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3 hours ago, doombotmecha said:

PSA: You don't need to beat the GHB for the orb quests; the story missions where they appear count as well, and beating them in arena would probably count too (although nobody uses Navarre/Frobin in arena)


Honestly since the GHB requires you to carry one and the fact that the story missions are less than level 35, the GHB is killing two birds with one stone (as being able to clear that map with three units means you can try to feed kill it to the deadweight).


But the pain isn't the orbs...it's grinding the heroes so they can actually do damage. I'm currently working on grinding Zephiel, Navarre, and F!Robin. Hilarious enough even without Weary fight...Zephiel is the strongest of the three...by a lot.

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2 minutes ago, Fabled Asian said:

@Hukuna the Undying Do you think Navarre is any good? He's like a free Fir/Lon'qu in my opinion. Also I've decided to take your advice and try to make a Brave Lance Effie, if I ever do pull a better one, eventually merge inheritance will be a thing.

He's literally worse than all of the other Myrm like units other than Fir. ((her attack is super bad.)). Like he's severely outclassed by Karel, Lyn, Ryoma and even Lon'qu. For different reasons of course.

Karel is a weird bulky mix having way better def and HP and passable enough speed.


Lyn's stats are all just flat out better than his other than HP((however due to his defensive stats being lower naturally... it's roughly the same as hers.)) His base attack is a bit higher, but... Lyn's Signature weapon brings hers exactly in line with his. She also is the only unit in the game with access to Despration and Brash Assault on the same unit. This means she doubles 100% of the time regardless of speed in her 50% or below mode. ((so long as your foe can counter.)) it's a pretty big boon that only she can have.

Ryoma has built in Distant Counter. Pretty sure I don't need to explain why he's good.

Lon'qu has a weird niche in having the literal highest possible speed stat.


The biggest weakness the guy has though? Is that he has 0 access to Boons. While it means he can't have a bane... he also can't increase one of his stats. Speed or attack are kinda... really direly needed, but it's impossible to have a Boon as of now on Navarre

Now... Navarre isn't entirely garbage he's usable just every other sword unit of his general idea mostly outclasses him in some way that makes him only really appealing as a choice if you don't have any of them. ((a lot of Falchion users also are better by the way I jsut don't wanna go over literally the entire roster.))


If you do decide to use him get him something better than the Killing Edge... it's actually sorta not great on him. None of his raw stats are high enough to really abuse Bonfire, Iceberg or Drac Aura. He could use Luna but... it's really whatever honestly. You'd be better off giving him a Wo Dao ((though you'd have to literally pop a Karel to do this.)) or jsut something with higher damage. One could do a Quad Brave build with him but... Lon'qu or Hana probably do it better honestly. ((espically as Lon is jsut naturally fast as hell and Hana has access to LnD right out the gate without needing SI.))

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Navarre isn't bad, but it's more or less investing into him that's the problem. He needs a better weapon, a better special, and a good team to support him to do his thing.


Anyways tomorrow I'll be able to bloody promote my second unit to 5 star (I've just done a lot of 3 to 4 beforehand) so...I'm looking at these three:

1. Eirika

2. Zephiel

3. Sharena


Part of me wants to wait for my next roll because knowing my luck, I'll promote Sharena and then get a 5 star Ephiriam or Azura just to taunt with me. It's probably going to be Eirika though.

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8 hours ago, Hukuna the Undying said:

Secondly... Takumi solo'd FRobin's map for me the first time and that was without SI existing at the time. Mine is + Res though so... maybe why. But, ye like... with a dancer he nearly solo'd the map with the only other unit kill going to Lyn on Robin. So honetly you should be fine so long as ou have something that can kill Robin.


Yeah, my Kagero pretty much solo'd that map for me, but required a dancer.


First thing was to rally Res on Kagero by Cecilia. Move Kagero in. Dance on Kagero, then move up to kill the melee character. End turn, the mages break their faces on Kagero. Kill second to last unit with Kagero, dance and kill FRobin... profit. but yeah, that picture. I smacked her with Fred first, just because I could.


