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We really shouldn't underestimate lyn, her skills essentially allow you to safely disable a unit so your units can swoop in and attack. apply to a team focused on one unit a la desperation nino and you can take their damage out easy. Hector, Ike, taco and also 90% of vantage users also become far less dangerous, it gives rise to more prominent squishy attackers like our new mage friends.


Someone gets Lyn, i wouldn't be surprised to see a mage team in its entirety. give her skill to a tanky healer or a troubadour? Disables for days.

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2 hours ago, Combat said:

Decided to do another pull today and got a five star Young Tiki with -HP but +Atk. I think that might be fairly decent as a glass canon. I'm not a fan of having children in war games, but I'll take what I can get.


Even at -hp, she's still gonna be a tank rather than a glass cannon. Mine in particular is +hp, so that's a nice 6 hp more than yours, but -def, which puts her at 29 for both Def and Res, and I tend to use her to bait in everything and anything. Except blue mages like Linde (but that's what Kagero is for). She's really good at blunting physical attackers with her face and then counterattacking where they're usually pretty weak, their Res (especially armored units that aren't blue). She's a really strong candidate for Vantage, Quick Reposte, or Renewal.

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Young Tiki has very strong stats with her only set backs being that she is 1 range, vulnerable to Nowi, and dies to the Falchion. She is really good except for the fact Lucina exists which if you don't have a counter for, Tiki won't save you. I have a minus Attack one, but she is my second best red after the ungodly Ike pull. So I recommend her.


Speaking of bride cordelia, it is kind of hard to be called better than Takumi when Takumi comes with a solid skill set only needing Vantage to improve it. Takumi is not the best archer, but he is the best at handling fliers. You also really only need one archer in an army. Would love to pull Klein though.


I'm grinding my sword army up so now I have to decide who to promote next. Unless Camus is the next grand hero, I think it is about time Robin premotes. Almost have a full roster for the war vortex.

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Obviously without Skill Inheritance Takumi is better out of the box - and yes, Takumi with SI isn't searching for much - but in a vacuum he just loses more matches than Bride!Cordelia running quad.


Takumi is arguably a comparable unit due to Cordelia being a promotional unit and thus he'll be more widely available. Build her though - and then the game is changed.

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  • Support Squad

After trying Tempest, it's not too bad imo, I can storm most of the hardest lunatic stage with a Linde, Tharja, Julia and Olivia (bless desperation) but the  last map fukt me, they are clearly just using stat buffs to make it harder.


Grinding out the points though?


I got 631 points from my first lunatic run. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA


This is gonna take some time.


Im gonna melt Mae's desperation onto tharja because it's just a necessity.

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Seeing what my team is I can beat the Lunatic run with my main team. Don't worry if your units fall in the last map as you still get max score for them. Getting 500 points a run though means this is going to take a while. Likely I'm going to need to do this a lot for that 50k point seal

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Man I don't have a unit to bait Veronica except Sanaki (who is -ATK) because of how damn tanky. Along with the Cavaliers on the side being a possible Owen makes it even more annoying.


I pulled a Hector recently although he's +RES -DEF so Bonfire is weaker but he can take more Magic? I went vantage over Renewal but for these maps I'm sorta wanting to change it.


I need Nowi because of how many Red units I've been running into which leaves my last unit to be either Olivia/Julia/Healer.


It feels like you really need a fast glass cannon or something. You guys have any tips, because I am just dragging myself up the ladder atm.

Edited by Fabled Asian
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  • Support Squad

I'm running deperation linde/tharja with Tadept Julia and then olivia. I only face a major issue if they stack colours and the map is a narrow, awkward one. Then the final map i just die and switch to the B team with lucina.

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A nowi would need some major SI, iirc. I prefer to use F Corrin over Nowi, but my favorite blue, anti-red units are Linde and Azura. Azura is just nice as both dancer and sapphire lance+ wielder.


Kagero also helps tear down red swordsman from a distance, and has no fear of mages unless they're mounted and have advantage against colorless. Although sometimes she needs a little help from a dancer to make tankier infantry extra dead. Don't was sp on her natural triggered ability, go for something like moonbow, which will help her take out mounted units very reliable with a dancer. I suppose other than that, the things that give her trouble are ranged counter attackers with high def.


In a similar vein, do you have a Jaffar?

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After all that time defending felicia and her niche


She fucking backstabs me by countering me so completely. Sigh.


I've gotten so much SP from this event tho, Tharja is about to have desperation 3, Linde got Fortify res 3, Julia is getting her whole thing kitted out. Tempted to giver he G Tome breaker from the henry I drew but she rarely lives long enough to use it on veronica so idk.

