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"Hi Solomon. What have you got in the bag? Theo and I are currently searching for anything that might help us in our upcoming mission.Since you're familiar with the area, do you have any suggestions? Magical artifacts, and interesting things in general?"

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Solomon glances at Edmond's direction, and says "Some magical shit I'm not supposed to give to people until the mission ends, I would ask if you have tried the lodge first but to be honest you have that shotgun so...".

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"Yes, we were at the lodge. I simply wanted to know if there were any other places of interest in this sprawling city...So are the magical items gifts from our employers?" Edmond glanced around to see if anyone else might be listening in on their conversation. They were near enough to the Psychadelic Pirate, and there had been a decent line near the bouncer earlier.

Turning back to solomon, Edmond asked, "Do you by any chance have a secure phone I could use, or know a place where I could get one?"

Edited by Strider
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Solomon sighed before replying with "They are the excuse I have for getting drunk and falling asleep as opposed to following you guys into the suicide mission, and while this...fine city has it's share of interesting sights and shops, they are either over budget or much too dangerous at this time of night, I mean what? This is 1 AM or something?" He then hands Edmond a brick of a phone and walks inside of the nightclub.


Edmond has received access to the internet, he may now access, receive messages, and post messages on the 4chan message boards.

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I should probably sleep at some point...the Neo-Anarchist's guide mentioned places called coffin hotels. Might as well check to see if there's anything useful on here though first. Edmond opened up the web browser, and began to sort through general Seattle news. He skimmed through headlines, and eventually found his way into the abyss known as Chaos Engine. It was filled with generally coarse people of limited vocabulary. But that was not what caused his face to turn into a frown of growing horror. He saw the video of Halley, Lexiel, Visrii, and what appeared to be a bullet in a cape, apparently assassinate someone, and become involved in a brawl on the roof. Oh dear god. I don't understand...Why...why would they...?

"Theo, we may have some trouble with our mission...It appears that some of our comrades have gone and obtained a high profile for themselves." He held the phone out to Theo to show the video.

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Only now recovering, the Bullet's breath comes in heavy pants... What were these people doing? Why were they being attacked? And, more importantly, why did he get himself involved in all this...? He couldn't believe the brashness of his actions. He must find out where these people are. Ah, the flares from earlier! 


Following memory and instinct, The Bullet ventures in the direction of the flares, towards wherever Visrii and Halley are.

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"Hello... Deus. I am incredibly concerned about all the cameras that followed me up to your doorsteps. I am also incredibly concerned about the fact that all of their signals seem to be directed toward your residence. Your friend downstairs couldn't give me a good explanation, so here I am." Halley said, walking before the table. She looked at the monitor, and asked "Why are you looking at a blank screen? Surely there must be better things for you to do than this, right?"

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Visrii stayed put and looked at the old apartment. There was something going on that he could not see, he was sure of it.

"Halley. Can you see anything in there? I'm locked out."

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The blue monitor flickers for a moment, but the man stays completely and utterly still, as if Halley wasn't even there, Halley would also notice a cable trailing out from somewhere on his head and into the monitor.


The Bullet and Lexiel would eventually arrive to find Visrii staring at a door, beeping sounds can currently be heard coming from somewhere in the alley.

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"H-Hey! I'm talking to you!" Halley yelled. Frustrated, she walked around the table and around the man's back, barring the monitor from him. "What is so interesting about this screen exactly? And what's with the cables? Are you even here?" Her tone was significantly less pleasant from before.

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Oh, it seems the lady followed him? Good, he supposed. Better together than separated, what with all the attention. "Hello there, madam Lexiel. I am pleased that you followed. It seems we have met someone new at this doorstep? Do you know him, perchance?"  


The Bullet maintained some distance between himself and the house, still unsure of Visrii's intentions.

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"Well, I was greeted by a guy with bulges all over his face, and now I'm looking at a skeleton called Deus. He looks all kinds of dead, but he's connected to this blue-screened monitor with some cables. The guy with bulges was also connected to a computer with cables, but he wasn't, y'know, DEAD." Halley told Visrii. She followed the cables to a nest of ports behind and next to the monitor. There was a freshly-installed USB port on the side of the monitor. She plugged her right index finger into the port, and tried to access the monitor.