I still haven't figured out a good approach for Navarre's Lunatic map. Even Tiki and Fred get eaten up the turn they get within range.

I know I need to switch units but what did you all do? Top left ninja is basically Jaffar, so trying to tank any of his attacks won't happen, but you can't really get to him without dealing with the others in front.





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For everyone struggling with Fem Robin's map, if you have a Kagero give her Vantage and win. Vantage Kagero is a magic bullet that solves all of your problems on that map, in the first turn of fighting she killed all 3 mages, and on the second turn she removed the lance user as well, meaning I only had to bring a swordsman and her to win.

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Damn...I can't open the page and circle stuff so here goes commander's overly long explanation:


Navarre himself isn't very dangerous tbh though if he activates that skill...game over. He will double most units so if they are frail...keep them away from him. The next guy I want to talk about is ardent sacrifice axe user. He himself isn't dangerous, but he can heal up one of the ninjas. Which also leads to the psychic staff users AI. If someone is hurt, they will heal them up. That sounds like stupid advice, but hear me out. The bottom ninja isn't super threatening as someone with 26 def should survive even if doubles (I used Takumi to calc this and his vengence hit just enough damage). Then there's the top ninja. I refer to him as Moonbow Ninja as anyone who is able to retaliate will not have a good day getting slapped with moonbow in the face. Nobody but Traingle Adept M! Robin really likes taking a hit from him (my Robin which was 4 star and no Triangle Adept survived with like 12 HP after Poison Strike. Oi!)


41 is the key speed here as anything below that...the upper Ninja WILL double them (I tested this with a 38 speed Jaffar...unless it has some skill...I don't know how to explain that one). A flier with that speed (and hopefully enough attack power with a skill special...though Minerva with 51 attack was way more than enough) will be able to deal with him. Cherche I think can as well...but that's pushing it. Anyways, you can have a flier wait a turn right in front of the mountains then fly up two spaces in which only that ninja will be able to attack you (and when you attack them nobody should be in your range...though the staff user is a threat iirc).


Alright with that knowledge out of the way here's the tactic everybody uses: you see those trees on the bottom right, only one ninja can hit you there. Kagero should be able to sit in there and take care of the first ninja. This one isn't as big of a threat but him out of the way is better and the trees are excellent coverage. When I didn't have Minerva and Reinhardt, I actually Smitted Takumi all the way over to the far edge of the screen. Even with bow breaker, he was fine there and even distracted the Psychic staff healer. Vengence is so useful. Anyways the units charged toward him unit I had Robin meet the Moonbow Ninja and due to everyone not being in range the two could go through a round before anyone could reach him. A weakened Takumi slowly made his way back to the starting point for Priscilla to heal him. With those two out of the way Tiki pretty much created a wall so that nobody could get hurt while I healed Takumi and Robin back up (it was either Tiki or Lyn...I don't remember exactly). Navarre on player phase isn't scary since he can't proc his special though Robin and Tiki combined their efforts to finish Navarre off. The axe guy...kind of did is dead against a red unit and the staff user really is no threat due to being too destracted wasting two turns healing up the ninja then the axe guy.


I don't know how Kagero works but using Azura you might be able to kill them both with her also...bring a healer with Rehabilitate when in doubt. That saved my butt in half the grand hero battles.


Edit: The axe guy has Spur speed which lets those ninjas basically double anyone with 38 speed or lower if they are adjacent to him.



Just gonna write this here but I managed to get all the orbs after a little grinding session My Robin I leveled up to 38 (mostly because I thought you had to kill Navarre with Robin...which the hardest part was calcing for 4 damage). And as for Navarre I believe he was around 27 not due to his attack, but so that with +1 Speed Seal he could not get doubled by Mr. Axe. That one pretty much was Reinhardt chipping him down to 4 HP so Navarre could finish him. Not very hard to do if you got the right team, but I imagine chipping him down to the right HP might be an ordeal for some people.


