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So I disliked the arena unit set until i realised i could slap xander on my team, give him axebreaker with all his leftover sp not spent on his skill and have him act as an anti hector. Lukas and Camilla then do very nciely with the rest of the common units and linde is there the let xander have AB and nuke people. Fun times.

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I've been levelling a three-core for the next two seasons, consisting on M!Robin, Nino, and Olivia, standard builds for all of them. for right now Xander is my bonus unit, since I've inherited Hone Cav onto him, I think I'll have him learn up to rank 2 so I can boost Nino's Attack (since Olivia only knows Hone Speed rn)


RE: this gauntlet nonsense: literally all the 3x point bonus does is make it so that people who play constantly (therefore getting better use out of the 3x periods) will greatly outrank those who don't (aka those who have work in the morning). It has still yet to decide any matchup, just make it seem closer. it's boring, honestly, and I find myself with the same attitude as the last gauntlet: I just. don't. care. Also I didn't even get Leo from the banner. I did get 2 Lon'qus, but no other good skill fodder.


that said, I do  need feathers. I joined Tharja's side so I could get the win bonus...and also 'cause she's my arena ace.

Edited by doombotmecha
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Let's build Genny yeah?




Kindled Fire/Swift Winds Balm


B-Wrathful Staff

C-Hone Speed/Attack.


With Assualt the player saves SP and Genny has the potential to reach a fearsome 48 Attack - which is pretty damn good considering she's a cleric. Absorb still gets her to a respectable 42 and in conjunction with Wrathful Staff could effectively work somewhat like Nosferatu.


The set takes into account that she isn't a world beater. A should focus on getting Genny some extra power. B eliminates the staff penalty. And C is contingent on which Balm you are using. If going with Attack Balm for example, go Hone Speed.


Rehabilitate is just my favorite healer skill.


Genny has high Res and Attack. This makes her a fantastic pseudo-mage who can bait in enemy tomes. She is however, slow. Keep her one step ahead of physical units.



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4 hours ago, 5hift said:



I mean. I know you (I think) came on this thread and proclaimed Tharja wasn't gonna take Robin - but did you put money on this?




I'm working on a project. One of my favorite discount units.

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This is the first gauntlet where I've stuck with the same unit for all three match-ups so yeah, I'm going all in with Robin so he better not fuck this up.


Also been meaning to ask, any of you guys got a cool Kagero build? Pulled a 4* +ATK -HP version and will probably promote her to 5*.

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Well. Team Robin swung ahead by just under a billion votes - so the x3 at least makes the championship round fun to watch. I'll save my flags for when/if Tharja falls into the 3x bonus. Projections are showing that Tharja has more people aboard her ship than Robin his.




Kagero at base kit is a huge anti-infantry colorless unit and her stat spread makes her have several options.


All of them want Kagero to keep her Poison Daggers.


Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid is better in many of Kageros sets, but you have a flexible command slot if you are running LnD in A.


Moonbow. She should always be chucking two blades to make this skill proc often.


A has a lot of interesting options and the best one for Kagero in my opinion is Life and Death. LnD makes her faster and stronger at the expense of her bulk. She's a ninja so there isn't need for bunk anyway. If you are not up for that you could also run Darting Blow and focus on her initiation speed, or Fury and actually BOOST every stat. With your low HP unit, I would suggest LnD or Darting Blow over Fury.


For B, you also have options. Wings of Mercy on Kagero is kinda neat, as it lets her teleport to allies and gives her threatening presence more coverage. She's got so little HP and good enough speed to run Desperation very well. She also could be a ranged enemy phase threat with Vantage. Since you have minus HP, you may want to throw some people with Despy in your case.


Kagero is one of the few units that don't want to run Threaten skills at C despite being strong. This leaves the curtain pretty bare here - so bring a Hone skill your team needs.


poison dg+



A-Life and Death/Darting Blow

B-Desperation/Wings of Mercy

C-Hone Attack




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Ooo I already put Darting Blow and Moonbow on her so that's two down.


