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Visrii burns and stashes his weapon away and catches up to Halley, in time to stop the storm of flares she is trying to send up.

"We trying to lose them or what?" Visrii growls. "Sending up flares is screaming for our followers to locate us."

Visrii looks ahead at the path they were taking. "Go to the Pirate. It's the only location the entire group knows, and our group should be smart enough to rendezvous there if we do split." 

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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Visrii and Halley should be fine, although the feeling of being watched spreads to the entirety of the group now...popping flares isn't exactly the wisest thing to do when you need stealth isn't it? Especially when it is still night...


RE: These [Word censored, but it is like idiots, but ruder]
 [Live stream of Halley, Visrii, Lexiel, and The Bullet's location, displaying a bird's eye view of the four of them, along with several other camera angles that suggest that someone or something is recording]
>>>>>>>[This is either the worst assassination attempt I have ever seen, or the best Avant Garde art performance ever, either way this is pretty fucking entertaining]<<<<<<<<<<<Anon 23:12 PM 190267
>>>>>>>>>[I bet anyone here two hundred nuyen that these [Censored] won't last the night]<<<<<<<<<<<Anon 23:14 PM 190430
>>>>>>>>>[>190267 I have seen better, I mean have you seen Berlin lately? Notice the crater where an Ares facility once was? Guess who did that, Fucking guess]<<<<<<<<<Anon 23:16 190460
>>>>>>>>>[Also these (Censored) got themselves caught on satcam, how quickly do you think Ares can mobilize a Knight Errant team? >190430, they won't last the night]<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>190500-20000 [These posts are censored due to subject matter and the general vulgarity involved in speech]<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>[Chaos Engine approves of their random corporate and government disrupting antics, now if only that bomb blew up the store....]<<<<<<<Anon 23:20 PM 254909
>>>>>>>>[Chaos Engine will also remind people that this is not a work safe board, stop pretending that it is worksafe new-[Censored speech followed up by a databomb]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Anon 23:24 PM 255109
>>>>>>>>[Holy Drek they have already got a bounty taken out on one of them (Relevant Link showing a mugshot of Visrii along with a list of crimes he is suspected for, the name is written down as Ben Dover) the price is 5,000 nuyen if you geek him, 10,000 if you only bring his severed head, or 15,000 if you also bring the dead body of some teenager in a blue jacket, anyone looking to help me claim that?]<<<<<<<Hotshot 24/7 23:25 PM 267777
>>>>>>>[What you should be saying Holy Drek to is the get you just got, Kek must be smiling on you today Hotshot, and I should know, I am a shaman of Kek after all]<<<<<<<<Praise Kek #999999 23:28 PM 270007
>>>>>>>[What you should be paying attention to isn't the halberd carrying X-man drekhead, what you should be paying attention to is the band aid with the angelic figure, I know many corp fraggers willing to pay a whole lot for that weird double lightning trick, I mean is it just me or did they seem better off after getting zapped?]<<<<<<Some Wiz(censored)23:28 PM 270234
>>>>>>>[>267777 Hey chummer, if you're still up for some business, we can meet up in the old Pirate club, I'll be the Poindexter in the suit, you be the Mundane who distracts them, 50/50 split, what do you think chummer?]<<<<<<[Insert name here] 23:30 PM 270559
[the thread continues]



Edmund succeeds in getting the woman to back away, but fails to create a big enough crack in the pane of glass, the woman appears to be choking now, the shotgun helpfully says "5 more tries white knight, but I don't think that she will last that long".

Edmund isn't strong enough to pry the door open enough to let the woman out, but a rather loud and angry bellow followed by a rather large and horned woman carrying a hammer and charging towards the doors should be enough to convince him to give up for now.

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"Not helpful!" Edmond muttered. Just some cracks, and the slug is stuck in the glass...Why would they use bullet-proof glass for a convenience store?! He brought the gun up to his shoulder, and fired another shot directly over the previous one, hoping to further weaken the glass. He pulled the trigger, and the shock wave traveled up his arm as the wepon spat out another projectile.

