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well, that's just the thing. With +3 speed, very little doubles her, and despite the high attack on axes, barring Anna, Camilla, and Hawkeye, they all have bad speed and Res, so they actually take significant damage from F!Corrin.


also it's either her or Ephraim as the only physically defensive members to my team

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I do, since I have Tharja, but positioning her can be tricky given that I can't bait with her at all. I also have Olivia, but I'd need 7 more levels and a ruby sword before she'll be any use in combat, and I already mostly use her to dance people around.

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12 minutes ago, doombotmecha said:

they all have bad speed and Res.

That's why they'll run Brave Axes... and kill you before you ever even get to counter. Basically most slow things with stupid high attack will run Brave Weaponry as they don't take a hit to their offensive capabilities as their attack is already high, and their speed already doesn't matter. On top of this... Life and Death/Fury are going to be very common runs on stuff. ((Fury for BST and Life and Death cause well... +5 speed and effectively +10 attack if you double.)). Right now you can probably get away with it before Inheritance really winds up and starts super duper effecting the meta but eventually... that +3 speed probably won't save you.


I take it that you're baiting with this unit... hence why that ^. If I'm incorrect neither here nor there.

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It is worth noting there is currently a series of quizzes on the offical FE Heroes (Japanese) twitter account taking place in the form of poll questions. Depending on how many questions are answered correctly (out of 15 total: 5 normal, 5 hard, 5 lunatic), all players of the game will receive up to 10 Orbs and 5000 feathers for free. If you have a twitter account, you may want to check it out and contribute to the effort. The normal and hard questions are already done and they just finished Lunatic Question #2 tonight. 

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So you guys have any goals with this game? How do you all prefer your experience to go?


my goals:


-Promote M-Robin to 5*

-Pull Azura

-Pull any Spring!Hero (Axe!Chrom or Tome!Camilla, if I have a choice)

-Get Hinoka her Killer Lance+


Hopes for new Heroes:


-Ike (Vangaurd)



















-Genealogy/Awakening/Fates kiddos






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So far what I'm trying to do is,


-Somehow get 20k to get 5* Cecelia + 20k 5* Robin-F and give her Gronnraven+

-Figure out an Ult for Gordin/Pull a better Jeorge or Klein or Kagero (all 3 would also be nice)

-Pull a +ATK/-Anything Cherche

-Give Corrin-M Hone Atk 3 without removing my Olivia

-Replace Olivia with Azura when I get her


pretty much it, ofc I want to get more "high tier" units and 5* other units, but thats low prio or just for fun.

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Ultimately I just want a bunch of Sacred Stones characters. Eirika is already in and I'm trying very hard to get her, and then I'm anticipating Lute and Marisa.


I secretly want a Karel so I can dump his Wo Dao on to Marisa whenever she comes along. I have a 4* Tharja that I'd totally promote to 5* to give Lute a Rauðrblade+ because I'm having a lot of fun buffing Nino and blasting enemies to oblivion in one hit.

That said my Nino isn't 5* so that may be next if I don't get Eirika, a better Tiki, or if I'm feeling real frisky, promote my Chrom to 5* so he can dump Aether on Catria.

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1. Pull Lucius.

2. Complain some more about how he's a healer.

3. Probably roll some reds and greens for skills, definitely need Selena, Frederick, and Gunter as sacrificial lambs.

4. Hoard quartz for when the next dream team member comes along. Someone green please, like Lewyn, Charlotte, Titania, or Haar.


Edit: Oh and somewhere in there promote Kagero to 5* and then promote Ursula to 5* so Olwen can have Death Blow 3. Alternatively roll a Klein.


Edit 2: Quartz? This ain't F/GO. More like hoard orbs.

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I'm staying away from this banner hard. I don't like fanservice characters, nor do I like Chrom, Lucina, Xander, or Camilla and am perfectly happy to wait until they're gone to roll again.

