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[Tresspassers IC] The Tenth God: Waddle Dee (Subplot)


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Hiroki watches Blink for a few moments, sliding slightly closer to her and slightly further away from the unfamiliar others. She looked between the god and her gaming device a few time, confusion evident on her face, before returning to watching her own lap intently.

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Leon: Move to D7
Tesla: Hold
Flamer1: Move to A3 Flamer1 dashes to the defense of Laser Ball1, anticipating an enemy attack
Waddle Dee3: Hold
Eon: Move to D6 Eon majestically floats across the battlefield with all of his majesty
Sword Knight2: Attack F8 (Success) Sword Knight to jumps forward, unleashing a blindingly fast slash. Victoria finds herself back on the sidelines
Waddle Dee6: Hold
Waddle Dee1: Hold
Prei: Move to A4
Waddle Dee8: Move to H5
Merlin: Move to H8
Waddle Dee4: Hold
Laser Ball1: Move to B2
Chronos: Hold
Atton: Attack C4 (Success) Atton jumps forward and attacks Sword Knight1, sending it to the sidelines. Check
Waddle Dee5: Hold
Victoria: X_X
Sword Knight1: X_X
Laser Ball2: Move to G6
Wine: Move to E1 Wine backs out of Atton's line of fire




"It's a game." Blink answered. She didn't look up and just continued staring at the game screen. "You know Hiroki, you are allowed to talk to me." She said, actually sounding rather hurt, "Things have really gone off the rails here since you left. Nil suddenly disappeared shortly after you did. Not sure what did that, might have been Chronos but who the fuck is gonna get him to explain what he's been doing. I still have no fucking clue what Watcher wants with this weird-ass game, but he said it was important and he's the goddamned super being so of course we have to listen to him. There's all these little weirdos running around being cute and apparently that's somehow more of a fucking issue than everything else that's happened. And... And..." Blink trailed off, tears forming in her eyes as she stared at the blank screen, her fingers no longer meaninglessly jabbing at the buttons. "And I really just wish someone would explain to me why my whole world is falling apart."

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"S-sorry. . ." She scoots closer to Blink as she speaks, until they're a sneeze away from touching. Her words were a lot to take in. . . Nil was gone and Watcher was messing with things, and things generally seemed to be going from bad to worse. She wondered how Greed was doing; it was usually a little more stable than some of the other places - like where they were currently - but if everything was falling apart. "We, um, met this guy. He said something about these monsters going around eating universes so, um, that might be why Chronos is so worried about these things. Because, um, they might be related to the other monsters." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leon: Attack F8 (success) Leon blinks over to the Sword Knight and attacks with blinding speed, defeating it
Tesla: Hold
Flamer1: Attack B3 (success) Flamer1 whirls to life and performs a short flaming dash into the square its ally occupies
Waddle Dee3: Hold
Eon: Move to F5
Sword Knight2: The Sword Knight teleports to the side, leaving behind a trophy stand in its likeness


Name: Sword Essence
Description: A trophy stand with a Sword Knight on it. Makes you become like Sword Knight
Type: Consumable
Effect: Gives you a pointy green hat that used to belong to some blonde chick. Deals 1d4+DEX+STR slashing damage to an enemy

Waddle Dee6: Move to F5 (fail)
Waddle Dee1: Waddle Dee1 finds itself rather singed when it appears on the sidelines
Prei: Attack A3 (fail) Prei attempt to stab Flamer1, but it dashes aside just in time
Waddle Dee8: Move to H6
Merlin: Move to G8
Waddle Dee4: Move to D4 (can be attack by Tesla on her next turn)
Laser Ball1: Move to B1
Chronos: Move to E7. Chronos moves up slightly but finds himself in the path of Flamer1. Check (OOC: Only did this because I'm ending things before it matters)
Atton: Attack D3 (fail)
Waddle Dee5: Hold
Laser Ball2: Attack G8 (success) Laser Ball2 shoots a beam of light, amplified by stimulated emission of radiation, which zaps Merlin off to the side
Wine: Attack D1 (fail)


Seeing that they're in a bad spot, the cute foes forfeit. Chess End


Drop List:


Wheel Essencex1

Sword Essence x1


Victoria gets to keep the popcorn:


Name: Popcorn
Description: An infinitely-refilling bucket of fresh popcorn
Type: Bauble
Minimum Stats: 1STR, 3SYN
Weight: 3
Special Qualities:
-Entertaining: Whenever you deal the last hit on an enemy, heal for 20% maxHP. Max three times per encounter




"Universe eating monsters." Blink laughed, "That's fucking something." She didn't really find it funny, her laughter was more that of surrender. What else was there to do in a situation like this? "Anyways, Watcher said to give you this." Blink held out a piece of cloth shaped like an eye, "He said to call him if you're ever dying and he'll bring you home. Not sure if that means he's going to prevent you dying or just let you be with your family and shit. Either way, try not to need it." She stood up and brushed herself off, sliding the game system into the bosom of her dress. "Anyways, I just came to fuck around and say hi. I have to get back to trying to keep order in Envy which is not easy, a semi-anarchic society does not cope well with sudden changes and possibly universe-destroying phenomena. Any messages you want me to carry back?"