Edmond turned around at the sudden roar. A hammer? Horns? He thought he understood what she intended to do.

"Hit the door at the weak spot!"


Edmond shoots once more at the same spot, and then shouts at the horned woman to aim for that spot with the hammer.

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Edmund and Theodore's combined efforts are enough to break a large enough crack in the door for the charging horned woman to smash into pieces, after the other woman has successfully been carried off by the world's slowest emergency rescue service, the charging woman says in an almost monotonical voice "There is nothing more satisfying than smashing something into pieces is there?".

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Edmond breathed a sigh of genuine relief. Some sort of fire department had arrived, and the situation looked to be mostly under control. Addressing both Theo and the woman who had assisted them, he said, "Thanks. Bullet proof glass can be problematic. Not even sure why they used it...I wonder what happened here." The relief was evident in Edmond's voice. At the woman's odd inflectionless remark, Edmond appeared puzzled.

"I suppose? Some people enjoy the sensation of power that comes with breaking things, and it can be good for stress relief..." Not certain how else to respond, Edmond scanned the Stuffer Shack, looking for any way in which he could assist the emergency crew.

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The woman simply walks away from the scene after hearing Edmund's response, and he could in fact see that the fire department here is doing quite fine, and that the fire is starting to be put out underneath a torrent of water and a lack of oxygen to burn, the dwarf from earlier kicks Edmund in the shins before walking away while muttering something about how unhelpful certain people are.


The shotgun simply says "Well I guess that wasn't an April Fools joke".

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The shotgun replied with a short 'Can we leave now? I can't wait to find out the details behind whatever "heroic" quest a man who bought a cursed shotgun from a cult of appropriately deviant satanists is undertaking, and by find out I mean laugh when you inevitably die in a hail of bullets." 

Lexiel and The Bullet are a distance away from Halley and Visrii, although the Bullet may be able to see some lingering flares, police sirens can be heard approaching the good old Weapon's World, it may not be a good idea to stick around in a dark alleyway so close to the scene of several possibly related crimes.

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"I'm picking up some radio frequencies. We're being watched, and it's not just the satellites." Halley whispered. She stopped on her tracks, and pinned down the signals emitted by the streaming devices nearby. The urge to just fire away at the sources was strong, but she decided to heed Visrii's recent advice. She began walking toward the nearest signal source.

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Damn it. The flares. They've pinned us, haven't they? Guess these 'radio frequencies' are like electric Eyes. Shit.

Visrii knew the escape plan wasn't going to be smooth sailing. If their pursuers had Eyes throughout their path, then it would be more of a problem, and they could be trapped in a rat race if they weren't careful. 

"Halley." Visrii said in a low voice and swiftly slipped a faintly shimmering blue comms crystal in her pocket whilst covering his underhand passing with his cloak.

"Can you hear me?"  Visrii 'said' telepathically without moving his lips. "Don't move your lips. Speak through your mind."

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"How does that work- Oh." She nodded. "I usually prefer transceivers, but this works too."


"The signals are everywhere, but they are all heading to the same location. Probably just hobbyists that wanted more of us than the satellite's screen."

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"If they can see us, they'll see us talking. Worse, intercept sound. Too risky considering circumstances.

We have no choice but to still rendezvous at the Pirate, it is the only point we've predetermined. But what to do with these Eyes, that's another problem..."

Visrii continued to walk around, taking out a short bandage and wrapping it around some of his wounds. "Fucking hell." He swore. Mixing vocal speech and telepathic speech was tough work, but under watch, he knew better than just stand around and gawp at each other. They'll know.

"You have any medicine on you?"

"How many Eyes are there?"

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Edmond rubbed his shin, bemused. What...What was that for?  The emergency crew seemed to have successfully extinguished the blaze, but there would be no shopping in that place for a while. He had no idea really where to go now. Keeping his tones low, to prevent eavesdropping, Edmond said to the gun, "Our quest is to defend the multiverse from an invasion of things called trespassers. I understand that it sounds crazy, but that is our goal. On a slightly different note, do you know your way around Seattle, and what places might be of interest?" Edmond gestured to Theo after asking his question to the gun. Does the gun have a name, I wonder?

