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10 minutes ago, Chase said:

I like seeing Ephraim and Eirika at least. Gives me hope that eventually the whole roster of Fire Emblem units may be reached. (I need Charlotte in my life.)


Seliph and Julia are the ones that get me excited, Nintendo are bringing in Genealogy much sooner than I expected. Or at least part of Genealogy anyway. I'd be interested to see what they do with the book of Naga (Julia's personal weapon) in Heroes, considering that it is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon in all of Fire Emblem. Whether they try to make it balanced or just embrace it's horrendously broken nature will be interesting to see.

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Possibly. I don't see why not. Though I imagine it'd be a waaaaaaaays done the road if they did it. Honestly though she'd have to be insanely good for me to care much. Cause like... I have pretty much every Green Mage currently. So... I really don't need more Green Mages ((or mages in general I have like... so many.))

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Today's pulls were:


4-star Jakob: It's not. Takumi. DANG IT. ....but it breaks my awful luck of pulling garbage like-


3-star Hinata: Never mind. I think this is like...the 5th Hinata I've pulled. Can I get something like....Laslow, Selena, Ogma.............Ryoma, Xander.....Lyn? ....Please? Hinata's the worst.




Who? Veronica? I for one still think she's a unit you don't want attacking you on Enemy Phase. I found her to be pretty difficult on the easiest story mode. (Xander "ain't shit" though on that map.


If you're talking about Olivia - I like Olivia too. I just like Azura more.

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I'd agree if Jakob wasn't so... meh tier. He's pretty bad. ((really any Shuriken user not Kagero, Saizo or Felica... is kinda garbo.))

Hinata mostly sucks cause... ew Ruby Sword. That and Brash Assault and Fury are both sorta... bad skills tbh.


2 hours ago, Fabled Asian said:

I wish I knew what the "penalty" was, I keep seeing it on generic mages and veronica but I don't see changes on my stats or anything online.

You'd have to clarify... cause I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Out of curiosity, do you guys have any suggestions for my "main" team(s)? Chapter nine has been kind of brutal for me, so I'm currently trying to grind up some of my units, but would rather not waste any time on any less useful characters. 


My "main" units include;

-Eliwood (4-Star)

-Peri (4-Star)

-Setsuna (4-Star)

-Barte (4-Star)

-Ogma (4-Star)

- Olivia (4-Star, rarely used)

-Draug (4-Star)

-Awakening Tiki (4-Star)

-Fae (4-Star)

-Henry (3-Star)

-Gwyndolyn (3-Star, level 22)

-Serra (3-Star, only healer I use)

-Est (3-Star)

-Chereche (3-Star)


It's pretty obvious I'm using too many units, but I still can't tell whose good and whose bad...

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@Fables Asian do you mean that Warning Triangle sign thing?


Here is the description of Veronicas weapon:

"After this unit attacks, foes within 2 spaces of target have their bonuses turned into penalties through their next actions."

If you don't see anything change, that's because your unit wasn't buffed before



so as an example:

Your Unit has 20 Defence.

if you Buff your unit with +4 Defence with Rally Defence, your unit now has 24 Defence.

Now that unit is being attacked by Veronica

that +4 Defence now turns into -4 Defence, making your unit only have 16 Defence.


at least that's how I understand it


and Harsh command is doing the exact opposite - If you are struck by debuffs, such as Shuriken Debuffs, you turn these debuffs into Buffs:

Your unit with 20 Def. and 15 Res. is hit with an Iron shuriken

Your unit not gets -3 Def./Res. - now being 17 / 12 respectively

Now You go with Saizo to that unit and use Harsh Command to turn those debuffs into Buffs

Resulting in your unit now having 23 Def. and 18 Res.


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hey so I'll make this brief 'cause user error got the last post deleted:


my only 4-stars are Sheena, Niles, and Oboro. Oboro isn't on-level, though, but once I get her there she'll be on the A-team.


my only healer is 3* lissa, but I'll probably rarify her soon anyway. she's still good early.


The Squad right now is Sheena, The Spear fighter you get in the prologue, Lissa, and Niles. It's bad in open fights or vs. ninjas, but it defends chokepoints like you wouldn't believe. I also use Alphonse if for some reason I need a sword fighter.


The one character I really want to get before the event ends is Camilla, since she's broken and also hot. It'd be incredible to get female corrin, though, since she's my favorite of the dragons, and also i need a good mage. I don't have my code yet, but seeing as my army is terrible, I don't think it'll be that much help until I pull a 5* or something. I also need to rarify Lissa and the starters so she can get endgame stats and so they can get their good stuff. Frankly they're the only <3 star units in the whole damn army.



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With your units, I'd pick Setsuna, Olivia, Peri, and Draug.


Setsuna is great if you don't have Robin since she can counter archers and rogues with her kit.


Olivia is pretty obvious since she has dance. You can get huge damage/heal potential with her on your team with her double turns and +attack with Hone Attack.


Now I had a bit of trouble deciding between Peri and Gwendolyn. Both are great units but since I don't know how may feathers you have, I'm just gonna go with Peri since she has 4*. Peri has great synergy in her kit with her Killer Lance and Glimmer. That and she's cavalry so that's a plus. Gwendolyn has similar synergy in her kit with her Killer Lance and Escutcheon. But again, dunno how many feathers you got so you may not be able to unlock those abilities. Her abilities makes her a hefty tank and a team buffer.


