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"Thanks. I met Deus. He's apparently some sort of God in the matrix, and he has access to every camera on this planet. I convinced Him to get the cameras off us. In return, I just have to install some data in Aztechnology's computers." She answered. She reactivated Wi-Fi and checked for signals again. Luckily, there were none.


"Let's go." She ran toward the Psychedelic Pirates.

Edited by IntSys
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After Halley left the house the man in a Hazmat suit simply closed the door on The Bullet, before leaving his hazmat suit and continuing to eat the arm from earlier.


The Weapon's World group finally arrives in front of the Psychedelic Pirate, where the bouncer from earlier simply says "You are wanted for questioning for your whereabouts tonight" the man points at Visrii, "And thus you are not in fact allowed to enter, also seriously? Ben Dover? Also there are like...three or four men and women discussing ways on how to claim your bounty in there right now".

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H-how rude! In the midst of doors opening and closing, the Bullet ran after Halley, following the group to the Pirate where they were blocked by the bouncer. As he didn't know the exact reason for them entering, he decided to remain quiet, but still get a better view of the building and any potential entrances.

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"Are we allowed to get a certain guy out here, at least? His name is Solomon, just pass the words around and I'm sure he'll know." Halley told the bouncer. She finally noticed that the animated bullet was actually a part of the team when he followed. "Well, thanks, but I wasn't really in a pickle all along." She told the Bullet.

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Visrii raised his eyebrow. "That's 3 more to a list of a thousand." he commented.

"They're out for the SIN, Halley. I've the key and they know what the lock holds."

"Alright. How much is the warrant? 10,000? 20,000? Give me a price."

Underhand, Visrii prepared to leave the scene. He had quite the habit of drawing attention to himself, back in Stravaga. And so he had to develop a habit of disappearing whenever needed.


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The bouncer simply motions for Halley to enter, while saying "Technically there isn't a bounty on you or the angelic woman accompanying you right now, and the walking and talking bullet can enter because I have always found mascots to be rather cute, Renaissance fair will have to leave right..." The bouncer looked at the screen of his PDA before saying "Now, every single bounty hunter in the city has been informed of your current location, I guess you better start running man, and don't forget to wear a gold and blue jumpsuit".

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"Fine. You're on your own for a bit, then." Halley told Visrii, before going into the bar and to the lounge where Solomon was. She was surprised that she did not get a bounty. After all, she did cause the whole ordeal.

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Halley would find the door to the lounge to be locked, there appears to be a small slot where a credstick may fit in the door


After a few moments of awkward silence The Bouncer says "You look like you could use a drink" to Lexiel.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Visrii smiled sourly. "Tough customer, huh?" With a swift movement, he threw the crystal down, shattering them on the pavement.

The milky-coloured crystal exploded into a thick mist and quickly permeated throughout the street, covering Visrii as he swiftly moved through the maze-like alleyways.

He looked for a way up unto the rooftops, and if he did find one, he would climb to the top and try to take the height advantage.

On the run again, it seemed. He wasn't too phased at the circumstances he was given. Felt at home, even - except for the ever-present stench of the streets. After running from the entire world's enterprises for 4 years, he didn't mind a couple of bounty hunters. Though things were a little different, it seemed. Back in Stravaga, he knew where to go and who to contact. He could outsmart the guards bastards any bloody day of the week. This place...a foreign realm with foreign hunters. It would a long night, he was sure.

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Halley would find that the door has in fact, remained locked, and a floating set of light blue words spell out the words "Key not found, any further attempts will be met with fines".


Visrii's sudden decision to smoke bomb the place and attempt to ninja vanish was met by the bouncer half heartedly saying "Nooo wait that was a joke come back" only to suddenly switch to "And he's gone, that was quick, also I regret to inform you, but that was a lie, Knight Errant would like to bring you in for questioning, but there isn't a reward for finding you so you should be fine".


Visrii would find no conveniently located fire escapes or open doorways this time, only long shadows suggesting long men with long knives and longer memories.

