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Edmond would find the inside of a jungle beyond the sturdy door, the clearing he was in featured a rushing stream which when combined with the soft ambient hum of tropical birds calling to each other, some animal making ook ook sounds, and the general sounds one would associate with a jungle.

Various plants are present inside of the forest, and several lanky trees provide a seemingly impenetrable border, about equivalent to a rather large living room.

The clearing is dominated by the presence of a rather large man eater plant munching on....something, there was also a rather large television set on a standard television stand, it was located right across a leather couch.


Another wooden door was present across the room, just past the giant man eater plant, the door that Edmund used to enter the clearing sighs contently before closing itself.



Armstrong: A small sound file plays, causing the voice of a rather tired man to say "Nanobots son, and no I am not dead".

The Lodge: "Try not to eat or drink anything, and don't hand the shotgun to Solomon, just don't."

Prick: "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"

EXplosive runes: "No I still don't have the Ares thing yet, shut up."

The Dry Cleaner: "I am nothing but a humble cleaner, also are you drunk and or high again?".

Other Prick: "A bearded beard icon dances while money falls from the sky on a black and blue lined background."

Other Phone: Edmund is currently being called by the Other Phone, would you like to pick up?

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That's interesting to note... The councilor was alive, somehow. Edmond ignored most of the other responses, as they all seemed somewhat unimportant at the present. He did however, write a brief message back to the councilor giving his condolences, and expressing his joy at hearing that the man was alive.


After a small tone alerted Edmond that he was being called, he answered the phone: "Hello? Who is this?"

In a bit of multitasking, Edmond stepped across the room, trying to talk with the shotgun and the person on the phone at the same time.

"I presume that what we need is through that door?" Edmond asked the shotgun while he covered the reciever of the phone. He made his way over to try the door handle. "Forty-two?"

Edited by Strider
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Lexiel re-enters the Psychadelic Pirate, her narcojet rifle now covered in glowing runes projected a few inches above the weapon's surface that hum faintly with electricity.  "Hello, Halley.  Today is the day!  We should probably regroup with the others.  Do you have a way of contacting them?"

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"I am contacting them." Halley rolled her eyes toward the phone she was holding. "I lost contact with Visrii this morning, though. The Comm Crystals he gave me went inert for some reasons." She said. "He doesn't look like the kind to die easily, so I'm going to say he's kidnapped." 


She sighed, her eyes rolling to the opposite direction. "Anyway, just give me a minute." She continued waiting for the other end to answer.

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Edmond would receive another message from the councillor, a small voice clip that goes "I thank you for your support citizen, the doctors tell me that I'll be out of the hospital before the end of the week".
Edmond would also find that the caller was in fact Solomon, who immediately says "Stop trying to wake me up Halley, also wait, is this Edmond? How have you been guy?" He proceeds to ignore Edmond's following statement, although the shotgun did say something along the lines of "Sure, why not".
After Edmond said the magical words "42" the jungle clearing disappeared, revealing a mostly bare white walled room, the man eater plant was still there, although the door did open itself with a heady sigh.

Edmond would find the presence of Visrii beyond the door, in what appears to be a bedroom, the shotgun simply says the words "Ignore the mid morning snack and head into the bedroom, there should be a violin case somewhere".

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The response to Halley's call and Edmond's message was the same: "Understood."

That was it. What else was she meant to do? Ask what happened? Ask how the fuck it happened? She could, but quite frankly, she didn't want to know. She already had enough reasons to drink, thank you very much, especially now that members of their infiltration team are apparently wanted men, which, last time she checked, isn't considered best practice. Really, let's face it, this was no longer an infiltration, it's going to be an all out assault.


Not exactly ideal she thought, a faint grin spreading across her lips. Not ideal, but not unwelcome either.


Izumi heads to the meeting point.


((I don't suppose it's possible to retroactively purchase a bullet-proof outfit?))

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The call ended with one "Understood". Halley put the phone back on the counter and turned to Lexiel again. "Good news: Izumi is coming. Bad news: I only have her number." She looked toward the entrance of the bar. "And now, we wait for'em."

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Holding his hand over the receiver, Edmond spoke to Visrii, who appeared to be inspecting the room for weaknesses. "Um...Hello. How..." he hesitated a moment "...did you get here? Anyway, I guess you were probably stuck? You can exit the room if you say the word forty-two. You're on the third floor of a building housing many people entrenched in organized crime, so try not to start any fights on your way out. Most of our compatriots are back at the pirate, so you should meet them there." Edmond uncovered the receiver to speak to Solomon. "Yes, this is he. I've been well, and I hope the same is true for you. Now, I'm sending Visrii over to the Pirate, since he seems to have been locked in the Huxtaby apartment building. Maybe you could meet him outside, and try to make sure he doesn't encounter or cause any problems?"