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@Maelstrom Nowi is pretty much made to take down any Red unit since i gave her TA and Sword breaker. -ATK but she still finishes the job. Kagero is also -ATK +Spd and she can barely kill/double units in the regular Training Towers.


I'm not fortunate enough to get any other Dancer besides Olivia which also somehow end up being -ATK. Idk why I have so many units that are -ATK +SPD. I would really like a IV reroll, even if it is the slimmest chance.

Edited by Fabled Asian
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  • Support Squad

i mean tbf my olivia is -atk +def, meant to be a tank for greens. It worked, went up against a Boey, Cherche and wrys in the tower and survived on 1. Based IVs.

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So Tempest Trials imo is a really good idea and really well designed gone wrong. I know I saw someone do the math so getting 280 points per match if you do it twice a day nets you 50k points by the end of the session. Honestly though, the hardest Lunatic mode is fun, but it takes a very, very long time to get through and with so little points it's so draining. I've also been buried in work so I only have 6k so far but I may just try to power through on my free days as I really want that S seal.

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So I was wrong about what I meant about having trouble with the trials sort of, I thought I was going to get docked points for losing teams, but it calculates how many units you lose for said team then give you the same bonus. In that case I guess I'm doing decent?


Idk if it was a good idea or not but I decided to sac Klien to give Rein Death Blow 3 instead of waiting to 5* someone else. I figure I have already 3 Bow users and Klein was -Res, +HP anyways.


What do you guys think of the free Lucina, pretty much same stats but clean slate. So forever Neutral lv 40+1 Lucina or potentially good/bad IV lv 40+10 Lucina. Also anyone pull anything good from the banners?

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  • Support Squad

The new Lucina suffers so much for having no skills. You may as well hope to get normal Lucina. The 5* is utterly fucked when you consider how little SP you really get for 5*s, not to mention there's no benefits to having a clean slate.

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I don't think Masked Lucina was ever meant to be some top tier unit right off the bat, more just fanservice.


The real good stuff comes from those 30 orbs you can get from doing Trials.

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Marthcina is really just a clean Lucina if you don't have it without a boon. ((I'll note though that the 5* one is just extra 600ish? SP since you level the 4* feather her to 5* then level both 5*s all to max 40 and you get a fair amount of SP to work with with though not enough consdiering having to make her entire kit from scratch. ((though... C skills are largely fluff, and Regular Lucina will almost always replace her A skill cause it's just not very good.)) It's really jus that you don't get a natural special that sucks since it makes that cost a SHIT load more to pick up. It's mostly just a nice thing to have really more than anything else. 

Any I didn't actually come here to talk about that... I mostly came here to say that geez leveling is a lot faster than it used to be for me due to having a good support core in Olivia + Bride Cordy. Basically... I can just full buff a unit and dance them for a double attack and feed them most of what's on the map.

Case in point... I rolled a 2nd Sanaki earlier today and she had perfect IVs so I merged my 40 copy into her having to relevel her. It took under an hour if even a half hour... ((and 2 stam pots but I have a fair few lying around still.)). It did help I had rather good luck and that with Swordbreaker she basically destroys all greens the majority of reds ((espically in the Lunatic sections of the TT when the entire map is full of the summonable units... which makes the rate of swords appearing skyrocket due to just how many there are honestly lol.))

Which basically means I more or less have two finished mages. Sanaki just needs to inherit Swordbreak 3, and my Ursula is completely finished. ((would post a screenie for Ursula, but my phone is charging at the moment.))

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  • Support Squad

Levelling isn't hard for me now, like you said Dancers make it so easy. The catch now is SP grinding. Thanks to TT I refined my 3 mages into utter monsters wit full builds i never would have grinded up in the training tower. Olivia is also a common unit in arena, even tho next week she'll prolly be swapped out for the new units etc. So this team is ready to fuck a hell of a lot of things up. It managed to deal with the Lunatic GHB at least.


Point is, I hope TT returns because it's very good for polishing up units.

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How far did you guys go on the Event Tower, I just got the Quick Pulse seal and 1 extra 3 orbs. I figured I'm not going to go any  higher in the tier and the team I used already have like 3k SP each.


Unless I pull something good tonight, going to dump feather into a Bladetome Cecelia. Sure there are better options like my Frederick or the Nino I 5*'d for the tome, but idk I wanted to see how good it is even though Cecelia is only neutral.

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  • 4 weeks later...

-God- it has been forever since I have updated this.




5* units I've pulled


Ylissean Summer F!Robin. You know, when you're on a mission trip and you're supposed to be focused on being as pious as possible, Satan throws you tasteful vices on your very first mindless pull. F!Robin is a super good unit outside of her very nice TNA. Lance valor is wonderful for units I've been working on (Hinoka, Lukas, Effie) who have a harder time getting some SP.