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Visrii looped back and returned to the bouncer. "Right. That was a shitty joke." Visrii said flatly and sighed, going into the bar. "It's still gonna be a long night..."

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As Visrii attempted to enter the club he would find himself barred by the bouncer, who makes a tut-tut sound before saying the words "What about the words 'you can't enter' causes people to want to enter even more? When I said that you were banned I meant it, that bit wasn't a joke".

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"Great, he's gone. A full rendezvous is gonna take awhile, too." Halley frowned and walked away disappointed. She decided to lurk around the bar, eavesdropping on bits of conversation, and eventually arriving before the bartender. "I'm looking for a guy named Solomon. He has a grin on his face that almost never goes away. Have you seen him passing by?" She asked.

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The bartender turned slightly to face Halley, he was a different bartender than the one before, although the only noticeable difference would be him being slightly taller and serving better tasting drinks, no one really pays attention to this particular bartender, not even when they are asking him a question, but Halley does eventually notice the man reply with a tired "He's in the lounge, locked the door to catch 40 winks, and isn't this a school night? And also a nightclub? In fact....why the hell did the bouncer let you in here?".

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"A drink?  Urza's bones, yes," Lexiel sighs, "I'm honor bound to keep this lot out of serious trouble.  Well, to the best of my abilities.  They do not make it easy.  Wait, is something on fire?  I smell smoke."

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"He just said I could." Halley replied. "I'll have to wait till the lazy dog wakes up, then." She looked into the shelves behind the bartender. There wasn't anything particularly interesting or exotic there.


"May I have some water?" She asked.

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It was at that moment that a loud crashing sound could be heard loud and clear inside of the nightclub, as a large man in black carapace armor and a skull helmet performed several pelvic thrusts while shouting the words "WRRRRRYYYYY", a conical party hat was also quite noticeable on his head, the man then ran towards Theodore, before repeatedly stabbing the man and backflipping towards Edmund, who manages to fire some shots off at it before being kicked towards the entrance and shot repeatedly, he then throws a single grenade at Izumi, who successfully dodged the grenade in a way that only ever makes sense in a fever dream or a cheesy action movie, she then spars with the skeletal creature, her shots failing to significantly damage it, but she manages to hold on long enough until....Halley obtains a clear shot and opens fire on the man, causing him to explode into an unending wave of fire that consumes the entire club......

Theodore would be waken up by the dream later, the only sound he could hear being a raspy voice softly saying "Appprriilll Fooollllsss~".


But back in real life, the bar was not a blazing inferno, and Izumi wasn't using a nearby table as the world's least likely bullet proof cover, but the bartender simply says "Lazy bastard? It's 2:00 AM in the morning, you should really go to sleep but yeah, have a glass of water, it's on the house" the man hands Halley a single glass filled with water, before wandering off to deal with another customer.


The bouncer simply responds with "No, your Renaissance faire associate simply decided that throwing down a smoke bomb was a good idea".

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Halley drank all the water in one gulp. She went into Sleep Mode shortly after, staying absolutely still while sitting on the chair. One would not be able to notice that she's sleeping without checking her eyes. Should anyone come into physical contact with her, she'll immediately wake up.


Wake up in four hours.


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"You've never been on the run, have you?" Visrii retorted. "Anyway," he waved the bouncer off, "I've things to organise. If you will excuse me, I've got things to do better than stand around and throw snarky comments around." 

4 hours. Adequate. 

Visrii spends the rest of his time preparing for the infiltration and partially on a conversation.


(Conversation between Visrii's group.)


Visrii: "Wyvis. Are you there?"

Wyvis: "Sorry, Visrii, I'm on a infiltration... what do you need?"

"I need a multi-way establishment with Wolfe, Lukas and me. Can you do that?"

"Give me a sec... done. They're all here now. I'll be pre-occupied though, sorry."

"That was all that was needed. Thank you."

Lukas: "Hey, hey, hey! Wyvis told me you wanted me. Whatcha need, V?"

Wolfe: "I've been meaning to call you, Visrii. How've you been?"

