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3 hours ago, SJMistery said:

I wanna join. But... How do I look at my ID?


By the way, pleaase don't rage at my Corrin, Ephraim and Lucina. Yes, I am a lucky asshole. No, I didn't pay anything to get them.

In the main Castle Screen go to the "Friend-Stone" (bottom-left)

in the friend menu you have 5 Icons:

shaking hands = friend list

Magnyfing glass = Search for friend with friend code - also displays your own friend-code! (go here!)

Letter - arrow out = outgoing friend requests

Letter - arrow in = incoming friend requests from other players

List with red dot = delete friends

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that reminds me, everybody should check out the first post to make sure I've collected everybody's code in it.


I also reiterate that I've hit the max number of friends allowed (48). The game won't tell you the number, you have to keep track of how many you have yourself or just keep adding/accepting until you hit that ceiling like I did.

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Alright, here's my friend code: 7546-109-235


also, I just got Adult Tiki, so that's nice. she's great vs. knights but awful vs. mages. I've been using her as a red frontliner and a second Robin in the Tower. I'm also now exclusively rolling blue stones for F!Corrin.


also, don't forget: 1.5x exp this weekend!



Edited by doombotmecha
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I don't even want to know the odds. This means that I now have all 5 of my Fire Emblem Dream Team members that are currently in the game. Still between 7 and 10 more that I don't have yet, depending on whether I want to include a few more favourites in that most prestigious of clubs, but none of them are in the game at the moment so it's time for me to save my orbs. I'm going to need to stock up for when the next one is added.


Kagero is -HP +Res which I'm really happy with. I was hoping for +Spd because 35 is a really nice max speed stat but the fact that she got a + on one of her stronger stats and a - on one of her weaker ones is more than enough for me.


Azama is -Def +Res and the jury's still out for me on that one. He's naturally more inclined to physical bulk rather than magical bulk, so this Azama will either do a solid job at taking hits from both, or fall short in both categories. Only time will tell whether he's good or not, but the good news is that he's theoretically not that hard to get. I'd much prefer he got a bad nature than Kagero. He might even find himself on one of those free hero rosters in the future, but for now this one's more than good enough for me.

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How do you determine what natures and FE character has?


Also, I had some orbs late last night after a party I went to and I rolled me a 5* Ericka.


I'm actually really liking her abilities. Her personal weapon comes unlocked at the get go with 16 mt and a built in Hone Attack (+3). She eventually gets Hone spd 3 (+4), which is really good, considering that your speed has to be at least 5 higher than an opponent's to follow up attack. She has Drag Back, which I think is okay, but she also has pivot, which lets her move to the opposite side of an ally. It's just great for mobility, potentially putting her movement up to 4 squares and is perfect for putting her in between my spear wielders and those pesky axe wielders the game likes to put right behind the bait sword users.

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I'm thinking about switching out my Draug ($ Star) with my new Seliph (5 Star). Does anyone know if this is my mistake, and that Sleiph is terrible or something. The team they are working with is a Peri, Olivia, and Setsuna, if that helps.


What is up with Fire Emblem and blue haired protagonists by the way?

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Yesterday's pulls were:


*** Palla

*** Jagen

*** Laslow

**** Peri


- Palla is a very interesting unit (and she's hot.) As a red Peg Knight she can deal with axe users, which is something other notable pegs struggle with. (she's also hot.) Considering my semi aggressive playstyle, Wings of Mercy is a great skill. (She's still hot.) Best though are Moonbow and Goad Fliers (and her hotness.) Definitely using Palla alongside Camilla/Cherche and hopefully a decent normal peg knight. (Would like a Catria, Hinoka, or Cordelia.) (Why are flying female units so attractive.)


Probably going to keep my Steel Sword over Ruby for now though.


- Gunters better. Fight me Archanea fanboys.


- Laslow is an interesting unit too. Daybreak is a pretty good proc skill, and Axebreaker is additionally pretty nice. Hone speed is good. Best thing about Inigo MonLaslow is the Silver weaponry he ends with in my opinion.


- Peri's artist. Like Palla's. Earned their paycheck. Peri - seems REALLY good too. She gets Night Sky and Glimmer as a proc - and the Killer lances to basically proc Glimmer practically every time she attacks. She also gets threaten def. she seems genuinely scary. 

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9 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

How do you determine what natures and FE character has?


You can do so in one of two ways, using their base stats or using their final stats. Taking my Effie as an example, her level 1 4* stats are HP: 21, Atk: 23 (12 without the Silver Lance), Spd: 3, Def: 12, Res: 3. You then compare this to the base stats table here and see which stats are naturally high and which ones are low. In my case I got lucky with my Effie and she got a +Def, -Spd nature. That then reflects on her final stats which (as a 5* at level 40) would be HP: 50, Atk: 55 (40 without the Silver Lance), Spd: 19, Def: 36, Res: 23. You can obviously also work backwards from their final stats to determine what their nature was.


Assuming you didn't screenshot your level 1 stats after summoning each of your most important characters then for 4*s and lower you can build up 20,000 hero feathers, get them to level 20+, and then take them into the unlock potential thing (or whatever it's called). You don't actually have to go through with it, but you can get a preview of what their 5* base stats will be that way, and from that calculate their nature.


6 hours ago, Chase said:

- Palla is a very interesting unit (and she's hot.) As a red Peg Knight she can deal with axe users, which is something other notable pegs struggle with. (she's also hot.) Considering my semi aggressive playstyle, Wings of Mercy is a great skill. (She's still hot.) Best though are Moonbow and Goad Fliers (and her hotness.) Definitely using Palla alongside Camilla/Cherche and hopefully a decent normal peg knight. (Would like a Catria, Hinoka, or Cordelia.) (Why are flying female units so attractive.)


