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Huk kind of summarized what I would've said. It really sucks as in Shadow Dragon she is one of if not the best units in the games. One could argue that she's more important than Marth in Marth's story. But dear lord did FE Heroes screw her over (and yes, she's a really, really well like character). Eliwood at least got his Durandal while Caeda...didn't get her Wind Spear (which being effective against fliers would've made her really good and useful, but not broken or even close due to her low attack). Yes, the wind spear is a unique weapon for her that basically made her a monster since it was a lance rapier. Only reason I'm even bothering to train her is simply due to her being my favorite Peg in the series. The girl basically turned so many enemies against their country in so many ways (including flirting with the enemy). Her art is amazing, but that unit certainly doesn't do her justice. But yeah I'd recommend Palla over Caeda sadly. Also it's pronounced Sheeda (that was how her name was originally spelled).


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Ye, Palla is jsut better unit-wise. ((the free one makes it worse... cause you haaaave to have one. She's Neutral and 3* but like that's still less resources than Caeda trust me. that and Neutral Palla is usable... Caeda kinda has to be +Atk...)) l guess Bride Caeda is usable though? ((suffers from "l'm not Linde" syndrome though... but like so do most non-cav blue mages. That's like saying rain is wet...))

Well l can say at least this Commander. At least Caeda isn't Tobin... 


oh and speaking of characters that one is using jsut cause they like them, thanks to double SP weekends l finally got all my stuffs squared away for Oboro! Yay!!!



as a note... getting Quick Riposte 3 is... kinda a bitch and a half... hence why it's still just 2 ((pretty much functions as intended anyway so...)) probably will leave her 4* while l try and roll up one with a less terrible bane. ((really that means -spd her speed is not salvagable. tha't sprobably the 2nd best though as it's -HP which l can at least patch with the seal she's got on))

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55 minutes ago, Hukuna the Undying said:

as a note... getting Quick Riposte 3 is... kinda a bitch and a half... hence why it's still just 2 ((pretty much functions as intended anyway so...)) probably will leave her 4* while l try and roll up one with a less terrible bane. ((really that means -spd her speed is not salvagable. tha't sprobably the 2nd best though as it's -HP which l can at least patch with the seal she's got on))


QR3 is not worth the effort getting. Unless you want to promote and sack a 5 star subaki (which isn't hard to do, but you could premote a unit who doesn't need it instead) since your other two options are Klein (who is your DB sack) and Leo (who is 5 star only), but all 3 need it at 5 star. But that 10% though just is not worth the amount of effort plus Subaki comes with Swap and well Swap isn't too bad of a skill (I prefer reposition tbh)


But Tobin oh dear Tobin. At least Masked Lucina is redeemable with x2 SP on the weekends (she's my next little project), but Tobin is just...bad. There's like a massive pool of good sword units (Xander, Zephiel, Masked Lucina were all f2p) who are way more useful than he is. Seriously, Zephiel kept killing everything while I was training Boey.


As for Oboro, I never really used her, but merging a unit onto another one gives them all their skills (I did this to Lyn and Ryoma when I summoned better ones of those two). Speaking of Lyn, I've been using one in the Tempest and she's god-like. Boey, Robin (M), Genny, and Lyn pretty much get to the end with not problems at all. Though Celica is a...you know what to fight as she pretty much kills robin.

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Ye l'm aware of that. Done it several times.


and as much as l love Oboro as a character in Heroes she is NOT worth using. Trust me don't. Her base kit needs to be 100% replaced as it's one of if not the worst in the game. She can be saved and made usable but it's costly ((as l'm sure you can tell by my build there.)). The only usable thing for her base kit is Seal Defense... and it's not that ideal. lt's at least a super budget option for QR though. ((she can still usually kill on player phase espcially with my current build.)) The A is also kinda replaceable with just some general Stat up skill ((no Fury though she can't afford the chip.)), since she's not remiss having a bit more Def, Hp or Attack. Her C normally is terrible though and she needs a special... basically she takes a lot of investment... a lot. So unless you really like her just use a much more generally usable lance. ((like Sharena is a lot easier to make good then she is and Sharena is freeeeeeeeeeee.))


l need a better Lyn... mine's +spd but -atk which is... bad. as for Tempest... Celica ain't shit when she dies in one hit. ((Bladetome Ursula says hello and goodbye.))

l think the worst part about Tobin isn't even that his statline is bollocks... it's that his skills are really lame and not great as well. Just Atk+3 and Seal Speed. He was so bad that l've not really bothered much with TT ((though that was more cause l quit for a week then Delthea brought me back and l rolled her... so l kept playing.))