Like I said, nothing more encouraging than your tactician employing distraction tactics that also serve as a moral-booster. Robinne is a genius.




Y!Tiki. I think - at least a while ago - Y!Tiki was considered "good"?... She's not Nowi and merely draws even with Falchion users while attacking from the same range, so I'm weary about her. All things consider, Y!Tiki did give me my fourth summoning cutscene behind Camilla's, M!Robin's, and Roy's...so that's cool I guess.






I just got this madwoman pulling on Celica's army's new banner.. As someone who really wants to get Pony Emblem going - I didn't have a great green unit option - and she's automatically the best option now. If's she's not useable, someone gets an E-axe+ now.


5* units I've upgraded


Tharja was my first powerhouse unit in Heroes. She's had this one coming a long time- and she just recently found a new friend!


New lower star pulls


EIRIKA. She's only a 4* unit at the moment, but that gives her time to get some SP built up and prepare to help the heck out of Tharja. Gotta get that Sieglinde.




In the two new banners...


ECHOES AGAIN. I can safely say this game is my favorite played FE. Hands down.


From Alm's army, the most interesting unit for me is Mathilda - who is an anti-Pony Pony with the Ridersbane+...the only problem with Mathilda is that she comes with Affinity Cancel, which used on say....a Reinhardt.... would only make him that much more of a pain in the ass. Gray has infantry anti-Pony sword and Sword Valor for helping getting your Lord pulls decked out which makes him good, and Delthea - if she mirrors SoV!Delthea - should be a glass cannon mage that can SI into a potentially scary unit.


Celica's new picks are fan favorites. Leon is the incredibly loyal flamboyant gay ranger who seems to have a focus on defense -and- special proc with his buffed Killer Bow, and Saber is Daddy Mercenary with the same idea. Sonya is a green infantry mage that challenges Julia in that her base kit features "Wo Dao for Mages", Moonbow, and Death+Warding Blow - THIS Sonya in Echoes would be WORTH killing Deen for.

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Thank god someone also still playing on this thread!

And making me a tinge jealous of those rolls (Even when I just got Celica + Sanaki) 

Delete seems to be a slightly slower Linde and Sonya seems like the green bulky mage I've always wanted. To roll or not to roll (as in wait for analysis and rankings) that is the real question..

Er, maybe I will.. i do have 90 Orbs, without clearing the chapters or chain challenges.. 

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@Chase I know you talk about Mathilda, but honestly, having really good res and kind of bad defense don't really help a calv. Actually rereading it...that skill is really really good for a tanky unit...like Zephiel...or Tobin. I haven't really tested her out yet, but she's an interesting character but I doubt she's an anti-horse emblem factor ('cause Camus still has Granny's Shield)


Delthea, on the other hand, is so freaking good. She at base is a pretty good unit with good speed (unless you're me and have -speed) and has a really, really high attack stat. Her res is solid leaving her only weakness being her pitiful defense which is a double edged sword with all the close counter units. That's not what makes her good even though those are good stats. Her ability gives certain units +6 attack plus a +4 attack if they are within 2 spaces which they almost always will be. I've been training her up and she just basically killed every mage unit so far (and Armor) in one round.


Leon...is interesting. I got a -atk, but that doesn't matter as his damage comes from his skills and 30 defense is not something to scoff at. He's interesting but I don't think he'll really stick out all that much since he has a lot to compete with.


I also finally got Boey leveled up so hopefully I can make it to 40k this time, but school comes work so if I don't oh well. I really like Boey even if he's not really too good. After this, I've got Mae, Chrom, Mathilda, Delthea, Caeda (hey, I need a support flier), and Leon all to train up. Yes, the RNG really, really blessed me this time. I'm tempted to try for Sonya, but I think my luck has run dry so I'll be saving my orbs again.


As for heroes I've picked up and really like since my list:


Katarina: This is probably one of my new top five favorite units. Sure you can say the Owl tome is bad one her, but hell, she's the only reason I even was able to get past the bloody Alm & Celica Infernal mode. With Swift Sparrow she's really, really fast and strong so she's my go to when I have to face any bulky none blue units (especially mages)


Camus: If you haven't trained this Grand hero up, train him. Easily my most used lance use simply due to mobility and the weapon. I use Darting Blow (well when you don't have death blow or fury, you make due with what you have) and he works really well combined with QR attacking twice in battle. He's also a tad bit tanky and can take non res hits pretty well.


Celica: While I like Celica, her nuking powers kind of rusted once Katarina took her spotlight (she's good, but Renewal and careful positioning are required). I still like her and use her, but other than the cool battle animation (despite her +spd/-atk IVs) she mostly is a trophy unit. Great for the squad assault crew since I have a lot of units now.


