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So...on the one hand, I got Ike for free, and I got Azura and Hector without falling for the trap banner that the World of Radiance ended up being (meaning, people actually went out of their way to spend money with the hopes of pulling Ike, because it's finally Ike - only to have to pull out more money for Azura, Hector, Takumi, and Ryoma two days later.)


On the other, I still ended up paying up money, so my luck was tempered a bit, and Takumi must think I'm Nohrian Scum, so it wasn't a clean sweep after getting the most expensive orb set. Thankfully, Takumi was not that big of a deal for me, and I already have Ryoma - but I will only do this for summoning banners I feel are worth it as a whole.


...assuming I forget I like having money and a banner falls on a time where it's okay for me to splurge. All and all, I'm glad I did it. It was fun - and for me, Heroes is a game I enjoy because I like to collect things rather than the actual battles.


I also go a few new units out of the deal.



-Raven (5*)










So, let's get to seeing what these banner pulls are all about.




No boon. No bane. - which is one of her recommended stat spreads according to the IV Calc (grading out at B.) Azura is better than Olivia out of the box because her Sapphire Lance+ makes her hard counter reds, which are popular Arena enemies. Singers and Dancers really don't need to focus on stats all that much, unless you wanted Azura to avoid being doubled, or Ninian to laugh off enemies and attack them at ranges with Lightning Breath+. I'm satisfied just by having singing waifu in the fold.




My Hector seems to think he's more of a Myrmidon than he is a Knight. Mine is +Speed, -Attack. That doesn't sound good at all because knights aren't fast to start with - and he's going to be wearing kid gloves just to maybe ....dream...about doubling Effie......., but at least he has neutral def and his res isn't as bad as it could be?


I can't be too mad. He still gets Distant Counter.




List of 5*












-Priscilla (I actually rolled a 5* Priscilla today too, and I sent her home because I already had one. GURRL, you ain't Takumi or a Fates royal healer or Kagero get on out of here...)


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If you want to have the devil's own luck, join Leo. c:


The real reason you should join Leo is so you can climb up your teams ranks faster - getting you more feathers for less work. If everyone joins Tharja (as I think they will - Tharja should win the guantlet no problem.) then players in her army will need work harder because of more people they have to jockey for position with. If you like playing Heroes as a casual experience (which it's geared for) - then Leo is a better option for Tharja because it's slightly more negotiable to play casually under his banner than Tharja's, where a lapse may just leave you in the dust.

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5 minutes ago, doombotmecha said:

I ain't had that in pulling him, I'll tell you that much!


Oh, me neither, I will be pulling for him when the Gauntlet banner comes out for sure. I also already have Tharja, and she's likely my next 5* Promote now that I don't have to promote Olivia.


3 minutes ago, 5hift said:

Naw Robin is gonna clean house.


Even the creepy tsundere doesn't stand a chance against him.



What happens at the end of this video. Is what's going to happen to Robin.

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And I'm just here, ready and waiting to support the Twisted Mind.


Although they got his character wrong in Heroes. Henry would never pull the wings off of flies. He strikes me as too much of an animal lover to do that.

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2 hours ago, 5hift said:

Naw Robin is gonna clean house.


Even the creepy tsundere doesn't stand a chance against him.


Going by popularity on the pre game poll Tharja vs Robin is very similar to Camilla vs Cordelia, and we all know how that turned out. Except that Camilla actually scored less than Tharja, and Cordelia marginally outscored Robin. Add to that the fact that everyone will bandwagon to Tharja and yeah... Tharja's gonna clean house.


3 hours ago, Chase said:



Man this dude is the one guy you do not want to freakin' mess with. Monstrous combat potential in FE7, easily one of the best units in the game, and someone that everyone uses.

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Raven actually looks kinda dope. I was originally dismayed that he killed my focus multiplier by turning up 5*, but then I got Hector two pulls later anyway, so that's neat. Is FE7 the game with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector? I assume it's one of those games because I think Priscilla is in those games.


While I have you - Tell me about Cordelia, mate. I pulled her at 4*, and she comes with some pretty good stuff. Galeforce seems stupid broken (because it just is by nature.)




