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Lexiel approaches AK guy, hands in her pockets.  "Sorry about this, but if you try to kill that guy, I'll be forced to stop you.  Scare?  Maim a little?  Go ahead, but I can't let him die at your hands.  By the by, name's Arc.  Word is you've got something my associates and I might be willing to take off your hands for... appropriate compensation."  Lexiel holds up her notebook, out of the restrained guy's line of sight.  The words 'A SIN card' are written on the revealed page.  She figures a shady merchant doesn't want what he's selling shouted out for all the world to hear.  "Shall we do business?"

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"I don't recall seeing these two..." Halley thought for a second. Her eyes were focused on the woman in the picture. "I saw a flying woman on my way here, shouting something about explosions. I wasn't sure what gadget she was using to fly at 50 miles per hour. Could that cape be it?" 

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The man audibly sighs at Lexiel's intrusion, and he continues assembling the AK-47, up until the mention of business.

He then proceeds to walk towards the exit, while motioning for Lexiel to follow him.

"It is never a good idea to discuss such a delicate matter in such a public area", he would eventually reach a locked door with an old number pad on it.


'Joseph Green' nods at this, and he says "That is very likely awakened are quite odd aren't they. May I please inquire for the direction the woman was heading in.".

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"Ah, thank you. As you may have noticed, we're from...out of town." Edmond hurried off in the direction which he expected the church 48th street would be. He glanced about as he approached the cathedral. He stepped up to the imposing doors, and was treated to an unfamiliar odor. I can't say that I like that...


((OOC: I'm not really sure whether Theo would still be visible at this point...))

Edited by Strider
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Rather unfortunately Edmond would find that Theodore isn't visible anywhere, perhaps he should try to knock at the double doors of the Church first?


(This Chronologically happens 10 minutes before Edmund's result)

Theodore would be greeted by a tired looking priest who immediately ushers him inside the church, which is in fact, a regular catholic church that has fallen on some hard times, it seems that the bouncer was just trying to mess with you....The smell of incense is quite strong inside of the church right now, and the woman from earlier seems to be carrying something inside of a backroom.

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Visrii follows Lexiel, silent but looking stoic. He would lead the discussion but... something was bothering him. It was a kind of foreboding that he had cultured over his colourful years, and it had never failed him since. Though, that was to say, he had this sense quite a lot of times.

He silently pulls out a lightning crystal, slides it inside his glove and locks it in place. If there is going to be any agent coming in, he would be able to give them a shock without weapons big enough for him to draw weapons.

He pushes in to the doorway. "Name's Reuvin. You sure this is a secure place, because, we don't want any fucking around in our transaction."

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The blonde man sizes 'Reuvin' before saying "It is a SCIF room, unless some black hearted bastard has your DNA, ten highly competent mages, and a veritable army of spirits to cast a scrying spell, this is the most secure room that the two of us" he gestures at Lexiel's direction while finishing with "Will enter, now won't ya please turn around? It ruins the entire point of having a complicated entry system if one of you can just record the entire thing, and yes, I know that pin sized video cameras are a thing".


Izumi would after several minutes of examination, find three different black pen like objects and a small note saying "In case you greedy bastards need more than 20 thousand".


Solomon would simply turn around, and hand her a small, and cheap looking phone "Sure, it's not like I can get this thing to work or anything".


Detective Joseph Green would hand Halley a small slip of somehow real paper, a business card with the words "Threat response and investigation division" and the man's name and business number written on the back, a green tiger like symbol is shown on the front of the card, and the words "Aztechnology" is written underneath the symbol, he then politely bows before saying with a thin smile on his face "We appreciate any assistance you may give us citizen", the man then turns to walk towards the counter before performing the same song and dance number he did before.


The father would heartily say "Everywhere my son, good deeds can be found everywhere, unless you were talking about material possessions, specifically the magic kind, in which case you may want to speak with Sister Miriam, she is still changing her clothes in the back.".

Edited by Cronos5010
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Edmond had wandered about the entrance to the church for a little, tugging at the unmoving doors. There must be someone here, since Theo was said to have gone here, ut the doors are locked. They probably have something slightly illegitimate going on.

Edmond gave the door a few sharp raps, hoping to gain the attention of someone inside.

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Visrii snickered. "Alright, so it's secure enough." Visrii didn't even know what this DNA thing was, but looking like he didn't know thing wasn't going to help in... negotiations.

"I've got the creds," he flicked up the credit stick, swiftly flashing it in front of the guy's face, before deftly snatching it out of sight. "And you've got something starting with S that you're willing to give to her and I."

He then leans in a little closer. "And if you're gonna trade, you're gonna want to do it through me. She's not the type to converse very well." Then, he leans back out, casually dangling the credit stick from his arm.

"But if you really want, then no harm done to me finding a more appropriate guy to do dealings." 

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The blonde man sighs and shakes his head at Visrii's display "No you're doing it wrong, you don't show the greedy and untrustworthy bastard with the metal arm, easy access to at least twenty different kinds of concealed weaponry, and not to mention the loyal army I have downstairs, the cred stick you are keeping your money in, that is just a violation of common sense, and also a bad way to negotiate I mean what am I? A petulant child?" Assuming Lexiel and Visrii proceed to for some odd reason turn their backs on the dishonorable blackguard of a man, he proceeds to perform an increasingly complicated series of actions that end with a minor yelp of pain, whenever they decide to turn back to face him once more they will find an open door leading into a small conference room, a large UCAS flag is mounted on the wall along with a plain wooden table, two comfortable looking leather seats are in front of it, although they are noticeably lower than the seat behind the table.

the man himself can be seen clutching at his hand "I never really got used to that part, but anyway your names sound really fake, which means that you are doing something right anyway.".


