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Mmm I've tried it but she wasn't that impressive using a steel lance either. What you essentially have then is a unit with good stats, an ordinary weapon, and some unremarkable skills (triangle adept and pass). The brave lance ultimately comes out a bit better because it stops her taking any damage when attacking, because you get both of your hits up front and triangle adept helps with its low power, but I don't see much reason to field Cordelia over Catria (killer lance, luna, armoured blow, seal attack) without bias.

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@Sheep I don't really like the triangle adept ability. you either have to hit something your same color/neutral or something you've got advantage against or else that unit is useless. That thing is a double edged sword and I don't like it one bit. You don't get to use enough units in a map to make that feasible unless you have a bunch of side units to swap in (and that's a lot of extra time and grinding to have them on par with your main team). I can't count the story or training matches I've done where most of my units were at a triangle disadvantage but got through by paying attention to Def and Res on my opponents. And since you don't get to place units, it seems especially risky to me. When I have the spare SP I teach it to my units but I don't equip it.

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@Maelstrom It's certainly a long way away from my favourite ability as well but at least it does something, which is more than I can say for pass. By investing in it you pretty much guarantee that Cordelia is death on wings to anything red because nothing short of a sword armour will take those two hits, and they get hit four times instead. With the low might of the brave lance you won't be doing much per hit to green units even if you don't have triangle adept so I suppose it works on her better than most.


Overall though it really feels like if she had 1 more space of movement she'd be twice as good. 3 movement is always useful but on Cordelia it seems like it's what she was designed for. It'd let her:

  • Reliably attack first, thus synergising with the brave lance.
  • Pick and choose her targets, thus synergising with triangle adept.
  • Get to ordinarily out of reach targets with pass.
  • Do all 3 over again much more easily with galeforce.

Would that leave her too strong? Dunno, but she sure as hell wouldn't be as underwhelming as she currently is.

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i mean with one of each colour on my team and a healer, my strategy is just to consistently bait with the least useful person, lookin at you AZAMA, then swooping in with everyone else, who hit like a truck who hasn't skipped the gym for a decade.

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What level and stars are your characters? Mine stopped getting good stat growths and sweeping around lvl 20. My first main team is stuck at 5/6th strata with like maybe one win at 7th. I've been using my secondary team to run through hard mode for levels and orbs.


I really want another good axe wielder like hector but it's not giving me green orbs for summoning.

But I did pull a 4 star Camilla and a 3 star Shanna.

That special map today that drops multiple orbs for clearing really helped.

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Has the training tower been giving terrible level ups, because every time I want to level up some extra party members there, they only get 1 or 2 stats or JUST skill points. It's getting really annoying. I almost just want to give them EXP crystals at this point if they're going to be weaker than the average. Also how many orbs does it take ti get the castle to +100% exp bonus?

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ugh... my luck with summons is soooo abbysmal... yeah I got lucky with my 5 star Takumi and 4 Star Corrin and Henry... but everything else I've gotten was 3 star (thats 3 4/5 star out of what? 15-20 summons?)


Now that the weekly season has ended I have about 2500 feahters and COULD upgrade my Beruka or my Nino (once I level her up a bit more) to 4 stars - So I would have at least 4 stars of one of each color...

however, since upgrades to 5 stars are so expensive, I thought about saving them, I mean I could always get a 4 star version earlier/easier than a new 5 star from a summon...


what do you guys think?



as for the castle... I'm not sure... I have 100% bonus already but it doesn't show the costs anymore xD - but I think it was like 20-30 orbs ore something like that for everything, I think...

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yeah, level ups are somewhat pre-determined for your specific unit (not the unit itself in general)

I got the same level up for Level 30 three times in a row, because I lost the map to stupidly overpowered Knights, two times, and lost the EXP)


and also I've seen 5 Star Takumis, with lower level than mine... but with higher stats! - which was kinda dissappointing to see...

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  On 2/8/2017 at 3:53 PM, Cepheus said:

yeah, level ups are somewhat pre-determined for your specific unit (not the unit itself in general)

I got the same level up for Level 30 three times in a row, because I lost the map to stupidly overpowered Knights, two times, and lost the EXP)


and also I've seen 5 Star Takumis, with lower level than mine... but with higher stats! - which was kinda dissappointing to see...


