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FE Heroes Friend ID and Discussion Topic


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So, the FE Heroes app is out today, and there's no reason not to team up. Share your ID and discuss the game here.



My ID: 636 475 2155 (spread out for easy reading and input)



Grand List of Potential Allies:


Maelstrom: see above

Godot: 441-539-1665

DreamblitzX: 389 897 7052

Combat Medic: 340 209 4740

IntSys: 249 258 1284

Zetaark A: 870 215 5672

Zetaark B: 234 290 7616

ExLink32: 844 485 4705

Guzam: 269-049-5067

Commander: 459-153-2228

Frar: 242-254-0036

PerfectMafia: 307 639 8670

Bibs: 578-858-5771

Felix: 211 516 2831

Chessdude: 717 513 9433

Cepheus: 661 712 6829

Quinn: 965 491 0167

Sardines: 112-984-0623

Fabled Asian: 563 255 7781

Hukuna: 191 622 3662

MrLGFD: 014-327-0453

Sheep: 342 048 9553

5hift: 908 149 8531

Ikaru: 905 806 9837

SJMystery: 147 970 4890

doombotmecha: 7546-109-235

AvatarofGrinma: 661-440-2541

Chase: 089-529-7773






For the following, * denotes skills of interest...

keep in mind that these assume 4* units, with 5 star only abilities as noted, and they are the same except as specified.

if you use ctrl + f to find compatible skills easier, keywords to look for are: red, blue, green, infantry, armor, mounted, flying, mage, sword, axe, spear, dagger, healer




Potential units to gain abilities to inherit:


Frederick- 4* (Green/Axe/Mounted)

Wpn- Hammer

* Support- empty

Ability- Luna (resolve combat as if enemy suffered def/res -50%, 3 to charge)

* A skill- empty

B skill- Wings of Mercy( warp to ally with hp <= 40%, 50% at 5*

C skill- Fortify Def (adj allies +4 Def at turn start)


Cecilia- 4* (Green/Mage/Infantry)

Wpn- Gronraven (advantage vs colorless foes) (+11, 5*)

Support- rally resistance (+4)

*Ability- empty

A skill- attack +2 (+3, 5*)

B skill- escape route ( warp to any ally, hp <= 50%)

* C skill- empty


Kagero- 4* (colorless/dagger/infantry)

* Wpn- poison dagger (2 mt, eff. against infantry, def/res -4 through their next actions) (5*, 5 mt)

* Support- empty

Ability- Reprisal (bonus dmg, 30% of damage suffered, 2 to charge)

A skill- Warding Blow (res +4 on attack) (5*, +6)

B skill- Dagger Breaker ( hp >= 50%, follow up and no foe follow up against dagger)

*C skill- empty


Tiki- 5* (red/mage/infantry)

Wpn- flametongue (11 mt)

* Support- empty

Ability- Growing flame (wide area attack, unit attack - foe def/res, 5 to charge)

A skill- Armored blow (+6 def on attack)

*B skill- empty

C skill- Breath of life (+7 hp to adj. allies on attack)


Eirika- 5* (red/sword/infantry)

Wpn- Seiglinde (16 mt, adj allies atk +3 on start of turn)

Support- pivot (move to opp side of ally)

*Ability- empty

* A skill- empty

B skill- Drag Back

C skill- Hone speed (adj allies +4 speed on turn start)


Corrin (F)- 4* (Blue/Mage/Infantry)

Wpn- Dark Breath (mt 9, foes w/in 2 spaces -5 atk/spd after attack)

*Support- empty

Ability- Draconic Aura (+30% atk, 3 to charge)

*A skill- empty

B skill- Seal res (enemy -5 res after combat) (5*, -7)

C skill- Hone attack (adj allies + 4 atk on turn start)


Elise- 5* (colorless/healer/mounted)

Wpn- Gravity (6 mt, target can only move 1 space on next action) [probably switch this with pain?]