R8 my build, frens.


"Dark Song/Nohr!/Conquest" Azura


Pre-requisites I recommend: Florina, Palla, Cain, Olivia


Sapphire Lances



A - Speed +3/Darting Blow

B - Wings of Mercy

C - Hone Attack


So, this name sort of explains Azura's general nature as a unit in this game. Her strength is ambitious and she can potentially be able to back up that strength with decent agility to compliment her raw power - making her an offensive threat designed for the more reckless Heroes' clientele out there. At least to red units, Azura is just as scary as Ike (who canonically has a lower strength growth than the songstress - SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME FAN ART of Azura stalling Ike in an arm wrestling contest she's going to win eventually - I'll make it my profile picture and credit you in my member's title. Bonus points if you can picture them in work out or fitness apparel.)


Moonbow can come reliably from Palla or Odin - and it's a nice proc that happens reliably often to give Azura an even BIGGER damage output, which helps her polish off other blue units and increasing her presence.


For A, Azura comes with a decent stock skill chain in place. You can effectively boost her speed by three just by getting the SP needed to rank those skills up. This brings neutral Azura up to 39 speed, and positive speed Azura to a breezy 42. However, Darting Blow meanwhile brings neutral Azura to 42 and positive speed Azura to a damn quick 45 speed, allowing her to outspeed almost every neutral speed opponent she runs into on player phase. If that unit is a red unit - they are D.E.A.D. A good unit to sacrifice for Azura to pick up Darting Blow is Florina, who is a fairly common blue unit to pull.


For B, all you need is one Cain. Remember how making Azura a Witch just for Warp was ridiculously broken? Same concept applies here on with the stipulation that her destination unit has suffered some damage. If you need Azura to sing for someone outside of her movement range, Wings of Mercy can allow her to warp to another unit, and she can definitely sing for that unit to give them another turn either to escape or retaliate their way to safety.


For C, you take the best thing about Olivia other than Dance, and give it to a better unit than Olivia in Azura. The result, a much scarier performer that jacks up the adrenaline of the other units in your squad. You could also use Fortify Res, which I believe comes stock on Azura here, or go for Fortify Defense, depending on what kind of team or task you are wishing to deal with.


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6 minutes ago, Chase said:



Raven actually looks kinda dope. I was originally dismayed that he killed my focus multiplier by turning up 5*, but then I got Hector two pulls later anyway, so that's neat. Is FE7 the game with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector? I assume it's one of those games because I think Priscilla is in those games.

FE7 is the one with those three, yes.

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1 hour ago, Chase said:


Raven actually looks kinda dope. I was originally dismayed that he killed my focus multiplier by turning up 5*, but then I got Hector two pulls later anyway, so that's neat. Is FE7 the game with Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector? I assume it's one of those games because I think Priscilla is in those games.


While I have you - Tell me about Cordelia, mate. I pulled her at 4*, and she comes with some pretty good stuff. Galeforce seems stupid broken (because it just is by nature.)


Yeah Raven's from that game. Cordelia and Raven are two peas in a pod honestly as far as Heroes goes, they're hyper offensive brave weapon wielders that can wreak havoc with some speed support and Desperation. Galeforce isn't as good in practice as it looks on paper, because it commonly only activates when a fight is either done, or just about done. It's rare that it makes a truly significant difference to a match. Ultimately I don't really like Cordelia's starting set very much. I think her Brave Lance limits her offensive potential (though give her Death Blow and she'll be punching holes in things with her naturally high Atk stat), while Astra and Galeforce both have too long cooldown, and Pass is pretty useless. Natural Triangle Adept is nice because it can be very useful for specific fights, but it's not something you want to leave in as a permanent A skill. Comparatively Raven's natural skill set is much better for a Brave Axe wielder. Defiant Spd and Threaten Def is sick, toss him Desperation and he'll quad people for 5 extra damage per hit before they can even attack him, and heal himself back up to full to boot, ready for another enemy on their phase to put him back down into Desperation range again.