I think star-rating has a part to play in stats too.


5* characters definitely outclass their counterparts by a lot.

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This game was/is satisfying.


As far as summons have gone, I've been fairly unlucky, but my army is probably fairly scarce in comparison to those who re-rolled over and over or those who threw up the max cash to essentially ensure a 5* summon too. I was pretty stingy with my income (po' college student - that's me ramen money IntSys!) and ultimately paid the price.


Final Team:


4* Tharja (MVP) - I get it, Amethyst. I understand why you like this lady. Well, maybe not similarly, but JESUS Rhajat Sr. is a fantastic unit. Darting Blow was just overkill in roughly half of the instances Tharja engaged on player phase.


4* Camilla - Of the two "good" units on my team, Big Sister was more balanced. I really don't like how flying units' movement in this game is literally the same as foot units (and poorly justified by being able to cross terrain). At 4* at least, Camilla is saddled with the Brave Axe - which doesn't hurt Darting Blow - but makes DB kinda pointless. I would have preferred the Hammer (or Camilla's [Sexy] Axe) instead. (Oh Japan. Your pun game and your subliminal messaging is strong. I get why Amethyst likes YOU too.) The best thing about Camilla as a unit in this game - to me - is the combination of Draconic Aura (boosts attack by 30% every three actions) and Savage Blow (AoE after player phase engagement.)


3* Corrin (F) - So, I didn't get lucky with the Focus Tiki pull,  but Femui makes an adequate discount and works like she would if you were using her in Conquest. In Heroes, Corn simultaneously boosts her allies' attack (if adjacent) on Player Phase, and debuffs enemies after any engagement. She also gets access to Dragon's Gaze. What's lacking is her Dragonbreath's might in my opinion - and as a middle-of-the-road unit, she often couldn't shrug off all of the opposing enemies later in the story. Still, she's pretty helpful in Arena bouts.


3* Azama - "Death comes for everyone...." unless you have a reliable healer on your team. Then...not as much. Azama isn't anything special, but unlike a unit like Clarine, he can hold his own as bait for other units, setting up Camilla and Tharja. Imbue as a proc is the monk's blessing in Heroes - as it allows every fourth action to heal LOTS of HP to both himself -and- targeted allies... and because Healers act every turn, that happens often. He trivialized arena fights for me - but during the final push in the story, Azama proved his worth.




4* Cain - I really like this cavalier. He came with Buckler, which is essentially a defensive proc skill, and great defense. Unfortunately, Cavaliers struggle pretty hard in the later going. Still 3 move is nice on these mobile phone apps.


4* Jeorge - It's not Takumi, and I got him too late to utilize.


3* Cherche - I REALLY like Cherche, but her mid-tier caught up to her and made her easy pickings for the tougher units at the end of the story. She can pick up a hammer though. which is fantastic. Having not played Awakening, this is my Fe:A waifu.


3* Olivia - Not everyone HAS a dancer - so early on Olivia was pretty op. ....and then she got cursed by being a paper-thin unit that doesn't hurt all that much later on. You know what Fire Emblem should do? They should put songstresses on horses. That would be awesome. I wouldn't mind being weak to beastbane/killers in exchange for fantastic move on a singer.......still salty Shigure couldn't sing.....


3* Sharena - Best mascot unit (Sorry Anna. You don't count.) due to her defensive nature and ability to wield a lance. I have very few blue units I wanted to use (Oboro came too late, forget Subaki) and Sharena also came with Rally Attack. which was just awesome.



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So I was looking at Kotaku and this is a thing. http://feheroes.wiki/Tier_List


I got Camilla kinda late but she's proving to be beastly already. Those brave axe double hits really help make sure that her activated ability comes out during matches. I hear that if she outspeeds enough with DB, she can hit 4 times, further helping that out.

I also upgraded Shareena to 3* and now she's in the same level grind team as Camilla.

I got Azama much later than Clarine, so I still don't have Pain for him yet. As of yet, I prefer to blunt counter attacks with Clarine's -5 atk fear.