Support- Recover (+15 hp, +1 trigger charge)

Ability- Kindle Fired Balm (allies +4 atk after heal, 1 to charge)

*A skill- empty

B skill- live to serve (recover same amount when healing ally)

* C skill- empty



potential units to inherit from:


Wrys (colorless/healer/infantry)

*slow- (5 mt, spd -6 on target)

Support- rehab (+7+ hp, more if target below 50% hp, trigger charge +1)

*Ability- heavenly light (when healing other allies + 10 hp, 2 to charge)

A skill- empty

* B skill- Live to serve

C skill- empty


Felicia (colorless/dagger/mounted)

*wpn- Silver dagger (7 mt, -5 def/res) (5*, 10 mt, -7 def res) [would add lots of power and utility to Kagero]

Support- empty

*Ability- Chilling wind (dmg + 50% unit res) (5*, dmg + 80% unit res)

A skill- Res +3

B skill- empty

C skill- breath of life (adj allies hp +5) (5*, hp + 7)


Lissa- (colorless/healer/infantry)

Wpn - Gravity

Support- Reconcile/rehabilitate

*ability- kindle fire balm

A skill- empty

*B skill- Renewal (+10 hp every third turn)(5*, +10 hp every second turn)

C skill- empty


Sohpia- (red/mage/infantry)

Wpn- blah

Support- empty

*Ability- Dragon gaze (+30% atk, 4 to charge) (5*, 50% to atk, 4 to charge)

A skill- Warding blow

B skill- empty

C skill- Fortify res (+4 res)


Stahl- (red/sword/mounted)

Wpn- Ruby sword

* Support- Swap (trade places with adj ally)

Ability- empty

A skill- Def +3

*B skill- Obstruct (prevent foe from moving through adj spaces if unit hp >=70%) (5*, >=50%)

C skill- empty


Hana (red/sword/infantry)

*Wpn- armorslayer (adv. vs armored units)

*Support- Rally atk

*A skill- Life and Death (Atk/Spd +4, def/res-4) (5*, +-5)

B skill- obstruct

C skill- empty


Nino (green/mage/infantry)

*Wpn- Gronnblade (mt 9, adds total bonuses to dmg dealt, trigger charge +1) (5*, mt 13)

Support- Draw back (unit moves 1 space away from target ally who moves to unit's former position) [this is a really weird ability, what?]

Ability- empty

A skill- Res +3

B skill- empty

C skill- Hone atk (+3 atk adj allies at start of turn) (5*, + 4)


Beruka- (green/axe/mounted/flying)

*Wpn- Killer Axe (7 mt, -1 trigger charge) (5*, 11 mt)

Support- empty

Abilty- Glimmer (+50% dmg dealt, 3 to charge)

*A skill- Defiant (Def +7 at start of turn if hp >= 50%)

*B skill- Lunge (after combat target and unit swap places)

C skill- empty


Arthur- (Green/Axe/Infantry)

*Wpn- Emerald Axe

*Support- Swap

A skill- hp +5

*B skill- lancebreaker (if hp >= 70%, follow up attack and foe cannot) (5*, hp>= 50%)

C skill- empty


Bartre- (Green/Axe/Infantry)

*Wpn- Hammer (Adv against armor, mt 8) (5*, mt 14)

*Support- Smite (push adj ally away 2 spaces)

Ability- empty

A skill- Fury (Atk/Spd/Def/Res +2, -4 hp after combat) (5*, +3 stats, -6 hp after combat)

B skill- Brash Assault (auto follow attack if attacking while at <=50% hp)

C skill- empty


Subaki- (mounted/blue/spear/flying)

Wpn- Sapphire lance

Support- Swap

A skill- Res +3

* B skill- Quick Reposte (auto follow up atk if attacked at hp >=80%) (5*, hp >= 70%)

C skill- emtpy


Est- (Blue/Spear/Mounted/Flying)

*Wpn- Heavy Spear (adv against armor, mt 8) (5*, mt 12)

Support- shove (push adj unit 1 space away)

*A skill- Res + 7 at turn start if hp >= 50%

*B skill- Seal Speed (-5 spd after combat) (5*, -7)

C skill- empty


Palla (Red/Sword/Mounted/Flying)

*Wpn- Ruby Sword

Support- empty

Ability- Moonbow (resolve combat as if foe -30% res/def)

A skill- empty

*B skill- Wings of Mercy (warp adj to ally at hp <= 40%) (5&, <= 50%)

*C skill- Spur Speed (adj allies + 3 spd in combat)