Ninian: Oh Ninian...oh shi...I realized with Delthea's help she may actually become good. You see, Ninian is a decent dancer who with Triangle adept can take a hit, but she's really frail and doesn't dish out much damage. I still like her way over Olivia though, but usually I have a healer on the team for those chain challenges.


Robin: IT FINALLY HAPPENED! While not new, I finally 5-star'd him and he's honestly on par with my Reinhardt with TAdept.


Genny: She's not very good, but she's really good at what she does which is heal and hit the enemy hard for 20-30 damage.


If I train any other units up I'll give my opinnions on them then as I do have quite a number of 5 stars (and another 20k feathers coming around)

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@Commander - It makes me happy that Delthea is a monster. Giving her the Mage Ring in Echoes made all of her smack talk well warranted. Shame about Mathilda though - still, I'd want that Ridersbane+. There's currently not a beastkiller like weapon save for that in the lance category..


Continuing the theme of pulling non focus 5* units - I am now the slightly confused owner of a 5* Caeda, from Shadow Dragon - I think she like...weds Marth right? Also...is it Kay-da or She-da or...how do you even pronounce this girls name....


She seems pretty good for Flier emblem, but Armorslayer isn't a very exciting weapon and without flier boosts she seems weak and fragile. Is she good?


I do know that Cherami Leigh is a great voice actress though.

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38 minutes ago, Chase said:


She seems pretty good for Flier emblem, but Armorslayer isn't a very exciting weapon and without flier boosts she seems weak and fragile. Is she good?

Short answer... No. Long Answer, Caeda is basically never worth using espically given we got a Palla for free. Palla is the far superior sword option for Flappy Emblem. Caeda's Attack is simply just too low and her bulk is still nothing to write home about even with buffs. Palla tends to just be better if you need a sword for your flier team. They will only really be supporting so there's not much reason to expect much out of either really. ((but that further lends to Palla more general spread being better and her not needing you devoting resources to her to even slightly matter offensively which you have to do with Caeda or she poses 0 threat... even to quite a few greens.)) Palla is easier to build a kit for only needing you to hand her an A skill and a support skill ((Repos for fliers pretty much always.)). Her weapon is also perfect for her, picking up her slack offensively and allowing her to take on even better a supporting role in dedicated green slayer. Caeda on the other hand... you kinda... need to replace most of her kit as lt's not helpful for her. Darting blow is super duper overkill as her speed is already top tier((slightly beating out her Res.))... Armourslayer ((and armour effective weapons is general)) are amoungst the worst in the game and further she is not suited at all to killing armours with her pitifully low attack. She also requires you to give her a special. as a note Specials and Weapons are the most expensive things to Sl for. She needs both. You just need to sink waaaaay too much into Caeda to make her function, the opportunity cost is best spent elsewhere ((espically if F2P)) leading Palla to be waaay more cost effective on top of all her other plus points.

Both start with a flier buff, but Palla has Goad which is probably a lot more solid an option than Fortify. ((unless you need the Fortify for Bladetome BunnyCam.))

TBH though... fliers really don't need a red to function. The Greens and Blues you have access to are pretty able to deal with most of the units you'll face esp
ically with proper buff set-up and Goads. Not to mention a lot of them are top tier units outside of a flier team... so in them they function at even higher levels quite often.

Neither is really all that useful outside of a flier team though... due to how many swords are in the game... you've just got so many better options to choose. ((that all don't die to a wayward archer in like a single hit lol.))

Also Rider's Bane and other Cav targetted weapons aren't really good either. Most "does effective damage to X" weapons are pretty mehtastic in Heroes due to being overly specialized and not having nearly as useful abilites. l mean why use Zanbato when you could run Wo Dao which with the extra special damage will probably net you that kill on the cav anyway but be more useful to you in other situations? like Cav teams aren't so super popular in arena that l'd think it'd warrant really being needed to be run. Just seems like there's much better options to be using that wokr with builds a lot better and in general make the unit way more usable.

@Commander Uh... Drive Atk is only +3 Attack not 4. Otherwise Spur Attack would have 0 re... well Drive Atk is honestly so much better it does have 0 reason to exist. But Delthea is pretty much Linde light having pretty much having slightly more attack but a tad less speed making it somewhat more difficult to double some stuff ((espcially if you got -speed yeesh...)) they are more or less interchangable though, Delthea's Dark Aura has a waaaay better passive with +6 to melee range weapons though it can be really funky to get off due to them needing to be adjacent after her attacks... probably best to use her with cavs that have better movement and can utilize the buff better.

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