I would love to put Wings of Mercy on her but seeing that I don't have any units to inherit those skills over to her I may as well sacrifice one of my Navarres for Desperation.


So going off that, I should probably run Ardent Sacrifice to get some extra heals and bring her closer to Desperation's effective HP levels.


Ok so I guess all I have to do now is wait for Robin to win this thing and collect my shit load of feathers to promote her!

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Tharja got her first successful lead save during the last Robin x3 an hour ago by about 200 million votes. Robin now needs his stalker to blow past him for one last shot at tipping the scales.


If you are on Team Robin, stop contributing to the effort if you playing to win. The more players halt, the better the chance at the last hour bonus gets. Then go to town.


Of course, if you are playing to increase rank. Play on.




This is my project so far.


Felicia has awful Attack and no Defense. So why use her? Good speed, and one of the best Resistance stats in the game. 


This build focuses on an aggressive approach (that's how I play Fire Emblem) to tanking and deleting mages. QR ensures a double on them, and her base Res+ stat makes her able to utilize it more against her targeted opponents. Iceberg procs more than Glacies and my Felicia was +Speed,-HP, but you could save some currency and use Glacies if you want even more ompf. Sacrifice gives the Maid her token healing ability and saves her C slot to give her three demensions of assistance to you. Tanking mages, healing, and debuffing.


Maxed out, Felicia should draw every mage in the game and only be in a disadvantage against Celica and Cecilia - while Cecilia needs to be aware of Iceberg cooldown. Felicia holds most following turn advantages.


Pro-Tip. Felicia compliments TA-Swordbreaker Nowi and Dragon Emblem well because she takes out Julia for your dragons.



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@Chase Where do I begin? The idea isn't too bad except for two major issues I see: Ardent Sacrifice and the HP +3 seal. Ardent Sac is kind of counter productive to her idea as QR needs her HP pretty high (QR2 more or less requires 80% and you're now at 75%). If you want to go bait mage, Reposition or Swap will work wonders for her. Hell, those two skills can make a godawful unit into a very useful one. I can't recommend any other Support skill since well...you want her to be offensive.


The other gripe I have is the HP seal. It's not that giving anyone more HP is a bad thing but...this seal is easily the best one of the pack and by quite a margin. Felicia's low HP...doesn't make very much, if any, use out of it as she's gonna die to a single physical attack anyways. With your style, Attack +1 is the best one to give her as then she can actually do damage before debuffing once in a while.

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Swap vs. Ardent Sacrifice


I wanted the novelty of a Maid here. The template I used had the command skill flexible and while I have Swap (gave it to her - good suggestion) I don't want all of my builds to have Repo in them. Felicia was fun because she had a lot of stuff to play with. In Sacrifices defense, I rarely use command skills and instead tend to split up my army to accommodate the map layout - so I had a free spot to make Felicia - well, Felicia.


Definitely use Swap if you intend on having Felicia move a bit further though.




I.... I missed out on the Attack seal. I had the HP one from the first go round and just got like. The Fortify one.


Since you can only have so many, I use them when a function comes up. I needed Felicia to live more often so I slapped HP on like you would training wheels on a bike. I hope the only misleading there is its presence in the picture. It's not needed for the build.

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So team Tharja somehow won... While I was on her side since round two (after Henry got beaten) I really wasn't expecting her to actually win. It kind of feels hollow honestly. The protagonist of a game lost to what amounts to a stalker.


Oh well, she still has the best hair.

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20 minutes ago, Sheep said:

Somehow? She was expected to win from before the start, and is probably the most popular Awakening character not called Lucina.

Yet she didn't even get her trophy in Smash...


I mean, I was really expecting Robin to push ahead, but they ended fairly close together.

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@Chase I'm actually working on my own Felicia build, eventually it's gonna have Distant Defense, Poison Strike or Windsweep, and Savage Blow as her passive skills. The idea is to be a dancer-partenered debuffer/chip damage machine that, every other turn, deletes somebody from the game. Windsweep actually works wonders with her incredible speed, so that she can debuff stuff like Hector without taking damage, and since it doesn't go off on enemy phase, enemy mages that attack her (through Distant Def) will still get doubled. 