Maybe l should post my all free unit Cavalry Team? tbh built a Horse core out of a pretty decent lineup of free stuffs and people might like to have it. However the Sl is where things got a lilttle expensive in places ~~((mostly Ursula.))~~

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Oh, this thread is alive again? I was afraid everyone got a bit bored of the game I honestly didn't put too much effort in Tobin Trials, I'm glad to log in and see this come back. I have a bunch of odd pulls and few decent ones.


+Def -ATK Cordelia: So happy to pull a decent Lance and finally Cordelia but why does she have to be -ATK

+HP -SPD Minerva: Not the end of the world since she will have 35 with Lad and be a bit tanker?

Neutral Olwen: This or Ursula? {Blarblade}

+SPD -DEF Soren: It's awesome, but too many green mages

+ATK -RES Setsuna: I guess no Quad which is still ok but why couldn't this one be for Cordelia





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If you have horse buffs then Olwen will destroy almost anything you can dream up. She's a very powerful unit, but there's nothing saying you can't run her and Ursula.


People on reddit have compared the herofest announcement silhouette with some character outlines and it looks like the featured heroes will be Ike (thank goodness), Ninian, Julia, and Genny. If you're after one of these units you'd best save your orbs.

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10 minutes ago, Sheep said:

If you have horse buffs then Olwen will destroy almost anything you can dream up. She's a very powerful unit, but there's nothing saying you can't run her and Ursula.

lf you do keep her to Dire Thunder though to avoid as much redundancy as possible ((and it's cheaper anyway.)) 2 Blader would get.. super clunky and not be as easy to utilize. THough... all Neutral Olwen kinda... suffers from having lesser stats than Ursula. Bit of a shame you didn't get some boon as that tends to usually bump her usablility up and over Ursula's quite a bit. Dunno... 2 blue tomers in just a tad overkill if it's not Rein whos' much more self-reliant but that's just imo. l'd personally prefer to use Olwen as my Blader if l had her buuuuuuuut that's just me. ((l say this knownig full well my Cav core has a free slot, but like a perm member would probs be a cav healer... rather than another mage? Dunno... maybe will run Rein l dunno... got too many projects and my core already works without needing a 4th horsey, so l'm not overly pressed.))

as for the Hero Fest banner l'm not really surprised they plopped lke on there. The others a little...? l may roll it for more Ninian copies? l need one with better lVs...or Julia. l kinda need a Green Mager to fill out me mage trinity lol. (sned help.... drowning in blue mages.)

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Yeah Ike was obvious, I called it as soon as the new herofest was announced. Still relieved that he is on there though.


My current cav squad runs Olwen and Reinhardt both with Dire Thunder and having the two blue mages is great. They carve a path through just about anything when covered by Stahl and Titania.

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Ye. Mine uses entirely free units. Ursula, Xander, Cecilia. Pretty solid for what it is and keeps me hovering around 17-19 in arena. The 4th slot is a free slot for bonus units. l'm F2P entirely so... l get what l get. ((this team however has done wonders for not... a crazy amount of stuff.

Sl laundry list:


Ursula: Blarblade+, Moonbow ((convenience really. Any decent CD Special is workable.)), Desperation, Ardent Sac, Hone Cavs. All can be gained from 4*s if you get them. Death Blow can e replaced with Swift Sparrow if you have access to it, as well as LnD but DB is fine. Despy can be replaced with WoM for teleport plays but l don't like this skill on Bladers personally. hone Cavs you can jsut keep Threat Res or... fill with anything tbh... if not using a Cav Team.

All in all you'll be spending at leeeeast 20k feathers on her Sl cause you kinda need to switch her weapon and all inheratible Blue Tomes ((other than Blarowl l think?)) only come at 3/4*

Xander: Vantage to pair with DC, Fury, Hone Cavs ((for Ursula)), Bonfire, Repos/Move Skill.

Cecilia: Keep most of her base kit for a budget option and build on that. She performs Raven out of the box more or less you jsut need to add TriAdept ((so... sac your Roys folks. lt's all he's good for :P)) You can swap the roles of Ursula and Ceci, lt just is much more costly. ((as you'll need to swap 2 tomes out.))

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Ike was very obvious given there has been no banner for him since his debut. I'm surprised Linde isn't part of the banner given how few occasions we see her. Ninian is probably their best option for blue dancer though as it is their only option. Greys don't have too good of a selection given it is Jaffar or Genny. Green is what surprised me. Don't get me wrong as I'm really happy they chose Julia, but Minerva probably was a better candidate given we haven't had a banner for her since the Gauntlet. Julia we had the mage gauntlet. Anyways, only one I'm aiming for is Julia given I have the other three.