And finally, Draug. He's one tanky motherfucker all except for mages since his resistance is abysmal. But he still can take hits and buff his teammates.


Couldn't decide on a green unit... Neither Bartre nor Cerche are any good. Flying units in this game are pretty lame since the maps are so goddamn small that an archer can easily pick them off. Also pretty much everyone and their grandma has a Takumi (except for me >.<) so flying units aren't going to get very far in PVP.

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1 hour ago, Fabled Asian said:

@Hukuna the Undying

I wish I could clarify tbh, the best example is after Veronica attacks she inflicts the closest target with a penalty (atleast thats what shows up as the "status effect"). I'm not sure how Saizo's Harsh Command is suppose to counter penalties.

Ye sorry XD, I was going to ask that but wasn't sure. Ceph got you covered though. Yes, it only applies when you have prior buffs as it directly flips them. I actually kinda forgot Veronica's tome had that and that's why I was confused. Since the only version I remember is Maria having Panic ((the offensive staff that inflicts it.)) and the reverse version that is Harsh Command.

also on above for the Flying unit... I really don't agree. it depends on the Flier entirely. There's quite a few maps where it's SUPER handy to have a flier and bows aren't quite as crazy common as you let on. Many of the fliers suffer from poor def, well the Peg Knights do but FLiers can be quite strong. Catria is a good example as she's one of the strongest units in the game right now. Takumi dooooes put a bit of a damper on them cause Close Counter is horse shit lololol, but that's only really an issue in arena. ((and not everyone has Takumi. I say this... ahving fought a dude who's arena team was 3 Tacomeat's and a healer... so I got meme'd and hard...)) it's case by case. Minerva is actually pretty solid too ((if not a bit high risk high reward due to having Life and Death. Or +5 atk and spd for - 5 Def and Res.))

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@Fabled Asian, no problem. And, she's pretty solid ye. Armourslayer is nice for hitting Axe Armour ((though be careful, Peg Knight's def is typcially low so you need be to be careful of taking a big hit.)) and sometimes Sword Armour if in a pinch. She also gets both Rally Speed to help allies double if she won't be attacking that turn, and she herself gets Darting Blow a sorta self Rally Speed whenever she attacks making her doubles much more likely. Fort Res is a bit... eh but not awful Though, Fortify Fliers is interesting in that's it's a massive +6 def and res soley for fliers.

In short, she's certainly interesting and probably worth using to some effect lol.

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Note, you can have more than one team. Having back up units is a good idea too to be able to swap to things that are more solid in other situations. ((like say you go into a map thatis FULL of red units... might not be the best idear to bring both Merric and Raven lol. They will get bodied.))

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Hmm ye, Felicia would take some work ((mine is 3*... actually 4 since i think I rnaked her up to that I forget though LOL.)) and I spent a bunch of resources getitng Olivia up to 4* as well. Hmmm, Saizo is pretty solid he's got a similar thing to FCorrin as he's a mass debuffer ((though for Def and Res rahter than Attack and speed)). Felicia is more of a single target debuff and a nuker every time her Special is off CD. Niles is mostly a mage fighter with his stupidly high resistence but he's not the greatest at anything else.

Either way, it's up to you in the end XD. I don't wanna sound too much like I'm like "ugh you're doing it worng do it like this UUUUUUGH" lol. You definitely got a pretty interesting selection of units at your disposal though.

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@Hukuna the Undying nah it's alright I need all the help I can get, even if it means to completely restart my team. i've mostly been trying to test my luck on the devotion set, instead of the EXP castle unfortunately so leveling up to 35 may take some time. I'm at a crawl right now as it's getting difficult for me to complete chapters and stages without cheesing the AI or making sacrificial plays. I get it's all strategy but I would like my matches less down to who attacks first.

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4 hours ago, Fabled Asian said:

@Hukuna the Undying Thanks regardless.

Speaking of Peg. Knights is Caeda any good?

No. She's trash. I have her as a 4 star and she's just not helpful. Her def and atk are low, so she gets eaten up by armored units even with her armorslayer.


9 hours ago, Combat said:

Out of curiosity, do you guys have any suggestions for my "main" team(s)? Chapter nine has been kind of brutal for me, so I'm currently trying to grind up some of my units, but would rather not waste any time on any less useful characters. 


My "main" units include;

-Eliwood (4-Star)

-Peri (4-Star)

-Setsuna (4-Star)

-Barte (4-Star)

-Ogma (4-Star)

- Olivia (4-Star, rarely used)

-Draug (4-Star)

-Awakening Tiki (4-Star)

-Fae (4-Star)

-Henry (3-Star)

-Gwyndolyn (3-Star, level 22)

-Serra (3-Star, only healer I use)

-Est (3-Star)

-Chereche (3-Star)


Eliwood performs subpar for me as well. I wouldn't recommend him or Cherche.

Don't listen to 5hift, Bartre is really good. He hits and tanks like a beast. He'll be best friends with your healer, though. He's your dude if you really want to grind a healer up.

Speaking of healers, I don't like Serra. She's not as good at supporting as most of the other healers.

I'm still raising my Draug but he's got potential, especially with his brave sword.

If your Olivia doesn't have Dance yet, it's worth the grind for it. Dance is really useful for getting those knights across the map too.


Don't know much about Ogma so idk. I'm working on my own Henry to see if his abilities work out for him.


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