Then there's Female Robin. Oh dear lord trying to kill Robin with Robin is a whole different mess. The main issue was for some random reason (probably because Navarre wasn't present) the lance guy went up instead of down causing my plan to backfire hard. I can't really tell you what I did as it was pretty much me setting Tiki to take the mage attacks before running for her life and trying to divide out who was going to get hit by Robin next (the one time a troubador as the only healer was a bad idea). That was a mess, but Robin managed to double Robin after being hit with Seal Speed attatched to Minerva (I have zero regrets about this idea now...and I think I did that so Minerva could double everything). Don't know exactly what happened other than Priscilla getting hit by robin and retaliating with Pain in which once Robin doubles herself to ko...herself, I had my army wipe the floor clean. It was an ordeal.

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1 hour ago, Sheep said:

For everyone struggling with Fem Robin's map, if you have a Kagero give her Vantage and win. Vantage Kagero is a magic bullet that solves all of your problems on that map, in the first turn of fighting she killed all 3 mages, and on the second turn she removed the lance user as well, meaning I only had to bring a swordsman and her to win.


Well, you don't even need vantage on her, just a dancer. I literally did it just now. Rally res, move, dance, kill the axe. top two mages kill themselves against Kagero. Move kagero to kil the lancer. This puts her conveniently right next to the dancer again. Dance and have her kill Robin.


And after many, many tries, I finally beat the Navarre challenge. It definitely took some creative maneuvering at the bottom of the map. Idk if I can even remember the movements that finally cinched it. Most of the strategies I've seen involved Draw back at the bottom right, so I used Ericka, seeing as how I didn't have a leveled up Donnel. Instead of the archer, I used Kagero. Fred's Fortify def helped keep Eirika alive (instead of the recommended Shareena, since she's not levelled up either). Did the bait and draw with eirika to kill the first ninja with Kagero.


When Navarre came down, I hit him with Eirika, moved Cecilia and Kagero over to finish him off. Since Erika was getting low so I moved fred to her left and smote her back over to where she originally was in the trees. The upper ninja targets fred, who lives. Kagero takes him out, and then I think fred and cecillia took out the axe unit. It was easy for Kagero and Cecilia to finish off the healer after that. But geez, that was a pain.

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1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

Well, you don't even need vantage on her, just a dancer. I literally did it just now. Rally res, move, dance, kill the axe. top two mages kill themselves against Kagero. Move kagero to kil the lancer. This puts her conveniently right next to the dancer again. Dance and have her kill Robin.


Ah yeah that'd work too. I don't have a trained dancer because unfortunately there hasn't been a single dancer in the entire series that I've really liked. The closest I've come is probably Nils. So I had her move in range of the lancer to begin it, which means she took a hefty hit from the lancer, which means she needed Vantage to not get killed by the 3 mages who all moved to attack her after that.

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1 hour ago, Sheep said:


Ah yeah that'd work too. I don't have a trained dancer because unfortunately there hasn't been a single dancer in the entire series that I've really liked. The closest I've come is probably Nils. So I had her move in range of the lancer to begin it, which means she took a hefty hit from the lancer, which means she needed Vantage to not get killed by the 3 mages who all moved to attack her after that.


Well the good news is that you just need someone who knows dance/sing. My dancing unit never got within anyone's range, so it doesn't have to be strong or anything.

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Ike and Titania in the same update! And both of them have good voices! And Ike has a skill that makes Aether viable!

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Seeing as this is his PoR form, he'll hopefully have Spd somewhere between 30-33. His RD form should be built more like Chrom, but I'm hoping that they'll pay homage to the fact that in PoR he was actually a fast unit.

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Based on her performance in PoR and RD she'll probably have lower Atk and Def than Frederick, and higher Spd and Res. That much is probably obvious though, as it's not hard to have lower Atk/Def and higher Spd/Res than Frederick.

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It's about dang time, Ike.


I'm not all that excited about Heavy Blade, but it's a skill that needed to be in his kit. Ike essentially is Ryoma. Raijinto is to Ragnell as Aether is to Astra.