(OOC: Gonna take a Hiroki post and then move to the next stage, please get on Discord sometime this afternoon. I've pinned a couple messages for everyone to read)

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Hiroki shook her head. Home. . . The place she'd grown up in was an odd topic for her, to say the least. Sure, her family was there, and she'd spent nearly her whole life there. . . but after the tournament ended, she hadn't really intended to go back whether she won or lost. Granted, she didn't really have any plan at all for what happened after, but it hadn't even occurred to her. She reached out and took the cloth, absentmindedly folding it into a neat square before sliding it into a nigh-invisible pocket, despite how uneasy the thing made her feel. "Watcher wanted to help? I wonder why. . . Um, good luck with Envy."

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(OOC: Alright, fighting it is then. Also, in favor of time, the system from earlier is gon be nope. I'm just gonna run through important events)


"Thanks. Take care." Blink said, smiling softly. She waved at the sky, there was a flash of light, and then she was gone. Wine and Merlin had slunk off at some point as well, leaving the group alone with the adorable chess foes. It was time to fight. Wine and Blink were replaced by a small bomb thing with a skull on it and a living wheel, respectively. Chronos moved forward, hefting Meta Knight's sword. "We've wasted enough time, I've recovered enough to assist."


Location: Screw it. Battle: Turn 1




Leon: 25
Tesla: 25
Wheelie: 24
Flamer1: 24
Waddle Dee2: 23
Waddle Dee3: 23
Eon: 20
Flamer2: 19
Sword Knight2: 18
Waddle Dee6: 18
Waddle Dee1: 17
Dimitri: 17
Flamer3: 16
Prei: 16
Waddle Dee8: 16
Waddle Dee4: 14
Laser Ball1: 12
Bomber: 12
M.Knight: 11
Atton: 9
Waddle Dee5: 8
Victoria: 7
Sword Knight1: 6
Laser Ball2: 5
Argent: 5
Waddle Dee7: 4
Hiroki: 4
Bomber: 1

Party Status:


Argent: 40/40HP, No Status
Atton: 36/36HP, No Status
Dimitri: 29/29HP, Max HP lowered
Eon: 38/38HP, No Status
Hiroki: 33/33HP, Max HP lowered
Leon: 40/40HP, No Status
M.Knight: Healthy, No Status
Prei: 38/38HP, No Status
Tesla: 34/34HP, No Status
Victoria: 30/30HP, Max HP lowered

Enemy Status:


Wheelie: Healthy, Max HP lowered
Flamer1: Healthy
Waddle Dee2: Healthy
Waddle Dee3: Healthy
Flamer2: Healthy, Max HP lowered
Sword Knight2: Healthy, Max HP lowered
Waddle Dee6: Healthy
Waddle Dee1: Healthy, Max HP lowered
Flamer3: Healthy
Waddle Dee8: Healthy
Waddle Dee4: Healthy
Laser Ball1: Healthy
Waddle Dee5: Healthy
Sword Knight1: Healthy, Max HP lowered
Laser Ball2: Healthy
Waddle Dee7: Healthy, Max HP lowered
Bomber: Healthy


(OOC: I'll be cycling turns regardless of posted actions, anyone who doesn't post an action before I cycle with perform either a basic attack or defense, depending on a coin flip. Basic attacks will have reasonable target selection. Turns cycles will occur at a minimum of 48 hours apart)

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Argent was about to ask hiroki what that was all about, and who exactly blink was. Then he noticed fighting start, And sighed.

"Really? Does the word negotiations mean nothing to you pepole?"

he stood up and coated his arms in red and black flame, mostly for appearances.

(Well I guess there is only one thing to do.)


argent takes a deap breath before flinging his arms forward and unleashing a massive stream of fire at sword knight 2, waddle Dee 1 and waddle Dee 2 with a cry of  "HELLFIRE STREAMMMM!"


((Hellfire stream on sword knight 2, and waddle dees 1 and 2))

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Prei spins Myriad around and assumes a ready position. All around her, spears of cackling fire sparked into being. A feral grin graced her face. Outnumbered. Just how she liked it.



Prei activates Elemental Spears (Fire) - Next instance of damage (including counters) deals 3d6 bonus fire damage.

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That's a lot of enemy... can I really do this?


"Ahhhh great... fighting that's just great." Leon sighes as he unsheet both of his sword, "I'm really not in the mood for this."