With that, Edmond began to search the bedroom, checking under the bed, and looking to see if the object of his search was perhaps in or on a nightstand.

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Solomon laughs and uncomfortably long amount of time after Edmond asked him said question, but after a while he finally stops long enough to say "I'll make sure that he still has all eight fingers and the ability to move his limbs sure, just tell him to wait for ten minutes, say hi to any Lodge fucks you meet by the way".


Edmond would immediately be chastised by the shotgun upon his attempt to investigate the underside of it's bed "Unless you want the eventual film based on this particular moment in your life to contain an hours long segment filled with all kinds of depravity and generally AO shit, then you should not check the underside of my bed".

Upon Edmond noticing the violin case and attempting to investigate it the shotgun would react with "No that's just a submachinegun I set to fire at anyone attempting to open the violin case".

After a while Edmond would find the violin, a spruce, willow and maple creation, with an ancient appearance, somewhere on it he would find a faded stamp stating "Stradivarius".


Meanwhile, back in real life; Solomon had a rather nice dream involving wine, women, classical music, and the gibbering monstrosities he kicks around for no reason whatsoever.

He then proceeded to barge out of the room past Halley, and went full throttle towards the Huxtaby building.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Edmond put his hands up at the shotgun's statement, having no interesting inlooking through this demon's personal...items. He laughed out loud though when he saw the violin.

"A Stradivarius? Ha! Though...how are we going to carry it properly without the case? And is there anything in particular you want me to do with it?"

Edmond picked up the bow and played a few long tones on the strings, trying to get a feel for whether it was in tune or not.

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Edmond would find that the violin was in fact quite out of tune, as if it hadn't been used in a looong while, the shotgun simply says "It's a violin, you have two hands, two feet, and you seem to understand the basics of walking, just pick it up and carry it out man, it's not like it's worth anything, or maybe you should take the violin case as well, it has a good gun in it".


Halley would find that the bartender had at some point taken his phone back from her with a polite "I'll have that back please", he then hands Lexiel a shot glass with a foul smelling liquid inside of it "Something dirty in a clean glass, it probably won't cause liver failure or melt your stomach".


Theodore would see a smiling Arnold Schwarzenegger expy wearing his good old Terminator 2 outfit and carrying a tankard of beer in one hand and what appears to be a rather large video camera aimed at Halley and Lexiel in the other, before he could pay any more attention to the man, a crowd of heavily armed men and women of varying heights and bulk wall between Theodore, and by the time they pass the man is gone, although the man did leave his tankard and a headshot on a table next to Theodore.

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"Hmm. Definitely needs some tuning, but that can be done later. I don't think you quite understand the quality of this instrument--at least the quality it could be in with a little bit of maintenance...Would it be too provocative to the people downstairs if I walked through the lobby carrying the gun?" This last part was rhetorical. Edmond gingerly picked up the case and the violin separately, and exited the room, the door shutting behind him. He made his way down to the lobby, passed through, and began his return to the Psychedelic Pirate.

While he walked, he texted the following to the councilor: "I'm still quite amazed that you managed to survive a coordinated attack by four people. Do you know who any of them were?"

Edited by Strider
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Lexiel is out of nuyen, and she sure didn't order this, but good gods does she need a drink.  So she drops a gold piece on the counter, slides it toward the bartender, mutters "Keep the change," and slams the drink back.  Gold spends everywhere, and she doesn't lose much by being generous.  "Ah, for the days when I could drink for more than the taste.  Suppose it's healthier this way.  If I could drown my troubles I'd've likely as not fried my liver by now.  If I even still have one..."

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Edmond would find himself strangely unmolested by the various criminal organizations existing relatively peacefully at the bottom of the Huxtaby building, and he would find a similar experience when walking towards the Psychedelic Pirate, although he would spot a strange cube made out of books charging recklessly towards the building itself.

The councillor's response came a few moments before Edmond reached the Pirate, it simply showed a picture of Halley, Visrii and the face Lexiel had assumed back then, Halley's face was mostly obscured by her helmet, but the message did contain a lot of information on Visrii, including how the man moved, what his face looked like, what the man smelled like, and a tiny bit marking him as having an active SIN stating that his name is "Ben Dover" the only explanation the man gives for all of this is a small note stating the words "A wizard did it, well a Wizard and a bunch of nanomachines anyway. The head bastard made the mistake of getting a SIN and using that as cover for getting the would be Assassin into the room, rather unfortunately the Assassin forgot to make sure that I was dead, I mean for the love of God who thought it was a good idea to hire the rank amateur for this?".