I ended up revamping Cordelia completely, with a Silver Lance+, Ardent Sacrifice, Draconic Aura (with Galeforce on the side if I need it), Speed+3 (with Triangle Adept on the side if I need it), Desperation, and Threaten Spd. That lets her double any melee ranged unit 38 Spd or lower, with 50 Atk and Desperation. It does her whole "a good offense is the best defense" shtick much better than the base set, though it required heavy investment.

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@Chase seems good to me. It's definitely true that the C skill slot is open to a lot of possibilities.. Her base speed is at 33, which is pretty good, and generally enough to keep her from getting doubled, but I've been wondering if Darting blow wouldn't be better for ensuring doubles on attack (seeing as I have an Azura as well). If you attack with her, you want to make sure she kills whatever it is she's attacking (which is pretty much guaranteed against any red unit), especially considering that she could potentially dance a ranged unit to kill someone in 2 rounds without taking any damage rather than trading damage with an Azura attack. The way I see it, Spd +3 is basically the average of Darting blow. Darting blow is +6 on attack, +0 on defense. Spd +3 is +3 on attack, +3 on defense. I have to err on the side of defense (spd +3) to help make sure she isn't doubled. You really won't use Azura for an attack unless the defender is a red unit, so what is left after that is what she is capable of on defense.


The C skill slot always seems to have the weakest skills on any set, but there really aren't any C skills that aren't inheritable either. Seal skills are great for ranged initiators so others can finish units off, but threaten skills are so-so, since they have to be within striking distance at the start of your own turn to work. More often I find that the ai doesn't maneuver units within that range unless they can attack someone too. Even if you're really playing it safe and staying just out of range, the threaten benefits feel like they come a turn too late. If they triggered at the start of your opponent's turn after yours, it would be a different story. And the the unit type specific ones can give stronger boons, but they require a more specialized type of team. While there are some good fliers, I don't think a full flier emblem team would do all that well. Or an armor emblem for that matter.


All that aside...


Which skill do you all think is more useful overall, draw back or swap? 


Draw back is especially useful to protect against armored units and ranged units alike. It's a hit and run and probably works best to help out a ranged attacker, and probably works best to counter ranged foes. Hit with the first unit and step back to safety with the next.


Swap is a reliable countermeasure to non-ranged units that the ai has stacked next to each other- the first being weapon triangle weakness bait while the one behind it waiting to exploit your unit's weakness after its victory (surely a lesson even the most dense players learned in Zephiel's GHB). It's also great for countering cavalry who can sweep in from a longer, safer range after -again- killing something weaker in front with a strong counter behind it, just waiting for you to take the bait.

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I can't say I've used Draw Back much, but I freakin' love Swap. Swap Stahl is the perfect companion for a unit like Olwen or Cordelia. 


As for Threaten skills, I've found a couple of uses for them:


Threaten Speed can be really useful in enabling fast units to double anyone up to their own speed bracket, all you need to do is position your unit (in my case Cordelia) just outside the range of a melee range enemy and they'll move their maximum movement and end their turn 2 spaces away from you. Then you start your next turn, their Spd drops by 5, and you move in for the kill. It takes some finicky positioning, which means it doesn't always work in the heat of battle, but after a while it becomes second nature when lining up your units to take the initial charge.


Threaten Defence is fantastic on armoured units, as it is essentially Death Blow. Any unit that an armoured unit can attack (without being helped by Reposition) must be within two spaces of the armoured unit at the beginning of your turn, otherwise you won't reach them. Therefore an armoured unit with Threaten Def 3 effectively has 5 more points of Atk, and what's more it also works off your phase once it's initially applied. This is the reason Eckesachs works so well on Zephiel, it's almost like a flat 20 might weapon. Threaten Defence can also be used in a similar manner to Threaten Spd, but for brave weapon wielders. A free 10 points of damage just by lining your units up correctly is nothing to sneeze at.


Threaten Resistance can be used in much the same manner as Threaten Defence on brave weapon users, but on Dire Thunder users instead. Again, it's 10 free damage (often on top of 12 free damage from Death Blow 3).


