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"Not talking? I was YELLING at him back in the real world-" Halley complained, but she was interrupted by the sudden incoming slap. She quickly rolled aside, dodging the slap. "What's the big deal?"

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The voice continues with "Is this the first time you have entered the matrix or something? Because this is stupid, and you aren't shouting at him, at best your real body is mumbling something right now, your wonderful mind has been set free from the ponderous pile of admittedly impressive robotics that you call your body, my name is Deus, and I am a God and soon to be THE God of the Matrix, Halley".

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"Ehh. I'm sorry to say this, but no. If you want to, you may. However, they appear to be being watched rather well, and having our faces on camera helping known criminals with an escape wouldn't be great. It might be inevitable, but since they appear to be heading back this way, I'm not going to search them out. In fact..." Edmond glanced at his wrist, forgetting that it was now empty. He then checked the time on the phone, and, after seeing it, yawned. "...I'm going to get a bit of sleep. They have these places called coffin hotels..." Edmond set off at a brisk pace, heading to forty-eighth street, where he knew he would find a place to sleep.

In the morning, he would probably return to "the Lodge" and try to get the Father's or Sister Maria's phone number. It would be useful to have someone to call if the demon got loose, or if Edmond needed any form of assistance with it. Might be a good idea to check out the scene of the murder... Edmond shuddered.


Edmond goes to a coffin hotel.

Edited by Strider
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Racing behind Visrii, the Bullet ponders the nature of that house. It seemed fairly ordinary to him...


"Hold on, sir Blackflame! Why exactly were you so invested in the nature of that residence? It seemed fairly ordinary to me. Are you missing another of your comrades in there?"


If that was the case, should they not go back? Surely, whatever the risk, it was worth it to try and find their teammate.

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The first thing one would notice about the Bram Stoker Coffin motel is the large and gaudy looking neon sign displaying the words "Bran Stoker Coffin Motel" and a black coffin with a white hand sticking out of it.

The building itself was an unremarkable place with no ground floor windows, and a sturdy looking wood colored door.

While there were in fact windows somewhere on the upper floors, for some odd reason you don't feel like you will be in a position to look out of one.


Katsuo would be greeted by silence, complete and utter silence.

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Ha. 'Sir'. That's a title I haven't heard in a long time. 

"Halley's reported, there's a blight contained in that residence. Halley's immune to human illnesses, and so she's investigating the area in place of humans." Visrii explained. "The residence seems to be containing a hub for electronic Eyes, and she's there to take it down."

Visrii tilted his head and examined at the new recruit. Looks like he's another one of those metal AI people. "If you're immune to diseases, get in there and help Halley. A pair is safer than one." And he gestured toward the building.

He then added, "Don't call me 'sir'. That's not a title I retained."

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Oh, he did not desire the title of sir? How odd.

"I am a Bullet-kin, yes, so I am immune to most non-magical diseases. I will go to support miss Halley in her mission. Also, if you do not wish to be called sir, what title do you prefer?"

The Bullet may be a stranger in a strange land, but he had manners. After being told Visrii's preferred title, he makes his way to the front of the house where Halley is.

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"What a title- Wait, what the heck? I never introduced myself to anyone but- " Within a mere second, a thought hit Halley. Of course! It can only be explained like this. "You... You were tapping on us! Is privacy such a bizarre concept to you?" She berated the 'God'. "Those cameras must be yours as well, huh?"

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"Just call me by my name. Visrii."

Visrii looked at the 'angel'. "Hell, I've seen demons smarter than you." He gestured toward the residence. "Halley and I were investigating electronic Eyes. I can't go in because of a blight."

Visrii watched the Bullet approach the building. "The new recruit looks like he's doing something." Visrii then walks off toward the Pirate.