And for everyone who is thinking to roll and sack genny, she really is not that bad of a unit but she dies to physical attacks instantly. Her specialty is finishing most foes off usually dishing out 20 damage. Yes, the highest attack healer only does 20 damage roughly. Probably the best infantry mage though and a lifesaver in tempest trials. Gonna love the fact she gets a buff next tempest.

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I thought since it would be popularity that Rein would be in blue. Horse Emblem plagues the arena after all... but maybe it's better we're spared from his wrath  with people going for idk +6 Reinhardts. Julia makes sense to me though me since she was pretty bountiful as a general green mage checker, not that Minerva wouldn't have been great.


Honestly with the 60 orbs I have now and the more I'm saving up,

I'm going to try to roll a few Ninians. Dancers are such nice units in chain challenges/Tempest, and I may be too used to using them. 

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23 minutes ago, Cataline said:

I thought since it would be popularity that Rein would be in blue. Horse Emblem plagues the arena after all... but maybe it's better we're spared from his wrath  with people going for idk +6 Reinhardts.

Well... you won't see the +6 Reins due to merges having a high priority in your points so you would be muuuch less likely to end up fighting them if you don't yourself. Also l like rarely see Cav teams myself. l just see my own that l'm using. l get many more "Azura +Rein + 2 other random mages" comps myself. And the few l have gotten... keep running Camus who's a free kill with Ceci so l put them on the backfoot so early they don't ever get rollin'. Maybe l'm just lucky but lol.

Also.. pretty sure the Free First Roll should be out by the time Hero Fest Banner is so... you can add +1 roll l think?

@Commander, and while ye... l somewhat agree on Genny... the second l roll an Elise... She's getting Wrathful. Genny while not needing any real Sl at all l'd say isn't super ideal due to hoooow squishy and easily doublable she is. Don't get me wrong, l like her but tbh. Genny does take 0 Sl to make work though and that's a boon that can't be understated. ((as healers need the most Sl work typically due to only getting 1 skill unless you're likely and get the Balm you want default as well as any debuff staffs.))

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8 minutes ago, Hukuna the Undying said:

Well... you won't see the +6 Reins due to merges having a high priority in your points so you would be muuuch less likely to end up fighting them if you don't yourself. Also l like rarely see Cav teams myself. l just see my own that l'm using. l get many more "Azura +Rein + 2 other random mages" comps myself. And the few l have gotten... keep running Camus who's a free kill with Ceci so l put them on the backfoot so early they don't ever get rollin'. Maybe l'm just lucky but lol.

Also.. pretty sure the Free First Roll should be out by the time Hero Fest Banner is so... you can add +1 roll l think?

I mean like. Generally speaking Horse emblem are generally around a certain score threshold due to Horses being not super strong. But with more Merging opportunities it'll be more common to higher ranking teams no? 

My current Team Comp for this "season" actually fares better against Horse Emblem than usual but I still don't have the best counters to Buffed Rein (and unfortunately Horse emblem is moderately common for me) by the time I merge my main team more I'll be stuck with even more horses. (Of course that's why I avoid any battle with a horse shown in preview. Gotta keep that 17-19 rank)

Julia could make a nice addition but..

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Well... my Ceci eats all blue mages for breakfast ((even full bufs Rein.)) so l never really have issue cause he'll run straight at her and happily die for me. But ye can be tough. lt's rather difficult to tank a Rein without Triangle. tbh... l'd not be surpised if people started to run Cancel Affinity on him for that reason. ((his B slot is pretty open tbh as it doesn't make him crazy amounts better and msotly will fill a niche.))

hmmm... that's seriously not a fun thought...

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I actually buffed up an +AtK -Def Cecilia a few days back. But she doesn't have the ideal supporting team so she won't be used in Arena even if she is so strong with Hone/Fortify Calvary!


Until then, my green unit is Fury 2 Nino (where are my Hinatas??) who even with a Res Boon + Fortify Res 1 couldn't take certain hits. *

Then it's Olivia (or Azura) and Robin-M (Bad unit in general but a great lure and coverage against Sword/Clear) basically I hope it's not a super buffed horse or that we can somehow get in a good position.

That being said it hasn't hindered my score to much so it's not yet a problem. 