"I doubt it--the gun, I mean--knows anything, but I ashed it if it knew its way about Seattle. For now though, I suppose we could return to the Psychadelic Pirate, and see if Solomon knows anything."

With that Edmond set off toward the bar.

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"I don't have medicine on me, but I do have some energy crystals. Not sure if they'll work for you, though." Halley answered. Switching between the two methods of communication wasn't much of a problem for her.


"I see a hundred of them, but the signals update haphazardly, so there might be more than that hiding from us. The signals are sent toward the building ahead. Were I to guess, the building could be an amateur radio tower. Perhaps we can just deactivate the radio tower, shaking them off?"

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It was at that moment that Halley would hear the sound of three pips, as the alley walls, floors, and the sky disappear, only to promptly be replaced by a crowded looking white and black background, upon closer examination the black walls are covered by the words "Picture not found". They cover everything except for the building ahead of you, which randomly switches into different styles.

Visrii would simply see nothing but a regular alley, and a regular building with a drone flying into it's window.

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Visrii silently charged his weapon. "Huh. I'll pass. I'll stick with regular bandages."

"I sense danger. Get ready." Visrii then sensed something... off. "Halley?" 

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"Woahwoahwoah- What the heck?!" Halley exclaimed. She looked around, finding herself in chaotic randomness. "Are you seeing this? The building- no, the whole place is changing!" She ran to the building's door. The door was changing rapidly before her. It was a gaping gargoyle for a second, and a revolving door for another. She wasn't sure if she could even interact with the door without getting her hand bitten by the randomness. "I swear this door was fine a minute ago. Argh! Visrii, can you open this door for me?"

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As the two of them walk a safe distance away from the still burning building, a small popping sound could be heard before  the entire building goes down, the horned woman simply walks towards Edmond, and says "Praise Kek" before walking away with her currently shifting face.

The shotgun simply says "I used to spend most of my day actively hunting for people's souls, so yes I do know a lot about this place, but only if it concerns hunting down and sucking the souls out of foolish mortals, that and where to get gardening tools and good violins.".


The drone simply says "Deus" before fully entering the window.


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"Halley! Calm yourself!" Visrii was severely alarmed by her sudden change in behaviour. "No, it is completely normal in my vision. Nothing noteworthy but a flying metal object."

Visrii paced up and caught up to Halley. Something fucky was going on here. "Is this the right place? The place where the Eyes converge?"


...Deus. God in Old Tongue. He didn't get the cryptic message, but clearly, something he didn't see was going on here.

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I...I thought the fire department had that undercontrol...I hope no one was still in there... As the woman passed, Edmond tried to ask, "What's Kek?"


"Violins? What did you do with violins? That is interesting though, as I happen to play a little myself. So you know the places that would sell them?...I don't think I have enough funds currently" Though Edmond asked this question, he continued on towards the Psychadelic Pirate. He didn't have the quantity of money that would be required for such a purchase. Instead he hoped to get some more leads from Solomon or any shady folk who might frequent the club. After the mission was complete, perhaps he could get a violin.

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"This is the place where they converge, yes! But I can't open the door at this rate! Something got into me... That's right!" Halley cut her Wi-Fi, stopping the wild signals from getting to her. The illusion faded, leaving a simple door and an old apartment. "They were sending loads of information at me. It's nothing now, though, now that I stopped the stream." She took a deep breath and put her right hand on the doorknob.


She twisted the doorknob, trying to open the door.

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The door opened long enough to let Halley enter, before slamming directly om Visrii's face.

Visrii would be able to see a large and tattered sticker displaying what once might have been a biohazard symbol and the words "Warning, potential for HMHVV infection inside" if it wasn't for the five large claw marks tattering it.


Edmund would find Solomon in the front of the nightclub, with a shopping bag in his hands.

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