There's also the infamous cavalry buffing skills, which are amazing at the moment, while their flier and armour counterparts are somewhat less so. If your unit is unlikely to benefit from any of that though, then there's nothing wrong with slapping a Hone skill in their C slot, a Rally skill in their support slot, and turning them into a dual purpose unit.



@Chase I don't think he was talking about Azura, as either would require her ditch Sing.

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I pulled Hector!


and...uh....I have a problem now.


See, I said that I would SI Hector onto Ephraim for DC. but 1. I don't have the SP for that rn, and 2. This guy is +hp -spd. Like really good ivs. woof.


edit: also I've been using Swap and Threaten Def on Ephraim and they're both great, TDef was actually what let me beat Hector way back in the day. Swap is also amazing when paired with a dancer so you can move other characters so they can get danced again.


edit 2: I also have more 5* than level 40, and have for a while. I'm kinda of terrible at finishing things. rip...

Edited by doombotmecha
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So. Some polishing has been made - mostly with command skills.


Azura has all the things she needs to fill her build out.


Hector has been given Pivot. Pivot's pretty good for Armors because they can quickly position themselves to protect two flanks of another ally. It also helps his poor movement in a pinch.


I went ahead and gave Ike Swap.



Units I want, ala "Pheonixmaster1" levels of priority.


Top Priority


- Linde

- Leo

- Takumi

- Kagero

- Jaffar

- Alm


Moderate Priority


- Claire

- Faye

- MCorrin

- Lucina

- Elise

- Sakura


Low Priority


- Saizo

- 4* Shanna

- 4* Hinata (oh my gosh, things I didn't expect to say)

- Good Inheritance Fodder, here, really.



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So, I spent a ridiculous amount of orbs and I finally got an Ike. I also got two hectors in the same summon session in the other banner. The joke's on me though- all three are -Atk. Ike is + def, and the hectors are +res and +hp i think.


I also got lucky and pulled two Ryoma's. both are +atk, but one is -def and the other is -spd. Even at -spd, 32 speed is pretty good. At the same time, -def loses him 4 points of def. So I'm leveling up the -spd one.


I almost forgot that I rolled an Alm while looking for Ike. Also got a lot of 3* lon'qu for eventual Vantage 3 fodder.


I've hit 20k feathers, and i'm tempted to 5* Zephiel and give him hive the extra Hector's distant counter. *insert evil laugh* but that would delay promoting lon'qus for that vantage inheritance.


Got a couple of new 4* units to try too.



M Corrin


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Units I want:


Top Priority






Moderate Priority


Gunter (Hone Cavalry)

Roy (Triangle Adept)

Frederick (Luna)


Low Priority


Azama (Better IVs than my current one)

Stahl (Better IVs than my current one)






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So the legend continues where I get a super good pull, but nothing I need. On paper, minus Attack plus defence Hector may seem bad, but I have a few ideas to work with. Now fourth armored division may actually come true.


Anyways, here's my wish list:


A goddamn good sword unit





Ninian or Azura 




While I really want a dancer, I'm likely going to move to the next banner and attempt a roll there. Kind of want Julia or Sanaki and I like a good selection of mages so it is a win win. But Seriously, I have Hawkeye, Minerva, Raven, Fae, Hector, and Merric as 5 star green units. I probably don't need any more for a good while.

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  • Support Squad

What are hectors high points now? He's so easy to counter I never really notice anymore. Distant counter is nice I guess, high attack? Kinda bulky?

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burn them down for feathers if they really have nothing to offer you.


I have a deluge of blues too because that's all I pulled after getting Camilla, Lucina and Sheena. Didn't need anyone else after and I'm paranoid of healers for colourless.

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49 minutes ago, President Felix said:

What are hectors high points now? He's so easy to counter I never really notice anymore. Distant counter is nice I guess, high attack? Kinda bulky?


Probably the combination of Armads and Distant Counter. Lots of things that attack him die. It's just that lots of people have bladetomes/Axebreaker/Triangle Adept/Red Dragons by now.

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  • Support Squad

yeah everyone has a counter now so it might be better to get him and put his shit on, idk, sheena. Svallin shield isn't a fantastic skill with so few anti armour things in use. Killer axe might be better though cuz bonfire.

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