He also counters Ryoma pretty hard with Sbreaker and will proc Aether one action faster than Ryoma would Astra.


All that in mind, I think he'll be significantly slower than Ryoma.

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3 hours ago, Chase said:

It's about dang time, Ike.


I'm not all that excited about Heavy Blade, but it's a skill that needed to be in his kit. Ike essentially is Ryoma. Raijinto is to Ragnell as Aether is to Astra.


He also counters Ryoma pretty hard with Sbreaker and will proc Aether one action faster than Ryoma would Astra.


All that in mind, I think he'll be significantly slower than Ryoma.


Well, I figured they'd give him Ragnel to allow distant counters and figure a way to put in Aether.


1 hour ago, Fabled Asian said:

I hope I am misunderstanding something about Guard and Heavyblade, from what I understand about Healers and Killer Weapons, why would you want the enemy CD -1 and your own CD +1 respectively.


You get +1 charge as in it counts as if you had an extra action taken that turn. So if you attack someone and your attack is higher, your count towards the actions needed is added by 2- +1 for the ability and +1 for the attack itself. So if you attack twice, it counts as 4 actions and he'll get his aether right after, if not sooner if an enemy counter-attacked, also adding to the action counter. Honestly, this ability is much better than a simple killer weapon.


Really, when we think of a cooldown we count down, but really we are triggering abilities by an accumulation of actions, so yeah, +1 charge means ours gets triggered faster, and the other ability of charge -1 seems to simply negate the action counter we give them when we attack.

Yeah, it's kinda poorly worded, but yeah, I'm pretty sure that the abilities are in our favor and not against us for using 'em.

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Priority of pulls from this banner.


> Green: Soren, Titania

> Red: Ike

> Blue

> Colorless: Mist


You're going to want to pull Greens because there is a bottom-line 6% chance of pulling either Soren -or- Titania in this upcoming banner. That is of course, if your goal is to pick up something from the World of Radiance in general. Soren's pretty interesting because he provides another option for Gronnblade if you're still looking for a green mage, while Titania is an alternative to Frederick and Gunter as axe-cavs (and the prettiest of the three...). The sheer rarity of the type of green both units are in the current roster makes both of them more compelling unit-wise than Ike.


If you just want Ike - and that's perfectly understandable - you'll obviously be pulling reds. Ike will come at a base 3% focus out of red stones and you will probably need to pull him at Focus level - meaning he will always be a 5 star unit, but you for sure only have a 3/100 percent chance of pulling him for each red you select. Even if you aren't pulling red for Ike, there's plenty of great red units. Lords in abundance, such as Chrom, Lucina, possibly Alm, Seliph, Marth, Lyn and Eirika, There's also units like Ryoma, mages such as Lillina, Tharja, and Leo, and SI units like Lon'qu and Hinata (although that's not really a sell) that make red a profitable mainstay pull.


Blue doesn't have a focus unit in it, but it provides combat units much more reliably than colorless units do, and with units like Azura, Ninian, Cordelia, Effie, and possibly Clair hanging around if the World of Shadows (1) batch ends the absent color provides a lot of compelling options. Magic-wise you could pull Olwen, Linde, MRobin if you haven't already, and a few other good options.


Mist isn't worth pulling in my opinion. Slow is a decent little cleric attack, but Mist would need to prove she's Azama-like enough to pull it off with some ability to mitigate danger. If you purchase orbs in Heroes, you are likely doing so to get good combat units or characters you really like, and of all the Path of Radiance options, Mist seems really forgettable and won't be doing a lot in Arena matches. There's always Jaffar, Takumi, and Kagero..but then you're pulling for specific units, and you don't really know what chance you'll actually have to pull them without doing some digging into the size of the roster and the size of real-estate each character owns.

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Ayy I finally pulled that Kagero I wanted, she's -ATK +SPD, but I think that shouldn't be too much of a detriment, right? Atleast it ain't Saizo



Please say yes.....

and a 4* Hinata so I can finally give Fury to someone without spending feathers.

Edited by Fabled Asian
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