Perks activate "Lazy Fighter: When health is 50% and up, the damage to opponent is only 70%"


Leon used Field Blitz on Laser ball2, Waddlee7, and Bomber

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Leon's Field Blitz deals 10 damage to Laser ball2, 10 damage to Waddlee7, and 10 damage to Bomber

Tesla's strike manages two hits, respectively dealing 6 and 4 damage to Wheelie

Wheelie: Pulls off a maddeningly fast turn, granting it enough momentum for First Strike next turn
-Wheelie accelerates across the field, driving over its enemies and dealing 5 damage to Eon, 3 damage to Dimitri, 4 damage to Prei, 2 damage to Meta Knight, 6 damage to Atton, 8 damage to Victoria, 6 damage to Argent, and 3 damage to Hiroki-
-Prei lashes out at it as it drives by, but it proves far too speedy-

Flamer1 levitates into the air, flames spewing out and encircling it. It dashes forwards for 6 fire damage on Eon

Waddle Dee2 bumps into Tesla for 4 damage

Waddle Dee3 walks up slowly and baps Atton for 2 damage

Eon rains down 5 damage stars upon all the waddle dees

Flamer2 dashes into Dimitri for 3 fire damage

Sword Knight2 jumps forward and slashes Victoria with blinding speed, dealing 9 damage

Waddle Dee6 performs its signature waddle straight into Atton's leg, dealing 5 damage

Waddle Dee1 looks up at Argent for a moment before nudging him for 3 damage

Dimitri nullifies most of the previous damage numbers by returning 9 HP to all of his allies
-Meta Knight proves too mysterious to heal-

Flamer3 dashes for 8 fire damage to Prei
-Prei counters for 4 damage-

Prei activates Elemental Spears (Fire)
-Heal 4-

Waddle Dee8 walks up to Prei and stares at her spears for a moment before stepping on hr foot for 5 damage
-Prei counters for 3 damage, her Elemental Spears follow up for a further 10 fire damage-

Waddle Dee4 attempts to attack Tesla, but it merely hurts its face on her mech's thick armor

Laser Ball1 fires off a blast of energy, dealing 7 electric damage to Eon

Meta Knight whirls around rapidly, repeatedly striking Sword Knight2 for a total of 2 pure damage

-Sword Knight2 winks out of existence, leaving behind a Sword Essence-

Atton fires his gun for 10 pure damage on WaddleDee5

Waddle Dee5 walks towards Meta Knight, but finds him too intimidating to attack

Victoria uses her Draining Shot on Bomber

Sword Knight1 slashes Argent for 8 damage

Laser Ball2 fires a laser at Hiroki which deals 5 electric damage. The beam compresses into a single point before jumping onwards to deal 7 electric damage to Eon. The beam ricochets again, this time striking Leon for 7 electric damage before fizzling out

Argent fires a stream of malevolent fire, hitting sword knight2 for 6 damage, waddle dee1 for 5 damage, and waddle dee2 for 5 damage

Waddle Dee7 bonks Hiroki's cannon for 2 damage

Hiroki unloads a metric fuckton of the damages: 7 on Waddle Dees 2, 3, 6, 1, 4, and 5; 12 on Waddle Dees 8 and 7; 9 on both Laser Balls; 8 on Sword Knight1; 10 on Bomber; and 6 on Wheelie

-Wheelie's momentum is cut off as it blinks out of existence-

Bomber trips and almost falls on its end, but is stopped by Leon's knee, to which it deals 2 damage




Leon: 25
Tesla: 25
Flamer1: 24
Waddle Dee2: 23
Waddle Dee3: 23
Eon: 20
Flamer2: 19
Waddle Dee6: 18
Waddle Dee1: 17
Dimitri: 17
Flamer3: 16
Prei: 16
Waddle Dee8: 16
Waddle Dee4: 14
Laser Ball1: 12
M.Knight: 11
Atton: 9
Waddle Dee5: 8
Victoria: 7
Sword Knight1: 6
Laser Ball2: 5
Argent: 5
Waddle Dee7: 4
Hiroki: 4
Bomber: 1

Party Status:


Argent: 32/40HP, No Status
Atton: 32/36HP, No Status
Dimitri: 29/29HP, Max HP lowered
Eon: 22/38HP, No Status
Hiroki: 26/33HP, Max HP lowered
Leon: 31/40HP, No Status
M.Knight: Cracked, No Status
Prei: 29/38HP, No Status
Tesla: 34/34HP, No Status
Victoria: 22/30HP, Max HP lowered

Enemy Status:


Wheelie: X_X
Flamer1: Wounded
Waddle Dee2: Heavily Wounded
Waddle Dee3: Wounded
Flamer2: Wounded, Max HP lowered
Sword Knight2: X_X
Waddle Dee6: Heavily Wounded
Waddle Dee1: Heavily Wounded, Max HP lowered
Flamer3: Heavily Wounded
Waddle Dee8: Heavily Wounded
Waddle Dee4: Wounded
Laser Ball1: Wounded
Waddle Dee5: Heavily Wounded
Sword Knight1: Crying, Max HP lowered
Laser Ball2: Crying
Waddle Dee7: Crying, Max HP lowered
Bomber: Heavily Wounded


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