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Halley would find herself standing in an exact copy of the room she was in before, but everything is in and oddly blue tint, despite everything the skeleton still seems to be quite dead, although Halley could see that the floors and the walls and the roof have glowing light blue lines leading someplace else, except for a single red line leading to an equally red circle underneath the skeleton of a man, the line leads from the monitor to the skeleton.

Halley would also find a blue circle underneath herself, although it does not seem to be connected to anything.

Right now a diamond shaped icon with the symbol of several trailing cables can be seen in front of Halley, if she concentrated on it she would somehow know that triggering it would mean going back to herself, whatever that means.

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"Don't get yourself killed. Losing you will be unpleasant."  Visrii warned. She didn't sound like she was in danger... though taking down Eyes was an important part of the mission, and leaving a team member alone was not an ideal position.

Visrii sensed someone coming and saw the new recruit and the 'angel' coming. "Blackflame Visrii." He said simply. "An acquaintance."

The door was a bigger matter involved. Though it looked like he could force his way in eventually, that would take too much time for Halley to be in trouble. 

Visrii checked the door one last time, before looking for other ways in.

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The skeleton does not budge despite Halley's efforts, and as she goes downstairs she would find that everything looks exactly the same, except the man from earlier is currently eating a bunch of raw meat while listening to.... Something, you detect that music is being played, but for some odd reason she can't find out what song it is, or what sound is currently pervading the room.

Although you do hear a deep voice say "Stop kicking my skeleton".


The door looked rather sturdy, and the lock was a standard issue model, Visrii could perhaps enter the place from the open window, if he could find a way to jump up there.

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Visrii burned and stashed away his weapon. He'll have to climb the building if he was to try and get in. Spotting the door that the drone called 'Deus' flew in, he pulls out two knives from his belt and ties a tiny, compact rope onto it, serving as a fail-safe if he were to fall.

Alright. Been a while since I've climbed.

With the roped knife in hand, he started scaling the side of the wall, slowly but consistently. Every now and then, he wedged the knife into a crack or pipe to move the safety point up.

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"I just got into this virtual world through the monitor. Nothing much changed inside, though. Oh, by the way, the guy said he was a contaminant of some sort. I guess this apartment's ridden with some sort of disease. Luckily, I'm immune to it." Halley told Visrii.


"There can't also be cameras in the virtual world, right?" She said to herself, trying to open the door again.

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Visrii abruptly stopped climbing and stood on the wall horizontally, the rope and knife holding him up as he mulled over the new information.


Visrii then recalled the claw marks in front of the building. It must have been some kind of warning.

Shit. I'll have to stay out of this building.

"Hmm... I will have to stay out of this one. Good luck, Halley. You're on your own in this one."

It annoyed Visrii that he'd have to leave a team-member to the deposition of whatever was inside in there, but it would be outright stupid for Visrii to jump in a contamination zone without a clear objective.

Slowly, he lowered himself back down to the ground. Visrii came back to the front of the building and addressed the pair that had arrived. "Turn back and go to the Pirate. Halley's gone in a quarantined zone and unless you want to catch some random virus, it's best to turn back."

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Halley could see several light blue lines flowing into the door, and a small red diamond shaped button displaying an opened door, rather unfortunately the button shatters into several pieces as the deep voice says "Stop attempting to rob my house".


After a while the shotgun replies with "Yeah that happens sometimes, have you ever considered killing off the ones who disappoint you? I think that if it works with my plants, then it should definitely work with human beings, I mean the both of us know that human beings are dumber than plants right?".

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"This might take awhile. Just go to the Pirates first, alright? I'll catch up later." Halley told Visrii.


She put her hand over the door, but it was inactive, like its function taken out of it. "Um, is the voice Deus?" She asked the man.

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The annoyed voice says in a loud voice "He can't hear you because you are not talking", after a while the voice attempts to illustrate it's point by pushing Halley with the sudden appearance of a large hand which attempts to knock her down.

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"Acknowledged." Visrii motioned others to follow him as he looked at where Halley went, and though it was risky leaving people behind, this was up to Halley. And he'd have to trust her. There was no choice in the matter.

He walked along the rubbish-filled boulevard, secured the new comms crystal inside his shoulder-pad and made his way back.

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