Edmond would be greeted by a stern looking man in a priest's outfit, he simply looks Edmond up and down and says "Good evening, what is troubling you at this late hour my son?".

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Halley put the business card into one of the jacket's pockets. Realizing that both Visrii and Lexiel didn't seem to be returning anytime soon, she decided to check them out. "I'm with the two that just passed," She said, "I have something they'll need right now, so may I pass and deliver it?"

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"I'm looking for a friend. A man named Theo? He was wearing a tracksuit, and I heard that he made his way here. Have you seen him by any chance?" Edmond stood still, making a point of not attempting to peer past the priest, or approach until he received confirmation. A locked church was suspicious, and it seemed likely that they would not take kindly to his prying into their business if Theo were not at this location.


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The two men in black turn to face each other with an 'Are you serious?' expression on their faces for a moment, before quickly turning to look at Halley to laugh at her face "Are you serious? Do you know how many people have tried to use that excuse to get up here? Because I sure as hell don't" the other man in black follows up with "Like no seriously most people try to provide something more concrete than that, or you know, a bribe, at least try and make an effort you know, nice jacket by the way, it still has that odd new clothing smell though", the first man in black finishes with "But yeah at the very least try and make an effort.".


The priest quickly responds with "While there is a man matching that description inside of this church, yes the man is present and you may in fact enter, but please remember that the basement is off limits for the next few hours, Father O'Flannigan is currently indisposed as well".

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Oh, I see. You're THOSE kind of people.


Halley sighed and flashed her credstick. "I'm talking about this. Nearly 20000 Nuyens. If those two were on the right track, I'll be trading with the blondie."


"If you want bribes, you can either take two kicks, blind eyes, or whatever remains from the bargain." She said with a stern face.



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"To be brutally honest we see your kind of people a lot, the ones who think that they can just shoot or threaten their way into and out of every single situation, you know what happens to every single one of them?" The other man in black responds with "They get killed by some random junky asswipe looking for their next fix, or they slip on a tub, or they mysteriously decide to jump backwards off of a very tall building, or their microwave turns into a very powerful plasma grenade while they are sleeping, or they very suddenly jump up 200 hundred meters and scatter themselves over a wide area, or they jump in front of a train in a frilly dress, and you know what the weirdest part is?" The taller man in black continues with "The first four things happen on a regular basis, except for the fifth thing, that only happened once, it was worth scrounging up a hundred old American paper bills to watch I'll tell you that", after a moment's silence the shorter man in black finishes with "So either you conclusively prove that the two valued customers who may or may not be upstairs know that you are waiting for them, and here I'll even let you borrow my commlink" the man hands Halley a plain looking phone "I'll even let you call the boss if it'll help, just get them to say that they know you, and this will all go away".

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"Visrii, that stick doesn't have the money on it.  We left the money with Halley, because bringing the cash into an enclosed, private space with no witnesses and a probable black market merchant is begging for trouble," Lexiel states, "You have actually done black market shopping before?  You sure talked like you knew what you're doing.  Anyway, Councilman or whatever you want us to call you, I believe the first step is you proving you've got the goods.  Then we can discuss how the payment can be handed off."

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The councillor sits on his seat and vaguely motions for the two to sit down before saying "The problem is that what you are asking for isn't a thing that exists, I can give you a SIN, but it wouldn't come in a card no, in fact if this procedure would in fact go through, you would be your own SIN, if your friend there got the SIN whenever he leaves a trace of DNA literally anywhere, or gets his face, or even his general frame and walking pace caught on camera, it would show every single piece of data recorded about the man up to this exact moment, all because of a blonde man with access to the database and your entire physical measurements" He then sighs before continuing with "Of course every single part of this takes a whole lot of time, effort, and some personal risk on your part, now who are you going to be from now on Miss?".

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"You need a DNA record to have a SIN.  Urza's bones.  I suppose any part of this being easy would be too much to ask," Lexiel sighs, "I don't suppose we could yank some hairs off this guy," She jabs a finger in Visrii's general direction, "And call it good enough for government work?  Or at least, for the few days I'm going to care about having this thing work?"

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The man seriously considers this possibility for a moment while scratching the underside of his chin as part of an overacted 'Thoughtful look' before finally responding with "That might work yes, for something that you use and dispose of in a very short amount of time, I mean I get it, you're paranoid and you don't want some secret cabal blowing your head off from a mile away if they take any of your DNA, which is why you brought Rudy Mcruderson right? But as long as you have fingerprints, recognizable pupils, and a facial profile you are willing to spend 30 minutes to map, then you should be fine" after a while he finishes with "But just in case you get hit by a DNA scanner or something, I have never met you, and in fact this whole conversation never happened" 

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Halley grumbled and scrolled through the numbers list on the commlink, eventually finding the number titled "Boss".


"-Alright, name's Halley. I have the money down here and your guards are blocking me out. Can you put the two on the commlink so I can prove to the guards that I'm not lying?"


She then held the commlink toward the guards.

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