The bartender thanks her for the tip, and after a while he says "It was from the muscly guy in a biker outfit over..." The man turns to point towards a man who was nowhere to be found and after a while he furrowed his brow and continued with "Well wherever he is he said to thank you for showing a guy a good time, not sure what he meant by that and I don't like to assume things about people I know nothing about".

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"What was that? It's morning, what's up with all the people in the bar?" Halley raised the question. She looked at the armed men and women from afar, checking for possible insignia.

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"42." Visrii said as we walked past the man-eater plant. 

The hell was the warden was thinking when they put me in there? Is this some sort of joke?

Visrii shook off the feelings of confusion and creeping irritance. There were much more important things to do.

He walked down and out of the building, and immediately contacted Halley.

"Halley, are you there?"

He couldn't feel the presence of the AMF so he assumed that he had reestablished contact.

"I was taken into some sort of prison room that had a disruption field, but Edmond broke me out. I will be rendevous to the Pirates."

After a little moment, he added, "What's your status?"

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Edmond had only to briefly glance at the cube of books to guess that it was probably Solomon's method of safely transporting Visrii to the bar. He sighed, and turned back to his phone: "I've been doing some digging on my own, around Chaos Engine and such, and have heard some odd things about the fourth attacker. Do you know anything about it? I presume Ben Dover is a fake name. Did you get his real one when giving the SIN?"


Edmond then entered the club, cordially greeting the bouncer on his way past, and began to search the room with his eyes. He scanned the crowd, looking for unusual occurrences, or his compatriots.

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Halley would find no visible insignia on the heavily armed men and women, although she does notice a rather odd detail, all of their hands gleam in the light, as if they were made out of metal.


Visrii would find a floating cube of books falling on the ground in front of him, it opens up to reveal Solomon, who simply says "Well that's a surprise, a room full of criminals for you to try and stab murder, and you're not even missing any body parts!".


The bouncer nodded and ushered Edmond inside of the club without any problems or interesting behavior.

Edmond would also notice the metal handed men and women, and Theodore staring confusedly at a signed headshot of an Austrian man and a tankard of beer, he would also find both Halley and Lexiel near the nightclub's bar.

A slight buzz informs him that the Councillor is being particularly talkative today, and the message simply displays a headshot of Visrii, with a note stating "Visrii, used to go under a feminine fake name, SIN pings as Ben Dover, worth 5,000 dead, 10,000 if his death is especially painful, 15,000 if I find the way he died to be particularly amusing, 1000 nuyen if you turn him in to Knight Errant.".

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"Um. Yes. About that. Whose idea was it to try to murder the councilor? And...why?" Edmond wasn't certain whether to reveal that the councilor still lived. Will they try to get him again? I suppose they'll find out all the same.

"The councilor lives, by the way, but I should hope that you won't try to seek him out and finish the job? At least until the mission is over?" Edmond sighed. He'd been on a few infiltration missions before, and, though they weren't his specialty, he knew that this was not how they were supposed to go.

"Yes, my night was less exciting, though I might say only marginally so. Let's see...I visited a Stuffer Shack to pick up some mundane stuff, Theo and I went to a place called the lodge to pick up a demon-possessed shotgun, we saved a woman from a fire, and got some rest. We parted ways this morning. Since then, I helped the demon pick up this violin--rather out of tune--and found that Visrii was locked in the same demon's apartment." Edmond held up the violin. "Do we still have that back room? I'd like to keep this there so that I don't have to cart it around with me."

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"What?! He lives? And to think I fired a dozen at him. Whatever, the message should've gotten through. People like him deserves a rude awakening." Halley answered.


"Finally, you're back. Me, Theodore, Lexiel, Mr. Bullet and Edmond are here in the bar already. We're just waiting for Izumi and you." 


"You were imprisoned... how did you let the bounty hunters get ya? We're lucky that they don't want your head right away. Ah, that reminds me, you can't get into the Pirates. The bouncer's keen on keeping you out. It's probably for the best, too. A group of weirdos just came into the bar, and their hands just look like that councillor's."


She turned her head toward a visibly puzzled Theodore. By following his line of sight, she found a table with a headshot. She then took a closer look at the picture.

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