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You know, I'm fine with fan service (in moderation), but I feel a little uncomfortable with this event. I can't really put my finger on why, but I just do.


As for upcoming goals, I'd like to get my main team up of four stars up to level forty so they could clobber any upcoming grand hero battles with strength alone. I could care less abut stats, I just like having interesting characters.


And Sacred Stones characters please...

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two sets of pulls on blue, green, and one red stone. results: 5* Event Chrom, 4* Freddy, 4* Laslow, 3* Wendy, 3* Fir, probably someone else too


Yay +3 speed! Also I TOTALLY predicted that I'd get Chrom. Pity chance is an inside job, WAKE UP AMERICA! /s


Event chrom is pretty good, less atk and def but neither is shoddy by any means, better speed, still awful res. His skills are A: +2 Atk and +2 Defense and C: Axe Experience: if Chrom survives, all axe Users get Double EXP. Actually kind of counterproductive, given how much sp you need to farm these days.


I really, really want Camilla, Both because she's a Nohr Character and because there's no unit like her presently.


Someone on the Subreddit datamined a new Voting Gauntlet: Wyverns vs. Pegasi!


....yeah Camilla's gonna take the whole thing, calling it now. Minerva will lose to her in the second round due to other anti-3dsers picking their favorite pegasus knight, round 2 pegasus will be Ephraim vs. Chrom all over again, basically same gauntlet, different day.


@Hukuna Look I am NOT giving myself another green weakness. not after my last team, Ephraim/Robin/Camilla, Hector Wrecked me. frankly I just don't feel like TA is worth it. I already have enough positional nightmares.....


RE: subbing Ephraim: it's been working pretty well. rn I'm levelling Subaki with Marth, Cherche, and Gordin, so I can give Ephraim Quick Riposte. Should let me bait most units and wail on 'em, basically Hector in a better color w/ slightly lower stats because infantry.


Lastly, I've been doing the paralouges, and they're actually pretty tough on-level! pretty much all my units ended up low, barring my professional arena team on the lunatic rounds. Dancer OP. (Also my Hard Team was Sword Chrom, LAD Minerva, Ursula, and -res +def Kagero, so they weren't exactly the toughest things in the world :P


the only bad thing is that there's this Lunatic Armor quest, and my highest-level armor is Sheena at 24.


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How would you guys build Michalis?


I feel kinda bad for overlooking him while I was working on Cherche. His stats don't seem too shabby. He's got much better speed than Cherche and already has some great abilities like Threaten Def and Iote's Shield.


Should I give him a Brave Axe too?

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@5hift I think Michalis is pretty much Minerva without Life and death and slower, Cherche probably better since she can have beneficial stats, if anything you can give Cherche Iote's Shield and Threaten Def if you don't have access to Death Blow 3. I'm pretty sure Brave Axe+ would bring Michalis down to 42 atk iirc Hauteclaire has 16 mt and Brave Axe+ has 8 mt. vs Cherche haveing around 43~49.

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Hm I'll get Michalis up to 40 without inheriting anything and see where he is.


The problem with Cherche is she is way to slow. She can get doubled by a green unit if they manage to get her defense down.

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@5hift I think that's the point tbh, to have her as a cleaner/nuker to low defense units, pretty much Reinhardt. It is kind of cool though giving Michalis Moonbow, since all he needs to do is attack/be attacked once and he's already going to knock someone with 52 ATK.

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My Michalis is level 37 and has 2 less attack and 3 less defense but has significantly higher speed and slightly higher resistance compared to Cherche so I'd say its a pretty close match depending on how these last 3 levels go.


I really wish I could get Hauteclere but that's locked until he reaches 5*.

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I wish when they did SI, you can get any skill/weapon pertaining to the unit but those skills will be locked till the unit reached a certain Rarity like giving Life and Death 3 from Wrys but you can't access it until your unit is 5*, rather than you need to get this unit to 5* if you want this skill. I guess that would make things too easy? Oh well in other news someone out there is lucky



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