Edited by PigeonOfAstora
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Edmond entered the building and began his search for an empty "room", marked out by a small green light. Finding one, he slid his credstick into the reader next to the door, typed in the small code, and paid the 50 nuyen price. The coffins were accessed by small doors set into the walls, stacked on top of each other to the roof. All the coffins above the first two layers were accessed by elevated catwalks, and Edmond stood on the third such catwalk. This is certainly going to be cramped. He opened the door to a small box, barely larger than a coffin, it's namesake, and entered, shutting it behind himself. He found himself on a small dingy mattress with some sparse covers. There was a small bit of storage space in which to keep electronic items and clothes, but not much else besides an alarm clock and the thermostat. He set them both, planning to awake at 6:30 AM, and drifted off into sleep.

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The room shook as Deus said "In the sense that I as one of the most powerful beings in the Matrix who is in no way shape or form allergic to shellfish, realize that the world is in fact a giant oyster, and that everything inside of it is mine, so yes in a sense I do own the cameras that my beloved followers and my most hated enemies have spread across the world, and please, the whole concept of privacy changed when the majority agreed to have serial identification numbers like a bunch of bananas in a Supermarket" after a while a seat appears behind Halley, and a table appears in front of her "Also you waived your rights to not be monitored the moment you committed attempted murder.".


The Bullet would find himself blocked by a sturdy looking door with a wooden appearance, although a doorbell can in fact be found on a place that is just out of reach for The Bullet.


Edmond received a good night's rest where nothing of any interest happens other than the sudden onset of demonic laughter and organ music emanating from the Alarm, it was 6:30 AM, and the devil in a can replies with "At some point can we go to Huxtaby apartment building? I have some unfinished business left there, and a definitely not cursed violin".

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"I was doing the world a favor by kicking his bums." Halley said. She sat on the seat and made herself comfortable. "Say, is there anything I can do for you to get these cameras off me? I'm not actually here to kill the councilor. I'm sure you can tell by our unorganized escape." She sighed. "At the very least, I need those cameras to stop following Visrii, the guy with a halberd."

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How bothersome. A simple matter of height was preventing the Bullet from aiding his fellow comrade! Grabbing Blasphemy by the hilt, he stands tall (as tall as he can, that is) and use Blasphemy to press the button, ringing the bell.



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After a while a loud and continous humming sound could be heard, as if Deus was thinking about something, this was illustrated by the sight of a large and ponderous looking beard being scratched by a beard growing out of said beard.

As Halley waits a small beeping noise would accompany a small alert appearing in the lower left corner of her vision, informing of her that the doorbell has in fact been rung.


The diseased man immediately scrambles for a nearby bright yellow hazmat suit.

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"Huh. I thought that the door didn't work in this Matrix." Halley turned and watched as the diseased man get the door. Deus didn't seem to be an omniscient god, as he sure took his time coming up with a plan.

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Lexiel, having heard the Bullet press the doorbell but unwilling to enter a plague house, starts building up mana.  Even if summons get sick they're expendable, so should violence break out she'll do her best to support her allies from the outside.  With her keen hearing, she should be able to notice if they start shooting or stabbing.

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After a while the ghoulish man opens the door inside of his hazmat suit, nothing was visible of the man underneath the hazmat suit, and the man says "this house has been contaminated by the Krieger strain of HMHVV, absolutely nothing of interest can be found ahead".


After a while Deus chimed in with "Oh sorry I was busy watching the cameras, did you know that /d/ is very interested in Visrii's...nevermind you wouldn't understand what I am talking about. I could do that, for a price..".

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"I didn't know that this world also had sentient bullets." Halley turned back to the beard suspended in midair. "Whatever /d/ is, it doesn't sound pleasant. Anyway, What's the price?"

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The beard's beard shakes up and down as the beard laughs, before a small ball of light approaches Halley "When you attack Aztechnology, upload this to every single computer you can access, that is all".

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Halley reached out for the ball of light, saving the data it contained. "Sure." She smiled, and stood up from the seat. "Thanks~" She waved her hand, and went upstairs, returning to the real world through the diamond-shaped icon. On the way there, she tried to examine the data's contents.

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Visrii paced up to Halley as she left the building, with a faint smile. "Glad you're alive, Halley. A member down already wouldn't have helped. What did you find in there?" He considered asking for the comms crystal back, but he decided to let her keep it. They might need to communicate after all, and he had more than enough to communicate with others.

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