"Well. Team members have been holding up fine. Lukas - give me sitrep on Calva."

"Ehh, could be better. I mean, Sera just burnt the morning toast, that sucked."


"Alright, alright, don't get your hands itching. The assassination's gone off, and people are scramblin'. Revenge kind had to get dirty every now and then, but other than that, everything's gone as planned."

"The warship?"

"Snuck right up and poked a hole through its kneel. Sunk and as dead as a ship can get. Which is to say, pretty dead. Say, your plans were pretty damn accurate on this one, Visrii."

"Good. Wolfe?"

"My boys are cheering outside. Ha! The cheeky bastards are cracking open a keg without me."

"Good to hear that things are back on track, Wolfe."

"I owe you a big one yet again, Visrii. Now, if you will, I've got a toast to make, ha ha!"

"See you, Wolfe. Lukas, I've yet another favour to ask."

"All in due time, aye! Ask me anything, Visrii."

"I need to go back to Stravaga. The Masquerade this year... it's not like it used to be."


"...and someone needs to take my duty in the hunting of Trespassers."

"Ouch. And you're asking me right?"


"Okay... one thing, does it include sassytime with alien girls?"


"That's my condition, V! If there's a few laaaydiees to pick up, I'll be there yesterday."

"*Sigh*. Yes, it will include your condition. However, you will have to vacate Stravaga for a long time. If this is fine, gather your assets, move to the Emerald Expanse, and report back to me."

"Alright, ready to hammer it, yeah! See yah soon, V!"

"Flames guide your way."



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Since Lexiel hasn't felt the need to sleep since her ascension, and would rather not leave herself vulnerable in this place, she finds somewhere where she can keep tabs on her comrades while they rest or whatever.  Then, she scratches mana-conducting runes into the narcojet rifle and attached bayonet, and charges them with her signature red, blue, and white mana.  Take some essence of order, add a little chaos and lightning, and tie it together with the quiet fury and watery chill of the raging storm, and infuse it into a very good tranq gun.


Whatever the result of this turns out to be, it's gonna be frakkin awesome.

Edited by DragonRage
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It was a bright new day for everyone involved, in the sense that a completely and utterly overcast day could be bright even when the first few drops of rain has already started falling.

Halley would be surprised at how she was still alive and completely and utterly unharmed, the bartender from earlier wordlessly hands her a plate filled with a traditional breakfast of a sunny side up egg, along with a large sausage and several strips of crispy bacon, it looked both delicious and heart attack causing.

Smell of the day: Sausages


Visrii would find himself inside of an apartment building, it had some rather tasteful decor in the form of an open violin case and a uniform white color to the walls, the place smelled vaguely earthy, as if plant life featured rather prominently inside of the place.

He had been laid carefully on a bed in what appears to have once been an attempt at making a guest bedroom, he was in no way shape or form restrained, although his halberd was placed in what appears to be a round container filled with umbrellas, accompanying a ancient looking black umbrella. The most famous part of the song Ride of the Valkyries could be heard inside of the room.

There was a sturdy wooden door leading out of the room, but it closes itself the moment Visrii looked at it.

Smell of the day: Natural growth


Izumi would wake up on a white bed in a mostly empty room, the only thing she could find would have been three duffel bags, one filled with her Equipment, the other filled with grenades, and the last one a black duffel bag that she had never seen before.

Smell of the day: Disinfectant


Katsuo would perhaps be bored...very bored.


Edmund and Theodore would wake up as mentioned before, Theodore with the odd dream and Edmund with the demonic laughter and organ music.

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Halley was pleasantly surprised by the fact that no one had collided with her during the course of her sleep. Maybe she faked her sleep all too well. Of course, the bartender could easily tell.


"Thanks." She ate the breakfast offer quietly. "Rise and shine, Visrii! Still safe?" She asked, as she walked to the lounge again and knocked its door.

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Halley would be greeted by Solomon, with yet another bottle of vodka in his hands "Visrii isn't here, and it's 6 AM, go back to sleep or something, this isn't a school night", before getting the door closed and locked in her face again.

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