*C skill- Goad fliers (ally fliers 2 space away +4 spd/atk during combat)


Laslow (Red/Sword/Infantry)

*Wpn- Silver sword (mt 11) (5*, mt 15)

Support- empty

*Ability- Noontime (heal 30% of dmg dealt)

A skill- empty

*B skill- axe breaker (if hp >=50% against axe, follow up attack and foe cannot)

*C skill- Hone speed (+3sp adj allies at turn start) (5*, +4)


Fir- (Red/Sword/Infantry)

*Wpn- Killing Edge

Support- Empty

*Ability- Glacies (dmg + 80% unit Res, 4 to charge)

A skill- spd + 3

*B skill- Pass (pass thru foes if hp >= 50%) (5*, >= 25%)

C skill- empty


Effie- (Blue/Spear/Armor)

*Wpn- Silver lance (mt 11) (5*, mt 15)

*Support- Smite

*A skill- Death blow (Atk +4 on attack,

B skill- Wary fighter (prevent all follow ups if unit hp >= 50%)

C skill- empty


Raigh- (Green/Mage/Infantry)

*Wpn- 3* Raudwolf (mt 6, adv against mounted units) (5*, mt 10)

*Support- Rally atk

A Skill- Hp +4

*B Skill- Seal Res (-7 res after atk)


Gunter- (Green/Axe/Mounted)

*Wpn- Silver axe (11 mt) (5*, 15 mt)

*Support- Harsh Command (converts penalties on target ally into bonuses)

Ability- empty

*A skill- Armored blow- +4 def on atk (5*, +6)

B skill- empty

*C skill- Hone attack




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My ID is 340 209 4740. I'm adding all of you, because why not?


So far, I'm enjoying this game. I blew almost all of my orbs immediately though, but ended up with Awakening Tiki who's kind of a beast, err... Dragon.

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I'll get mine up here. But I think I suck at this.




4-star Cain (dunno. Cav with a Brave Sword though. Best summon unit)

4-star Merric (Mystery right?)

3-star Azama (Fates: Birthright, Azama is helpful)

3-star Frederick (Awakening)

3-star Olivia (Awakening...no dance :()

3-star Florina (dunno. Peg Knight though)

3-star CHERCHE. Thank you FE gods. Or God. 





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Friend ID is: 307 639 8670, and I'm gonna send off Friend Requests as soon as this post goes up :P


I keep blowing through the summon orbs so currently I've got:


4-Star Hana [Fates]

3-Star Fir [Binding Blade]

4-Star Barte [Binding Blade]

3-Star Florina [Blazing Blade] - Muh Fav! XO

3-Star Cherche [Awakening]

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I shall post my IDs (Yes I have 2 because reasons and things)


Account 1: 870 215 5672  (Notable Chars include Azura, Felicia, and Roy)


Account 2: 234 290 7616 (Notable Chars include Lyn, Frederick, and also Roy)

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No 5 stars for me yet.


4 Stars:


Gwendolyn [binding blade]

Cecilia [bind blade]



3 Stars:





Clarine [binding blade]



My main team is Clarine for healer, Frederick and Gwendolyn for front lines, and Kagero and Cecilia swap out as my ranged attacker, depending on foe line-up.

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My ID: 661 712 6829


I only did two summons so far and got:

4 Star Female-Corrin  [Fates] -> blue Dragon (her breath attack gives debuffs to units around the target [-5 atk/agi], and I got her Raise Atk. the start of the turn adjacent character get +2Atk)

4 star Hinata [Fates] -> red sword (Rubysword - additional 20% to weapon-triangle advantage/disadvantage ... ... means he totally wrecks green units!)


I blew way too many spheres into my castle upgrades for the EXP-boost :P


And for the record: I hate all of you 5-star Lyn users!!!!! because I want one too... Lyn is like the only character I actually wanted to have...


I'm currently Level 11-13 with my main team... the others are level 4-6


also, I found it funny when I send my Corrin against Xander, when he was like "that evil princess reminds me of my sibling who was held in that far away fortress" ... Oh you mean that girl that fights for me, and turns into a dragon?? Here let me re-unite you!! xD




Well... just after I wrote that I used my remaining spheres for summons... And I got frickin 5 STAR TAKUMI! :D

Edited by Cepheus
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