removed from the game
Dimitri: Move to B6
Prei: Move to D7
Waddle Dee8: Hold
Merlin: Holds
Waddle Dee4: Hold
Laser Ball1: Attack A6 (fail) Dimitri deftly evades Laser Ball1's attack by standing in the next square over. Laser Ball1, unable to find its target, is forced to forgo firing
Chronos: Move to D8
Atton: Hold
Waddle Dee5: Move to E3
Victoria: Oops
Sword Knight1: Move to A3
Laser Ball2: Hold
Argent: Hold
Waddle Dee7: Move to G5
Hiroki: Move to C6
Wine: Move to E2


(OOC: In case you haven't seen the server, y'all got two days to post your actions before I execute the next turn)

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(OOC: Okay. I apparently cannot count to two, so this is actually a day late, derp)


Blink: Hold
Leon: Hold
Tesla: Move to F5 In response to Tesla's stare, Waddle Dee6 blinks adorably
Flamer1: Hold
Waddle Dee3: Hold
Eon: Hold
Flamer2: Move to E4 Flamer2 realizes it has made a mistakes as it moves to be right next to Tesla
Sword Knight2: Move to F3 Sword Knight2 blocks Flamer2's atttempts at backtracking. RIP Flamer2
Waddle Dee6: Hold
Waddle Dee1: Hold
Dimitri: Move to A6
Prei: Attack A4 (Fail) Prei finds it impossible to attack through Hiroki, and thus does not attack through Hiroki
Waddle Dee8: Hold
Merlin: Hold
Waddle Dee4: Hold
Laser Ball1: Hold
Chronos: Hold
Atton: Move to B7
Waddle Dee5: Hold
Victoria: Appear on F8 Victoria teleports down onto the game board. She gets to keep the popcorn
Sword Knight1: Move to C4
Laser Ball2: Hold
Argent: Hold
Waddle Dee7: Attack H6 (Success) Waddle Dee7 nonchalantly waddles into Argent's space and executes its secret technique. It's so secret and so technical that Argent finds himself defeated, he's teleported away to the sidelines with the other defeated pieces. Victoria takes his place as a bishop
Hiroki: Attack B5 (Flail) Hiroki just sort of flails sadly
Wine: Hold

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Dimitri attacks (as softly as possible) A2 (that's where Laser Ball 1 currently is right? I'm on my phone and the docs only shows the initial positions on my phone for some reason). 

((If my prediction is right Dimitri will be on the sidelines by the end of the next turn.))

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Blink: Move to A4 Blink shoots forward from her position in the back to a much more aggressive position. This is probably not going to end well for Dimitri
Leon: Hold
Tesla: Attack E4 (Success) Tesla reaches forward viciously, but a jolt of static electricity jumps from her fingertip to the Flamer, teleporting it away before she can do anything scary
Flamer1: Hold
Waddle Dee3: Hold
Eon: Hold
Flamer2: X_X
Sword Knight2: Move to D4
Waddle Dee6: Hold
Waddle Dee1: Hold
Dimitri: Attack A2 (Fail) Dimitri attempts to gently attack Laser Ball1, but he instead ends up not so gently attacking the air as Blink suddenly appears between him and his target
Prei: Hold
Waddle Dee8: Hold
Merlin: Hold
Waddle Dee4: Hold
Laser Ball1: Hold
Chronos: Hold
Atton: Hold
Waddle Dee5: Hold
Victoria: Hold
Sword Knight1: Hold
Laser Ball2: Hold
Waddle Dee7: Move to H7 Waddle Dee7 triumphantly strides forward. Merlin cannot resist the urge to hug such an adorable creature
Hiroki: Hold
Wine: Hold


Merlin attacks H7

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Blink: Attack C6 (success) Blink unexpectedly targets Hiroki instead of Dimitri, dashing to her location and giving her a hug. Hiroki thinks she hears Blink say something to the effect of "I missed you", but she can't be sure as she finds herself transported to the sidelines
Leon: Hold
Tesla: Hold
Flamer1: Hold
Waddle Dee3: Hold
Eon: Move to C8 Eon floats majestically to C8. It's very majestic
Sword Knight2: Move to E6 Sword Knight to sneakily sneaks to s sneaky spot of sneakiness. Check
Waddle Dee6: Hold
Waddle Dee1: Hold
Dimitri: Attack A4 (fail) Dimitri finds that his target has moved, so he does nothing
Prei: Attack C6 (success) Prei was totally expecting Blink to attack Hiroki. She gently pokes the diminutive goddess with her spear, causing Blink to be teleported away. A trophy with a wheel-shaped creature drops in her place for Prei to pick up

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Waddle Dee8: Move to A4.
Merlin: Attack H7 (success) Merlin cheerfully tackles the adorable Waddle Dee, but it disappears out from under her, leaving her alone to pout
Waddle Dee4: Hold
Laser Ball1: Attck A7 (fail) Laser Ball1 aims over Dimitri's shoulder in case Dimitri moves back to try to escape. Dimitri doesn't move so the Laser Ball does nothing
Chronos: Move to E8 Chronos anticipates the sneaky Sword Knight's sneaky sneaking and steps aside
Atton: Blindly charge A6 (success?) Atton attacks(?) A6 causing him to defeat Dimitri
Waddle Dee5: Hold
Victoria: Hold
Sword Knight1: Attack B6 (fail) Sword Knight1 takes aim at B6 in case Dimitri tries to escape to the side. It does nothing since Dimitri doesn't move
Laser Ball2: Move to G2
Waddle Dee7: X_X
Hiroki: X_X
Wine: Hold




Blink plops down next to the other defeated pieces. She's now wearing a golden gown and carrying a game system. She stares at the screen and presses buttons as if she were actually playing, but the system is off. It's unclear what would result if one tried to speak with her.

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