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Give any squishy character Fury/Life and Death and they can become a real glass cannon.


I plan on working towards a new Setsuna with Brave Bow+, Moonbow, Life and Death, Threaten Spd and Vantage.

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My current SI-enhanced arena team:


-F!Corrin with Dark Breath, her default special, Speed +3 (eventually), swordbreaker/Quick Riposte (currently seal res), and Hone atk

-Tharja with RBlade, Reprisal, darting blow, something else (unfilled rn), and spur res (might change it to Fortify Defense)

-Olivia with her default sword (gonna inherit Ruby Sword), as well as Knockback and Hone Speed (so as not to conflict with Corrin on Tharja)

-Anna with only her 3 star special rn (tfw no sp), as well as Vantage 2 (might change to Desperation) and Fortify Res. She'll probably be my first five star.


my impressions so far are that blade tomes with a dancer are really strong. Like, WOW. holy shit tharja leave some for the rest of us.

the team's pretty squishy overall, but once olivia gets a ruby sword+renewal, and her + Anna get Fury, the team should be solid enough--everyone only needs to get hit enough to bait the enemies into annihilation range.


My theory (borrowed from some1 else) with Fury Olivia is this: even once the fury meta dies in mid-april, Fury will be critical to help olivia survive the one hit she needs to in a fight, conserving health on the rest of my team. The idea is to put reciprocal aid on F!Corrin, and then use Olivia's regenerating health pool to stay healthy in fights. Idk though, I'm missing out on a movement assist for Corrin, where it's pretty critical as she's the main tank. 


Fury Anna is a no-brainer. her weapon gives Escape Route, her skills give her Vantage, you can't go wrong with Furious Anna. might swap her special for Reprisal, just so I can abuse her low health, and I'll probably make her assist a mobility one, 'cause she's both my berserker and my highest Res unit.


Rn what really wastes this team is Kagero. Also 5* archers in general. I kinda want to put Daggerbreaker on Tharja, just for these jerks. I hope I never run into a vantage tacomeat.


Edited by doombotmecha
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Well, that's still assuming you raised those 3* to level 40... That would have taken a heavy toll on time and/or crystals and shards. Although this does reaffirm my theory that dancing/singing units are incredibly powerful in their own way. A force multiplier, I would even venture to say.


And as far as these builds go, I haven't forgotten what I said. I'm still thinking about how to divide and organize it. Characters, sacrifice characters, star based ability options, overall rarity/accessibility, and of course crediting the ones who put up their thoughts. Much to think about. Sometimes I think a big complicated spread sheet might work well enough to cover mass amounts of detail if you know what to look at and look for but yeah... Takes quite a bit of forethought and work.


In tangential news, I'm at over 19K feathers saved up and soon I will be able to make Kagero a 5* unit. I know I could turn a lot of 3* characters into better, more viable 4* inheritance fodder with all those feathers but Kagero just puts in the work in Lunatic and Arena matches. It's also not a common thing to do that I know of but I do plan on making a screenshot of her stats at lvl 40 at both 4* and 5*. I'm still not certain enough about this stat RNG growth thing to be completely sure she'll get the rolls that will make her at least a little bit better in every stat at max level.


I also have battled enough lucky bastards with Hectors in Arena to also reinforce my theory that I need this broseph for my team. My 5* young tiki absolutely shuts him down. She's a really good tank in her own right but it feels like she was made just to counter him.  Even poor old 4* Frederick, also a green unit but with a Hammer for taking out knights gets clobbered by this man. No fucks given. and his auto double retaliation at over 80% health (aka, anyone who dares attack him first) at any range means that unless they're Tiki.... they're absolutely dead or nearly so, and you know Hector or someone else is gonna close in and end them next turn. Maybe it's cuz I don't have any really good red units, as I mentioned earlier, but Hector is scary and I have to focus my arena fights on keeping tiki alive so she can take him out when normally she leads the offense and allows my other units to close in and finish what's left.

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tbh i think the meta will shift in favour of counters to the previous meta, so taking on board the slightly lower tier heroes will be a better idea. You get their base strengths but they're not outright countered like Taco and hector will be. For example, hector is now invalidated by any sword unit with a half decent attack and axebreaker, like my lucina.

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@Maelstrom idk from my experience, those shards and crystals aren't very necessary especially when they are 5*. When I grind I use Unit I want to level + Olivia + Healer/Fodder/Debuff, Healer x2; it usually takes me 2~3 days to get to 40. And for people who aren't fortunate enough to have a team of Lucina, Hector, Linde, and Takumi, it's nice to know all is not lost.


Yeah I have 21k feathers as well but idk if I should get Nowi to 5 because I need a good anti-red unit, Sheena because Merric is falling off, or one of my 3* units to 5 once I get 1k more.

Edited by Fabled Asian
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13 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

In tangential news, I'm at over 19K feathers saved up and soon I will be able to make Kagero a 5* unit. I know I could turn a lot of 3* characters into better, more viable 4* inheritance fodder with all those feathers but Kagero just puts in the work in Lunatic and Arena matches. It's also not a common thing to do that I know of but I do plan on making a screenshot of her stats at lvl 40 at both 4* and 5*. I'm still not certain enough about this stat RNG growth thing to be completely sure she'll get the rolls that will make her at least a little bit better in every stat at max level.


Take it from me, the wiki's got it right. My Cordelia grew exactly as predicted. 

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Yeah, I happened to check to see if Kager0 by chance and example could inherit Sheena's ability to negate effectiveness skills and it said it was limited by movement type, so I assume that means she can only give it to other armored units.

There go plans for kick-ass flying units....

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Yeah, I just checked it right now with a few characters real quick. Draug and Effie could learn it but takumi, eirika, cecilia, frederick, F corrin, Camilla, etc could not not learn it due to 'movement limitations'. Only other armored units share the same forced base movement of one, so it my initial assumption seems confirmed.


And it's still nice when you go up against the gemstone weapons that your unit would have a weakness to. It kinda negates both their sapphire/ruby/emerald weapon bonus and their color advantage bonus (I think... too tired to test it out atm). Advantage effects aren't to be taken lightly or you're gonna have a bad time.

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I'm almost certain type bonuses aren't negated by svallin, it only affects bonuses like vs flying, infantry and armour. Otherwise Sheena wouldn't get nuked by reds like she does.

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3 minutes ago, Fabled Asian said:

I believe there is a calvary version of the shield, I don't remember if it's Llyod. Are -wolf books that prevalent?


Also here is the dev update for next month if you guys haven't seen it yet http://imgur.com/a/IONyU


If anything, it'd be for Camus as Lloyd is a Swordsmaster (and yet to be released). We won't have that for a while as the next few Grand Hero battles are Navarre, Zephiel, Xander, then Lloyd. Zephiel I might consider using as well, I believe he'll get weary fighter (and Hone Armors) though Xander while a little slow, does get range counter. Navarre is probably just going to be weaker Lon'qu, but Lloyd is a big mystery. I'm going to take a guess he's big thing will be a rune blade or wind sword.

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More feathers is never a bad thing.


I'm working on a Cherche to replace Camilla since she's too inconsistent with damage at higher levels, any thoughts on what I should inherit over to her? I already plan to give her Brave Axe+ but other than that, not sure what else.

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