Haha this put a big smile on my dial, it's only morning but this is probably the funniest thing I'll read all day, props.


6 hours ago, Chase said:

Probably going to keep my Steel Sword over Ruby for now though.


Speaking from experience (I have tons of it between Stahl and Cordelia) the choice between Steel and Ruby should largely be based on your confidence in the unit's bulk. The Ruby Sword will DRAMATICALLY decrease the amount of damage you take from green units, and increase the amount of damage you take from blue units by a similar amount. For this reason I consider it more of a defensive choice than an offensive one. As an example my Stahl, with a Def stat of 31 atm, doesn't take damage from any axe user with an attack stat under 50, and even the ones that get over that only deal 2 or 3 damage per hit. I'd estimate that even Hector won't be able to hurt a max leveled 4* Stahl. As you can imagine I find this trait very useful despite the fact that he gets completely trashed by lance and blue magic users. If Palla has a similar thing for Res then she might be a very good green mage killer with a Ruby Sword but otherwise the Steel Sword may be the better option. It all comes down to personal preference and stat distribution in the end.

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At Level 21, Palla only has 13 Res... which is absolutely abysmal for a Peg Knight from my point of view. However, I was more concerned with Axe units than Green tomes with regards to the aerial assault force I was cooking up, because the Blue Peg ideally would tend to be better at taking Magic damage, and Camilla is rather balanced enough defensively in a pinch.


The Ruby Sword just isn't a priority for me in comparison to Moonbow and Goad Fliers. She's only a three star for now - so the goal is to get her to the point where she can promote.

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5 hours ago, Chase said:

the aerial assault force I was cooking up


I have one of these sort of but it's basically just for fun since the unit on that team that should be able to deal with archers is performing less than spectacularly; that said, it is quite fun since I have Palla and Caeda both at 4* so they're capable of learning their respective flier buffs (and Palla's already got hers). Catria is a strong girl and no one can take that away from her or me, and she's going on the main squad as soon as she's caught up because I have Robin to make every Takumi eat shit like he deserves to.





Admittedly I put a lot of focus on Catria (i rolled her as 4* and made her 5*) because she's currently my favorite unit in the game and I didn't intend to seriously use the others, but Palla murders green units basically without mercy, so she's gotten some levels too. I had Caeda first but she feels really underwhelming and ended up just spamming rally for the other two.


fliers a best.


e: christ my phone makes these screenshots huge i'm sorry

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Like Ikaru my phone make images huge, but this is what the squad looks like after completing Lunatic mode (even though I used Light Shards or whatever they're called on the last chapter because JFC that is balls to the wall hard)





Only other interesting thing that is missing is a 5-star Merrick I just got, but that's most of my useful units. And yes, Takumi is as broken to hell as people say. Except against mages. He usually dies to those if he doesn't double them. Awakening Tiki served the role of Magic General as she's a pretty good defense tank while Lin is surprisingly not terrible with res (given the rest of the squad sucks with Res), but damn is she a revenge killer if she live a bombardment (give her a dancer and two things are dying).

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7 hours ago, Sheep said:

en Steel and Ruby should largely be based on your confidence in the unit's bulk. The Ruby Sword will DRAMATICALLY decrease the amount of damage you take from green units, and increase the amount of damage you take from blue units by a similar amount.


You sure about that? The description says it only increases your unit's damage if it already had triangle advantage and reduces your damage to the enemy unit if at a disadvantage. It shouldn't affect defenses at all and just see their foe's 10% attack reduction for attacking at a disadvantage. It's just the % change is bigger at higher levels and stats.

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The description is a mistranslation, Triangle Adept/Gem Weapons actually double all weapon triangle effects. I've seen axe users with attack stats 15 higher than Stahl's Def doing zero damage, there's no other explanation. Also the base weapon triangle effect is 20%, not 10%.


That means that Stahl with a Ruby Sword decreases green unit attack values by 40% before applying his Def/Res. 50*0.6=30 and my Stahl has 31 Def, so axe users that have 50 attack do no damage. He also generally takes like 40 something damage from Thoron+ wielding mages despite his high teens Res stat implying an effective attack stat of mid 60s. All I'm saying is that it matches what I've observed in the game, and would be the second mistranslation I've come across, the first being the effect of the Physic staff.

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I have 4 castle upgrades and the 1.5 boost and I've taken Kagero from level 20 to level 37 in 27 hours. She's easier to train than an average unit because she just nukes infantry but with the 1.5x boost I don't think it's that bad honestly. Healers are still hellish to train, and without the boost it's pretty slow yeah, but with it I'm finding it pretty easy.

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On 2/17/2017 at 9:33 AM, Maelstrom said:

that reminds me, everybody should check out the first post to make sure I've collected everybody's code in it.


I also reiterate that I've hit the max number of friends allowed (48). The game won't tell you the number, you have to keep track of how many you have yourself or just keep adding/accepting until you hit that ceiling like I did.

Don't really see myself on the master list, but the way I wrote my FC out in my earlier post may have just been skipped over. My ID is 661-440-2541

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ID: Hunter


Icon: Palla (***)


Got Femui to **** and drew a *** Sully, a **** Chrom, a **** Henry, and another *** Oboro. That's 4, 3, 4, 4, and 3 stars for those of you that may experience eye strain from that.


The recent run of Awakening characters has given me an idea.

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Question: Is this game, like... actually worth playing? I've heard you can spend thousands of dollars and not get the hero you want, so I'm wondering whether this is the sort of game I might actually enjoy or if it will just screw with my OCD.

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Gameplay wise the game is simple and entertaining - and if getting your favorite heroes isn't the dominating focus of your play it's very worth the nothing you have to spend just to play fire emblem.


Getting heroes takes some patience though. That's Gacha for ya.

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