*mind me it's been a bit since that happened so I don't remember the conditions exactly 

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8 hours ago, Commander said:

And for everyone who is thinking to roll and sack genny, she really is not that bad of a unit but she dies to physical attacks instantly. Her specialty is finishing most foes off usually dishing out 20 damage. Yes, the highest attack healer only does 20 damage roughly. Probably the best infantry mage though and a lifesaver in tempest trials. Gonna love the fact she gets a buff next tempest.


Genny's not bad compared to stock healers but she is bad compared to inherited healers that can actually use Wrathful Staff well. I run a Wrathful Staff Lucius and he's out here ORKOing peeps. Unless you have an attachment to Genny as a character she really should be sacrificed to give Wrathful Staff to one of Elise/Priscilla/Lucius/Serra. Those four (plus a few others conditional on +Atk) can use the skill much better than she can.

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I think this thread is fun - and I used to use it to talk about builds with characters that normally aren't great. With Felicia pretty much finished (I'm pleased with the result) I want to talk about another unit F2P people might have but probably won't use because the unit is overshadowed by other units.


The unit in question is the previous Heir to the Rigelian throne - Berkut - a Grand Hero Battle unit who is a lance cavalier following a much better lance cavalier in Camus and will be followed by a slightly better lance cavalier in......Clive........ (That's just wrong.)


So - how do we fix Intelligent Systems' blatant disrespect to one of the most well written villains in recent Fire Emblem history - and can we do it without sacrificing an arm and a leg....and what kind of monster can we make if we DO sacrifice an arm and a leg? Gotta credit youtuber Pheonixmaster1 for doing all the heavy lifting and then some, because his video actually shows quite a few ways, and I'm going to highlight two...after highlight Berkut's strengths.



  • Berkut has a higher resistance stat than his direct f2p competitors - Camus and Xander. This enables him to tank magic attacks better than those two - however, he can only retaliate if he has the skill Distant Counter from Hector. If you HAVE a Hector to sacrifice, Berkut makes EXCELLENT use of Distant Counter, with certain builds giving him the ability to defeat a fully Horsie-buffed Bladetome Leo and fully merged Tharja, who comes stock with Raurblade herself, on enemy phase


  • Berkut hits VERY. VERY, VERY hard. He has the highest attack stat of any blue cavalier in the game, and the second highest attack stat of ALL cavalry units.

With all of this in mind, Berkut seems to be the underappreciated love child of Xander and Camus, inheriting Xander's speed woes and ability to take and dish out damage, while inheriting a love for lances from Camus. He breaks from the two in being able to take magic better.






Budget Berkut is going to want to keep his lance, giving his Res a nice boost and establishing his niche.


He would like Reposition as a movement skill - enabling his utility to be increased. (a certain woodcutter or tsundere retainer is the cost)


He would prefer Bonfire from A!Tiki or M!Robin to capitalize on his bulk for EXTRA damage (which he doesn't need as much as some other budget units), but he would also happily take Moonbow from a certain theatrical retainer or eldest whitewing you have lying around.




His A skill is going to be either Fury or Attack +3. Fury boosts Berkut's stats and offers him more attack -and- bulk, at the cost of HP per action - which makes him a very decent mixed defender, while Attack +3 does the job of making Berkut hit harder and is easier to find. For Fury, a 4* Hinata is a very easy payment to make - but Gordin and Cherche can give you A+3 if you want some better synergy with the next skill.


For B, Berkut will want to acquire - earnestly - Quick Riposte. This skill enables the Rigelian Heir to overcome his awful speed on enemy phase provided he meets the HP threshold to trigger the skill. This lets him double any unit that dares attack him from up close. This skill will be the enabler for Budget Berkut to succeed. You can get it from Klein fully charged if you are particularly lucky, but QR2 from Subaki is fine if you are trying to save up and at not good with Lady Luck (neither is Berkut, to be fair.)


C is easy - Berkut would happilly take Threaten Def and send Peri out of your army for you. Threaten Def allows Berkut to get more wins - so it's worth getting.




Alternative - You can keep his Cavalry skill if you plan on using him to buff up your other Horsies.




Premise - Keeping Berkut effective outside of Horse Emblem requires a Dancer/Healer to break the MANY ties his Budget option forces. You will want to play him defensively, as you would Xander, while taking care to keep him out of the way of enemies who can attack at range. He'll do fine with a strong blue magic check, such as a Julia, Sonya, or Soren as a partner (Nino and Cecilia work as well), while also needing a strong red unit, like Ike, Hector, or for f2p, Xander - who could serve as a good buddy on Horse Emblem teams too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in order to justify a bump - I'm going to try and offer a meaningful post. This game is still pretty lively among the community - just check out the Discord channel.