RE: voting gauntlet: the hot one ALWAYS wins.

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I've seen that Windsweep/Distant Def build. It's diabolical.


The biggest problem is that I'm keeping an Alm or Celica pulled at this moment in time. Distant Def and Windsweep are much more valuable on Felicia than they are the Valentians though. It works. It's just expensive.




If the hot one always wins, Eirika or Sharena should have beaten Lucina in the first Gauntlet.


I will say this. Robin did let the Smash Community down. Smash Bros. is now only 1/2 in Voting Gauntlets.


I think right now, Waifu always wins. Lucina was just the perfect storm of name recognition, crossover presence, story value, and being a girl.

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24 minutes ago, Chase said:



I think right now, Waifu always wins. Lucina was just the perfect storm of name recognition, crossover presence, story value, and being a girl.

that's what I meant to say. Lucina and Elise were the only 3ds gals, and of them only one was the main character of Awakening.

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Oh, also, I feel like I should mention RE: Felicia, that honestly is the fate of any Alm or Celica I pull, I don't care about shadow dragon at all, since I already have Marth and Chrom for Falchions, as well as Tharja who is IMO still the best red mage. As f2p, I can't possibly SI everything, so my affections are (mostly) limited to Sacred Stones and Nohr.

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1 hour ago, Combat said:

Do you think Marth might be able to stand toe to toe with all the "waifu" characters in future gauntlets? He is kind of the face of Fire Emblem in my opinion.


It depends on who he would be going up against.


Let's say he's in a Lords and Ladies Gauntlet against other "main characters" - because that's the most likely thematic decision IS makes for a Marth Gauntlet.


Lords will be where Marth resides. He may have to contend against an under appreciated lord (Eliwood, Roy, Seliph, Alm), would likely see Chrom and either Hector or Ephraim on his side of the bracket.


Marth vs. Eliwood

Chrom vs. Hector


Marth should easily handle his round one matchup, and Chrom may end up in a dogfight. Let's say he wins -and- loses.


Chrom would give Marth a very strong round 2 fight. One we'll give to the older Archanean royal. Hector might knock out Marth in R2.


Bring in the Waifus.



Female Corrin




I think Marth would lose to Lyn or Lucina in the final round. Lyn was THE first FE Waifu in the west -and- served as a Trophy in Smash. Lucina has the Awakening surge vote -and- has won a VG before.


Marth has some advantages. He's popular with Japan, while still holding Smash recognition in the West. He isn't a very great Heroes unit though, and the competition in his most likely Gauntlet won't be a pushover.




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2 hours ago, Combat said:

Do you think Marth might be able to stand toe to toe with all the "waifu" characters in future gauntlets? He is kind of the face of Fire Emblem in my opinion.


I doubt it personally. The only old Fire Emblem characters that can realistically stand up to Lucina, Camilla, and Tharja are Ike and Lyn. The next most popular units according to the choose your legends poll are Roy and Hector, but I have a feeling they'd both get smashed by any of the big three. With Lyn's lackluster Atk stat in Heroes her popularity has probably dipped a bit since prepolling too, so I'd say the only realistic hope probably stands with Ike.

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I feel like competition matters.


Lucina had a throwaway matchup against Sharena in R1 and a not much better matchup against Eirika (More people have played Awakening than Sacred Stones) - only to go through the same matchup again with Ephraim.


Camilla went up against Hinoka in R1 (who is criminally made fun of - screw you Treehouse.), and had only a semi-interesting matchup against Cordelia before being well ahead of Minerva.


The bonus helped out Linde and Julia more than anything else against Tharja, before she actually had an intriguing match up with Robin.


I can't wait for a "Winner's Gauntlet" if they do one - mainly because they can't clearly just bandwagon one unit. 

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