Atm I'm trying to grind my side units because that variety and utility is what's gonna get me through the late game. And hopefully I've ground my main guys enough to get the top tier goodies from the grand hero thing that starts friday.



The units that are shaping up to be my high level staples:


4* Kagero: Her super high resistance and speed coupled with high attack is great on its own. Add poison dagger to the mix and she really is an infantry and mage crusher. Oh, and her dagger breaker means she doubles her poison dagger attack against other ninjas.

4* Bartre: His stat growths have been great and his fury/brash assault combo of skills isn't too bad. Smite also does a good job of expediting units into the fray, especially knight type units.

4* Cecilia: mounted green mage with an advantage over gray, neutral enemies

5* Tiki: Her attack, def, and resistance are really high naturally. Then add on armored blow +6 Def when attacking and you have a wrecker, who heals adjacent allies by up to 7 hp after attacking. Plus her Growing Flame ability hits in a big area before she attacks, pretty much ensuring whatever is the target dies. Growing flame leaves the non-direct target units at 1 hp though. But hey, easy pickings and exp for whoever else you choose to mop up after. she really out-tanks and decimates knights with her magic based breath attack.

4* Frederick: my first summon, he's got great defense and comes with high attack and a hammer. He just has absolute ass for resistance. As long as it isn't magic, he'll take a hit and smash 'em right back. Can warp next to any ally in trouble, and boosts ally def at the start of a turn, he helps make other units quite a bit less fragile.

3* Shareena: nice and tanky for those times I'm not using a healer, her rally attack has been a godsend in helping other units dispatch foes that would have otherwise come back with a hard hitting counter.

3* Clarine: aside from what I said above, she can give all allies a speed boost after healing, which can tip the scales for my kagero against other speedy characters for a double attack.



3* Shanna- Killer Lance with Chilling wind/iceberg and Desperation (a much better version skill version of a brave weapon) looks like it's gonna go great together. Plus, she slows nearby enemies at the start of a turn, so that's really gonna help set up dual attacks on people.

3* Eliwood- Has axebreaker, which is nice but gets extra protection from ranged attacks with holy vestments/ sacred cowl. His stats are middling atm, but if he gets his final weapon, he's gonna pack a punch while boosting his own resistance.

3* Azama



4* Caeda- she started off good but her stat growths are looking terrible right now. She doesn't really have the power or def to make any good use out of her armorslayer. A nice option to countering magic wielders and fliers with axes, but that's about it.

4* Roy- he reduces def like a ninja after battle, but is better suited to taking down mages with his resistance than initiating tank take-downs. He gets weapons triangle adept, which is a double edged sword. Color wheel has  a huge impact in this game and he just absolutely can't hurt anyone with a blue weapon.

5* Serra- While she can heal the most right off the bat with 10 hp, and 10 more with imbue, her absorb attack is pitifully weak and is her only way to heal herself and keep herself going, unlike the other healers I have.

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Yeah, I had a feeling my team was pretty good despite not being top quality. I never got Clarine and I preferred Azama over Lissa (who I got only through the special map making her even worse in quality.)


Units I want


- Takumi (No brainer, he's apparently just as broken as he was in Fates.)

- Hector (There's probably no better axe fighter in FE.)

- Lyn

- Effie

- Azura

- Selena

- Arthur

- Elise


I'm a Fates joiner. (Really, REALLY need to play Awakening or the GBA FE) - so I have personal attachments to the newest cast members.

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@Maelstrom Do you find Cecilia to be a bit on the slow side? I summoned a 4* copy of both her and Merric in the same pull (both wind mages that I really like from the main series games) and initially ran her because of her higher movement and advantage against white units. I dropped her in favour of Merric around level 20 though because he had about 5 more speed than she did and was reliably doubling (with a higher might weapon to boot) on maps where she usually couldn't. Might just be that my copy has a negative speed nature though.


@Chase As far as native axe users in the main series go he may well be the best yeah, and he's certainly the most celebrated. I'd put in arguments for Orsin from Thracia 776 (widely considered to be the best unit in the hardest Fire Emblem game), Haar from Radiant Dawn (basically Hector with flying movement), and Charlotte from Fates (for her insane critmachinery) though.


Also I had more trouble with Definitelynotzacharias than with Veronica.

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