So. It's Hero Fest - and it's a great time to start pulling for a good Hero to start using as a new player.


If you're new. Listen up.


  • The Art of Rerolling is critical. When you start out, getting your first hero is massively important to ensure you are able to start mowing down the games story and start farming orbs. You'll get 15 orbs from the tutorial, and 3 from the rest of the prologue missions bringing your total to 18, then you'll get 4/5 orbs from celebration/daily log-in bonuses, which gets you to around 25 orbs. Just like resetting a Pokémon game for a shiny or a good nature, you're going to keep uninstalling and re-installing Heroes until you get something good with your starting orbs. IV spreads don't matter yet, you just need a good Hero.

The Heroes that you should pull for -in my opinion- currently are

  • Ike - Hero Fest - Ike is a solid story mode clearing swordsman who comes with Heavy Blade and Swordbreaker in his kit. This set allows him to duel reds effectively despite being red himself. The icing on the cake however is Ike's personal weapon, Ragnell, which will allow Ike to counter enemies from 2 spaces away on the enemy phase.
  • Julia - Hero Fest - Julia comes from the world of Geanealogy of the Holy War and is a highly resistant green mage. She will serve you well throughout your Heroes experience due to also getting access to Naga's Tome, which is essentially Falchion for mages.
  • Ninian - Hero Fest - Ninian will immediately cross out your need for a dancer and is the most defensive refresher available. She also can attack enemies from two range. She will be summoned from blue orbs.
  • Celica - Tempest Trials - Celica is an S tier red mage who is notably able to fit on various teams, making her perfect for a story run due to being easy to build a team around. Her Ragnarok tome will do massive damage when she's at full hp. She also can help you climb the Trials by giving you a points bonus, where she also gets raised stats.
  • Sonya - Tempest Trials - Sonya is a green resistance mage who has the additional trick of having a tome provide ten extra damage every time she uses a special - and she gets the low-cooldown damage boosting Moonbow as a special. She's really good. Also, boosted Tempest unit.
  • Delthea - Tempest Trials - Delthea is an excellent blue magic nuke for the early game because she provides insane damage buffs to melee units you might want to pair with her. Delthea is also a boosted TT unit.
  • Minerva - Life and Death banner - Minerva is one of the best fliers in the game and comes with the Life and Death skill. Be aware of archers.
  • Summer Corrin - Nohrian Summer - A limited edition flying tome user, for what it's worth. Corrin's an interesting pull.
  • Summer Xander - Nohrian Summer - if you like Axe units - this is a very good one to pull for. Very defensive with serviceable attack and speed.

Once you have any of these banner pulls - or a unit you feel you like - you are going to want to register your Nintendo account to save your information should your phone meet an untimely demise - this will also award you with more orbs. FROM HERE ON OUT. SAVE THEM AND FEATHERS as you begin to build the rest of your team from Free units.


Let's say you pull a Celica for Tempest Trials bonuses - giving you a red mage to start the game with. This gives you 7 units from the start, plus any of the units you may have pulled from your free beginning summoning session. Celica, Anna, Alfonse, Sharena, Virion, Raigh, and Matthew.


The next unit you will want is a DANCER. Heroes has a rotation of heroes that are effectively able to serve roles in fledgling teams through "special map" battles. One of these Heroes is Olivia, from Awakening. Olivia is a sword-wielding dancer that also comes with the helpful Hone Attack C slot passive.


Your team for the story should now look like this: Celica, Olivia - with Olivia giving Celica the ability to kill two units in one player phase thanks to her refreshing ability. (There may be a small badge and feather investment to get Olivia to three stars so she can unlock dance - this is worth it. You can get the badges from training tower levels.)


From there - you will want a green unit who can take care of the units Celica will have trouble with. Gunter is an axe cavalier that is also a part of the rotation and is completely serviceable - and you may have pulled a green in your summoning session such as Bartre, Barst, Camilla, Raven, or so on who is better than him.


Your forth slot can go to a healer, Sharena (a buffer unit who is EXCELLENT), or whatever you think your team needs.


From then on - you can do the Tempest Trials up until you unlock 4* Clive - who is a serviceable lance cavalier who will have a very a high rarity level. If you're really diligent - you can even get 5* Clive guaranteed for no orbs!


So, your story team - before you're ready to start churning through - should look like this.


  • Your core unit - or your favorite
  • Olivia
  • A unit who covers the bases your core/favorite unit leaves open
  • Sharena/Clive/Healer/Whatever you want.

Happy Summoning.

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